20 Best Comebacks to “You Need Therapy”

Best Comebacks to You Need Therapy

Being depressed or going through a dark path in life is something no one wishes for. But, if you do get to that stage, you’ll need all the help you can get from friends and families.

While going for therapy is one of the many ways to get help, hearing the suggestion from almost everyone can get overwhelming.

If someone says “You need therapy” after hearing about what you’re going through, it’s natural to feel insulted. 

So, instead of chalking it all up and feeling sad, you can give clapbacks that show you’ve still got your spirit.

However, if you don’t know what to say in response, this article has got you covered.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the best comebacks to “you need therapy.”

20 Best Comebacks to “You Need Therapy”

While seeking therapy when going through a tough time is one of the good steps to follow, here are some of the comebacks you can give when someone throws the suggestion to your face insultingly:

“Don’t we all?”, “Worry about your hairline before me,’’ and “Thank you. That’s so thoughtless of you.”

Here are 20 smart comebacks for when someone says you need therapy:

  1. Don’t we all?
  2. Your concern is not necessary, but thank you
  3. Worry about your hairline before me
  4. And who are you to vet that?
  5. I don’t need to know your thoughts
  6. A blind man is useless to another blind man
  7. After you seek help yourself, you can come back
  8. Coming from someone who needs to visit a psychiatrist
  9. I understand you, but agreeing with whatever you say is the next big thing to destruction
  10. Thank you. That’s so thoughtless of you
  11. I was having the same thoughts about you
  12. Now I know how you feel about me, I’m happy 
  13. You should learn to keep some thoughts to yourself, some of them are dumb
  14. If you weren’t sick yourself, I’d have taken you seriously
  15. Okay. I’ll remember to tell you when I book an appointment
  16. Can you book one for me? Preferably the one you use
  17. Sure. As long as you agree to share your experience with me
  18. If only you’ll agree to go with me and allow the therapist to check you too
  19. Yes. While you need a mental hospital
  20. Of course, it’s absolutely normal. But, what isn’t normal is you knowing what I need

Don’t We All?

“Don’t we all?” is one of the best responses to someone who tells you that you need therapy. 

This is a classic reply that doesn’t deny their remark but also insists that they too need therapy.

Also, it’s a simple reply that shows you didn’t take offense at their statement. 

  • Don’t we all? Maybe we should start with you
  • Don’t we all? You should lead the way

Your Concern Is Not Necessary, but Thank You

Best Comebacks to You Need Therapy

“Your concern is not necessary, but thank you” is another appropriate response for someone who says, “You need therapy.”

This is a savage and sarcastic reply they won’t be expecting. First, it kills their spirit by letting them know that their concern isn’t necessary.

Then, appreciating them adds insult to injury. So, it’s a great way to disappoint them and to teach them to learn to have better discretion.

Worry About Your Hairline Before Me

This comeback is a funny and savage one that’s going to leave a sick burn. It shifts the attention from the topic of you needing therapy to them.

Also, it’s a smart way to embarrass them rather than feel sad about their statement. Telling them to worry about their hairline is a savage remark that insults the kind of hairline they’ve got.

Moreover, using this one-liner with an audience is going to cause a good laugh. 

And even though they know they don’t have a bad hairline, this statement can make them subconsciously reach for their head or make them uncomfortable.

  • Don’t worry about me, worry about your hairline. It needs help
  • Worry about your hairline, it sure needs therapy.

And Who Are You to Vet That?

“And who are you to vet that?” is a smart question to ask someone who suggests to you that you need therapy.

This is a confident reply that shows you’re not concerned about what they feel about you, but rather about their authority to say that.

Also, with this response, you’re questioning their authority or knowledge to know when you need help. It’ll show them that you don’t think highly of them.

  • And who are you to vet that? You should better go and till the land in your backyard. You’ll fair better there
  • And who are you to vet that? You’re yet to even understand yourself well, and you think you know me enough 

I Don’t Need to Know Your Thoughts 

“I don’t need to know your thoughts” is another smart comeback that dismisses their statement.

When someone claims that you need therapy after hearing about your problems, this is a savage response they won’t be expecting.

Usually, after speaking, it’s normal to get a response from the person you spoke to. So, giving this reply to someone you shared your problem with is going to sting.

It shuts them up, letting them know that their thoughts are not useful to you.

A Blind Man Is Useless to Another Blind Man 

“A blind man is useless to another blind man” is another smart response to give someone who says you need therapy.

This comeback shifts the focus from you to them, accusing them of being not worthy to suggest that you need help.

It’s a savage reply that tells them without mincing words that they too need therapy. Also, it’s a clever way to shut them up and disregard their statement.

After You Seek Help Yourself, You Can Come Back 

“After you seek help yourself, you can come back” is another clever comeback for someone who suggests that you need therapy.

It’s another savage one-liner that tells them they need help. Also, it disregards their suggestions, letting them know you don’t need it.

Additionally, it’s a hilarious way to dismiss them.

Coming from Someone Who Needs to Visit a Psychiatrist

“Coming from someone who needs to visit the psychiatrist” is another crazy response that’s going to shock them.

When someone suggests that you need therapy, this is an appropriate response that returns the insult to them in double fold.

