20 Funny Roasts For Someone With No Dad

Funny Roasts For Someone With No Dad

When trying to roast someone with no dad, the intent doesn’t necessarily have to make the person feel miserable for being fatherless. 

You may be a relative, neighbor, or friend to the person, and you want to get them riled up in a light-hearted manner, especially during an argument. 

Many times, people with no dad speak more of the positive things that happened in their lives since their dad left. But when it comes to roasting, you attack with the negative stuff. 

Here are the most brutally hilarious punchlines I’ve heard so far for roasting people with no dads. 

Table of Contents

List of the Best 20 Lines for Roasting Someone with No Dad

Whenever you’re out of sassy words to use against someone with no dad, you can never go wrong with any of these lines: 

1. It must suck that your dad left. It sucks even worse that your hairline is clearly trying to follow him.

Not only are you bringing up their absent dad, but you’re also making fun of something they might be insecure about—their hairline.

So, for someone without a dad, it’s not just a light-hearted joke. It’s like you’re targeting their vulnerabilities and making them feel worse about themselves. 

That’s why it would make someone in that situation feel like they’ve just been roasted big time. You can alternatively say this punchline in these ways:

  • It must sting not having a dad around. And your receding hairline? It’s like it’s following his footsteps!
  • Ouch, no dad in the picture? And your hairline’s saying bye, too! Double whammy!

2. I can understand him. I mean, you’re not even here, and I feel the urge to leave you

 Funny Roasts For Someone With No Dad

Suggest that the person is just as wrong as their now-absent father.  With this line, you’re comparing the person to their absent dad. This hurts because it dismisses their feelings and makes them feel unwanted. 

It’s like their deepest fears about being unlovable or undesirable are being confirmed.

  • I understand why your dad left… Sometimes, I feel like leaving you, too.
  • I get why your dad bailed… Sometimes I feel like doing the same.

3. Your dad’s absence explains why your jokes are so ‘dad joke’ deficient.

Tie their poor comedy skills to the absence of a dad. Tell them their jokes are so bad they don’t even measure up to the cheesy humor dads are known for. 

It’s a sneaky way of saying the person’s jokes are terrible because their dad isn’t here to teach them any better.

 It’s a low blow disguised as a joke and is sure to leave the person feeling pretty ticked off.

  • Your jokes are so bland; they make ‘dad jokes’ seem hilarious – oh wait, your dad’s not around to teach you better!
  • Your sense of humor is so off; it’s like you never had a dad to give you the ‘dad joke’ manual!

4. You must have really mastered the art of DIY projects since your dad didn’t show you the ropes.

Belittle their DIY skills. Imply to them that without a dad, they’re somehow less capable or knowledgeable. 

It means they’re only good at DIY because they had to figure it out alone, which feels insulting. 

Plus, it suggests that not having a dad means the person missing out on important life lessons, which can hurt a lot. 

  • You’re probably good at DIY because you didn’t have your dad around to help.
  • You must’ve learned DIY really well without a dad to show you.

5. He probably left you because you are more useless than the letter X in the xylophone.

Compare them to the useless X in the word Xylophone. The letter X doesn’t really belong in the word “xylophone.” 

So, it means they don’t fit in or they’re not even part of the picture. It’s not just calling them worthless; it’s also saying they don’t even make sense, which is pretty harsh. 

For someone already feeling insecure about not having a dad or feeling abandoned, this comment would really hit them hard. 

  • He probably left you because you’re as helpful as a snowboard in the desert.
  • He probably left you because you’re about as needed as sunscreen in a snowstorm.

6. If you ever need a father figure, just let me know. I’m really good at pretending.

Offer to play make-believe with them. You are indirectly telling them with this line that their desire for a father figure is just a joke to you.

You’ll play along, but they should not expect anything real.”  And worst of all, it’s a solid sarcasm. 

  • If you ever need a dad stand-in, just give me a shout. I’ve got pretending down to a science.
  • Hey, if you’re ever feeling fatherless and need a fill-in, I’m your guy. Pretending is my specialty.

7. Your family tree must be a sapling since there’s a notable absence in the branches.

 Funny Roasts For Someone With No Dad

Suggests their family lineage is immature or incomplete. With this line, you’re implying that their family tree is missing something important, like a branch on a tree.

In this case, it’s their dad who’s missing. For someone who’s grown up without a dad, it’s not just an insult; it’s a reminder of something they might already feel sensitive about. 

  • Looks like your family tree’s missing a big branch, huh?
  • Your family tree’s like a baby tree with a big hole where Dad should be.

8. And he didn’t even leave you with the genes to grow a proper beard….harsh

Use this classic beard growth joke to jab them. This roast is one of my favorites because it’s delivered in a way that’s casual yet sharp, catching the person off guard and making it harder to brush off. 

And what makes it worse is that it’s not an insult you can quickly fire back at. How do you respond to something that hits at a part of your identity you can’t change?

