20 Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

Imagine yourself doing wonders to your ears by listening to beautiful lyrics and melody, then some punk thinks he can bash you for that, wouldn’t it be nice to have savage comebacks for such a person? 

Well look no further because this article is set to equip you with 20 best comebacks for whoever insults your music and also engliten you on different instances on how to deliver these lines.

I am positive that with these brutal comebacks, haters are going to think twice about coming after you because of the music you listen to. 

It’s time to unleash the brutality of hot comeback lines

List of 20 Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

  1. Ah, the sound of someone who hasn’t discovered good music yet.
  2. Interesting perspective. I’ll remember that next time I’m curating a playlist for someone who cares.
  3. Funny, I didn’t realize my headphones were connected to your ears.
  4. I’ll make a note to never ask you for music recommendations.
  5. It’s cool if my music isn’t your cup of tea. I’ll just enjoy it myself.
  6. Oh, I didn’t know you were auditioning to be my music critic.
  7. Insulting my music won’t make yours any better.
  8. I’d rather have eclectic taste than a narrow-minded view of music.
  9. Opinions are like playlists, everyone’s got one. Mine just happens to be better.
  10. I’ll take my chances with my music over your taste any day.
  11. If you don’t like my music, you’re welcome to find the exit button.
  12. I didn’t realize my music needed your validation to be enjoyable.
  13. Sorry, I don’t take music advice from someone with such basic taste.
  14. Thanks for the input, but I prefer my music with less negativity.
  15. I’m glad my music taste doesn’t depend on your approval.
  16. Sorry, my playlist isn’t customizable to your preferences.
  17. I’m too busy enjoying my music to worry about your opinions.
  18. Music is subjective, and clearly, you’re missing the beat.
  19. I’ll remember your opinion next time I’m compiling my ‘Music to Ignore’ playlist.
  20. If you think my music is bad, then yours is horrifying.

Ah, the sound of someone who hasn’t discovered good music yet.

If you want to shut down the trolls of your music choices then this would be a brilliant comeback to use on them. 

 It playfully suggests that the insulter’s taste in music is lacking compared to the speaker’s own preferences. It implies that the insulter may not have explored a diverse range of music genres.

  • You clearly have not discovered good music yet and that’s why you are talking this way. 
  • You don’t have a wide knowledge about music so I am not surprised with your comment. 

Interesting perspective. I’ll remember that next time I’m curating a playlist for someone who cares.

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

Do you want to tell a hater that you don’t care about their opinion about your music?

 An expression like this would be the best pick for sure as this comeback dismisses the insulter’s opinion as unimportant and suggests that the speaker will only consider the preferences of those who appreciate their taste in music.

  • Could you save those comments for someone who cares to listen? 
  • I would rather not listen to what you have to say about my music, I don’t care about your opinion. 

Funny, I didn’t realize my headphones were connected to your ears.

Revenge is the best served cold in a clever comeback and this expression proves it. 

A comeback like this sarcastically implies that the insulter’s opinion on the speaker’s music is unwelcome and irrelevant. It suggests that the speaker is not concerned with the insulter’s judgment. 

  • My headphones are connected to my ears and not yours so I suggest you zip it. 
  • I have my headphones connected to my ears so I don’t think I need to hear your thoughts about my music. 

I’ll make a note to never ask you for music recommendations.

Who needs recommendation from someone who clearly criticizes the kind of music you listen to? The answer to that question is all over this comeback expression. 

It implies that the insulter’s opinion on the speaker’s music is not valued and suggests that the speaker will not seek out their recommendations in the future.

  • I don’t need your recommendations, it’s obvious you don’t know good music. 
  • Why would I ask for music recommendations from you, I wouldn’t want to listen to junk. 

It’s cool if my music isn’t your cup of tea. I’ll just enjoy it myself.

It’s cool to be a little subtle when delivering a hot comeback, it even gives you an edge over the one who gave the comment. 

It acknowledges the difference in musical tastes between the speaker and the insulter, but asserts the speaker’s right to enjoy their own music regardless of the insulter’s opinion.

  • Since you don’t like it then allow me to enjoy my music myself. 
  • I want to enjoy my music, I don’t think I require you to do that. 

Oh, I didn’t know you were auditioning to be my music critic.

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

Some people pass out judgment like they have a degree in music criticism or something, and this expression would be a smart comeback to point that out. 

It  humorously suggests that the insulter is overly critical of the speaker’s music taste, implying that their opinion is unnecessary.

  • If you had a degree in music criticism maybe I would’ve listened to what you have to say. 
  • My music does not need your criticism because you clearly don’t know what good music is bro. 

Insulting my music won’t make yours any better.

Let’s keep the burning comebacks flowing with a brilliant punchline like this, it’s basically a smart way to tell the haters that your music is way better. 

 It also dismisses the insulter’s attempt to put down the speaker’s music taste and suggests that their own taste is not superior. 

  • My music isn’t inferior to the trash you listen to, I just thought you should know. 
  • I feel like you should know that insulting my music makes yours look even worse. 

I’d rather have eclectic taste than a narrow-minded view of music.

It’s hilarious that it’s people with a narrow mind about music that usually pass out judgment on other people’s music which could be eliminated with a smart comeback like this.  

