20 Best Comebacks to “I’ll Beat You Up”

Best Comebacks to I'll Beat You Up

“I’ll beat you up” might sound like a threat, but not everyone follows up with such a threat.

If someone tells you they’d beat you up, you don’t need to feel threatened and close up. Most of the time, it’s just their ego speaking. 

So, you just have to show them that you’ve got the same ego too. With your response, you can show them that you’re not intimidated by their words.

Therefore, what are the best responses to “I’ll beat you up?” 

In this guide post, I’ll be discussing the best comebacks to “I’ll beat you up” Stay with me.

20 Best Comebacks to “I’ll Beat You Up”

There are numerous things to say to someone who says they’ll beat you up. However, you should be careful with whom you engage with.

If you sense danger, you should not provoke them further but find your way to safety.

Notwithstanding, these are some of the best clapbacks to “I’ll beat you up”: “I want to see you do it,” “That sounds like what a madman would say,” and “Where did you buy your courage from?”

Here are 20 best comebacks to “I’ll beat you up”:

  1. I want to see you do it
  2. You talk carelessly
  3. That’s hilarious
  4. That sounds like what a madman would say
  5. Okay, I’m waiting
  6. Wow! My insides are really shaking right now
  7. Oh, should I tremble at your feet?
  8. I’ll forgive that because I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind
  9. Are you always this foolish? Or you just got the degree?
  10. When did you become a comedian?
  11. Wow! I love your spirit, it doesn’t tell you when to shut up
  12. Where did you buy your courage from?
  13. With those frail hands?
  14. Your brain is failing you again
  15. That can’t happen even when I’m asleep
  16. Oh, please worry about that sickly body of yours
  17. Go home and eat first, you’ll need the energy to repeat yourself
  18. Says who?
  19. Should I worry?
  20. You’re just an empty vessel

I Want to See You Do It 

“I want to see you do it” is one of the best comebacks to “I’ll beat you up.”

This is a perfect response that shows you’re not moved by their threat. It’s a bold comeback that challenges them to follow up with their threat. 

Of course, it’s probably an empty threat. However, you should be careful using this line. Someone violent is likely to be provoked with this line.

Conversely, if you’re in the circle of people you know, this line will work well to ridicule them and their threat.

  • I want to see you do it. I’m ready to be beaten up by you
  • I want to see you do it. It’d sure be interesting 

You Talk Carelessly

“You talk carelessly” is another appropriate response for someone who says they’ll beat you up.

This is a classic line that sounds like a warning to them. If they think they can threaten you with beating you up, this response warns them about speaking anyhow.

Also, it shows them that you’re unfazed by their words, as it disregards the implication.  

  • You talk carelessly. I hope you don’t get in trouble some day 
  • You talk carelessly. It’ll be the death of you 

That’s Hilarious

“That’s hilarious” is another appropriate response for someone who says they’ll beat you up.

This is a sharp line that tells them that you find their statement hilarious. It’s a simple yet mocking statement that ridicules them for saying something silly.

With this reply, you let them know that they’re just making empty threats. It’ll surely embarrass them, especially with people around.

  • That’s hilarious. Wow! You really got me
  • That’s hilarious. I didn’t know you’ve got a sense of humor 

That Sounds Like What a Madman Would Say

“That sounds like what a madman would say” is a perfect response for someone who threatens to beat you up.

This is a brutal reply that shifts focus from their supposed threat and focuses on their mental health. It tells them that they sound like a madman with their statement.

Also, it’s a perfect way to show that you’re unfazed with their statement. Moreover, it’s a smooth way to call them mad at the end of the day.

  • That sounds like what a madman would say. I hope you’re well
  • That sounds like what a madman would say. You should visit a psychiatrist 

Okay, I’m Waiting 

“Okay, I’m waiting” is another confident reply to provide to someone who threatens to beat you up.

This is another statement that challenges them to follow up with their words. It shows them that you’re not afraid of them. 

Also, it’s a calm reply that’ll take them by surprise, as they might be expecting a more violent or threatened response.

  • Okay, I’m waiting. I’ll like to see the power you’ve got
  • Okay, I’m waiting. When will that be?

Wow! My Insides Are Really Shaking Right Now 

Best Comebacks to I'll Beat You Up

 “Wow! My insides are really shaking right now” is the perfect comeback for you to sound hilarious and sarcastic.

This one humors them, giving them the impression that they’ve managed to instill fear in you. 

However, with your tone, they should hear the mockery and be disappointed. Moreover, you can make it more hilarious by appearing scared.

  • Wow! My insides are really shaking right now. Please, forgive me
  • Wow! My insides are really shaking right now. I’m damn scared 

Oh, Should I Tremble at Your Feet?

“Oh, should I tremble at your feet?” is another hilarious clapback you can use to mock someone who says they’ll beat you up.

This one is a hilarious question that ridicules them to their face. It shows them that they’ve failed to scare you. Asking them this question, especially with people around will certainly embarrass them. 

  • Oh, should I tremble at your feet? I really don’t know what to do with your information
  • Oh, should I tremble at your feet? How do people act scared again?

