20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Bad Grammar

how to roast someone with bad grammar

There are many different ways you can tease someone who can’t construct good English.

However, whether they’re your friends or not, you have to be careful not to laugh at them in a way they’ll misinterpret it.

So, ensure you keep your jokes lighthearted and funny.

Some examples of funny roasts include: “I’m sorry, I can’t comprehend your jargon,” “It’s alright, your grammar is only bad,” and “I would have loved to insult you, but I’m afraid you won’t understand.”

Here are 20 amusing insults for someone with bad grammar

  1. Your outfit is as bad as your grammar
  2. I’m sorry, I can’t comprehend your jargon
  3. I would have loved to insult you, but I’m afraid you won’t understand
  4. I would have agreed with you, but we’d both end up wrong
  5. Speak what you know, English is not everybody
  6. It’s alright, your grammar is only bad
  7. I love how boldly you spew rubbish from your mouth
  8. Did you understand what you just said?
  9. You should put a warning label on you
  10. No one cares about your opinion
  11. It’s exhausting listening to you all-day
  12. I’m envious of the people yet to meet you
  13. I don’t know what makes you so dumb, but it’s doing a good job
  14. Shock us and make a single correct sentence
  15. Oh! My bad, I forgot you can’t speak well
  16. Your parents must have done a bad job raising you
  17. Were you homeschooled?
  18. What were you doing when your mates were learning English?
  19. You should treat your bad English before speaking to me
  20. The way you speak explains your stupidity

Your Outfit Is as Bad as Your Grammar

One of the ways to make fun of someone who can’t speak good English is with this statement, “Your outfit is as bad as your grammar.”

This is a funny one-liner that makes fun of their dress and at the same time their grammar.

Also, this is something you can say when they appear badly dressed. It’ll serve as an opportunity to tease them about their spoken English; they wouldn’t be expecting this, and it’ll surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • You’ve got a very big problem: you can’t dress well and you can’t speak well
  • Oh God! Where do we start from? Your outfit or your English?

I’m Sorry, I Can’t Comprehend Your Jargon

“I’m sorry, I can’t comprehend your jargon” is another funny insult for someone who speaks badly.

This is a sarcastic remark they wouldn’t see coming, as it sounds like you’re trying to understand them.

Also, this will work after they speak, as a way to ask them to recap. Trust me, they’ll be lost for what to say.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m sorry, can you recap? I didn’t quite get the nonsense you just said
  • You’ll have to recap, this time more slowly, so we can understand your gibberish

I Would Have Loved to Insult You, but I’m Afraid You Won’t Understand

Another way to roast someone who can’t speak good English is with this burner, “I would have loved to insult you, but I’m afraid you won’t understand.”

This is another sarcastic statement that sounds like you sympathize with them for not knowing how to speak well.

Additionally, it’ll work as a clever comeback when they insult you. Instead of looking for some bad words to say to them, hit them with this savage insult; they wouldn’t be expecting it.

Here are some examples:

  • There’s nothing I’d say to you now that you’ll understand
  • I’d rather keep quiet than engage with a mentally deficient person like you

I Would Have Agreed with You, but We’d Both End up Wrong

Another way to tease someone who can’t speak correctly is with this expression, “I would have agreed with you, but we’d both end up wrong.”

This is another sarcastic way of sympathizing with them. It’ll work after they make a statement. Also, you should calmly give this response to make it funnier.

Here are some examples:

  • I would have loved to say you’re right, but that would make me wrong
  • I would have agreed with you but your grammar is making it difficult

Speak What You Know, English is Not Everybody

“Speak what you know, English is not everybody” is another funny way to insult someone with bad grammar.

This is another smart one-liner that sounds like you’re empathizing with them. For instance, if they attempt to say something and they struggle to make correct English, you can respond with this statement.

Saying this sarcastically will hit well. Also, you can say this empathetically, and they’re likely to miss the joke.

Here are some examples:

  • Speak what you know, okay? We understand you’re finding it hard with English
  • Don’t struggle and bite your tongue, say what you know

It’s Alright, Your Grammar Is Only Bad

how to roast someone with bad grammar

“It’s alright, your grammar is only bad” is another way you can roast someone with bad grammar.

This is another mocking statement, that sounds like you’re empathizing with them. It’ll work adequately after they struggle to make a correct sentence.

Also, saying this in front of people will make it funnier as they would hear the sarcasm.

Here are some examples:

  • Don’t worry, you only spoke blunder, you didn’t commit a crime
  • I understand, don’t beat yourself over your bad grammar

I Love How Boldly You Spew Rubbish from Your Mouth

Another way you can make fun of someone with bad grammar is with this one-liner, “I love how boldly you spew rubbish from your mouth.”

This is another funny way of roasting them that will catch them unawares. Also, it’ll work adequately after they make a statement, as it’ll sound like you’re complimenting them.

However, hearing the complete statement should hit well.

Here are some examples:

  • Wow! I love your confidence. Your bad grammar can’t stop you
  • I love the fact you’re confident when you open your mouth to speak incoherently

Did You Understand What You Just Said?

“Did you understand what you just said?” is another hilarious question to ask someone that you want to roast.

