20 Best Insults for a Manipulative Person

Best Insults For a Manipulative Person

Did this topic catch your eye? Chances are that your world has collided with a person whose gaslighting skill is unbelievable, it’s not even compared to the amount of lies they tell every minute just to have what they want. 

To put it in a simple sentence, manipulative people are the worst and that’s why they deserve what this article offers, which is 20 best insults that would get their evil acts straightened up in just a second.

These sarcastic witty expressions would not only be insulting to them but will better help you fight back against emotional blackmail and other callous acts that they do. 

Without any further delay, let’s begin the shades!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Best Insults for a Manipulative Person.

  1. Your lies no longer have any effects, I think you need to attend more classes on it. 
  2. Just like you derive pleasure in gaslighting people, I derive pleasure in throwing shades at you. 
  3. I refuse to be manipulated by a man whose brain is as melted as yours. 
  4. You’re losing your touch, what’s the matter? You ran out of lies to tell? 
  5. I am sure you don’t see anyone as your friend, all you see is people to manipulate. 
  6. You don’t deserve to be treated like a human, you’re a cunning fox. 
  7. It shouldn’t be as cunning as a fox anymore, it should be as cunning as Flinn. 
  8. The moment you stop your lies, that’s when you become relevant to society. 
  9. Selfishness shouldn’t be a word to describe you, you describe selfishness
  10. Manipulation won’t work on me, so let’s move on.
  11. When it comes to honesty, you’re nowhere to be found. 
  12. Your relationship must be worse than living in hell, I hope your victims find freedom.  
  13. No one needs your input, it’s probably going to be lies as usual. 
  14. Boundaries are meant to be respected, I hope you get it into your skull. 
  15. There’s nothing that will change my mind, not even a manipulative beast like you. 
  16. You twist and turn every situation, that explains why your teeth are all curled up. 
  17. If you think you’re cunning then let me introduce you to the Fox. 
  18. Your needs aren’t anybody’s priorities, get a life!
  19. I wish that you could stop lying but we all know that’s impossible. 
  20. Your influence on my decision is zero, you aren’t important enough. 

Your lies no longer have any effects, I think you need to attend more classes on it. 

Best Insults For a Manipulative Person

You might have gotten the strategy of a manipulative person and you want to express that in an insulating way, this expression could help you with that. 

Implying that they need more classes means that they no longer have power to influence you. 

  • You need more classes on how to lie, it’s so bizarre. 
  • I can’t imagine you telling me the truth, maybe you should try something else. 

Just like you derive pleasure in gaslighting people, I derive pleasure in throwing shades at you. 

This insult suggests that the person takes pleasure in manipulating others, specifically by gaslighting them, which involves manipulating someone into doubting their own perceptions or sanity. 

By comparing this behavior to the pleasure derived from throwing shade (making derogatory remarks or criticisms), it implies that the act of throwing shade at the manipulative person is a form of retaliation or counter-manipulation. 

  • You’re good with gaslighting while I am good with roasting you. 
  • You gaslight people a lot and I am going to roast you for it. 

I refuse to be manipulated by a man whose brain is as melted as yours. 

This insult directly attacks the manipulative person’s intelligence, implying that their brain is so “melted” or degraded that they lack the cognitive capacity to successfully manipulate others. 

It undermines their ability to control or influence others by suggesting that their mental faculties are compromised or diminished.

  • Your brain is as melted as butter so you can’t manipulate me. 
  • You can never manipulate me, I have a brain while you have nothing. 

You’re losing your touch, what’s the matter? You ran out of lies to tell? 

Best Insults For a Manipulative Person

This insult implies that a manipulative person’s tactics are losing effectiveness, suggesting that they are failing to deceive or manipulate as successfully as before. 

By asking if they’ve “run out of lies to tell,” it directly challenges their deceitful behavior and suggests that their manipulation tactics are transparent or exhausted. 

  • You must have a run of lies to tell. 
  • What’s happening to you? Your lies are becoming easy to catch. 

I am sure you don’t see anyone as your friend, all you see is people to manipulate. 

This insult suggests that the manipulative person is incapable of genuine friendship and only views others as tools for manipulation.

 It undermines their ability to form authentic connections and suggests that their relationships are solely based on exploitation rather than mutual respect or care.

  • You don’t have friends, what you have is people you can manipulate. 
  • You manipulate all the people you call your friend. 

You don’t deserve to be treated like a human, you’re a cunning fox. 

Another way to shove a manipulative person’s face in the mud is through this statement. 

It dehumanizes the manipulative person by comparing them to a cunning fox, implying that they are sly, deceitful, and untrustworthy. It implies that their behavior is so malicious that they are not worthy of being treated with compassion.

  • You’re a cunning fox and you should be treated that way. 
  • Anyone who treats you like a human being is a fox like you. 

It shouldn’t be as cunning as a fox anymore, it should be as cunning as Flinn. 

Depending on the person you have in mind you could infuse their name in the sentence. 

It’s a clever insult for a manipulative person which highlights their cunning behavior which is something peculiar in foxes. 

  • You’re the most cunning person ever, Flinn.  
  • I wish you knew how cunning you are. 

The moment you stop your lies, that’s when you become relevant to society. 

