20 Best Comebacks to “Deez Nuts”

Best Comebacks to Deez Nuts

Have you ever been in a situation where someone tries to play a prank on you or use a catchphrase just to insult you?

“Deez nuts” is that expression that’ll always rub off the wrong way. According to Englishstudyonline, “Deez nuts” is a colloquial expression that is used to interrupt or change the subject of a conversation. 

Also, it’s a versatile phrase that can be used to play a prank on someone, to say no to a request, and to insult someone.

So, if someone uses this expression on you, how do you respond? What are the best comebacks to this phrase?

Keep reading to find out the best witty clapbacks you can give on the spot when someone says, “Deez nuts.”

20 Best Comebacks to “Deez Nuts”

The best comebacks to “Deez nuts” will depend on the context in which it was used.

The way you respond, if it’s only a joke, will be different when it’s used to insult you, interrupt a conversation, or refuse your request.

So, some of the best responses include: “Am I supposed to laugh at that?”, “When you’re done, we’ll go back to our discussion,” and “There are a good number of dimwits around, but you’ve managed to surpass them all.”

Here are 20 best comebacks to “Deez nuts”:

  1. Am I supposed to laugh at that?
  2. That’s so lame, try another joke
  3. I’m sorry for you, you just sound silly
  4. Suit yourself then
  5. You’re going nuts yourself
  6. There’s no difference between you and those rascals on the street
  7. The difference between you and a madman is that he roams the street
  8. When you’re done, we’ll go back to our discussion
  9. That’s not smart
  10. You’re sure crazy
  11. You must have exhausted your vocabularies
  12. Did you just learn that phrase?
  13. That’s sure an award-winning response
  14. Oh, please, keep working on your sense of humor 
  15. You always manage to impress me with your stupidity
  16. There are a good number of dimwits around, but you’ve managed to surpass them all
  17. Are you lost?
  18. I see you lack attention
  19. Wow! You ate the nuts too?
  20. I’m sorry, that’s not clear 

Am I Supposed to Laugh at That?

One of the best comebacks  to “Deez nuts! is, “Am I supposed to laugh at that?” 

This is a savage question that’ll work when they try to play a prank on you with the expression. 

For instance, if someone makes a statement and you follow up with a question, and instead of providing an answer, they respond with “Deez nuts.”

You can ask them if you’re meant to laugh at their jokes. With this question, you’re letting them know that you don’t find their jokes funny. 

  • Am I supposed to laugh at that? It’s not funny at all
  • I’m sorry, should I laugh?

That’s So Lame, Try Another Joke 

“That’s so lame, try another joke” is another suitable response for someone who says “Deez nuts” during a conversation.

This one will also work when they try to play a joke on you. Just like the above, this reply will tell them that you don’t find them funny.

Additionally, calling their action lame implies that you find their move dumb. It’s something you say to express your annoyance. 

For instance:

  • A– Have you been to the latest restaurant in town?
  • B– where’s it located?
  • A– Deez nuts!
  • B– that’s so lame. Try another joke

I’m Sorry for You, You Just Sound Silly 

When someone uses “Deez nuts” with you, chances are that they’re trying to create humor or trying to sound woke, which can rub off wrongly on you.

So, if you get this feeling with them, “I’m sorry for you, you just sound silly” is one of the best comebacks you can use to express yourself.

This is a savage remark that ridicules them for trying to feel included by using the expression. Moreover, saying you’re sorry for them makes it more embarrassing.

Suit Yourself Then

“Suit yourself then” is another reply to provide to someone who says “Deez nuts” during a conversation. 

As I’ve already established, someone can say “Deez nuts” to refuse a request you made to them. So, this comeback is an appropriate reply to show them that you’re okay with their answer.

Also, it lets them know that they are free to do what they want and that it doesn’t affect you.

  • Suit yourself then, it’s not my problem
  • Suit yourself then. I’ll go with someone else 

You’re Going Nuts Yourself 

Best Comebacks to Deez Nuts

“You’re going nuts yourself” is a sharp reply for someone who says “Deez nuts.”

This one will work on any occasion to attack their mental capacity. It’s a hilarious pun that just fits the occasion, letting them know you’re smart enough to match their energy.

Also, it’s a clever response, that implies that they’re not alright when they insult you with the phrase or try to play a prank on you

  • A- You are too weak, you can’t handle Deez nuts!
  • B- you’re going nuts yourself 

There’s no Difference Between You and Those Rascals on the Street 

“The difference between you and a madman is that he roams the street” is another thing to say to someone who says “Deez nuts” when conversing with you.

This reply will work for someone who insults you with the phrase, or who rudely interrupts your discussion or attempts to change the topic.

It’s a classic expression that shows that you find them uncultured.

When You’re Done, We’ll Go Back to Our Discussion

“When you’re done, we’ll go back to our discussion” is another smart reply for someone who uses the phrase, “Deez nuts.”

This one will work for someone who attempts to divert your attention from a topic of discussion.

It’s a hilarious response that gives them the chance to do what they want. However, it lets them know that you understand what they hope to achieve.

In addition, it’s a clever way to disappoint them, as you intend to go back to the conversation.

