20 Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

These days bleaching of the natural hair color has become a part of fashion. And green is one of the colors people dye their hair to.

If you know anyone with green hair, teasing them about their hair color is one of the ways to insult them when they get on your nerves or during a playful banter.

So, if you need good insults for someone with green hair, then, you’re in the right place.

In this guide post, I’ll be analyzing the best insults for someone with green hair. Keep reading.

20 Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

Some of the best insults for someone with green hair include: “Your head is too empty for someone with a green field on it,” “With that hair, you bear a close resemblance to a green lizard,” and “Is it your hair or is it the color? You don’t look good at all.”

Here are the 20 best insults for someone with green hair:

  1. Wow! You must be something to have the Sambisa on your head
  2. Your head is only good for farming and nothing more
  3. Your hair is beautiful, but I can’t say the same for the head
  4. Your head is too empty for someone with a green field on it
  5. It’s such a waste to have such hair on your head
  6. You’re so green. Are you unwell?
  7. That green hair must have rubbed off on you
  8. No wonder you’re not smart. You’re green
  9. You would’ve been beautiful but for the green hair
  10. You should cut that hair, it doesn’t match your complexion
  11. Wow! You must always be green with envy
  12. With that hair, you bear a close resemblance to a green lizard
  13. Why that hair color? I almost mistook you for a chameleon
  14. Now, it’s safe to call you a green snake
  15. Your hair just made the once beautiful green color ugly
  16. I can’t trust that your brain isn’t artificial too
  17. But, why would you dye your hair green? You only highlighted your stupidity more 
  18. Is it your hair or is it the color? You don’t look good at all
  19. I hope next time you’ll be smarter and choose a better color 
  20. Your head will function better on the road 

Wow! You Must Be Something to Have the Sambisa on Your Head 

Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

“Wow! You must be something to have the Sambisa on your head” is one of the best insults for someone with green hair.

First, Sambisa is one of the forests in Africa. So, calling their green hair ‘Sambisa forest’ is a hilarious description.

Moreover, acting surprised or impressed makes it more hilarious.

Your Head Is Only Good for Farming and Nothing More 

“Your head is only good for farming and nothing more” is another thing to say to make fun of someone with green hair.

This is a crazy line that refers to their head as land for farming because of their green hair. Also, it insults them by implying that they aren’t good at anything.

It’s something you can say when they make a mistake or do something you aren’t expecting.

Your Hair Is Beautiful, But I Can’t Say the Same for the Head 

“Your hair is beautiful, but I can’t say the same for the head” is another funny thing to say to someone with green hair to insult them.

This is a classic one-liner that first compliments their hair, letting them know the green color is cool. However, it turns around to insult them, by inferring that their head isn’t good.

It’s a clever way to tell them that they’re not okay.

Your Head Is Too Empty for Someone with a Green Field on It

“Your head is too empty for someone with a green field on it” is another classic insult for someone with green hair.

This is a crazy one-liner that refers to their head as a green field. It ridicules them by implying that they’re not yielding anything even with the fertile land.

Also, it’s a hilarious way to insult them for being dumb. It’s something you should say when you want to scold them for doing something wrong. It’ll certainly sting.

It’s Such a Waste to Have Such Hair on Your Head 

“It’s such a waste to have such hair on your head” is another iconic punchline you can use to ridicule someone with green hair.

This line makes fun of them by implying that the green hair doesn’t fit them. Also, it’s a way to say that their head isn’t good enough for their hair color.

You’re So Green. Are You Unwell?

“You’re so green. Are you unwell?” is a smart insult for someone with green hair.

“Green” in this case is a figurative speech that describes a sick person. So, this question is a funny play on words you can use to make fun of them.

Also, it’s something you can ask a green-haired person you’re just meeting for the first time. It’ll surely take them by surprise and embarrass them.

That Green Hair Must Have Rubbed Off on You 

“That green hair must have rubbed off on you” is another iconic line you can use to tease a green-haired person.

This is a hilarious line you can use on them when they misbehave. It implies that the green hair is affecting them. 

Also, it’s something you can say to show that you’re not impressed with their hair.

  • That green hair must have rubbed off on you. You’re not yourself
  • That green hair must have rubbed off on you because I don’t understand this new character

No Wonder You’re Not Smart. You’re Green

Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

Another clever way to insult someone with green hair is with this remark, ‘No wonder you’re not smart. You’re green.” 

This is another hilarious play on words that’ll certainly sting. “Green,” in this case, is used figuratively to describe an inexperienced person.

So, with this line you’re insulting them for being unsmart because of their hair color. It’s something you can say when they make a mistake to taunt them.

  • No wonder you’re not smart. You’re green. Just remove that color already, I’m sure you’d be better after
  • No wonder you’re not smart. You’re green, it tells us of your inexperience 

You Would’ve Been Beautiful but for the Green Hair 

Another interesting way to insult someone with green hair is with this line, “You would’ve been beautiful but for the green hair.”

