20 Best Comebacks to “I’ll Think About It”

Best Comebacks to I'll Think About It

While it’s always safe to take one’s time before making a decision, not everyone would appreciate hearing “I’ll think about it” as a response to their proposal. 

However, we can’t do without that phrase. We also must have used it at one time or another. Conversely, it doesn’t change the fact that it can be frustrating to hear such responses when we need immediate answers.

So, what are the best comebacks to “I’ll think about it”? To help you, I’ll be discussing the best comebacks to “I’ll think about it.”

Whether your friend needs time to accept your proposal or they’re giving a polite no to your request, you can give these sharp retorts to have the last words.

20 Best Comebacks to “I’ll Think About It”

There are numerous clapbacks for “I’ll think about it.” However, you should know that these responses are not suitable for business dealings or on every occasion.

This is something you say to your friend or an acquaintance over casual conversations.

Some comebacks include: “Keep on thinking while others go for it,” “I hope you don’t think I’ll wait for you,” and “This isn’t what an intelligent person will say.”

Below are 20 good comebacks to “I’ll think about it.”

  1. You better be fast about it
  2. Keep on thinking while others go for it
  3. You’re just too indecisive
  4. You’re free to drag your feet
  5. Alright, say goodbye to the train then
  6. That doesn’t sound like you’re serious
  7. I hope you don’t think I’ll wait for you
  8. Oh, I’ve forgotten you’ll need all the time in the world
  9. That’s not a good response
  10. Congratulations for missing the offer
  11. Oh, I thought you were smart
  12. That’s alright, but you won’t hear from me again
  13. Take your time to wallow in indecision
  14. This isn’t what an intelligent person would say
  15. You’re more dumb than I thought
  16. Okay, I’ll ask someone else then
  17. Okay. I’ll take that as a no
  18. There’s no time for that
  19. If you’re not giving me an answer now, then you forget about it
  20. Okay. I pray God bless you with wisdom quickly 

You Better Be Fast About It 

“You better be fast about it” is first on the list of best comebacks to “I’ll think about it.”

This is a simple but sharp response that expresses your impatience. With this response, you’re agreeing to let them think about it. 

However, you’re letting them know that you’re not going to wait for long. It’s something you should say to your friend or colleague when you don’t want to immediately dismiss them.

  • You better be fast about it. I won’t wait for long
  • You better be fast about it. Unless you won’t see me again 

Keep on Thinking While Others Go for It

“Keep on thinking while others go for it” is another sharp comeback for someone who says they wish to think about something before making a decision.

This is a suitable response for someone you bring a proposal to but they’re not willing to give you a positive answer. 

It tells them that you think they’re not serious. Also, with this response, you’re letting them know that you won’t wait for them to make their decision.

Additionally, you’re letting them know that they’d be missing out on a great deal with this response.

You’re Just Too Indecisive

“You’re just too indecisive” is another creative comeback for someone slow in making a decision.

If you make a proposal, and they respond with, “I’ll think about it,” this response will express your frustration.

It shows that you’re not happy with their response, as it shows that they’re not good at making decisions. So, instead of trying to convince them, you can just show that you’re tired of them with this reply.

  • You’re just too indecisive. I don’t even think I can work with that
  • You’re just too indecisive. It’s not helping 

You’re Free to Drag Your Feet

Another clever comeback to “I’ll think about it” is, “You’re free to drag your feet.”

Sometimes instead of expressing frustration with your response when someone doesn’t give you the reply you want, you can just encourage them with your reply.

This response is a savage one that shows you don’t care about what they do, and at the same time encourages them to do what they want.

Moreover, saying they should drag their feet indicates that you think they’re just delaying unnecessarily.

  • You’re free to drag your feet. It’s your legs after all
  • You’re free to drag your feet, but you won’t waste my time

Alright, Say Goodbye to the Train Then

Best Comebacks to I'll Think About It

“Alright, say goodbye to the train then” is another appropriate comeback for someone who doesn’t want to decide on something you told them.

This is a serious reply that shows that you’re not ready to wait for them. It’s something you say to dismiss them, letting them know that with their response they’ll miss what you’ve got to offer.

Also, it’s a hilarious reply that ends things with them sharply.

  • Alright, say goodbye to the train then. It won’t wait for you
  • Alright, say goodbye to the train then, you won’t be joining 

That Doesn’t Sound Like You’re Serious

If you want to quickly dismiss someone who isn’t ready to make a decision, “That doesn’t sound like you’re serious” will do the job.

This is a perfect reply for someone who says, “I’ll think about it” to avoid making a decision. 

As I’ve previously stated, people might use this response if they don’t want to tell you “no” outrightly. So, this response shows that you’ve caught onto their tactics.

And if they need time to think about it, this response shows that you don’t have the patience to wait.

  • That doesn’t sound like you’re serious. I’ll go deal with another person
  • That doesn’t sound like you’re serious. I won’t let you waste my time 

I Hope You Don’t Think I’ll Wait for You 

If you want to be clear on your stance when someone says they’ll think about something you just told them before giving you an answer, “I hope you don’t think I’ll wait for you” will work just fine.

