15 Funny Ways to Roast Someone with Gap in Their Teeth

How to Roast Someone with Gap in Their Teeth

There are plenty of ways to roast someone with a gap in their teeth. First, remember there are lots of people who are sensitive to things like this and might get hurt by what you say.

So, always remember to joke at the right time and keep it playful.

Here are 15 ways to tease someone with gapped teeth

  1. The gaps between your teeth are perfect for running hurdles
  2. Whenever you smile, I’m always reminded of a goalpost
  3. The gap between your teeth is so large, that even Mike Powell will find it hard to jump that gap
  4. Are some teeth in jail, why are there so many gaps in your teeth?
  5. Did you use a shovel to clear some garbage in your mouth?
  6. How does your toothbrush cross that gap?
  7. Are you sponsored by GAP?
  8. Have you caught a virus? What’s with your teeth’ social distancing?
  9. The space between your teeth reminds me of an abandoned farmland
  10. Is there a space in your brain too?
  11. What should we do with that unwanted space between your teeth?
  12. Can’t you fill in the gaps?
  13. How do you bridge the gap there?
  14. Your gaps are so large, they remind me of my cat, Swissy
  15. The tooth fairy must have hated you

The Gaps Between Your Teeth Is Perfect for Running Hurdles

One of the ways to roast someone with a gap in their teeth is with this hilarious line, “The gaps between your teeth are perfect for running hurdles.”

This is a sharp comeback that when people hear, they’re sure to burst into fits of laughter.

Comparing their gapped teeth to hurdles for running will surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • You should submit your teeth for the female hurdle race, at least you’ll be useful there
  • The only thing I admire about your teeth is the perfect fit it provides for a hurdle race

Whenever You Smile, I’m Always Reminded of a Goal Post

“Whenever you smile, I’m always reminded of a goal post” is another exciting line that’ll get everyone laughing.

We already know how a goal post is, with a space that allows players to score a goal. So, this hilarious comparison is a perfect roast for someone with a space in their teeth.

Also, this sarcastic remark will at first sound like a compliment, but the last statement is surely going to hit well.

Here are some examples:

  • You should smile often, I love imagining scoring a goal through that gap
  • Your teeth are as good as a goalpost

The Gap Between Your Teeth Is So Large, Even Mike Powell Will Find It Hard Jumping That Gap

“The gap between your teeth is so large, even Mike Powell will find it hard jumping that gap” is another hilarious thing to say to roast someone with a gap in their teeth.

This is a befitting comment for someone who has a very large diastema. Mike Powell is one of the world-famous long jumpers.

So, this comparison will surely get people laughing. It’s a funny way of describing their gapped teeth.

Here are some examples:

  • Wow! I can imagine Mike Powell attempting to jump that gap and failing
  • Wow! That gap is too large even for the best long jumpers

How to Roast Someone with Gap in Their Teeth

Are Some Teeth in Jail, Why Are There So Many Gaps in Your Teeth?

Another way you can tease some with a diastema is with this ridiculous question, “Are some teeth in jail, why are there so many gaps in your teeth?”

This is another funny roast for someone with gapped teeth that’ll surely get to them.

It’s perfect for someone who has more than one gap. Usually, we assume that people with many gaps in their teeth are missing some teeth, which may be right.

However, asking if those teeth are in jail will surely get people laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • Where are your teeth? On vacation?
  • Did you jail some teeth?

Did You Use a Shovel to Clear Some Garbage in Your Mouth?

Another absurd question to ask someone with gapped teeth is, “Did you use a shovel to clear some garbage in your mouth?”

This is a funny roast line that’ll sting and leave a mark. Moreover comparing their mouth and teeth to garbage will surely hurt.

This punchline will work when they smile or open their mouth to talk. Also, asking as if you’re genuinely curious will make it funnier.

Here are some examples:

  • I really want to know why there are spaces between your teeth. Did you do some weeding?
  • Did you recently harvest your farm? Why are there gaps in your teeth?

How Does Your Toothbrush Cross That Gap?

Another comical question to throw at someone with diastema is, “How does your toothbrush cross that gap?”

This is another way to make fun of their gap, especially if it’s a large one. Also, asking genuinely should get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • Your toothbrush must be as good as Mike Powell’s to be able to cross that gap daily
  • Wow! I’m sure you’ve got an athletic toothbrush

Are You Sponsored by GAP?

Another funny question you can pose to someone with a gap in their teeth is, “Are you sponsored by GAP?”

This is another perfect roast for someone with more than one gap in their teeth.

