20 Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

When someone calls you dry, they probably don’t find you interesting or they’re jealous and out to hurt you.

Also, someone might call you dry because you’re indeed boring.

Whatever might be the reason, it can be hurtful when someone describes you as boring 

So, instead of mopping over their words, you can give a response that’ll take them aback.

In this guide post, I’ve got some interesting comebacks you can use to turn things around when someone calls you dry. Keep reading to find out.

20 Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

There are numerous things you can say when someone calls you dry. Depending on the relationship you share with them and what you can make of their intention, you can give a clever or savage comeback. 

Some examples include: “Is it that I’m dry or you’re too dumb to understand me? I think it’s the latter,” “I’m not dry, I just don’t get wet for anyone,” and “It’s okay. I never expected less from a dull person.”

Below are 20 great comebacks for when someone calls you dry:

  1. It’s alright, I never liked you anyway
  2. I smell jealousy. Just deal with it 
  3. It’s okay. I never expected less from a dull person
  4. Is it that I’m dry or you’re too dumb to understand me? I think it’s the latter
  5. I’m sorry, it’s not my fault that you lack wit
  6. Remind me to ignore you next time, then
  7. You sound hurt
  8. But, I’m not here to entertain you
  9. Well, I’m sorry my jokes are for people with a high level of reasoning
  10. You should work on your brain, then
  11. So, what do we do about that?
  12. But, how come your boyfriend finds me interesting?
  13. Oh! I’ll take my jokes somewhere else, then
  14. Oh! That’s because you don’t catch my interest
  15. You’re just not worth my lively side
  16. I’m not dry, I just don’t get wet for anyone 
  17. You’re just not mentally equipped to keep up with me
  18. I’m a fine wine you can’t afford, deal with that
  19. Too bad. I didn’t know you were expecting rainy days
  20. Okay

It’s Alright, I Never Liked You Anyways

“It’s alright, I never liked you anyways” is one of the best comebacks to give when someone calls you dry.

It’s a savage comeback that’ll surely hit hard. This response will work for someone rude or someone out to hurt you with their comment.

Also, using this response shows that you accept their remark. Then, adding that you never liked them indicates that you’re not bothered by what they think since you don’t care about them. It’s the perfect way to make them feel foolish.

  • It’s alright, I never liked you anyway. So, your opinion doesn’t count
  • it’s alright, you don’t mean anything to me

I Smell Jealousy. Just Deal with It

Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

“I smell jealousy. Just deal with it” is another crazy response you can give to someone who calls you dry.

It’s the perfect comeback that’ll turn things around and make them feel embarrassed. Also, it’ll work for someone intending to embarrass you with their remark.

Telling them that their comment is a result of their jealousy is a great way to let them know that the problem is them and not you. You can give this response and go on to ignore them or walk away.

It’s Okay. I Never Expected Less from a Dull Person

“It’s okay. I never expected less from a dull person” is another fantastic comeback you can use on someone who calls you boring.

This response doesn’t only show that their words didn’t get to you, it’s also a clever way of insulting them.

Saying that you never expected less from a dull person implies that they’re not smart and that’s why they think you’re dry. 

Also, this reply will surely take them aback, making a comeback difficult for them. It’ll work well in the presence of an audience to greatly embarrass them.

  • It’s alright. I never expected you to understand me. You’re too dull for that
  • I know you’ll think I’m dry. That’s what all dumb people say 

Is It That I’m Dry or You’re Too Dumb to Understand Me? I Think It’s the Latter

“Is it that I’m dry or you’re too dumb to understand me? I think it’s the latter” is another great response that you can use to cleverly insult someone who calls you dry.

Throwing this question at them will certainly leave them dumbfounded. Then providing the answer will further embarrass them. Also, it’s the perfect comeback to show them that they’re not the only one full of savagery.

I’m Sorry, It’s Not My Fault That You Lack Wit

Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

“I’m sorry, it’s not my fault that you lack wit” is another perfect insult for someone who calls you dry.

This is a sarcastic response that’ll work well to ridicule them, especially in front of others. 

For instance, if your colleague at work describes your presentation as dry in the presence of other colleagues, this response will surely leave them sore.

Not only does it call them dumb, but apologizing for their lack of intelligence will make it more hilarious.

  • I’m sorry. But it’s your fault that you lack understanding
  • I’m sorry, but I can’t help your lack of intelligence 

Remind Me to Ignore You Next Time, Then

“Remind me to ignore you next time, then” is another great way to deal with someone who tries to embarrass you.

When someone calls you boring at the end of a statement from you, use this response to let them know that you’re bigger than them.

Also, it’s a perfect way to show them that they’re not worth your attention. 

  • Alright, I’ll remember not to engage you next time
  • Remind me to steer clear from you, then 

You Sound Hurt

Another perfect clapback for someone who calls you dry is, “You sound hurt.”

It’s a clever thing to say and then go on to ignore them. This response will show them that their words don’t mean anything to you.

Also, it’ll turn the tables around, making them look like the problem not you. As I’ve earlier established, someone who describes you as boring might be jealous of you.

