20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

When someone calls you a “wannabe,” they’re saying you’re trying too hard to be like someone else, usually in a way that seems fake or not genuine.

So, the intent for them calling you this is to put you down. But it’s your reply that will make all the difference.

Many people would tell you to ignore it. But silence isn’t always the best answer.

Here are some of the best sassy comebacks I’ve heard for when someone calls you a wannabe. I’ve also explained how you can use them in sentences. 

List of The Best 20 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

1. Your jealousy is showing

 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

“Your jealousy is showing” is one of the best comebacks you can say when someone calls you a wannabe.

By using this comeback, you’re not only shutting down their insult but also showing how confident and unbothered you are. 

It’s a classy way to take control of the situation without getting all worked up.

  • Looks like someone’s green with envy.
  • Feeling a little jealous, huh?

2. At least I’m aspiring for something more than just being mediocre.

When someone calls you a wannabe, you can wittingly respond by reminding them that you’re aiming for something bigger than just fitting in. 

I like this comeback because it also turns the insult around by suggesting that aiming high is better than settling for being ordinary. So, instead of feeling put down, you come out looking confident and determined.

  • Well, I’d instead be reaching for the stars than stuck in the mud.
  • Hey, aiming high beats settling for low any day.

3. I’d rather be a wannabe than a never-will-be like you.

Another sassy comeback for when someone calls you a wannabe is responding that you’d instead be trying and aiming high rather than not trying at all like them.

With this line, you’re subtly pointing out that it’s pretty sad they’re not even trying to achieve anything. 

This comeback is a classy yet cutting way to show them you’re not one to be messed with. 

  • I’d rather try and fail than never try, like you.
  • At least I’m aiming high, unlike you

4. Funny, I didn’t know being confident and ambitious was a crime.

Being confident and ambitious is actually a great thing. So when you respond with, “Funny, I didn’t know being confident and ambitious was a crime,” it’s a clever way to stand up for yourself and show that you’re not bothered by their negativity. 

Plus, it shows that you’re cool, calm, and collected in the face of criticism. This line will make them realize how silly they sound. 

  • Oh, I didn’t realize aiming high was a crime.
  • Really? Since when is believing in myself a bad thing?

5. Keep talking, maybe one day you’ll say something relevant

 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

Responding with “Keep talking, maybe one day you’ll say something relevant” when someone calls you wannabe means that their insult doesn’t matter to you because it’s not even worth considering. 

You can use this reply to brush off their insult casually.

  • Keep trying. Maybe one day, you’ll actually say something that matters.
  • Keep at it; maybe one day, you’ll hit on something relevant

6. Better to be a wannabe than a never-was.

When you say, “Better to be a wannabe than a never-was,” you’re reminding the person that it’s better to be someone who’s actively working towards their goals than someone who never even tries. 

It’s a witty way to turn the tables and shows that you’re not ashamed of aiming high and going after what you want. Plus, it might even make the other person think twice about their approach to life!

  • I’d instead aim high than never try at all!
  • At least I’m reaching for something, unlike those who never even reach

7. Still waiting for you to say something meaningful

Replying with “still waiting for you to say something meaningful” when called a wannabe shows you’re not bothered by their insult.

You’re subtly asking them to think before they speak and come up with something better.

  • Say something that matters.
  • Waiting for a real thought from you

8. I’m too busy chasing dreams to care about your labels.

When someone calls you a wannabe, tell them, “I’m too busy saving the world to care about your silly labels!” It shows you’ve got better things to do than worry about what they think.

You’re showing them that you’re focused on your goals and not bothered by their negativity.

Always remember that you’re the hero of your own story.

  • I’ve got bigger dreams than worrying about what you think.
  • I’m too busy living my life to care about your opinions.

9. Thanks for the label; now, can you go back to being irrelevant?

When someone calls you a wannabe, start by sarcastically thanking them for their “label” or insult, making it clear you don’t really care what they think.

You then suggest that they go back to being “irrelevant,” implying that their opinion doesn’t matter much to you and they should stick to what they’re good at, which, in your view, isn’t much.

  • Thanks, but I’ll pass on your label. Can you go back to obscurity now?
  • Thanks for the label, but I’m not interested. Can you fade back into irrelevance?

10. I’d rather be a wannabe than a never-will-be

Another fantastic way to reply when called wannabe is to remind the person that it’s better to be someone who’s trying to cook up something great than someone who’ll never even step into the kitchen. 

