20 Comebacks To “You’re Not Special”

Comebacks for When Someone Tells You You're Not Special

When someone says, “You’re not special,” they want you to feel like you’re just similar to everyone else and not particularly outstanding. 

It can hurt because it feels like they’re belittling you. But instead of getting upset, you can remember that everyone is unique in their way, and it’s okay not to be what someone else considers “special.” 

There are many ways to express this. While some will say you can just shrug it off and know your worth, I tell you to give them a comeback to put these downtalkers in their place. 

List of Best 20 Comebacks for When Someone Tells You “You’re Not Special”

Here are the best things you can respond with when someone tells you, “You’re not special.”

I’ve also included ways you can apply it in your conversation so you know which one applies best.

1. Maybe not to you, but I’m unique to myself.

Comebacks for When Someone Tells You You're Not Special

“Maybe not to you, but I’m special to myself” is a fantastic comeback to give when someone tells you that you’re not special.

It shows that you’re confident in yourself, regardless of what others think.

Instead of worrying about their opinion, you focus on how you see yourself, which is what really matters.

This line is a sure fit if you’re finding a classy way to respond without getting into an argument. You can put it in this way:

  • Well, I think I’m pretty cool, even if you don’t.
  • Maybe you don’t see it, but I’m unique in my own eyes.

2. Thanks for noticing; I guess I’m just too unique for some people.

Another way you can stand your ground when someone says you are not exceptional is to respond with, “Thanks for noticing; I guess I’m just too unique for some people.”

This is the best line to use if you want to politely acknowledge their opinion and gently let them know that you’re cool with being different. 

The person’s plan initially may be to bring you down, but use this comeback to show that they can’t dull your shine. 

  • Thanks for noticing! I guess I’m just not everyone’s cup of tea.
  • Thanks! I think I’m just too unique for some people’s taste.

3. Well, not all of us can be as generic as you.

Fire back with, “Well, not all of us can be as plain as you” when someone says you’re not special. 

The best part about this particular response is that you turn their insult around and make them look dull instead. 

It’s one of the best comebacks I’ve heard so far about preventing someone from raining on your parade.

  • Says the pot to the kettle.
  • Coming from Mr./Ms. Average.

4. I didn’t realize I needed your approval to be special

You can use  “I didn’t know I needed your permission to be special” as a clever comeback for when someone says you’re not special. 

It will show that you don’t need their approval to be excellent. Who made them the judge anyway?

The goal is to make them look silly for trying to bring you down. And it’s an excellent reminder that your worth isn’t determined by what others think.

  • I don’t need your okay to be remarkable.
  • I didn’t realize I needed your thumbs-up to be excellent.

5. If being unique means conforming to your standards, I’ll pass.

You don’t need to fit into their idea of extraordinary. When Someone Says you’re not special, you can stand up for yourself in a clever way.

And the best part? It’s got a playful sassiness to it. The sassiness will make it more interesting.

  • If being unique means following your rules, I’ll pass.
  • If being unique means being like you, count me out.

6. It takes one to know one.

“It takes one to know one” sounds like a quick but intelligent way to diss someone after they’ve said you’re not special. 

You can use this line as a sly way of pointing out that the person criticizing you might not be so particular themselves. 

  • Says the expert!
  • Look who’s talking!

7. Your speciality is that hairline

Comebacks for When Someone Tells You You're Not Special

Every joke about someone’s hairline is sure to get under their skin. Even if the person has a reasonable hairline, they will still feel bad. 

 This is a solid comeback for when someone says you’re not special because it’s unexpected and turns the situation around. 

  • Well, at least I’m not as unique as your hairline!
  • Maybe not unique, but definitely not as distinct as your hairline!

8. You’re entitled to your opinion, but it doesn’t define me.

Belittling remarks like “you’re not special” can make anyone feel down. But you can reply with, “You can think what you want, but it doesn’t change how awesome I am.” 

So you’re telling them to do or think whatever they like, but you’re still amazing. 

The best thing about this comeback is that it sounds like a classy way to brush off their negativity and keep shining bright. 

It’s a good thing to say that brings you back on top, feeling confident and fabulous.

  • You can think what you want, but I know I’m fantastic.
  • You have your opinion, but it doesn’t change how great I am.

9. Says who? You?

Comebacks for When Someone Tells You You're Not Special

When someone says you’re not special, you can respond by using their words against them.  “Says who? You?” It is a clever way to do that. 

Instead of just defending yourself, you challenge the authority of their opinion. 

By asking, “Says who?” It means who are they to judge? This makes them look silly for thinking they have the right to decide their worth.

  • Who says? You?
  • And who are you to say that?

10. I don’t need your validation to know my worth.

“I don’t need your approval to know how awesome I am!” is another good alternative comeback.