So, this response will work well to call them out for their jealousy.

  • You sound hurt. Go seek help
  • You sound hurt, and that’s on you not me

But, I’m Not Here to Entertain You

“But, I’m not here to entertain you” is another perfect reply for someone who calls you dry.

Telling someone who calls you boring that you’re not out to entertain them accuses them of misinterpreting you

Also, this response will surely take them unawares and make them feel foolish. It’s the perfect way to return the embarrassment to them and let them know they’ve failed to get to you.

Well, I’m Sorry My Jokes Are for People with High Level of Reasoning 

Another perfect comeback that’ll work for someone who calls you boring is directly attacking their sense of reasoning.

This line is the perfect way to insult and embarrass them. Telling them that your jokes are for high-thinking people calls them dumb. 

Also, it’ll work as a response when you try to be humorous and they don’t get the joke. Additionally, you can use this response even when you didn’t intend to be funny or sarcastic.

You Should Work on Your Brain, Then

“You should work on your brain then” is another thing to say to shut someone up.

It’ll work well as a response to someone who calls you dry. Asking them to work on their brain tells them that they’re the ones with the problem.

Also, it indicates that they’ve got some problem with their brain and that’s why they think you’re dry.

  • You should work on your brain, then, so you can think properly next time
  • You should work on your brain, then. Maybe next time I’ll make sense to you

So, What Do We Do About That?

“So, what do we do about that?” is another great reply for someone out to embarrass and ridicule you.

This response will work adequately for someone who calls you boring. Asking them what you should do about it shows them that they’ve failed to get to you.

Also, it’s a perfect way to make them appear foolish.

But, How Come Your Boyfriend Finds Me Interesting?

Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You Dry

“But, how come your boyfriend finds me interesting?” is another thing to say to someone who calls you dry.

This is a funny and savage response they wouldn’t see coming. 

Replying that their partner finds you interesting is the perfect way to embarrass them. It tells them that they’re the ones with the issues. 

Also, this response will work well with an audience.

Oh! I’ll Take My Jokes Somewhere Else, Then

“Oh! I’ll take my jokes somewhere else, then” is another perfect response for someone who doesn’t find you interesting.

When someone doesn’t find you interesting and tells you, this response shows that you’re fine with their thoughts or feelings.

Also, it tells them that you don’t intend to engage with them any longer since they don’t enjoy you. This response will certainly take them by surprise, as they’d expect you would react hurt.

  • Oh! I’ll take my jokes somewhere else, then. Forgive my manners
  • Oh! I’ll take my jokes somewhere else, then. I’m sorry for bothering you

Oh! That’s Because You Don’t Catch My Interest

“Oh! That’s because you don’t catch my interest” is another befitting reply for someone who finds you uninteresting.

It’s the perfect explanation to give them for finding you boring. Also, it implies that you’d be more lively or interesting to them if you fancy them.

Additionally, it’s a perfect way of telling them that they don’t mean anything to you.

You’re Just Not Worth My Lively Side

“You’re just not worth my lively side” is another perfect way to ridicule someone who calls you dry.

This response tells them that they don’t mean anything to you, that’s why they find you uninteresting.

Also, it’s the perfect comeback to shut them up.

  • Do you think I’m dry? You’re just not worth my lively side
  • You’re just not worth my lively side. I’m sorry

I’m Not Dry, I Just Don’t Get Wet for Anyone 

“I’m not dry, I just don’t get wet for anyone” is another great way to embarrass someone who calls you dry.

This response is a savage reply you should use in the presence of people to turn them into a laughing stock.

Also, telling them that you don’t get wet for anyone is a befitting remark that trashes them. It tells them they’re not worth you. They’ll surely get the insult.

You’re Just Not Mentally Equipped to Keep Up with Me

“You’re just not mentally equipped to keep up with me” is another fantastic clapback to use on someone who calls you boring.

This response pushes the blame on them, implying that they don’t have the mental capacity to understand you and your humor.

Also, it’s a funny way to insult them.

I’m a Fine Wine You Can’t Afford, Deal with That 

Another befitting reply for someone who finds you uninteresting is “I’m a fine wine you can’t afford, deal with that.”

It’s a sarcastic response that mocks them for their lack of worthiness. Also, it implies that it’s their fault that they find you dry.

Too Bad. I Didn’t Know You Were Expecting Rainy Days 

“Too bad. I didn’t know you were expecting rainy days” is another sarcastic reply for someone who calls you dry.

It’s a mocking statement that ridicules them for expecting to find you funny or interesting. Also, it’s a play on words that’ll cause a good laugh with others present.


“Okay” is another fantastic clapback for someone who calls you dry. This response is the perfect way to make them appear foolish since you’re giving them a response they’re not expecting.

Also, it shows that you don’t care what they think about you. This is something you should say and go on to ignore them.


When someone calls you dry, you’ve got the option to get hurt and feel bad for yourself, or give them a befitting response to shut them up.

This article has provided you with great comebacks to deal with someone who tries to make you feel bad by calling you dry. 

Also, not only will they show that their words didn’t get to you, they’ll turn the table around and embarrass them.


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