You’re in the game, taking risks, chasing dreams, and making things happen. Meanwhile, the “never-will-be” folks are too scared even to try.

So, when you drop this comeback, you tell them you’re not afraid of failure because at least you’re giving it your all. 

  • I’d instead aim high and try than never aim at all.
  • I’d instead be reaching for the stars than stuck on the ground

11. Is that jealousy I’m hearing or just your usual bitterness?

By suggesting they’re jealous or just naturally grumpy, you’re throwing them off balance. They will realize you just outsmarted them with your excellent comeback skills.

  • Are you just jealous or always bitter?
  • Are you jealous much, or just naturally bitter?

12. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

Turn their insult into a compliment and make them look clueless all at once. 

13. Your bitterness is showing

Point out that their insult probably comes from their feelings of jealousy or insecurity, not anything you’ve done.

It’s a way of holding up a mirror to them and showing them that their negativity is pretty apparent.

This comeback is a clever way of shutting down their insult and making them realize that they’re the ones with the problem, not you. 

  • Looks like you’ve got a case of sour grapes.
  • It sounds like someone needs a big ol’ hug.

14. I’d rather be accused of being a wannabe than known for being a never-try.

Compare someone who’s at least making an effort (you) to someone who never even bothers to try new things.

You’re showing that you’d rather be seen as someone willing to give things a shot, even if you’re not perfect at it, than someone too afraid to try anything new.

So, it’s all about having the guts to try, even if you might fail right away. And that’s pretty cool, right?

  • It is better to aim high and be called a wannabe than sit idle and be known as a never-try.
  • I’d rather be seen as trying than known for never giving anything a shot.

15. You keep talking, I’ll keep winning

 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Wannabe

“You keep talking, I’ll keep winning” is a confident way of brushing off their insult and showing that their words don’t bother you because you’re focused on your own goals and achievements. 

So, use this line to remind them that you’re too busy being amazing to care about their negativity.

  • You talk, I conquer.
  • Keep chirping, I’ll keep soaring.

16. I’ll take being a wannabe over being a never-gonna-be any day.

“I’ll take being a wannabe over being a never-gonna-be any day” is a confident comeback that reminds everyone that it’s cool to have dreams and go after them, no matter what anyone else says.

Whether they see you as wannabe or not, it means you have big dreams and goals, and you’re not afraid to go for them, even if it means people might tease you along the way.

  • I’d instead aim high and be called a wannabe than sit around doing nothing and be a never-gonna-be.
  • I’ll take being called a wannabe any day if it means I’m at least trying, unlike those who never even bother.

17. Thanks for the laugh, wannabe critic

“Thanks for the laugh, wannabe critic” is an intelligent way to turn their insult back on them when called a wannabe. 

By calling them a “wannabe critic,” you’re subtly pointing out that they’re not really an expert themselves, so their opinion doesn’t really matter much.

It’s a way of showing that their insult doesn’t bother you and that you’re not taking them too seriously.

  • Haha, nice one, wannabe pro!
  • Thanks for the chuckle, wannabe judge

18. Call me a wannabe all you want, but at least I’m striving for something bigger.

“Call me a wannabe all you want, but at least I’m striving for something bigger” sounds like a better response for when someone calls you a wannabe. This is because it shows you’re not letting their negativity get to you. 

Instead, you’re using it as motivation to keep pushing forward. 

  • Go ahead, call me a wannabe, but I’m reaching for bigger things!
  • Sure, call me a wannabe, but I’m aiming high and not looking back!

19. You keep labeling me; I’ll keep proving you wrong.

Another way you can outwit someone when they call you a wannabe is to flip the script. 

With this line, you show them that their labels don’t stick because you’re too excellent to be defined by their narrow-mindedness.

Remember, you’re the one writing your story, and no one else gets to hold the pen.

  • You call me a wannabe; I’ll just keep being me.
  • You label me; I’ll keep showing who I am.

20. Keep hating; it fuels my success

Instead of letting their hate drag you down, you use it as motivation to soar even higher.

This comeback is just like telling the person, “Thanks for the motivation!” and showing them that their negativity only makes you stronger.

  • Haters are going to hate, but I’ll keep soaring.
  • Thanks for the fuel, haters. I’m just getting started.


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