  • Keep doing what you’re doing. When you’re done, we’ll go back to our discussion
  • When you’re done, we’ll go back to our discussion. I’m not that dumb, you know 

That’s Not Smart 

“That’s not smart” is another clapback for someone who uses the “Deez nuts” expression.

This one insults them for using the phrase on you, whether as a conversation disrupter or to play a prank on you. 

So, this reply will work on any of these occasions, especially when they try to play a joke on you, to let them know you don’t find the move a smart one.

  • That’s not smart. You’ve got a lot to learn
  • That’s not smart, you shouldn’t have done that

You’re Sure Crazy 

“You’re sure crazy” is a befitting response for someone who uses the “Deez nuts” phrase with you.

This one is another versatile statement you can use on any occasion to insult them. First, it’ll work as a playful reply when they prank you with it. 

Also, it’ll work as a savage retort when they interrupt your conversation or insult you with the phrase.

  • You’re sure crazy, you know that
  • You’re sure crazy. I hope you seek help

You Must Have Exhausted Your Vocabularies

“You must have exhausted your vocabularies” is another thing to say to make fun of someone who says “Deez nuts” to you.

When people use this expression with you, it might be that it’s the only phrase they can think of at that time. Whether as a joke or as an insult, implying that they must’ve exhausted their vocabularies is a smart way to ridicule them.

Also, it’s a fantastic reply that makes fun of them for having a limited choice of words.

  • Oh, it’s so sad. You must have exhausted your vocabularies
  • You must have exhausted your vocabularies. I feel for you 

Did You Just Learn That Phrase?

Best Comebacks to Deez Nuts

Another question to throw at someone who says “Deez nuts” to you is, “Did you just learn that phrase?” 

This one is another perfect punchline that ridicules them for using the phrase, implying that they’re likely just hearing about it.

Generally, it’s a common thing, particularly among Gen Zs to try out the latest trends circulating both offline and online. 

And using popular slang is a part of it. So, saying “Deez nuts” to you may just be them trying out the expression. So, this reply makes fun of them for that.

  • Did you just learn that phrase? Where have you been?
  • Did you just learn that phrase? It seems you must have been asleep 

That’s Sure an Award-winning Response 

“That’s sure an award-winning response” is another smart reply to “Deez nuts.”

This one is a sarcastic remark that mocks them for their choice of words. It’ll work for someone who provides the phrase as an answer to a question you asked them. 

Also, it’s just something to say and go on to ignore them.

  • A– where can I get the latest “Daniel Carey’s” book? 
  • B– that must be Deez nuts!
  • A- That’s sure an award-winning response

Oh, Please, Keep Working on Your Sense of Humor 

“Oh, please, keep working on your sense of humor” is another fantastic response for someone who says “Deez nuts.”

This one is a clever way to dismiss them and their joke. If they try to play a prank on you with the phrase, this comeback will let them know you found it boring.

Additionally, it’s a hilarious way to let them know they were only being silly.

  • Oh, please, keep working on your sense of humor. That was so poor
  • Oh, please, keep working on your sense of humor. I wonder where you got this poor sense from

You Always Manage to Impress Me with Your Stupidity 

“You always manage to impress me with your stupidity” is another sharp reply for someone who tries to insult you by saying, “Deez nuts.”

Also, it’ll work for someone hoping to steer you away from a conversation. This clapback doesn’t only call them stupid, it also implies that they’re quite impressive with their foolishness.

  • You always manage to impress me with your stupidity. Keep it up
  • You always manage to impress me with your stupidity. I must say you’re doing well 

There Are a Good Number of Dimwits Around, But You’ve Managed to Surpass Them All 

“There are a good number of dimwits around, but you’ve managed to surpass them all” is another good response for someone who uses “Deez nuts” to insult you.

This one returns the energy to them with more force. It doesn’t just call them a dimwit, but it refers to them as being more dimwitted than other of their types.

Are You Lost?

Another appropriate comeback for someone who tries to disrupt your discussion is, “Are you lost?”

This one is a clever response that comes for them for their action. It implies that they probably no longer understand the conversation and that’s why they’re trying to shift focus to another thing.

  • Are you lost? We’ll understand, instead of being improper
  • Are you lost? You could’ve just said so

I See You Lack Attention 

“I see you lack attention” is another snappy answer to provide someone who tries to prank you with “Deez nuts.”

It’s something you should say to show that you didn’t take offense at their actions. However, it’ll be a burn at the end, as it’s a dismissive reply.


Wow! You ate the nuts too?

“Wow! You ate the nuts too?” is a funny comeback for someone who says “Deez nuts.”

Also, it’s a smart reply that completely ignores the meaning of their statement. If they’d meant to insult you, providing this reply will nullify the effect of their insult.

I’m Sorry, That’s Not Clear

“I’m sorry, that’s not clear” is another reply that feigns ignorance of what is being said.

It’ll work well when someone says “Deez nuts” to either insult you or try to interrupt you. 

You can make it more interesting with these lines: 

  • I’m sorry, that’s not clear, do you mean you’re going nuts?
  • I’m sorry, that’s not clear, do you want some nuts?


People can say “Deez nuts” with different intentions. It’s a versatile phrase that can be used insultingly or jokingly.

Expressions like this make a response difficult. However, with this article, you’ve got enough comebacks for when someone says, “Deez nuts.”


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