25 Best Comebacks When Someone Says “Ok, and?”

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Ok and

When you’re in a conversation, it can be very tricky dealing with conversation spoilers.

Conversation spoilers are everywhere. These kinds of people make it a habit to kill the fun in discussions with their responses.

For instance, with just “ok, and?” someone can kill the energy you’ve got when trying to pass a message or after delivering one.

How do you deal with such people? Do you allow them to suck out the energy in you? Or do you give a response that’ll end up paralyzing them?

In this article, I’ll be providing you with great comebacks you can use to harm yourself when someone says, “ok, and?” Keep reading to find out.

25 Best Comebacks When Someone Says “Ok, and?”

There are plenty of things you can say to someone who says “ok, and?” as a response during a talk with them.

Some clever lines you can use to disarm them include: “What else do you want to hear?” “You look confused, how did that happen?” and “Oh! Too bad you missed the point.”

Here are 25 great comebacks when someone says “ok, and?”

  1. What else do you want to hear?
  2. That’s all
  3. Go fvck yourself
  4. You should learn to listen and you’ll get it
  5. Don’t get ahead of yourself, please
  6. I’m still speaking, please
  7. Nothing more that concerns you
  8. Don’t bother yourself with that
  9. If you can’t understand, then I’m sorry, I can’t help you
  10. Oh! Too bad you missed the point
  11. And what?
  12. You can go home now
  13. You look confused, how did that happen?
  14. Never mind, you still won’t get it 
  15.  I’m sorry, I thought you were capable of understanding me
  16. My bad. The joke is on me. I should have known you’ve got a low intellect
  17. We can now kill you
  18. You can use your brain, right?
  19. What have you been doing with your brain?
  20. Let’s go and see a doctor
  21. Over to you, make it make sense
  22. It’s now your turn to entertain us
  23. Forget about it
  24. It’s a pity You’re too slow 
  25. And get lost!

What Else Do You Want to Hear?

One of the best comebacks to give to someone who says, “ok, and?” is, “What else do you want to hear?”

This is a sharp question that quickly attacks them by returning the question to them. If you’re done passing a message, and someone mockingly uses that response, this comeback will let them know that you’re done.

Also, it’s a perfect way to make a joke out of them. It doesn’t only tell them that you’re done, it’ll also make them appear foolish thinking otherwise.

  • What else are you looking for? You won’t find anything here
  • What else do you want to hear? The national anthem?

That’s All 

“That’s all” is a simple reply for someone who says, “ok, and?” after a statement from you.

It’s a simple yet smart reply that shows them that you’re not moved by their mockery. As I’ve previously mentioned, anyone who uses that reply is only trying to be annoying. 

If they don’t understand what someone says, there are better words to use. So, if they say “ok, and?” simply tell them that’s all about it. 

  • That’s all. I can no longer help you
  • That’s all you can take in

Go Fvck Yourself 

“Go fvck yourself” is a curse word you should use with someone extremely annoying. 

This expression will work for someone who says “ok, and?” after a statement from you.

Not only does it indicate your irritation with them, but it harshly dismisses them, letting them know they won’t get anything from you again.

  • Go fvck yourself. That should work
  • Go fvck yourself. How about that?

You Should Learn to Listen and You’ll Get It 

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Ok and

“You should learn to listen and you’ll get it” is another reply that’ll work for someone who says “ok, and?”

This is a great comeback, in that it’s simple and calm, letting them know that they’re the ones with the problem.

Also, this reply doesn’t only show that you’re not affected by their rudeness, but it puts them off by sounding coordinated and letting them know they’re the cause of their lack of understanding.

  • You should learn to listen and you’ll get it. Stop being a nuisance
  • You should learn to listen and you’ll get it. Nobody owes you anything 

Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself, Please 

“Don’t get ahead of yourself please” is another perfect reply for someone who says “ok, and?”

This statement matches their energy by warning them about waiting to listen. It’ll work for someone who doesn’t let you finish your explanation, but jumps in and tries to destabilize you with, “Okay, and?”

  • Don’t get ahead of yourself, please. It’s annoying
  • Don’t get ahead of yourself. It doesn’t make you appear intelligent 

I’m Still Speaking, Please 

“I’m still speaking, please” is another fantastic reply for someone who says “Okay, and?”

This response will work for someone who interrupts your flow. Also, it’ll shut them up, letting them know that they’re being annoying.