This is a sharp comeback that tells them that you’re not ready to wait for them. Also, it’s a dismissive reply that expresses your impatience. 

In addition, it gives them the go-ahead to think but assures them you won’t be waiting.

  • You can take your time, but I hope you don’t think I’ll wait for you 
  • I hope you don’t think I’ll wait for you, I’ve got better things to do

Oh, I’ve Forgotten You’ll Need All the time in the World

Best Comebacks to I'll Think About It

“Oh, I’ve forgotten you’ll need all the time in the world” is another appropriate response for someone who says they’ll think first before making a decision.

This is a sarcastic response that humors them. It’s a classic line that shows that you find their reply ridiculous. With this response, they’ll surely understand that you’re making fun of them.

However, it doesn’t directly dismiss their request. It implies that you might choose to wait or move ahead without them. You can make yourself clearer with any of these lines:

  • Oh, I’ve forgotten you’ll need all the time in the world. Take all the time you need then
  • Oh, I’ve forgotten you’ll need all the time in the world. That’s good, but I don’t have all that time

That’s Not a Good Response 

If you want to spell out your dissatisfaction clearly with someone not ready to give you the answer you want, “That’s not a good response” will do the trick.

This is a sharp reply that tells them that you expected a better response. As I’ve earlier established, “I’ll think about it” can be frustrating, as it doesn’t give a definite answer.

So, with this reply, you tell them that they haven’t done well.

  • That’s not a good response. I want a yes or no
  • That’s not a good response. Just tell me if you’re ready or not

Congratulations on Missing the Offer 

“Congratulations for missing the offer” is something you can say to hilariously dismiss someone who says, “I’ll think about it” to your request.

This is a sarcastic response that tells them you’re done with them. It shows them you don’t have patience for their indecisiveness.

  • Congratulations for missing the offer. I’ll take it to someone more serious
  • Congratulations for missing the offer. You’ll surely regret this 

Oh, I Thought You Were Smart 

If you want to sound sassy, “Oh, I thought you were smart” is the perfect comeback for you.

This one is a sharp retort that attacks their reasoning, letting them know that you find them unintelligent. 

  • Oh, I thought you were smart. I’m disappointed 
  • Oh, I thought you were smart, but you have proven me wrong 

That’s Alright, but You Won’t Hear from Me Again 

“That’s alright, but you won’t hear from me again” is an outright dismissal for someone who doesn’t have a straightforward answer for you.

This one tells them that you’re okay with them thinking about it, but it lets them know you’re not returning to them again. It’s a smart tactic if you want to get them to reconsider.

Take Your Time to Wallow in Indecision

“Take your time to wallow in indecision” is a savage response for someone who isn’t ready to make a decision.

This response insults them without mercy. With this response, they’d understand that you’re not ready to indulge them.

  • Take your time to wallow in indecision. While I go with someone ready for me
  • Take your time to wallow in indecision, it’s your time 

This Isn’t What an Intelligent Person Will Say

“This isn’t what an intelligent person will say” is another smart reply for someone who tells you that they’ll think about something.

This reply concludes that they’ve shown that they’re unintelligent. It’s a remark that’ll certainly sting.

You’re More Dumb Than I Thought 

“You’re more dumb than I thought” is another savage clapback for someone not ready to make a decision.

If they tell you that they’ll think about what you told them, this response will slap hard, as it implies you’ve never thought highly of them. Moreover, it makes it worse by implying that they’re much worse.

Okay, I’ll Ask Someone Else Then

“Okay, I’ll ask someone else then” is another sharp response for someone who says they’ll think about what you’ve told them.

This one is straight to the point, letting them know you’re going for someone else and won’t wait for them.

  • Okay, I’ll ask someone else then. I wish you a successful thinking journey 
  • Okay, I’ll ask someone else then, while you think as long as you wish

I’ll Take That as a no

Best Comebacks to I'll Think About It

“Okay. I’ll take that as a no” is another straightforward answer that’s suitable for someone who wants to waste your time with, “I’ll think about it.”

This one tells them directly that you’re not ready to wait for them while they ponder on what you’ve told them.

There’s no Time for That 

“There’s no time for that” is another direct response that tells someone who wishes to think about something that you won’t wait for them.

It’s a sharp way to make them understand how serious you are.

  • There’s no time for that. I want a yes or no
  • There’s no time for that. I want you to answer right now

If You’re Not Giving Me an Answer now, Then You Forget About It 

“If you’re not giving me an answer now, then you forget about it” makes it clear to someone who wants to take time to think about something that you won’t indulge them. 

It’s a dismissive reply that shows your impatience.

I Pray God Bless You with Wisdom Quickly 

“Okay. I pray God bless you with wisdom quickly” is a humorous comeback you can provide to someone who says they’ll think about something before providing an answer for you.

It implies that they don’t have the wisdom to decide at that moment, which is why they need time. Moreover, asking God to quickly provide them with wisdom indicates you won’t wait for long.


When someone tells you, “I’ll think about it,” you can express your disappointment with good comebacks.

This article has enough examples of clapbacks you can give to someone who says they’ll think about something you told them instead of giving you a straightforward answer.


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