This comeback expression shows that the insulter’s criticism stems from a limited understanding of different music genres, contrasting with the speaker’s more diverse taste.

  • I wouldn’t want to have your narrow minded view of music, that’s just awful. 
  • You are not that smart in detecting good music so I suggest you keep washing dishes. 

Opinions are like playlists, everyone’s got one. Mine just happens to be better.

This expression says “feeling myself” all over it. Haters wouldn’t be hating on you by the time this line hits them. 

The expression humorously suggests that the speaker’s taste in music is superior to the insulter’s opinion, implying that the insulter’s criticism is low and needs to be shut down.

  • My choice of music is always going to be better, yours will always keep chasing. 
  • You can’t keep up with my music, you know it’s better to hear than yours. 

I’ll take my chances with my music over your taste any day.

If you as the speaker of this comeback expression could deliver this with a little bit of attitude then you’ve just shot the haters straight in the heart. 

This comeback confidently asserts the speaker’s preference for their own music taste over the insulter’s opinion, suggesting that they are unswayed by the insulter’s criticism.

  • I would rather listen to my music all day than listen to whatever nonsense you listen to. 
  • I wouldn’t want to listen to your taste in music because you have no taste buds. 

If you don’t like my music, you’re welcome to find the exit button.

This comeback suggests that the insulter is free to leave if they dislike the speaker’s music, implying that the speaker is unbothered by their negative opinion.

Sharing this amongst friends or using it on someone who criticizes your music would be a smart move as it helps the haters faraway. 

  • If you find my music boring then feel free to make use of the door. 
  • The door could be your guest if you don’t like my music. 

I didn’t realize my music needed your validation to be enjoyable.

Sarcasm is very important when being a comeback king or queen because it would create more effects on the commentator. 

An expression like this dismisses the insulter’s opinion as irrelevant to the speaker’s enjoyment of their music, implying that the speaker’s taste is not dependent on someone else’s validation. 

  • No one told me that your opinion would help me enjoy good music. 
  • Whoever told you that your opinion matters about my music must have lied to you. 

Sorry, I don’t take music advice from someone with such basic taste.

Comebacks could come in different forms and one it is that, it can come as an insult which is depicted in this expression. 

The one-liner expression subtly insults the insulter’s taste in music while asserting the speaker’s confidence in their own preferences.

  • You have such basic taste and I think you should keep your opinions about my music to yourself. 
  • I would appreciate it if you end your opinion about my music, your taste in music is basically basic. 

Thanks for the input, but I prefer my music with less negativity.

Haters are made from negativity and it would be right to call them out for it sometimes. 

Although this expression acknowledges the insulter’s criticism it also asserts a point that criticism should be done positively and not like a mean old lady.

  • I don’t like negativity and foolishness when someone has something to say about my music. 
  • You don’t have to be mean when passing judgements, you don’t even have a heart. 

I’m glad my music taste doesn’t depend on your approval.

No one needs the opinion of someone who is just simply bitter and has zero knowledge about music, it’s not relevant. 

This comeback asserts the speaker’s independence from the insulter’s opinion and suggests that their enjoyment of music is not contingent on external factors.

  • I am glad that I don’t need your worthless opinion to be able to sing or make music. 
  • I don’t think I need your opinion to keep listening to my music, do I? 

Sorry, my playlist isn’t customizable to your preferences.

This comeback humorously suggests that the insulter’s opinion will not influence the speaker’s music choices, implying that their playlist is tailored to their own tastes.

Don’t hesitate to share this hot witty comebacks with  friends and colleagues, there’s no fun in  laughing alone. 

  • My playlist obviously is not affected by your opinions. 
  • I would like it if you understand that your preferences are yours and not mine. 

I’m too busy enjoying my music to worry about your opinions.

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Music

Another way to tell haters and insulters  that you care less is through this expression. 

This comeback dismisses the insulter’s criticism as insignificant compared to the speaker’s enjoyment of their music. I am positive that no one would be coming for your music again after this hot comeback. 

  • I am sorry I can’t hear you, I am too busy jamming to my music. 
  • I need you to stop talking, It’s too covered in jealousy and bitterness. 

Music is subjective, and clearly, you’re missing the beat.

The creativity of this expression makes it even more exciting to use for people who insult your music. 

It acknowledges the subjective nature of music preferences while subtly implying that the insulter lacks an understanding of the speaker’s musical taste. 

  • You’re missing the beat, so I suggest you beat it. 
  • Do you mind leaving, it’s clear that you’re missing the beat. 

I’ll remember your opinion next time I’m compiling my ‘Music to Ignore’ playlist.

Nothing hurts more than to be rejected now and also rejected in advance, it would definitely crush the soul of a person who insults your music. 

This expression humorously suggests that the insulter’s opinion will be disregarded in the future, implying that their criticism is not taken seriously. 

  • I don’t need your opinion but I can help you toss it in the trash. 
  • I would have valued your opinion if I was mediocre in music. 

If you think my music is bad, then yours is horrifying. 

This comeback humorously flips the insulter’s criticism back on them, implying that their taste in music is worse than the speaker’s. 

It would be wise if you give the haters a taste of their own medicine to make them see just how negative they are. 

  • Your music is horrible and you saying my music is bad is a big compliment. 
  • I wouldn’t have to listen to your music except you have mercy and spare me the torture.


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