Comparing them to GAP, a US clothing factory is a sure way to cause some laughter. It’s a funny way to describe their diastema.

Also, it’s a punny statement; you should be considered the king of jokes after this line.

Here are some examples:

  • Why? You should be a brand ambassador for GAP
  • Wow! You should get GAP to look at those gaps in your teeth

Have You Caught a Virus? What’s with Your Teeth Social Distancing?

Another way to tease someone with a gap in their teeth is with this question, “Have you caught a virus? What’s with your teeth social distancing?”

This is another hilarious and ridiculous statement that’ll perfectly roast someone with diastema.

Asking them if they’ve caught a virus is funny in itself, then relating their gaps to social distancing will surely cause some good laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • You must have caught a disease for your teeth to give such gaps
  • Wow! I think there might be another virus in town with those teeth of yours

The Space Between Your Teeth Reminds Me of an Abandoned Farmland

Another funny thing to say to roast someone with diastema is, “The space between your teeth reminds me of an abandoned farmland.”

This is a strong punchline that’ll surely get to someone with a gap in their teeth. Comparing their gap to an abandoned farmland is not something they’d love to hear.

Also, saying this after a smile from them will surely get the desired effect.

Here are some examples:

  • You should stop smiling, that gap looks like a deserted land
  • Your diastema is so ugly like a land left to waste

Is There a Space in Your Brain too?

“Is there a space in your brain too?” is another absurd question to pose to someone.

If you want to roast someone with a diastema, this is a perfect one-liner that’ll get to them. This statement implies that since they’ve got a gap between their teeth, they might have in their brain.

It’s a sarcastic remark to make after they might have done something wrongly, implying that they lack sense.

Here are some examples:

  • Why do you act like this? Is there a space in your head too?
  • It seems you’ve got some gap within your brain because I don’t understand how you act without thinking

What Should We Do with That Unwanted Space Between Your Teeth?

“What should we do with that unwanted space between your teeth?” is another funny way to roast someone with a gap in their teeth.

This is another ridiculous question that can confuse them. Asking this out of the blue will surely take them unawares and cause some laughter.

Also, depending on how you say it, they can understand that you mean the gaps are just there for nothing.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re as useless as those gaps in your teeth
  • If you want to see something very useless, shine your teeth and look at the mirror

Can’t You Fill in the Gaps?

How to Roast Someone with Gap in Their Teeth

“Can’t you fill in the gaps?” is another funny question you can use to roast someone with a gap in their teeth.

This is another play on words that can mean many things. First, you can casually ask this question to tease them about their diastema.

Also, you can use this humorous question to ask them if they’re going to use fillers for their teeth. It’s something that will surely get people laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • Can’t you fill in those gaps, you were taught in lower-grade
  • Go learn to fill in the gap and stop smiling

How Do You Bridge the Gap There?

“How do you bridge the gap there?” is another ridiculous way to make fun of someone with diastema.

This is another play on words that’ll take them unawares. Asking them this question out of the blue, especially after they smile or laugh or say something will surely cause people to laugh.

Also, you can use it to tease them when they use the statement.

Here are some examples:

  • Wow! You’ve got so many gaps. But, how do you bridge the gaps?
  • Do you ever intend to bridge the gaps in your teeth? You should practice what you preach.

Your Gaps Are So Large, It Reminds me of My Cat, Swissy

Another way to roast someone with diastema is with this line, “Your gaps are so large, it reminds me of my cat, Swissy.”

This is another funny comparison that’ll sting. First, cats are one of the animals that have diastema. So, this comparison will surely get everyone laughing, especially as you’re comparing them with your pet.

Here are some examples:

  • You look more like Swissy with that diastema
  • I’m sure my cat will agree that you two might be related

The Tooth Fairy Must Have Hated You

How to Roast Someone with Gap in Their Teeth

“The tooth fairy must have hated you” is another humorous thing to say to tease someone with a gap in their teeth.

There are many stories about the tooth fairy. One of them is that the tooth fairy takes children’s teeth and recycles them for babies that are yet to grow teeth.

So, this is a funny way to roast someone with diastema to get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m sure your parents did something to the tooth fairy that’s why it gave you incomplete teeth
  • You should speak to the tooth fairy, it might show you mercy and fill in your gaps


There are many interesting ways to roast someone with diastema. Roasting people with gaps in their teeth can be hurtful.

However, keeping it playful and using the right tone can make it fun and exciting for everyone.

The above examples are good roast lines you should try for someone with a gap in their teeth.

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