60 Quotes for Wearing Glasses 

Quotes for Wearing Glasses

Do you wear glasses? 

Glasses are no longer those pair of lenses old people wear or the funny-looking eye aids that funny-looking nerds wear. 

Today glasses have gone beyond an object that aids vision to an object that enhances style.

It’s now more than wanting to see better to wanting to look better. 

So, today we’ll be looking at beautiful quotes for wearing glasses.

Whether you wear them to help you see or you wear fashion glasses, or sunglasses, you’ll find these quotes interesting.

They’re self-quotes I’ve created just for you to make your glasses journey more personalized and make you comfortable in them. Moreover, you can always create yours.

Table of Contents

60 Quotes for Wearing Glasses

Below are 60 quotes for wearing glasses:

  1. Eyes are nature’s gift to man, while glasses are man’s gift to man
  2. Sometimes I need another lens to see the world better 
  3. My glasses are a blessing when I want to see what’s beyond me
  4. We think glasses always help us see, but sometimes they shade us from the world’s hurt
  5. Whenever I want to cry I put on my glasses
  6. I see glasses as another world before me
  7. We shouldn’t wear only physical glasses, spiritual ones help too
  8. Sunglasses are not just for the sun they’re for you
  9. My glasses have become a part of me, just as my eyes are a part of me
  10. Glasses can hide your pain
  11. My dark shades don’t only protect me from the sun’s harsh glare, but also from human glare
  12. I feel undressed without my glasses
  13. When I want to feel small I put on my eyeglasses, when I want to feel big I put on eyeglasses
  14. If glasses were a measure of intelligence, the world would be better
  15. Sometimes you just need to wear a glass for a moment to realize you don’t need them
  16. When I fall I’m not afraid of my glasses breaking, but my vision
  17. Magnifying glasses cannot magnify when you don’t look
  18. I worry when I can’t find my glasses, it’s like losing my sight all over again
  19. You should learn not to panic when you lose your eyeglasses, insight is better than eyesight
  20. We should learn to look far beyond our glasses to see better
  21. Don’t be deceived, glasses don’t make you smarter 
  22. Glasses do not cure all short-sightedness
  23. You shouldn’t get tired of putting on your glasses if you want to see
  24. I don’t have to be a celebrity to wear dark shades
  25. Sometimes taking off my glasses is a sign that I’m tired of seeing your face
  26. Your glasses won’t help you see what you don’t want to see
  27. The greatest magnifying lens is not the glasses we put on but the opening of our minds
  28. Even with our glasses a single tear can blur our sight 
  29. Sometimes the sexiest thing about me is when I put on my glasses
  30. Sunglasses are a great necessity
  31. Things will never look clear if you don’t clean your glasses 
  32. Having a pair of glasses can make you more careful
  33. Finding your lost glasses is one of the hardest things in life
  34. Glasses are a part of medicines
  35. Glasses add more age to your look
  36. Glasses are very fragile but not as fragile as a weak mind
  37. You should handle your glasses with care, and more importantly your heart
  38. Sometimes I wear glasses because I don’t want to see
  39. Never say it’s too bright until you’ve got your glasses on.
  40. You’re never fully dressed without complementary glasses
  41. Don’t be scared to stand out in a crowd because of your glasses. They don’t see the world like you do.
  42. Wearing glasses for the first time opens your eyes to see the world you always wished you could experience.
  43. Visions come true with the right lens.
  44. See the world through your lens and enjoy the moment.
  45. The best way to enjoy the sun is with your sunglasses
  46. Expect the world to be blurry if you don’t clean your glasses
  47. People hardly recognize me the way I don’t recognize things when I’m without my glasses
  48. If you’re not smart, wearing glasses won’t help
  49. Think of glasses as you’d think of crutches for walking
  50. A broken glass is not like a broken mirror where you can use the other half to see
  51. Back in the day, it seemed only nerds wore glasses, but these days, it seems only dumbs wear them
  52. There’s something attractive about people wearing glasses and there’s nothing unattractive about people not wearing them
  53. You may look beautiful to me wearing glasses and ugly to others, but whether you’re beautiful or not depends on you, not on the glasses or others
  54. Glasses have gone beyond medical uses, it’s now a fashion statement
  55. I may need glasses to see but I don’t need them to gain insight
  56. A blurry vision will remain blurry even with glasses 
  57. A step to a clearer vision starts with the mind and not with a pair of glasses
  58. Sometimes I subconsciously put on my glasses when I want to think through something 
  59. Having good eyesight is a gift, and so is having great insight. But, while bad eyesight can be helped with glasses, it’s not the same for bad insight
  60. Glasses have become my fashion staple

Eyes are nature’s gift to man, while glasses are man’s gift to man

Of course, you didn’t create your eyes. You grew and became familiar with your sight. On the other hand, you buy those glasses because man makes them.

Sometimes I need another lens to see the world better 

Your natural lens may not just be enough to see the world better or to see a better world. So, why not get another double lens to aid you? 