Also, it’s the hilarious reply that makes fun of them, letting them know that they’re in no shape to give you that kind of advice.

In fact, it ridicules them, implying that they’re in the worst shape.

  • Coming from someone who needs to visit a psychiatrist. That’s hilarious
  • Coming from someone who needs to visit a psychiatrist. That’s very bold 

I Understand You, But Agreeing with Whatever You Say Is the Next Big Thing to Destruction

This punchline is another great comeback for someone who thinks they can make you feel bad by saying you need therapy.

This response is going to slap hard. It tells them that while seeking therapy isn’t a bad thing, paying attention to them is the problem.

Also, it implies that anything that comes from them is destructive, so you wouldn’t want to agree with their advice. 

Thank You. That’s So Thoughtless of You 

Best Comebacks to You Need Therapy

“Thank you. That’s so thoughtless of you” is another sharp reply for someone who says you need therapy.

This one is both a sarcastic and savage response. First, by appreciating them, you make it seem like you accept or acknowledge their suggestion.

However, the final response is going to slap hard. It tells them that they spoke without thinking, accusing them of being careless.

It’s a smooth way to ridicule them effortlessly.

I Was Having the Same Thoughts About You 

“I was having the same thoughts about you” is another great comeback that returns their insult to them.

This one is something you can say casually, taking it like you’re making a simple conversation. 

Also, it shows you’re cool with them stating that you need therapy, letting them know that you also feel the same way. 

Moreover, giving this response offhandedly won’t give them the chance for a clapback. It puts them in a tight corner, leaving them to feed on their own medicine.

  • Wow! I was about to say the same to you. It’s good to know our thoughts align 
  • I was about to say the same to you. Maybe we should go together 

Now I Know How You Feel About Me, I’m Happy 

“Now I know how you feel about me, I’m happy” is another simple reply to provide to someone who suggests that you need therapy.

It’s a cool reply to show that you’re not offended by their suggestions. However, it lets them know that since you’ve discovered their true feelings, you’re probably going to end things with them.

You Should Learn to Keep Some Thoughts to Yourself, Some of Them Are Dumb 

“You should learn to keep some thoughts to yourself, some of them are dumb” is another savage reply that attacks their person.

This one shifts focus from you to them, letting them know that they think poorly. Additionally, it’s a smart way to insult them effortlessly, by referring to their reasoning as dumb.

Also, it’s a perfect way to dismiss them and their suggestions.

If You Weren’t Sick Yourself, I’d Have Taken You Seriously 

“If you weren’t sick yourself, I’d have taken you seriously” is another smooth reply that gives you the upper hand in the conversation.

If someone suggests that you need A therapist after hearing from you, this response returns the embarrassment to them.

Also, it calls them sick, letting them know that they’re in worse shape than you.

I’ll Remember to Tell You When I Book an Appointment

“Okay. I’ll remember to tell you when I book an appointment” is another sarcastic retort to give someone who says you need a therapist.

This reply humors them, giving them the impression that you accept their advice. In fact, it further assures them that you’ll honor the advice.

It’s something you can say to someone who feels they’re better. With your tone, they should see the sarcasm.

  • Okay. I’ll remember to tell you when I book an appointment. Maybe you should go home with me to monitor me well
  • Okay. I’ll remember to tell you when I book an appointment as my father and mother 

Can You Book One for Me? Preferably the One You Use

Best Comebacks to You Need Therapy

“Can you book one for me? Preferably the one you use” is another clever comeback for someone who says you need therapy.

This one mocks them by implying that they too are not okay. Moreover, asking that they book their therapy for you is a savage one-liner that’ll hit hard.

They should be lost for what to say after this clapback.

As Long as You Agree to Share Your Experience with Me

This clapback is a perfect one that twists the conversation. 

First, it agrees with them that you need therapy. However, it ropes them into the topic, implying that they too must have been seeing a therapist to suggest that for you.

Also, it’s a smart way to tell them that they’re not alright too.

If Only You’ll Agree to Go with Me and Allow the Therapist to Check You too

This one is another great one-liner that’s going to hit hard.  

It’s a smart response that doesn’t disagree with their suggestion. Rather, it tells them that you’re cool with it as long as they agree that they too are not okay.

Believe me, they’d struggle with what to say as a response after this retort from you.

While You Need a Mental Hospital 

“Yes. While you need a mental hospital” tells them that they’re not better than you.

It’s a savage response that’ll work for someone who says you need a therapist. Also, it categorically tells them that if they feel you’re not okay, they’re worse than you.

Of Course, It’s Absolutely Normal. But, What Isn’t Normal Is You Knowing What I Need

This one is another smooth response that attacks their person.

First, it agrees that seeing a therapist is okay. However, it lets them know that they’ve got no right to make that suggestion to you.

It’s a smart way to let them know that you don’t hold them highly and so you don’t need their opinions.


Even if you’re going through some difficult times, there are better ways people can show concern than outrightly saying you need therapy.

There are even people who make this statement to belittle you and make you feel worse. So, if someone tells you that you need therapy, with your response you can put them in their place.

This article will always be here for you in case you run out of what to say.


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