  • Too bad your dad didn’t stick around long enough to give you the beard genes.
  • Your dad’s absence really shows in your patchy beard.

9. The fatherless father of future fatherless children

Use this alliteration to slap them back to reality poetically. With this line, you now make the person not just feel bad but also imagine a future where their kids might go through what they’re going through. 

So yeah, hearing that line is like getting roasted big time. 

  • The dad-less dad raising future dad-less kids.
  • The fatherless guy with a fatherless family is to come.


10. You’re like a dad joke without the dad.

Remind them of something painful they don’t have. You know those jokes dads make that are so cheesy they make you cringe? 

Well, they’re a reminder of family and warmth. But when you take away the “dad” part, it’s like saying the person’s just a cheesy joke and missing that special family connection.

  • You’re like a joke without the punchline.
  • You’re like a puzzle, missing a piece.

11. When life gives you lemons, you can’t even ask your dad how to make lemonade.

Beyond the idea of not having someone to ask for advice—you can use this roast line as a reminder of something they’re missing out on.

It’s like life is teasing them, saying, “Hey, guess what? You’re missing out on this too!” it’s hard to ignore. 

  • When life hands you lemons, it’s tough not having a dad around to ask how to make lemonade.
  • If life gives you lemons and you don’t have a dad, figuring out how to make lemonade feels even more complex.

12. Your dad’s favorite game was clearly ‘Hide and Seek.’ He’s been hiding for years.

Tell them that even if they did have a dad, he’d be so distant or absent that it’s like he’s playing a game of hide-and-seek with their emotions.

Basically, it’s a sneaky way of saying they don’t have a dad, and even if they did, he probably wouldn’t care.

This is the kind of joke that stings, leaving the person feeling a bit raw even after the laughter dies down.

  • Your dad’s favorite game must be ‘Hide and Seek’ because he’s been invisible for years.
  • Your dad must be a pro at ‘Hide and Seek’ – he’s been hiding so well, nobody’s found him for years!

13. Your family reunions must be awkward with that ‘missing person’ poster.

Family events can already be challenging without a parent, and you’re using this joke just to highlight that absence in a hurtful way. 

You’re basically teasing the person about something they can’t control or change, and that can really hurt their feelings.

  • Your family gatherings must feel a bit different without your dad, huh?
  • It must be strange at family reunions without your dad there, right?

14. Your dad must be a ghost because he’s never around but still manages to haunt you.

Compare the person’s dad to a ghost. You’re using this line to imply that their dad is haunting them with his absence. 

Now, if the person’s already sensitive about not having a dad, this line stings worse because you’ve taken their biggest weakness and made it the punchline of a joke

  • Your dad must be invisible since he’s never around, but his absence still hangs over you like a shadow.

15. If I had a dollar for every time your dad showed up, I’d be broke.

Of course, this might sound like a harmless joke to someone who has a dad. But for someone fatherless, this can feel like a punch to the gut. 

It reminds the person of something painful they might still be dealing with.

  • If I had a dollar for every time your dad showed up, I’d have nothing.
  • If I had a dollar for every time your dad was around, I’d be flatbroken.

16. Does being fatherless result in being neckless as well?

The real roast here is the wordplay. You smoothly transition from “fatherless” to “neckless,” making it hurt even more. 

With this line, you’re implying that the person is lacking strength, courage, and maybe even confidence. It’s a sneaky way of saying they’re incomplete and weak because they lack paternal guidance.

  • No dad, no backbone, huh?
  • Missing a dad means missing a spine, too, right?

17. I guess your dad didn’t get the memo about ‘bring your dad to school’ day.

Point out something they are missing but in a mean way. It’s not just about feeling left out; it’s about feeling like there’s something wrong with you because you don’t have a dad to bring. 

  • Looks like your dad didn’t make it to ‘bring your dad to school’ day.
  • I guess your dad missed the memo for ‘Dad Day’ at school.

18. Your dad’s probably just on an extended milk run… from 20 years ago.”

Use the idea of getting lost in the dairy aisle to downplay the emotional meltdown of being fatherless. This is a pretty harsh roast, so you must really dislike the person to have used this one. 

But remember, sometimes the best revenge is a comeback even wittier than the insult itself. 

So be careful

  • Maybe your dad’s still out getting milk from 20 years ago.
  • Perhaps your dad’s been on a milk run for 20 years straight.

19. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but your dad’s lack just makes you funnier.

 Funny Roasts For Someone With No Dad

This is a cunny roast because it starts with a familiar saying, luring them into a false sense of security.

But then, bam,  you throw humor at a sensitive topic. Sure, some might laugh, but the person with no dad will just feel the prickly sting of insensitivity. 

20. You have no father? OMG! Black Jesus is back!

This is like going to the extreme because it uses religious slurs. So, you have to consider the context before resolving this. But it’s undoubtedly a banger. 

Remember, referring to someone as “Black Jesus” in a mocking context is disrespectful and offensive to Christians and people of color. So you have to be sure others are in sync with you before using this line. 

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