This punchline is a classic burner that ridicules them for their hair color, implying that it messed up their beauty.

It’s something you should say when you meet them for the first time or when they newly get their hair dyed green. Also, it’s the perfect way to show you’re unimpressed with their choice of color.

  • You would’ve been beautiful but for the green hair. It spoilt everything
  • You would’ve been beautiful but for the green hair. You look like an alien

You Should Cut That Hair, It Doesn’t Match Your Complexion

“You should cut that hair, it doesn’t match your complexion” is another clever way to make fun of someone with green hair.

This is another perfect way to show your displeasure with their choice of color. Also, it’s something you should say to a stranger you’re just meeting or to someone who newly got green hair.

It’s a stinging remark that’ll leave a sick burn, as it implies they lack understanding of colors. 

  • You should cut that hair, it doesn’t match your complexion. You’re looking more like a mismatched mannequin
  • You should cut that hair, it doesn’t match your complexion. You’re looking like a fashion mess

Wow! You Must Always Be Green with Envy

“Wow! You must always be green with envy” is another funny way to ridicule someone with green hair.

This is a hilarious pun that makes fun of them for their hair color, implying that with their hair color, they must be full of envy.

Also, making this remark on seeing them with the hair color for the first time will work well, causing a good laugh.

With That Hair, You Bear a Close Resemblance to a Green Lizard 

Another sharp insult for someone with green hair is, “With that hair, you bear a close resemblance to a green lizard.”

This is an iconic punchline that’s certainly going to hit them hard. It doesn’t only show that you’re unimpressed with the hair color, it also compares them to a green lizard.

Also, it’ll work as a comment after they just dyed their hair green.

Why That Hair Color? I Almost Mistook You for a Chameleon 

“Why that hair color? I almost mistook you for a chameleon” is another hilarious way to make fun of someone with green hair.

This one-liner shows your surprise at seeing them with green hair. It’ll work with someone who just recently changed their hair color to green.

Also, it’s a smart way of calling them a chameleon. They’ll surely not miss the insult.

Now, It’s Safe to Call You a Green Snake 

“Now, it’s safe to call you a green snake” is another clever way to insult someone with green hair.

This one-liner implies that they’re hypocrites. So, it’s a smart way to ridicule them, letting them know you know all their pretentious ways.  

Also, it’s a funny line that implies that their hair color fits their identity.

  • Now, it’s safe to call you a green snake. You’ve completed the look
  • Now, it’s safe to call you a green snake. You look like one now 

Your Hair Just Made the Once Beautiful Green Color Ugly 

“Your hair just made the once beautiful green color ugly” is another humorous way to tell someone that their green hair doesn’t fit them.

It’s a crazy line that makes fun of their hair color, letting them know that green isn’t beautiful on them.

  • Your hair just made the once beautiful green color ugly. it’s a big disrespect
  • Your hair just made the once beautiful green color ugly. You should apologize for that 

I Can’t Trust That Your Brain Isn’t Artificial Too

“I can’t trust that your brain isn’t artificial too” is another way to ridicule someone who dyes their natural hair green.

First, it shows displeasure at their actions. Also, it mocks them, implying that you can’t trust them with having a natural brain since their hair color isn’t natural.

It’s just a hilarious way to call them unsmart. 

But, Why Would You Dye Your Hair Green? You Only Highlighted Your Stupidity More 

“But, why would you dye your hair green? You only highlighted your stupidity more” is another insulting comment to make to someone with green hair. 

It’ll work for someone who just got their hair dyed green. First, it shows you don’t like the color on them.

Also, it ridicules them by implying that the color only makes them look stupid. Moreover, it adds that they’ve always been stupid. 

Is It Your Hair or Is It the Color? You Don’t Look Good at All 

“Is it your hair or is it the color? You don’t look good at all” is another comment that shows you don’t like the color green on someone with green hair.

It’s a perfect way to let them know that the hair color doesn’t fit them. Moreover, making this remark when you see them with their hair for the first time will certainly sting.

I Hope Next Time You’ll Be Smarter and Choose a Better Color 

“I hope next time you’ll be smarter and choose a better color” is another sharp remark to make to someone with green hair.

It’s a classic line that insults them for choosing green for their hair color. Also, it lets them know that it doesn’t fit them.

Your Head Will Function Better on the Road 

Best Insults for Someone with Green Hair

“Your head will function better on the road” is another hilarious way to ridicule someone with green hair.

This line mocks them by inferring that they’re not good for anything other than being a traffic light because of their hair color.

It’s a crazy line you can use when they do something wrong, as it implies that they’re not smart.

  • Your head will function better on the road as a traffic light. You better go to where you’ll be more useful 
  • Your head will function better on the road. Your green hair will be very useful for traffickers 

Final Verdict

If you know someone with green hair, you don’t have to worry when you want to insult or tease them.

By insulting them for their hair color, you’ll get to them well. Fortunately, this article has provided you with enough one-liners to tease someone with green hair.  

So, feel free to always refer to it for good green-hair insults.


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