15 Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

I always tell people that when roasting kids, your savage has to be appropriate and relevant so that you don’t suffer a brutal comeback from these little ones. 

By appropriate, it shouldn’t be so offensive or hurtful enough to bring their spirit down. But by relevance, it has to be tied to the context of the conversation or situation. 

But putting words together to roast a young child can still be challenging. If you’re looking for ways to roast a 10-year-old boy or girl, this article is for you.

Here are our top options:

List of The Best Roasts You Can Say to a 10 Year Old

1. I don’t know your problem, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce.

Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

Tell a 10-year-old child, ” I don’t know your problem, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce,” and watch them surrender in shame because you’ve just roasted them.

This one even catches bullies and makes them walk away with tails in between their legs. 

I like this roast because it’s not demoralizing, and it shows you don’t have to use cuss words before roasting a young child. 

You can even use this to tease your kids who are ten years olds. If they’re brilliant, they can come up with a clever comeback, but this roast itself is golden. 

2. It’s a shame your personality matches your face

Nothing annoys a child around ten years old as much as when you make fun of their looks. This is why I think a line such as, “It’s a shame your personality matches your face,” is a smooth roast for them. 

What I love most about this line is that you’re being conscious not to make them feel insecure about how they look, but it’s still a funny way to roast them.

It works for any situation because it shifts the focus from what they might be initially roasting you about to their face. 

3. Can you repeat that so I remember the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard?

One of the favorite things I say when I want to diss a young child is to ask them, “Can you repeat that so I remember the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard?”

It’s a more excellent way to call them dumb for the things they say or do. 

When you use this roast, it has to be that the child has done something stupid, and this is a way to call them to order. 

Kids don’t want people to see them as a dumb person. So, they will likely not repeat what they have repeated. 

4. That’s why no one likes you.

“That’s why no one likes you” is among the timeless roast punchlines for ANY situation, and fortunately, it works when trying to tease a 10-year-old child. 

It hurts kids when you make them realize everyone does not like them. It is one of the phobias for many children to be disliked by others.

So even when you say this as a light-hearted joke to them, it can make them feel roasted, especially in the middle of an argument. 

5. You’re a silly little boy, and you’ll never go to space.

Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

Another way you can roast a 10-year-old boy is to tell him, “You’re a silly little boy, and you’ll never go to space.”

This is a funny remark to tell any young child because it is based on the assumption that the child’s dream is to become an astronaut. That’s what they all want to be until reality sets in. 

So you are making fun of their naivety and childishness when you use this line on them.

It’s a Sacred but funny way to roast a child, and they’ll feel it bad. 

6. You look like a real-life Troll doll.

At least many 10-year-olds can relate to the Troll doll. It is a type of plastic doll with furry up-combed hair depicting a troll.

The toys are also known as good luck trolls, so when you use this line, it may initially seem like you are wishing them well until they consider the funny look of these toys. Then, it becomes apparent that you’re making fun of how they look 

This is why I think the line, “You look like a real-life Troll doll,” is a solid punchline to tell a 10-year-old if you want to roast them with words brutally. 

7. Being stupid isn’t illegal, so you’re free to go.

Another way you can roast a 10-year-old is to call them stupid but in a sleek way. For example, you can say, “Being stupid isn’t illegal, so you’re free to go.”

This is a perfect savage you can make when they try to do something stupid, and you want to look over it. 

So it doesn’t look like you can’t discipline them; you say this to make them feel sorry for their actions. 

It hurts even more profoundly when you say things like this around their peers. They may hate you forever, but kids forgive and forget. So it’s all fun. 

8. I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it works!

If the 10-year-old kid has been spitting some roast punchlines at you because you’re the teacher, the parent, or an older adult, and you want to say something to make them stop, just call them stupid in a sleek way.

In such a situation, you can tell them, ” I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it works!”

It’s a Sacarstic way to say they are behaving stupidly, and it’s high time they stopped. 

I like this roast because you don’t even need to say much, and the kid will understand the message. 

It’s a total burn.

9. You think badly.

Telling a kid that they have bad luck when it comes to thinking is an indirect way to call them an idiot while roasting them.

You can use this line when you want to savage them for doing ridiculous things. 

Also, if you meet a 10-year-old with a witty tongue and she keeps giving everyone a piece of insult, this line can make her calm. 

It means that compared to their peers, they don’t think right. And that’s sure to pain them. 

10. Where’s your off button?

Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

Instead of yelling “shut up” all the time, which seems not to work continuously for kids, you can ask them, “Where’s your off button?”

Of course, it’s a rhetorical question, or else you want them to reply with someone who could counter your roast and roast you in the process. 

Not only is it a rhetorical question, but it’s also an indirect way to tell them to shut up in a sleek style. 

11. You’d be fit if you ran like your mouth.

I have heard this line from many parents when they try to roast their kids in a light-hearted way. But it also works if you have a younger sibling or age mate around ten years old. 

It has to be that the person is chubby in a kind of way so that the idea behind this roast will apply generously to the person. 

The roast will also make sense if the person talks a lot so that when you say, “If you ran like your mouth, you would be in good shape,” it will really hurt deeply.

12. You look like something that came out of a slow cooker!

The first time I heard this was when I visited my niece at her kindergarten class.  I initially had no clue what it meant but had to stop and take a moment of silence for such a toast. 

Now that I think about it, it sounds like a perfect thing to say when you want to roast someone who is ten years old. 

The most exciting side to this roast punchline is that it’s actually creative. It is a roast about actual roasting. 

But you can have someone see it as slow roasting because it means the kid has been roasted…. literally. I like the sound of it. 

13. Your face looks like the floor of the cafeteria after lunch.

Best Ways to Roast a 10 Year Old

“Your face looks like the floor of the cafeteria after lunch” is another fantastic line you can use to roast a 10-year-old.

Unlike when roasting adults, dissing kids will only be more effective when you refer to things they can relate to and picture in their heads. 

Every kid can imagine how messy the floor of a used cafeteria can be. So when you compare such a look with their face, they can get an accurate picture and feel roasted. 

I like this one because you are roasting them about their appearance in a way that may still make them laugh but feel insulted instead of feeling insecure about their looks. 

14. I’d give you a nasty look, but you already have one.

Again, when roasting young kids, you can never go wrong by picking on what they can quickly become sensitive about their face or overall dressing.

Telling a 10-year-old child that “I’d give you a nasty look, but you already have one” is a sure way to roast them because you make fun of their face, and they become bothered. 

So, no matter what insults or trash talk they might have been doing, once you say this to them, you can expect them to zip up. 

15. A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart.

” A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart” is a mature way of roasting a 10-year-old. It is the kind of words you can expect to come out from the mouths of those way older than the child and trying to correct their wrongdoing. 

Before you address the problem, or while addressing it and the kid is proving stubborn, you can use this line to humble the.  

When you use this line, it may seem as though you want to compliment them initially.

But when you contrast with an ugly heart, you can expect them to feel remorse and curious about what they’ve done, which makes you say they have an ugly heart.

I hope with these few lines, you’ve been able to pick some ideas on how to roast a kid, especially those around ten years of age. 

Remember that how and when you say the punchline is as important as what you’re saying. 

So be sure of the one you pick to use and use them well. 


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