It’ll work adequately for someone who speaks badly. You should ask this question after they finish speaking.

Also, it’ll surely get everyone laughing, as they won’t be expecting the question.

Here are some examples:

  • Really? Did you understand a thing you just said?
  • I’m sorry, you just confused us more

You Should Put a Warning Label on You

how to roast someone with bad grammar

Another way you can insult someone who can’t speak correct English is with this classic burner, “You should put a warning label on you.”

This is another crazy thing to say that’ll get to them. Also, it’ll work as a perfect response after they make a statement.

Moreover, using this expression like you’re frustrated with them makes it funnier.

Here are some examples:

  • Really! You should put a warning label before you speak
  • You really should warn us before blowing this place up with your blunders

No One Cares for Your Opinion

“No one cares for your opinion” is another thing to say to attack someone who can’t speak good grammar.

This is another sharp retort that’ll work as a response when they make a statement. Believe me, it’ll get to them, as they wouldn’t see it coming.

Here are some examples:

  • No one cares for what you have to say, your bad grammar is enough already
  • No one asked you to speak, your poor English is enough to kill us all

It’s Exhausting Listening to You All Day

Another way to make fun of someone with bad grammar is, “It’s exhausting listening to you all day.”

This is another statement to make after they say something. For instance, if you’re having a conversation, you can throw this shade when they won’t be expecting.

Also, it’ll work as a sharp comeback during a roast battle. Moreover, it’s also a smooth way to express your annoyance in having to listen to them.

Here are some examples:

  • It’s exhausting listening to you all day. You can’t even make a simple coherent statement
  • It’s exhausting hearing you murder the English language

I’m Envious of the People Yet to Meet You

Another way to roast someone with bad English grammar is, “I’m envious of the people yet to meet you.”

This is another funny one-liner that’ll surely get to them. Also, it’s a way to let them know that being around them is frustrating.

Here are some examples:

  • Those who have to listen to you all day are the real heroes
  • People who don’t get to meet you are very lucky

I Don’t Know What Makes You So Dumb, But It’s Doing a Good Job

“I don’t know what makes you so dumb, but it’s doing a good job” is another thing to say to make fun of someone who can’t speak good English.

This is another sharp retort that’ll work well during a roast battle. Also, it’s a funny way to describe their poor grammar; it’ll work well immediately after they make a poor sentence.

Shock Us and Make a Single Correct Sentence

Another thing to say to insult someone who can’t speak good English is, “Shock us and make a single correct sentence.”

This is another fantastic way to roast them and keep them speechless. It’ll work during a roast battle or an argument. Believe me, they won’t know what to say in reply.

Oh! My Bad, I Forgot You Can’t Speak Well

“Oh! My bad, I forgot you can’t speak well” is another way to tease someone who can’t speak good grammar.

This is another mocking statement that sounds like you’re empathizing with them.

Also, to roast them perfectly with this one-liner would require good timing. It’ll work while they’re speaking as an interruption or immediately after they speak.

Additionally, it’s a good comeback during a roast battle, as it shows their insult didn’t get to you.

Here are some examples:

  • Oh! My bad, I forgot you can’t speak well, next time remind me not to engage with you
  • Oh! My bad, I forgot you can’t speak well. I would be careful next time when asking for your opinion

Your Parents Must Have Done a Bad Job Raising You

“Your parents must have done a bad job raising you” is another stinging remark to make to somebody who is struggling with grammar.

If you want to make fun of someone who can’t speak good English, this is a perfect roast line that’ll get to them.

Moreover, using this one-liner as a response to their bad grammar will get everyone laughing.

Were You Homeschooled?

how to roast someone with bad grammar

Another question you can use to make fun of someone with bad grammar is, “Were you homeschooled?”

This is another perfect response after they finish speaking, as they wouldn’t be expecting it. Also, it’ll work as a clever retort when they try to insult you.

Here are some examples:

  • Were you homeschooled? Your parents will also need proper schooling
  • Were you homeschooled? You don’t speak like someone who went to a good school

What Were You Doing When Your Mates Were Learning English?

“What were you doing when your mates were learning English?” is another ridiculous question to ask someone who has issues with speaking correct grammar.

This will work as a funny way to roast someone who can’t express themselves with good English.

Also, it’s a stinging remark that’ll surely get to them.

You Should Treat Your Bad English Before Speaking to Me

“You should treat your bad English before speaking to me” is another thing to say to roast someone who can’t speak good English.

It’s a sharp comeback that’d work during a quarrel or roast battle. Ignoring what they say to you and attacking their grammar will surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • Oh please, learn basic grammar before you come for me
  • You’re not fit to exchange words with me, build your vocabulary first

The Way You Speak Explains Your Stupidity

“The way you speak explains your stupidity” is another way to make fun of someone with bad grammar.

This statement doesn’t only make fun of their bad grammar, it also calls them stupid.  Also, this is a perfect response during a roast duel to put them off balance.


Making fun of someone who can’t speak well can be an interesting way to deal with bullies and also serve as a good comeback during a roast duel.

Therefore, the above article has provided you with good harmless jokes to tease someone with bad grammar.

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