It means you don’t care what they think, and you are sure of your value.

You can use this line as a way of standing up for yourself and showing that their opinion doesn’t affect you. 

  • I know I’m fantastic; no validation is needed!
  • I’m particular to me, and that’s all that matters!

11. You’re right, I’m not special… I’m unique.

Another way you can snap back at someone who says you’re not special is by replying with, “You’re right, I’m not special… I’m unique.”

Use it to embrace what makes you different in a relaxed and confident way.

The person will begin to see why you stand out by not following the crowd. 

It also sounds like a much sassy comeback.

  • Yep, not special, just one-of-a-kind!
  • You’re right, I’m not special, I’m uniquely me!

12. Not everyone can appreciate fine art.

“Not everyone can appreciate fine art” is a creative way to diss someone who says you’re not special

It means that you’re letting the person know that not everyone would feel you, and that’s fine. Be sure not everyone appreciates special people when they see them.

You can always use this line as a clever way of reminding them that you’re not just ordinary—you’re even worth admiring.

  • Not everyone’s into fancy stuff like fine art.
  • Hey, I’m like a rare painting in a world entire of doodles.

13. I may not be unique to you, but I matter to those who count.

“Maybe I’m not special to you, but I matter to people who really care about me” is a snappy way to reply when someone says you’re not. Special. 

If you want to remind them that while they might not think you’re amazing, there are plenty of others who do, this line works.

And by mentioning “those who count,” you’re leaving them curious about who those people are.

But basically, it’s a way to show that their opinion doesn’t define your worth.

  • Maybe I’m not unique to you, but I matter to my crew.
  • You might not think I’m special, but my peeps know I’m worth it.

14. Am I not special? That’s just your jealousy talking.

Another intelligent way you can respond when someone says you’re not special is to tell them they are the ones feeling jealous.

This kind of comeback shows you’re handling it with style and confidence. And trust me, they won’t know what to say next. So, it will become evident that their words can’t bring you down.

  • Not special? Sounds like jealousy to me!
  • Oh, is that your jealousy talking because I’m too special for you?

15. Says the expert in being average

You can hit the person back with they’re an expert at being average when you’re called not unique.

It means that who are they to judge when they’re just as ordinary?

  • Says Mr./Ms. Average.
  • Coming from the king/queen of ordinary

16. Special or not, I’m comfortable in my skin.

You can annoy someone calling you not extraordinary by reminding them that you’re cool with who you are, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

It will show them that you don’t need their approval to feel good about yourself.

When people use this comeback, it becomes apparent that they’re shrugging off the negativity with confidence. 

  • Whether I’m unique or not, I’m happy with myself.
  • I’m okay with not being unique as long as I’m happy in my skin.”

17. Everyone’s special in their way, including you.

“Everyone’s special, including you” sounds like a perfect rebuttal for when someone says you’re not special.

I like this comeback because it’s not all about defending yourself; it’s about reminding them that they’re special, too. 

It’s a clever way to turn their insult into a compliment.

  • We’re all unique, including me and you.
  • Everyone’s got their own unique thing, even you and me!

18. You must be mistaking me for someone who cares about your opinion.

The goal of anyone who says you’re not special is to make you feel small or less important.

But when you hit back with, “You must be mistaking me for someone who cares about your opinion,” it will show that you don’t care what they think.

You can also use it to emphasize that you’re not baffled with what they say about you

  • You’re confusing me with someone who values your opinion.
  • Sorry, I didn’t realize I needed your approval to be remarkable.

19. I’d rather be genuine

“I’d rather be genuine” may sound simple, but it is a powerful way to reply when someone says you’re not special. 

It means you prefer being genuine and honest, even if it means not fitting into some mold of what’s considered “special.”

So, it’s a cheeky way to remind them that being genuine is way cooler anyway.

  • I’d rather be myself.
  • I’m happy just being me.

20. If being unique means being like you, I’ll pass.

Another sassy comeback for you’re not extraordinary is, “If being special means being like you, I’ll pass.” What does that mean?

You’re turning their insult around. It means you’d instead not be considered unique if it means being like them because, let’s face it, they’re not exactly setting the bar high.

Trust me, the person will surely struggle to come up with a comeback of their own!

You can even say it in these ways:

  • If being unique means being like you, I’m good.
  • If being unique means acting like you, I’ll pass.

Parting Thoughts

We receive so many emails about this particular question.

While we are committed to providing the best comebacks, We have always advised that you don’t let anyone sum you up.

People who are quick to insult and criticize are what I call ignorant. You can’t make everyone happy, so don’t bother trying.

Your self-worth is essential. 

There will always be people better or worse off than you, so don’t compare yourself. 

Get rid of negative people and surround yourself with respectful and intelligent friends.


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