  • I’m still speaking, please, so get a hold of your stupidity
  • I’m still speaking, please. If you can’t be patient to listen, then leave 

Nothing More That Concerns You

“Nothing more that concerns you” is another smart comeback for someone who says, “Okay, and?”

This response will take them aback, as it disregards them. If you’ve finished making a point, and someone tries to embarrass you with, “ok, and?”, this reply is adequate to embarrass them.

Also, it’ll dismiss them, letting them know they’re no longer needed.

  • Nothing more that concerns you, you can go and sleep now
  • Nothing more that concerns you. Kindly make your leave 

Don’t Bother Yourself with That 

“Don’t bother yourself with that” is another response you can give someone who says “ok, and?” 

This statement tells them calmly that whatever they’re expecting doesn’t concern them. It’s a clever response, in that it doesn’t take their bait.

Also, if they were trying to embarrass you, this response should make them feel embarrassed.

  • Don’t bother yourself with that. You’re dismissed
  • Don’t bother yourself with that. I don’t have anything more for you

If You Can’t Understand, Then I’m Sorry, I Can’t Help You 

“If you can’t understand, then I’m sorry I can’t help you” is another fantastic clapback to give someone trying to embarrass you during a conversation.

It ridicules them by implying that they lack understanding. Then, apologizing for not being able to help their lack of understanding is a smooth way to make them appear foolish.

In addition, it’s a smart way to dismiss them.

Oh! Too Bad You Missed the Point

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Ok and

“Oh! Too bad you missed the point” is another fun way to respond to someone who tries to embarrass you.

This is a sarcastic and savage reply that mocks them for missing the point.

If after you’ve passed a message, and someone replies with “ok, and?” to show that you’re yet to hit the point, this response ridicules them for not understanding. 

Also, it lets them know that the problem is them, so the joke is on them.

  • Oh! Too bad you missed the point. There’s nothing I can do about that
  • Oh! Too bad you missed the point, and sadly, I can’t recap 

And What?

“And what?” is another interesting way to reply to someone who says, “ok, and?”

This question is a smart one, as it mimics their question. If they claim they’re yet to understand you, you also claim not to understand their question too.

Also, this reply will work well to disarm them and make them struggle for a comeback.

  • And what? You can tell me
  • And what? Fill in the gap 

You Can Go Home Now 

If someone claims not to understand what you’ve just said to them, you too can beat them in their game by intentionally misinterpreting them.

“You can go home now” is a clever comeback for someone who says, “ok, and?” This is a humorous and savage reply that’ll greatly embarrass them.

For instance, if just finished narrating a story and someone replies with, “ok, and?”, this comeback provides them with what to do next since they don’t know.

  • You can go home now. We’re done
  • You can go home now. Yea, get going 

You Look Confused, How Did That Happen?

Another perfect way to beat someone trying to embarrass you in their own game is with this statement, “You look confused, how did that happen?”

This is a savage remark that makes the joke about them. It’s a sarcastic comment that mocks them for becoming confused.

In addition, acting like you’re surprised at their confusion will further embarrass them.

  • You look confused, how did that happen? You looked smart one second ago
  • You look confused, how did that happen? What just affected your brain

Never Mind, You Still Won’t Get It 

“Never mind, you still won’t get it” is another excellent way to reply to someone who says, “ok, and?”

This is another savage reply that mocks their lack of understanding. Also, adding that they shouldn’t bother with asking you to explain well that they won’t get the message further ridicules their intelligence.

In addition, it’s a sharp way to dismiss them.

  • Never mind, you still won’t get it. Let’s not waste each other’s time
  • Never mind, you still won’t get it. It’s no use wasting my time

I’m Sorry, I Thought You Were Capable of Understanding Me 

“I’m sorry, I actually thought you were capable of understanding me” is another smart reply for someone who says, “ok, and?”

This is a savage and sarcastic comment that ridicules them for their lack of understanding. Also, apologizing for thinking that they were smart is a classic insult they wouldn’t see coming.

In addition, you should use this line in front of an audience to let them know that they can’t mess with you.

  • I’m sorry, I thought you were capable of understanding me. Next time, I’ll think better 
  • I’m sorry, I thought you were capable of understanding me. It won’t happen again 

My Bad. The Joke Is on Me. I Should Have Known You’ve Got a Low Intellect

“My bad. The joke is on me. I should have known you’ve got a low intellect” is another savage reply for someone who says “ok, and?”