This insult suggests that a manipulative person’s lies are a barrier to their relevance or value to society.

It implies that their deceitful behavior is detrimental and undermines their significance or contribution to the community. 

By urging them to stop lying, it implies that their manipulation tactics are not only harmful but also prevent them from making a positive impact on society. 

  • You will never be relevant to society unless you stop lying. 
  • You lie so well, no wonder the people in the community hate you. 

Manipulation won’t work on me, so let’s move on.

If you want to shut a manipulative person down immediately, this expression would do that well. 

It’s a brilliant way to tell a manipulative person that their tricks do not work on you and it would be best if they actually find something better to do with their life as they move on from you. 

  • It won’t work on me so don’t even think about it. 
  • I know you don’t have the brains to manipulate me so don’t bother trying. 

When it comes to honesty, you’re nowhere to be found. 

This insult suggests that the manipulative person lacks honesty entirely, implying that they are consistently deceitful. It’s a direct criticism of their character, highlighting their dishonesty as a defining trait. 

By stating that they are “nowhere to be found” when it comes to honesty, it emphasizes the pervasive nature of their manipulation and undermines their credibility. 

  • I struggle to find you when it comes to honesty. 
  • You can never be honest, I am just being honest. 

Your relationship must be worse than living in hell, I hope your victims find freedom.  

An expression like this implies that the manipulative person’s relationships are so toxic and oppressive that they resemble living in hell. 

Expressing hope that their victims find freedom, it suggests that the manipulative person exerts control and manipulation over others to the extent that their victims feel trapped and oppressed. 

  • Your victims must definitely feel trapped being in a relationship with you. 
  • Your friends shouldn’t be called friends but victims. 

Boundaries are meant to be respected, I hope you get it into your skull. 

This statement is a direct admonition to a  manipulative person to respect boundaries. It implies that they have been crossing boundaries and disregarding the autonomy and rights of others.

 “I hope you get it into your skull,”  emphasizes the need for the manipulative person to understand and internalize the importance of respecting boundaries.

  • You need to start respecting boundaries bro.
  • I don’t have patience for people who keep crossing boundaries. 

There’s nothing that will change my mind, not even a manipulative beast like you. 

This insult suggests that the manipulative person’s attempts to influence or control the speaker’s mind are futile.

 It characterizes the manipulative person as a “beast,” emphasizing their predatory and deceitful nature. This hot punchline could be suitable for any manipulative person around you. 

  • You can’t even change my mind, Mr manipulator. 
  • You love to manipulate people, but I will be different. 

You twist and turn every situation, that explains why your teeth are all curled up. 

An expression like this is saying that a manipulative person habitually distorts and manipulates every situation to their advantage, likening their behavior to the twisting and turning of their teeth, which are metaphorically described as being “curled up.”

 It implies that their manipulation is evident not only in their actions but also in their physical appearance. 

  • Your teeth are just as twisted as your ways. 
  • You are never straight, it’s the same with your teeth. 

If you think you’re cunning then let me introduce you to the Fox. 

This statement is a metaphorical way of suggesting that the manipulative person’s level of cunning is not as impressive as they may think. 

By comparing them to a fox, a traditional symbol of cunning and slyness, it implies that there are others who are even more skilled at manipulation. 

  • You haven’t met the Fox and you think you’re cunning? 
  • You’re not cunning, you’re just a wannabe of a fox. 

Your needs aren’t anybody’s priorities, get a life!

Best Insults For a Manipulative Person

This is a direct admonition to a manipulative person, suggesting that their needs and desires are not considered important by others. 

Telling them to “get a life,” implies that they should focus on their own priorities and stop trying to manipulate or control others to fulfill their needs.

  • Your needs aren’t anybody’s priorities, it would be nice if you bounced. 
  • Could you get it for once that your needs aren’t mine. 

I wish that you could stop lying but we all know that’s impossible. 

One of the characteristics of a manipulative person is that they lie a lot which could be used to insult them like in this expression. 

The use of the word ‘impossible’ could be considered hurtful because it means they can’t live an honest life. 

  • Lying is impossible to stop for you. 
  • You are always lying, you are never going to stop. 

Your influence on my decision is zero, you aren’t important enough. 

Manipulative people like to think that they are smart and can get whatever they want from other people. 

Implying that someone isn’t important enough is a complete diss at their entire being and relationship with you. 

  • You didn’t influence me, I influenced you.
  • You can’t be an influence on me, you don’t matter that much. 

No one needs your input, it’s probably going to be lies as usual.

This statement dismisses the manipulative person’s input as unnecessary and untrustworthy. By suggesting that their input is likely to be lies, it implies that they have a pattern of dishonesty and manipulation. 

It’s a way of delegitimizing their contributions and asserting that they are not to be relied upon or taken seriously.

  • I don’t remember asking for your input so please keep it.
  • I don’t need your opinion, it’s completely irrelevant.  

Selfishness shouldn’t be a word to describe you, you describe selfishness.

This is a humorous way of exaggerating the degree at which a person is selfish, that they could describe the word itself instead of the other way round. 

A brilliant one-liner insult like this would perfectly get a manipulative out of your life for good. 

  • You are too selfish to be human. 
  • I don’t think you know how selfish you are, you sell fish a lot. 


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