My glasses are a blessing when I want to see what’s beyond me

Yes, your glasses too can be a blessing. If you’re short-sighted, you’ll understand what a good pair of concave lenses will help you achieve, to see what’s beyond you.

We think glasses always help us see, but sometimes they shade us from the world’s hurt

Have you heard of hiding beyond those glasses? Yes, you can hide behind them, they can serve as a shade against the world. So, when next you don’t like what you see, use your glasses as a shield.

Whenever I want to cry I put on my glasses

Quotes for Wearing Glasses

Yes, your glasses too can hide those tears. So, when you don’t want the world to see those tears, put those glasses on and cry behind them.

I see glasses as another world before me

Your glasses can be another world for you where only you live and dwell. Especially if you use dark shades, you’ll understand what I mean 

We shouldn’t wear only physical glasses, spiritual ones help too

While physical glasses help you see physically, don’t you think spiritual glasses will help you see spiritually? This quote is for those who believe the spiritual exists

Sunglasses are not just for the sun they’re for you

Yes, if you wear sunglasses you’ll understand and appreciate what they do for you; protect you against the sun’s hot glare and the world’s harsh glare.

My glasses have become a part of me, just as my eyes are a part of me

Have you heard of four eyes? Yes, your glasses become another pair of eyes, and they become a part of you, much like your natural eyes.

Glasses can hide your pain

If you don’t think of your glasses in this way, start now to see your glasses as a wall that can hide your pain.

My dark shades don’t only protect me from the sun’s harsh glare, but also from human’s glare

Yes, dark shades don’t just shield you from the sun’s glare, but also from human’s glare. Ever wondered why people wear them even when there’s no sun?

I feel undressed without my glasses

Once your glasses become a part of you, you’ll feel naked without them. And if you wear them as a fashion item, most times you feel incomplete when you don’t don them.

When I want to feel small I put on my eyeglasses, when I want to feel big I put on eyeglasses

You can be anything you want in glasses. Gone are the days when people always look down on people in glasses, and even though you meet one like that, you can stand tall and put them in their place.

If glasses were a measure of intelligence, the world would be better

Have you ever thought that people who wear glasses are bookworms and nerds? 

We all thought like this. Back in high school, we looked at them as academically intelligent but socially inept, and funnily enough, many of them were like that.

But, I’m sure now, no one thinks that way anymore. There are many dunces in glasses.

Sometimes you just need to wear a glass for a moment to realize you don’t need them

Some people are never comfortable with glasses, whether to improve their vision or for fashion. And they just need to put them on to realize that.

When I fall I’m not afraid of my glasses breaking, but my vision

When you fall, your glasses are not the only thing fragile enough to break, your vision too is. Now, look beyond these words to get a deeper meaning.

Magnifying glasses cannot magnify when you don’t look

Yes, you can’t walk if you don’t move, and you can’t see if you don’t look.

So it’s the same for magnifying glasses, they can’t make objects look bigger if you don’t look through them.  And such is the principle of life.

I worry when I can’t find my glasses, it’s like losing my sight all over again

Have you ever been in such a situation? Especially if you’ve got a chronic eye defect, this can make you panic.

You should learn not to panic when you lose your eyeglasses, insight is better than eyesight

Insight is much better than eyesight. Some people like to think that losing your insight is worse than losing your eyesight. I like to think that way too.

We should learn to look far beyond our glasses to see better

If you want to see the world better, it’s not your glasses that’ll help you. It’s your mindset. Learn to see beyond those lenses, they can’t see the soul. Gain insight too.

Don’t be deceived, glasses don’t make you smarter 

I hope you’re no longer among those who believe glasses make you smarter. We should know by now that they don’t, they may only make you appear smarter. 

Glasses do not cure all short-sightedness

You can be shortsighted and shortsighted. And glasses don’t cure all of them. A myopic person who refuses to look beyond what’s with them, can’t wear a concave lens and see better. 

You shouldn’t get tired of putting on your glasses if you want to see

If you want to get healed, you shouldn’t be tired of taking your medications. So, if you want to keep seeing better, don’t get weary of putting on those glasses.

I don’t have to be a celebrity to wear dark shades

Yes, not only celebrities wear dark shades, they’re not the only ones who want to hide from the world. So, when you feel like it, put on those dark shades in style and step out of your house.

Sometimes taking off my glasses is a sign that I’m tired of seeing your face

Oops! This one sounds harsh. And yes when we’re together and I take off my glasses, it might just mean I don’t want to see your face anymore.

Your glasses won’t help you see what you don’t want to see

As I’ve established earlier, you can’t walk if you don’t move and you can’t see if you don’t look. So, whatever you don’t want to see, even your glasses won’t make you see them. 

The greatest magnifying lens is not the glasses we put on but the opening of our minds

Yes, only the opening of our minds and the repairing of a poor mindset can help us see the bigger picture. And that’s the greatest magnifying glass and not our glasses.

