20 Funny Roasts for Someone With Purple Hair

How to Roast Someone With Purple Hair

Being fashion eccentric isn’t a bad thing. It just depends on the perception you have towards eccentricity in fashion like dyeing your hair purple.

While it can be a cool sight to behold, sometimes one can’t apprehend the absurdity of such a scene.

If you are looking for funny, lighthearted jokes to roast your friend, relative, or sibling with purple hair, this article is for you.

I have compiled a list of one-liners, puns, and sarcastic expressions to use for someone with purple hair.

Here are 20 funny Roasts for Someone with Purple Hair

There are so many ways you can tease someone with purple hair. You can make use of savage expressions like this – “Is your hair color a statement or a dare?” Because either way, you’re winning. Or roast them with a one-liner- “You look like trouble”

  1. Please put a hat on your head. I almost got a purple heart seeing your hair.
  2. You would be of good use to me. How about you help me scare crows away?
  3. Did you fight with an artist? Guess he threw some paint over you.
  4. I thought we weren’t in the Halloween season.
  5. Your head is a few colors shy of a rainbow.
  6. Whatever made you choose that color for your hair is the reason you make a lot of bad decisions.
  7. You should go live in a museum. You look like a perfectly painted walking art.
  8. Always wear a smile often with this purple hair, or else you will be mistaken for a crime suspect.
  9. That hair would fit better if you were Josephine but you are Joseph.
  10.  I would have loved to put your head on my shoulder but I’m on white.
  11.   Your hair matches the colour theme of the wedding; I hope it is the only riot we will experience.
  12. Don’t go out when it is raining. Heard thunder is attracted to purple colour.
  13. I’ve seen eggplants jealous of the vibrancy of your hair.
  14. Your hair is so purple; I bet you leave a trail of purple glitter wherever you go.
  15. Your hair is so purple; I can’t decide if it’s a fashion statement or a purple haze taking over.
  16. You look like you dipped your hair in grape juice
  17. Purple hair is the life of the party
  18. Purple hair makes a good day bad
  19. Purple hair and stealing the spotlight of a show.
  20. Your hair is so purple; I bet even the Joker would say, ‘That’s a bit too much.

Please put a hat on your head. I almost got a purple heart seeing your hair.

This roast is rich in puns and idioms, with the ability to sting your friend with purple hair hard.

This statement implies that the hair looks so unprofessional and the sight gives you a purple heart which means you almost died upon seeing their hair.

Use this roast to jokingly tell your friend they look weird with their purple hair.

Here are some examples:

  • Hope Granny won’t have a purple heart seeing your hair.
  • I won’t be surprised if I am told Grandpa kicked the bucket tomorrow. Your hair is capable of murder.

You would be of good use to me. How about you help me scare crows away?

Your dark-skinned friend with purple hair can be a frightening and even hilarious sight. Roast your friends with this witty statement to get so hard at them.

By this, you are humorously describing their unattractive look and indirectly comparing them to a scarecrow.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • With your purple hair, the farmer would love to employ you to scare crows on his farm.

How to Roast Someone With Purple Hair

Did you fight with an artist? Guess he threw some paint over you

“Did you fight with an artist? Guess he threw some paint over you” is another statement you can say to roast someone with purple hair.

This is an amusing way to tell your friend they are looking like a muddle.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • Were you in a paint fight with the kids? This looks like a child’s stunt.

How to Roast Someone With Purple Hair

I thought we weren’t in the Halloween season

Your colleague comes dripping in purple hair to work, roast her with this one-liner that will leave a long-lasting impression on her.

This roast is a very funny one and can be used to poke fun at them.

Deliver your roast in this way:

  • We aren’t in the Halloween season yet your hair is already rocking that wicked witch vibe.
  • Guess you couldn’t wait for Halloween to come before you rock this dramatic hairstyle.

Your head is a few colors shy of a rainbow

How to Roast Someone With Purple Hair

Mr. Purple hair walks in a vibrant with his purple hair, just get at him playfully with this good roast here.

This roast hilariously describes the hair, implying that their hair makes them too colorful in an unappealing way.

Here is an example:

  • Six more colors to go, and boom! You are a human rainbow.

Whatever made you choose that color for your hair is the reason you make a lot of bad decisions.

Skillfully roast your friend with purple hair with this expression.  Use this roast to ridicule their choice of hair and also poke them that their new hairstyle is part of the bad decisions they are known for.

This roast is apt enough to hit your friend hard and keep him mute.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • Your hair is another aspect of your bad decision-making.
  • You make a lot of bad decisions. Your hair was just added to the list.

You should go live in a museum. You look like a perfectly painted walking art.

This is one classic punchline that will completely roast someone with purple hair and get everyone present laughing.

This roast describes the funny look of someone with purple hair and in a light mood makes jest of the colour of their hair.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • You look like a perfectly painted walking art with your purple hair.
  • You look like an artifact with your purple hair.

Always wear a smile often with this purple hair, or else you will be mistaken for a crime suspect

Roast your eccentric brother who feels he knows more than you in the fashion world with this great comeback.

As a big brother you are,  this roast comes in the form of an opinion to him but deeply it is a roast to show him you are the boss.