If they try to embarrass you by implying that you haven’t made a point, use this comeback to beat them in their own game.

Not only does it mock them for their lack of understanding, but it tells them that the reason is due to their low IQ. It’ll surely sting. In addition, apologizing will make it hard.

  • My bad. The joke is on me. I should have known you’ve got a low intellect. Now, that I know, I won’t let history repeat itself again
  • My bad. The joke is on me. I should have known you’ve got a low intellect. I’ll be more careful next time 

We Can Now Kill You

Another smart reply for someone who says, “Okay, and?” is “We can now kill you.”

This is a reply they wouldn’t see coming. It’s a smart way to turn the table around, telling them that if they can miss your point, you can also miss theirs.

In addition, this comeback can instill fear in them, which will make it more hilarious.

  • We can now kill you. How about that?
  • We can now kill you. That’s the whole point I’ve been trying to make

You Can Use Your Brain, Right?

“You can use your brain, right?” is another excellent response for someone who says, “ok, and?”

This statement is a savage one that turns the question around. It tells them that they ought to have understood you, and if they didn’t, they are the problem.

In addition, it lets them know that they won’t get anything more from you. Also, this response tells them that they didn’t use their intelligence.

  • You can use your brain, right? For your sake, I hope you’ve got one
  • You can use your brain, right? Next time, make use of it before speaking out of turn 

What Have You Been Doing with Your Brain?

“What have you been doing with your brain?” is another question to ask someone who says, “ok, and?” after a statement from you.

This is a savage remark that implies that they haven’t been making use of their brain and that’s why they lack understanding.

In addition, it tells that they’re the cause of their problem, so they won’t get anything from you.

  • What have you been doing with your brain? Use it if you’ve got one
  • What have you been doing with your brain? If you were engaging with it you wouldn’t ask this foolish question 

Let’s Go and See a Doctor

“Let’s go and see a doctor” is another thing you can say to outsmart someone trying to embarrass you.

This reply will put them off, as it misinterprets them, letting them know that you know their games. Also, it indicates that they’re not alright and need a doctor’s attention.

  • Let’s go and see a doctor, he’ll be able to help you
  • Let’s go and see a doctor, he has the answers to your problem 

Over to You, Make It Make Sense 

“Over to you, make it make sense” is another smart thing to say to disarm someone who says, “ok, and?”

This is a clever response that’ll turn the attention to them. If someone claims you haven’t made a point by responding with, “ok, and?”, this response tells them that they can make the point.

In addition, it lets them know that it’s now their turn to be embarrassed because they’re likely not to have any reply.

  • Over to you, make it make sense since I haven’t made any
  • Over to you, make it make sense. I’m sure you can do that

It’s Now Your Turn to Entertain Us

“It’s now your turn to entertain us” is another crazy statement to use as a response to someone who says, “ok and?”

This response turns the table around and creates a clear opportunity for their embarrassment. It tells them that since you’ve done your part, if they’re waiting for more, then it’s their turn.

  • It’s now your turn to entertain us. Go and pick up the mic and try your luck
  • It’s now your turn to entertain us. Please, don’t disappoint us

Forget About It 

“Forget about it” is a perfect comeback you can use to dismiss someone who says, “ok and ?”

This reply tells them that if they can’t understand you, then there’s nothing more for you to say to them. Also, it’s a clever way to both dismiss and embarrass them.

  • Forget about it. It’s a waste of my energy
  • Forget about it, you’re too dumb to get it

It’s a Pity You’re too Slow

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Ok and

“It’s a pity you’re too slow” is another funny and savage response you can give to someone who says, “ok, and?”

This response is a sarcastic one that insults their slow understanding. Also, saying that it’s a pity rubs the mockery on their face.

  • It’s a pity you’re too slow. I’m sorry, I don’t deal with slow people
  • It’s a pity you’re too slow. I never knew you were a dimwit 

And Get Lost!

“And get lost!” is another sharp clapback for someone who says, “ok, and?”

This response will work well to dismiss and embarrass them. Also, it helps them complete and answer their question humorously.

  • And get lost! There’s nothing more for you
  • And get lost! The game is now over


People who say “ok, and?” do so to be annoying. It’s a rude statement they use to tell a speaker that they’re yet to make a point.

So, if someone uses this expression on you, you can beat them in their game with your response. This article has provided you with great comebacks that’ll work to both disarm and ridicule them.


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