Even with our glasses, a single tear can blur our sight 

Have you noticed that your tears can blur your vision, much as a tear? So, look beyond these words, get the deeper meaning, and apply it to life.

Sometimes the sexiest thing about me is when I put on my glasses

Yes, you are allowed to feel sexy with your glasses on, no one should tell you otherwise.

Sunglasses are a great necessity

If you spend most of your day outside, then you’ll understand why sunglasses are a great necessity.

Things will never look clear if you don’t clean your glasses 

Clean your glasses and you’ll see things clearly. Clean your mind and you’ll get clearer insight. Clean, clean, and clean.

Having a pair of glasses can make you more careful

If you’re the clumsy or careless type, you might not be able to handle wearing glasses. And getting one might just be what you need to become careful.

Finding your lost glasses is one of the hardest things in life

If you ever looked for a lost pair of glasses that doesn’t want to be found, you’ll understand this quote.

Glasses are a part of medicines 

This quote is very straightforward. They help you see, they can correct your eye defect. So what are they, if they’re not a part of medicine?

Glasses add more age to your look

Have you ever thought that you look more mature when you put on glasses? Well, glasses have that power too.

Glasses are very fragile but not as fragile as a weak mind

Your glasses are very fragile, that’s why you handle them with care.

But, a weak mind is more fragile and prone to every form of manipulation. A damaged glass can easily be repaired, but it’ll take time to repair a damaged mind.

You should handle your glasses with care, and more importantly your heart

Yes, guard your heart the way you guard your glasses. You should choose which is more important anyway, and guard better.

Sometimes I wear glasses because I don’t want to see

The double power of glasses. You can wear them to see and wear them not to see.

Never say it’s too bright until you’ve got your glasses on.

Use your dark shades, and you’ll see how UN-bright the world can be.

You’re never fully dressed without complementary glasses

Quotes for Wearing Glasses

You’re never fully dressed without your glasses. Wonder why you feel incomplete when you forget them? 

Don’t be scared to stand out in a crowd because of your glasses. They don’t see the world like you do

Wear your glasses, stand tall in the crowd, and believe you see the world better than others.

Wearing glasses for the first time opens your eyes to see the world you always wished you could experience

How did it feel after wearing your new pair of glasses after suffering with your poor sight for a long time?  The feeling is sure out of this world.

Visions come true with the right lens

Your vision can come true with the right mindset, the same as seeing better with the right eye lens.

See the world through your lens and enjoy the moment

When you want to enjoy nature, go out, put on your glasses, and relax through the feeling.

The best way to enjoy the sun is with your sunglasses

The sun can be friendlier when you have your sunglasses to prevent their direct rays on your eyes.

Expect the world to be blurry if you don’t clean your glasses

Clean those glasses and see better, otherwise, expect blurry visions.

People hardly recognize me the way I don’t recognize things when I’m without my glasses

As I’ve already mentioned, your glasses are a part of you. So, without them, don’t be surprised when someone doesn’t recognize you, the same way you hardly recognize things without them.

If you’re not smart, wearing glasses won’t help

As I’ve previously mentioned, glasses don’t make you smart. If you’re not smart, you don’t need glasses to become one.

Think of glasses as you’d think of crutches for walking

Your glasses help your eyes, the way crutches help the legs. They help you see the way crutches help in walking.

A broken glass is not like a broken mirror where you can use the other half to see

Replace a broken glass and don’t think you can see with half a glass.

Back in the day, it seemed only nerds wore glasses, but these days, it seems only dumbs wear them

This is a hilarious quote, but most people are like this. The same way some people have always seen people in glasses as nerds is the way some people now see them as dumbs.

There’s something attractive about people wearing glasses and there’s nothing unattractive about people not wearing them

A very beautiful quote to shape your mind. You’re attractive only if you think so.

You may look beautiful to me wearing glasses and ugly to others. But whether you’re beautiful or not depends on you, not on the glasses or others

Another beautiful quote to make your day. You’re beautiful when you tell yourself so.

Glasses have gone beyond medical uses, it’s now a fashion statement

As I’ve earlier stated, glasses are also fashion accessories. So, feel free to don a pair of glasses to enhance your style.

I may need glasses to see but I don’t need them to gain insight

You need more than your glasses for insight. 

A blurry vision will remain blurry even with glasses 

You don’t need your glasses to correct a blurry vision. You need an open mindset for that. I can’t say this enough.

A step to a clearer vision starts with the mind and not with a pair of glasses

A step to a clearer vision starts with the mind and not with a pair of glasses. You might need to repeat this quote several times to let it sink.

Sometimes I subconsciously put on my glasses when I want to think through something 

Since your glasses have become a part of you, don’t be surprised when you do this too. 

Having good eyesight is a gift, and so is having great insight. But, while bad eyesight can be helped with glasses, it’s not the same for bad insight

Another straightforward quote to help build your mind.

Glasses have become my fashion staple

Are they your fashion staple too? You might want to try them too.


If you wear glasses, I’m sure you must’ve enjoyed these quotes. Feel free to add yours.


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