I’ll Forgive That Because I Don’t Think You’re in the Right Frame of Mind 

“I’ll forgive that because I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind” is another confident and sassy reply to provide someone who threatens to beat you up.

This one shows that you’re not taking them and their words seriously. Also, it implies that they’re not alright, and that was why they could make the statement.

In addition, saying you’ll forgive them for that makes it more embarrassing.

  • I’ll forgive that because I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind. So, go and get yourself treated
  • I’ll forgive that because I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind. You’re lucky today 

Are You Always This Foolish? Or You just Got the Degree?

“Are you always this foolish? Or you just got the degree?” is another interesting answer to provide someone who threatens to beat you up.

This line ignores their threat and focuses on them. It keeps them at the receiving end by implying that they’re foolish.

In addition, asking if they’ve just got a degree for foolishness is a hilarious way to describe them.

When Did You Become a Comedian?

Another humorous thing to ask someone who threatens you is, “When did you become a comedian?” 

If someone says they’ll beat you up, this line mocks them for trying to be funny. It shows them that you don’t take them seriously.

Also, it’s a perfect way to show them that you’re not scared of them.

  • When did you become a comedian? I’ve never known you to be this funny
  • When did you become a comedian? That was just a great line 

Wow! I Love Your Spirit, It Doesn’t Tell You When to Shut Up 

“Wow! I love your spirit, it doesn’t tell you when to shut up” is another hilarious line you can give as a reply when someone tells you they’ll beat you up.

This is a sarcastic and savage comeback that makes fun of them for not knowing when to talk and when not to. 

Also, it indicates that you find their statement funny.

Where Did You Buy Your Courage from?

“Where did you buy your courage from?” is another humorous question to pose to someone who threatens to beat you up.

This response is a good way to laugh at them for saying they’d beat you without fear. Also, it mocks them by asking where they got their courage from.

It’s a classic comeback that shows them that you’re not worried about their threat.

  • Where did you buy your courage from? It’s too cheap
  • Where did you buy your courage from? I see it’s deceiving you

With Those Frail Hands?

Best Comebacks to I'll Beat You Up

Another humorous question to throw at someone who tells you that they’d beat you up is, “With those frail hands?” 

This response is both a mocking and confident one. It laughs at them for thinking they can beat you up, implying that they’ve got weak hands.

In addition, it shows them that you’re not bothered because you know they can’t beat you if they try.

  • With those frail hands? I hope you don’t break them in the process
  • With those frail hands? You should bother about feeding well first 

Your Brain Is Failing You Again 

Another suitable clapback for someone who thinks they can beat you up is,“Your brain is failing you again.”

This one mocks them for having the thoughts in the first place, and for having the courage to threaten you with it.

Also, it’s a savage response that’ll slap hard. 

  • Your brain is failing you again. Help yourself to the hospital 
  • Your brain is failing you again, that must be the reason for this meaningless statement 

That Can’t Happen Even When I’m Asleep

“That can’t happen even when I’m asleep” is another funny response for someone who threatens to beat you up.

This one reeks of confidence, letting them know that they can’t do a thing. Moreover, insisting that even with you sleeping, they won’t be able to beat you up, is a hilarious way of calling them a weakling.

  • That can’t happen even when I’m asleep, so shut up
  • That can’t happen even when I’m asleep, you’re just a talker 

Oh, Please Worry About That Sickly Body of Yours 

“Oh, please worry about that sickly body of yours” is another savage punchline that makes the conversation about them.

It mocks them for being unhealthy and yet threatening to beat you up. Also, it’s a double one-liner that shows that their statement didn’t move you.

Go Home and Eat First, You’ll Need the Energy to Repeat Yourself 

“Go home and eat first, you’ll need the energy to repeat yourself” is the perfect clapback to dismiss someone who threatens to beat you up.

Also, it’s a hilarious line that ridicules them for thinking they can beat you up, implying that they don’t match your strength. 

Says Who?

“Says who?” is a sarcastic and rhetorical question for someone who threatens to beat you.

It’s the perfect clapback that dismisses them and their threat, letting them know that they’re nothing compared to you.

  • Says who? You that can’t look at my feet
  • Says who? A child of yesterday?

Should I Worry?

Another funny question to pose to someone who threatens to beat you up is, “Should I worry?” 

This one shows them that you’re not afraid or moved by their threats. In addition, asking if you should worry is a sarcastic remark that ridicules them for attempting to threaten you with beating you up.

  • Should I worry? That doesn’t sound like something worth paying attention to
  • Should I worry? Because I’m afraid you’re not making sense

You’re Just an Empty Vessel

Best Comebacks to I'll Beat You Up

If you want to sound unbothered and insulting at the same time, “You’re just an empty vessel” is the perfect reply for someone who says they’ll beat you up.

This one shows them that they’ve failed to get to you. Also, it insults them, implying that they are nothing but noise makers who make empty threats.

  • You’re just an empty vessel, who makes the loud noise
  • You’re just an empty vessel, you’re not important 


When someone threatens to beat you up, you can show them that you’re not bothered with your reply. At the same time, you can give witty and savage responses that remind them of their place.

So, the above article has all you need for good comebacks to “I’ll beat you up.”



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