20 Funny Roasts for an Internet Troll

Funny Roasts for an Internet Troll

If you’ve ever crossed paths with an internet troll, you’ll agree with me how frustrating it is to deal with such people.

Internet trolls are never up to any good. They’re always looking for ways to get you agitated and frustrated.

If you currently have one you’re battling, I have good news for you. I’ve got a list of funny one-liners you can use to roast them and put them in their place.

From witty one-liners to savage remarks, a good roast is just what you need to send them running out of your space.

So, instead of falling to their bait, these humorous responses will leave them wondering about what hit them. 

Table of Contents

20 Funny Roasts for an Internet Troll

Some of the funny punchlines to roast an internet troll include: “Keep pushing! Someday trolling will become a professional career,” “Did you just join the community of trolls? You’re quite late,” and “Your presence desecrates the whole internet space,” 

  1. Your presence desecrates the whole internet space
  2. You should always tell us before your arrival, so we can reserve a seat for you as the Internet God
  3. Thank you for visiting my page for some attention, you can leave when you’re satisfied
  4. Keep pushing! Someday trolling will become a professional career
  5. I love how passionate you are in your pursuit of attention, you must lack some at home
  6. Did you just join the community of trolls? You’re quite late
  7. Okay, I have noticed you. You can quit making a fool out of yourself
  8. You suck at this job! We only tolerate those with some skills
  9. Wow! Thanks for lending us some unsolicited advice, but I only consider valid points
  10. I’m sorry to hear that you’re dying of some love. Sending you some virtual hugs and kisses
  11. Wow! It’s good to see our work is being noticed by the troll community. This shows how far we’ve gone
  12. Your opinion has been noted. I’ll remember to add it to the list of ‘useless opinions’
  13. Thank you for your feedback! I’ll send them to the ‘trash list’ later
  14. Why do you always announce your presence by offloading shit on the internet?
  15. I sense so much bitterness in you. What have you been bottling up? Mind exploding elsewhere?
  16. Our page welcomes everyone irrespective of ethnicity. But, it can’t accommodate someone with a personality disorder
  17. Your trolling lacks originality, we don’t tolerate plagiarism here
  18. Thank you for requesting to join our community. We’ve noticed you. Keep playing your part well
  19. Keep trolling, someday you might just win an award
  20. Your lines lack depth and content. You should come back when you have more facts 

Your Presence Desecrates the Whole Internet Space

“Your presence desecrates the whole internet space” is one of our top funny roasts you can use on an internet troll. 

This one-liner will work well as a response to one of their hate comments. Instead of responding to what they say, giving this savage response will surely throw them off balance.

Also, it’s a hilarious way to embarrass them, as it implies that they’re a nuisance to the whole of the digital space.

  • Your presence desecrates the whole internet space. You should take yourself out of our peaceful world
  • Your presence desecrates the whole internet space. Your type needs to be eliminated 

You Should Always Tell Us Before your Arrival, So We Can Reserve a Seat for You as the Internet God

Another hilarious way to get to an internet troll is with this sarcastic response.

Calling them an Internet God and saying you’d like to reserve a seat for them is a hilarious way to make fun of them.

Also, it’ll work well as a reply to a comment when they try to force their opinion on you or give a destructive criticism.

Thank You for Visiting My Page for Some Attention, You Can Leave When You’re Satisfied

“Thank you for visiting my page for some attention, you can leave when you’re satisfied” is another thing to say to roast a troll on the internet.

First, many of these trolls are attention seekers. They visit several people’s timelines to get noticed. So, this is an appropriate line you can use to call them out.

Also, it’s an embarrassing response that’ll surely hit hard, as it completely ignores their hateful remark.

Keep Pushing! Someday Trolling Will Become a Professional Career 

“Keep pushing! Someday trolling will become a professional career” is another beautiful comment you can give to a troll to disarm them.

This is a classic roast line that ridicules them for the energy and time they spend trolling people. Also, it’s a sarcastic statement that’ll completely embarrass them.

  • Keep pushing! Someday trolling will become a professional career and you’ll cash out big
  • Keep pushing! Someday trolling will become a professional career. I hope you remember to come back and pay tithe for using my page

I Love How Passionate You Are in Your Pursuit of Attention, You Must Lack Some at Home 

“I love how passionate you are in your pursuit of attention, you must lack some at home” is another fantastic punchline you can use to roast a troll.

This statement makes fun of them by implying that they’re looking for attention with their comments. Also, stating that they lack attention at home is a clever way to rubbish them.

It’s a savage response that’ll surely hit them hard.

Did You Just Join the Community of Trolls? You’re Quite Late

“Did you just join the community of trolls? You’re quite late” is another funny way to call out a troll.

When you notice their comments on your wall, instead of replying to them, giving this response will show them that you’ve noticed them.

Also, it lets them that you’re not bothered by what they do or say in your space.

  • Did you just join the community of trolls? You’re quite late, but you’re welcome anyway
  • Did you just join the community of trolls? You’re quite late. Make sure to look for your people and catch up

Okay, I Have Noticed You. You Can Quit Making a Fool Out of Yourself 

“Okay, I have noticed you. You can quit making a fool out of yourself” is another befitting response for an internet troll.

This is a funny way to dismiss them and whatever comments they make on your wall. It lets them know that you’ve finally noticed them.

Also, calling them a fool will surely sting.

You Suck at This Job! We Only Tolerate Those with Some Skills 

“You suck at this job! We only tolerate those with some skills” is another hilarious way to disarm an internet troll.

