20 Nicknames for People with Braces

Nicknames for People with Braces

Embracing braces goes beyond aligning the teeth, and building confidence in yourself.

Today, we’re looking at nicknames for people with braces. Nicknames can make the whole bracing process fun while adding a touch of personality.

So, if you know anyone with braces, you might want to give them a nickname to help personalize their journey more.

Remember, these names are meant to tease them playfully and not to hurt them.

20 Nicknames for People with Braces

Below are 20 nicknames for people with braces:

  1. Train track
  2. Bear trap
  3. Metal mouth
  4. Bracer 
  5. Brace face
  6. Stump grinder
  7. Magnet mouth
  8. Cheese grater
  9. Motormouth
  10. Zipper mouth
  11. Food processor
  12. Tinsel teeth
  13. Tin grin
  14. Meat grinder
  15. Wire friend
  16. Iron man
  17. Pecker wrecker
  18. Box cutter
  19. Bracey 
  20. Brassiere 

Train Track

Nicknames for People with Braces

Train track is one of the nicknames to give someone with braces. If you’ve seen a brace before, you’d know they’re aligned just the way a train track is structured, with cases and spaces in between.

It’s a funny name to call someone with a brace. But they’ll surely relate well to the joke.

  • You’re now a train track, a train can run through your mouth 

Bear Trap

A bear trap is another funny nickname to call someone with braces.

This nickname is derived from the idea that the brace looks like a trap for catching bears. Also, people often call braces this nickname, but you can also call the person wearing the brace a “bear trap.”

Metal Mouth 

Metal Mouth is another name for someone wearing braces. When you call someone this name, people wouldn’t have to think twice to know that they’re putting on a brace.

Also, it’ll be suitable for someone putting on metal braces, as there are different types, ceramics and plastic inclusive.

  • You talk too much for a metal mouth


Bracer is another suitable nickname for someone with braces. This one doesn’t need much explanation since it’s gotten from “brace.”

Also, calling someone a “bracer” will let strangers know that they’re wearing a brace.

  • Hey! Bracer, brace yourself, you’re about to encounter something more difficult 

Brace Face

Brace face is another straightforward nickname that says a lot about someone wearing a brace.

When you refer to someone as a “brace face,” people should be able to tell that they’re wearing one. So, it’s a suitable nickname, as it helps make the experience more personalized.

Stump Grinder

A stump grinder is another funny name to call someone wearing a brace. A stump grinder is a machine used to crush tree stumps.

While a brace may not look like a stump grinder, the nickname is derived from the idea that a brace looks like a tool that can crush things.

Magnet Mouth 

Magnet mouth is another hilarious way to describe someone with braces.

This one is derived from the idea that metals can be magnetic. So, it’s a suitable nickname for someone with a metallic brace.

Also, you can use this nickname in a situation when you’re able to convince someone to do something.

  • Magnet mouth, see the way you got him to do what you wanted 

Cheese Grater

A cheese grater is another thing to call someone in braces. 

A cheese grater is one of the kitchen utensils for shredding cheese. Although it looks nothing like a brace, someone in braces will still find it relatable.

It’s gotten from the idea that the metallic tool looks like something that can crush food. 


Motormouth is another amusing thing to call someone in braces. It’s a suitable nickname they’ll find relatable, as the rim around their teeth can pass for a motor.

This one can also fit someone who talks too much, implying that they run their mouth like a motor.

Zipper Mouth

Nicknames for People with Braces

Zipper mouth is another hilarious nickname for someone with braces.

A brace is usually worn around the teeth, both up and down. So, calling someone with braces zipper mouth, implies that the braces look like a zip when opened.

  • Zipper mouth, I hope you keep your mouth more closed this time around 

Food Processor

A food processor is another interesting nickname to call someone with braces. It’s a hilarious term that means that the braces look like a machine for processing food.

Also, since it’s worn over the teeth, it can mean that it’s now an assistant for chewing food in the mouth.

Tinsel Teeth 

“Tinsel teeth” is another crazy thing to call someone in braces.

Tinsel is a strip of materials: metal, plastic, or paper, used to provide a glittering appearance in decoration.

While braces are meant for medical or correctional uses, there are fashion braces people wear for fashion’s sake. People often wear these fashion braces for the glittering appearance they give to their teeth or further other personal reasons.

So, this is a suitable nickname to give someone on braces, whether they’re wearing a medical or fashion brace.

Tin Grin

“Tin grin” is another exciting nickname for someone with braces.

It comes from the idea that smiling will no longer show us their pure set of teeth, but a metallic object alongside.

So, this pet name is suitable for someone on a metallic brace to describe their smile. 

Meat Grinder 

A meat grinder is another funny nickname for someone with braces. 

Meat grinders are machines used to grind meat into pieces. So, this nickname comes from the idea that the brace is like an aid for the teeth in grinding pieces of meat when chewing.

Wire Friend 

Wire friend is another exciting thing to call someone in braces.

Most types of braces are made of wires and brackets. So, this title is a suitable name to nickname someone on braces. It’s pretty straightforward, something they’re likely to like.

Iron Man 

Iron man is another suitable nickname to call someone in braces.

It’ll work for someone with metallic braces, as it appropriately describes the metal on their teeth.

It’s straightforward; one wouldn’t need much thinking to understand.

Pecker Wrecker

Pecker wrecker is a slang word used to describe braces on a girl.

So, you can also call a girl with braces, a pecker wrecker. But, there’s nothing wrong in calling a boy with braces this nickname; it makes it all the more interesting.

However, you should be careful using his term, as it has several obscene meanings.

Box Cutter

Box cutter is another exciting nickname for someone with braces.

A box cutter is a tool used to cut through thick materials. It’s a funny nickname that implies that the braces are like a tool to help the teeth with cutting through things.


Bracey is another cool nickname for someone with braces.

This one is quite beautiful, as it sounds like a real name. Moreover, it doesn’t deflect from the word “brace” itself and its meaning.

Just like calling someone who thinks, a thinker, Bracey is a suitable nickname for someone who wears braces. They should welcome this one easily.


Brassiere is a funny nickname for someone with braces.

Brassiere is a woman’s clothing for supporting the breast. However, its first syllable sounds like a brace, so it can pass like a name derived from brace.

It’s a hilarious way to address someone in braces, especially if they’re a male.


With this article, you don’t have to look further for nicknames for someone with braces.

They’re interesting and relatable. So, feel free to pick a suitable nickname for your friend on braces from our list.


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