So when next he tries to tell you what an old school you are, roast him like this:

  • Okay “trendy”, but just make sure you wear a smile often with your purple hair. You wouldn’t like to go to jail for an offense you didn’t commit.
  • Yes, I accept I’m old school but at least during our time, we didn’t have to worry about the police stopping us on the street.

That hair would fit better if you were Josephine but you are Joseph.

Suppose your kid brother came to ask you how he looks with his new purple hair, poke fun at him with this roast.

This is another hilarious way to describe their purple hair and to tell them it doesn’t fit them at all as a guy.

Your brother doesn’t have to bear Joseph before you can use this roast because it is just dark humor. If your brother is witty, he would understand the subtle joke.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • Oh darling, that hair would fit better if you were Josephine but you are Joseph.
  • Our kid sister would look more human if she were rocking this hairstyle.

I would have loved to put your head on my shoulder but I’m on white.

Here is a classic burner for your purple-haired girlfriend! Your girlfriend is about to place her purple hair on your shoulder and tease her in a light-hearted way with this roast.

This roast is really harmless and easily understood because your girlfriend does know that her hair doesn’t stain and you were just getting at her. Be ready for a playful pinch, however.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • I’m having the urge to place your cute head on my shoulders but I‘m scared of getting stained.
  • Next time I’m not wearing white, I can consider the thought of placing your head on me.

Your hair matches the color theme of the wedding; I hope it is the only riot we will experience.

Imagine one of your friends has a wedding by the weekend and the dress code is purple, and your purple-haired friend will be in attendance. Throw a light shade at your friend with the purple hair with this roast.

It is a roast that will make them look stupid for a moment,  and derive laughter from the rest. When you want to deliver this roast, be sure you are saying it in a light tone.

You can deliver your roast like this:

  • Purple hair, purple dress, purple decor? I hope you are the only riot scene we shall be experiencing that day.

Don’t go out when it is raining. Heard thunder is attracted to purple color.

Okay, so you are in a roast game with purple hair and he is already becoming the center of attraction? Use this roast to redeem yourself.

This roast is capable of making them look stupid whilst also evoking laughter from everyone.

Deliver your roast this way:

  • You should avoid being caught in the rain to avoid being stricken by thunder.

I’ve seen eggplants jealous of the vibrancy of your hair.

Your friend calls his hairstyle classy yet he is looking like they dip his head in a bowl of purple paint. Tease him with this exaggerated statement.

This roast implies that their hair dye is too excessive, making direct verbal irony that even the eggplant which is purple is jealous of them.

Deliver your roast this way:

  • Your hair is so purple; I bet even eggplants would ask for hair care tips.

Your hair is so purple; I bet you leave a trail of purple glitter wherever you go.

Your hair is so purple; I bet you leave a trail of purple glitter wherever you go is another hilarious roast for someone with purple hair.

The use of exaggeration in a roast is part of an effective way to roast your opponent completely.

Deliver your roast this way:

  • Your hair is so purple- I should restrict you from entering my house because I don’t want you leaving purple trails on my German floor.

Your hair is so purple; I can’t decide if it’s a fashion statement or a purple haze taking over

When your friend says purple hair is in vogue, tease them that it is purple haze taking over not being in vogue with this roast capable of shunning them.

Give them that funny expression and say:

  • (raise your eyebrow) Fashion statement? I bet this is purple haze taking over.

You look like you dipped your hair in grape juice

Another funny insult to say to someone with purple hair is “You look like you dip your hair in grape juice”. When you picture it, it looks hilarious.

Moreover, comparing their hair to grape juice is something you will say to get everyone in the room laughing.

Deliver your roast this way:

  • Why does your hair look like it had a good dip in a grape juice
  • Is your hair a color tribute to grape juice?

Purple hair is the life of the party

You are having a parlour party then your friend walks in with his purple hair, looking so colorful; Roast your friend with this one-liner especially if he is anti-social.

Make it more dramatic by standing up and then saying:

  • Everyone, let’s make a toast to purple hair. He is the life and light of the party.

Purple hair makes a good day bad

Throw a subtle joke to your friend with purple hair with this roast. This implies that their hair looks awful and it’s capable of chasing away the good energy of the day.

This joke can sting so hard, more reason your friend has to be aware you are only joking with him.

Purple hair and stealing the spotlight of a show

How to Roast Someone With Purple Hair

Purple hair has this vibrancy and attracts attention whether for good reasons or bad reasons.

Poke fun at your friend with this roast that their hair is stealing the spotlight and watch them washed in embarrassment.

  • Look, your hair is getting more attention than the party itself.
  • Everyone is focusing on you- Guess they think you are the clown performing tonight.

Your hair is so purple; I bet even the Joker would say, ‘That’s a bit too much.

Lastly, use this roast to tease someone with purple hair looking like they had a purple bath. This roast makes fun of the unprofessionalism of the hairstyle and even their appearance itself.

  • Did you have a purple bath? Your hair is so purple.
  • I bet even the Joker would say “That is a bit too much”

As much as roasting can be fun, know whom to roast. Also, make your roast respectful and harmless in every way you can and always create a light-hearted mood for your roast.

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