This comment will work well as a response to their comment. First, it acknowledges them, letting them know that trolls are welcome to your wall.

However, it disregards them by letting them that they’re not good enough to join the trolls on your wall. Calling them unskilled will surely sting.

  • You suck at this job! We only tolerate those with some skills. Go find somewhere to pour out your hatred
  • You suck at this job! We only tolerate those with some skills. So, go and find where you’re fitted 

Wow! Thanks for Lending Us Some Unsolicited Advice, But I Only Consider Valid Points

“Wow! Thanks for lending us some unsolicited advice, but I only consider valid points” is another great response for an internet troll.

It’s a savage response you can give when they try to force their opinion on you. Also, thanking them and then calling their advice unsolicited is a sarcastic remark that’ll certainly sting.

I’m Sorry to Hear That You’re Dying of Some Love. Sending You Some Virtual Hugs and Kisses

“I’m sorry to hear that you’re dying of some love. Sending you some virtual hugs and kisses” is another thing to say to ridicule a troll on your space.

It’s a great response that makes fun of them, by implying that they’re looking for some attention because of their comments. 

Also, adding that you’re sending them some virtual hugs and kisses will further embarrass them.

Wow! It’s Good to See Our Work Is Being Noticed by the Troll Community. These Shows How Far We’ve Gone

“Wow! It’s good to see our work is being noticed by the troll community. These shows how far we’ve gone” is another befitting one-liner to use on an internet troll.

This is a humorous way to respond to their comments. It shows them that you’re not bothered by their hateful remark. Also, it shows that you’re okay with it since it shows that you’re doing well.

Your Opinion Has Been Noted. I’ll Remember to Add it to the List of ‘Useless Opinions’

“Your opinion has been noted. I’ll remember to add it to the list of ‘useless opinions’” is another fantastic comeback for a troll.

This one-liner will work as a response when they rudely give their opinion. Letting them know that you’ve taken note and adding that it’s useless will surely hit hard.

It’s a humourous way to dismiss them and their comment.

Thank You for Your Feedback! I’ll Send Them to the ‘Trash List’ Later 

Funny Roasts for an Internet Troll

“Thank you for your feedback! I’ll send them to the ‘trash list’ later” is another sarcastic remark that’ll work well for an internet troll.

When they make their hateful comments on your post, use this response to tell them that their feedback is trash. 

Why Do You Always Announce Your Presence by Offloading Shit on the Internet?

“Why do you always announce your presence by offloading shit on the internet?” is another hilarious punchline you can use to respond to a troll.

When they start their rude commenting, you can use this question to ridicule them. It lets them know that all they do is nonsense. 

  • Why do you always announce your presence by offloading shit on the internet? It’s high time you dealt with your shit alone
  • Why do you always announce your presence by offloading shit on the internet? It’s becoming worrisome 

I Sense So Much Bitterness in You. What Have You Been Bottling Up? Mind Exploding Elsewhere?

“I sense so much bitterness in you. What have you been bottling up? Mind exploding elsewhere?” is another humorous way to dismiss an internet troll.

First, this punchline ridicules them by implying that their comments are due to bitterness. Also, it’s a sarcastic remark that sounds like you care.

However, adding that they explode elsewhere is a clever way to dismiss them.

Our Page Welcomes Everyone Irrespective of Ethnicity. But, It Can’t Accommodate Someone with a Personality Disorder 

This is another great insult you can give to an internet troll to send them packing out of your space.

This hilarious line will surely sting, as it implies that trolling isn’t the problem, but the fact that they’ve got a personality disorder is the problem.

Also, it’s a great way to dismiss them and their comment.

Your Trolling lacks originality, We Don’t Tolerate Plagiarism Here 

“Your trolling lacks originality, we don’t tolerate plagiarism here” is another funny way to respond to a troll’s trolling.

This one-liner is a classic one that shows them that you’re better at putting people in their place. It’s a clever way to insult their skill and send them out of your space.

  • Your trolling lacks originality, we don’t tolerate plagiarism here. Please take a bow and leave
  • Your trolling lacks originality, we don’t tolerate plagiarism here. Kindly excuse yourself 

Thank You for Requesting to Join Our Community. We’ve Noticed You. Keep Playing Your Part Well

This is another hilarious response you can give to a troll.

It’s a perfect way to show them that you’re not bothered by their hateful comments. Also, it’s a sarcastic line that ridicules them. 

Keep Trolling, Someday You Might Just Win an Award 

Funny Roasts for an Internet Troll

“Keep trolling, someday you might just win an award” is another perfect response for an internet troll.

It’s a sarcastic and funny way to dismiss them, letting them know that they’ve failed to get at you. 

Also, it lets them know that they’re free to continue trolling. 

  • Keep trolling, someday you might just win an award. I hope you are satisfied then
  • Keep trolling, someday you might just win an award for the best asshole in the world 

Your Lines Lack Depth and Content. You Should Come Back When You Have More Facts 

“Your lines lack depth and content. You should come back when you have more facts” is another perfect thing to say to roast an internet troll.

This classic punchline ridicules them for making up things against you. Also, it’s a perfect way to dismiss them and their comment.

  • Your lines lack depth and content. You should come back when you have more facts, maybe we’ll still have space for you
  • Your lines lack depth and content. You should come back when you have more facts, and you might just make a pass

Final Verdicts

Dealing with internet trolls can be difficult. However, knowing the right response for them can put you ahead of them.

With this article, you’ve got ,all it takes to disarm a troll. So, when next they come for you, use these hilarious one-liners to insult and ridicule them.


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