20 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Delusional

Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Delusional

You could be called delusional when someone thinks you believe things that aren’t true or real. 

If the person thinks you’re ignoring facts or believing in things that don’t make sense, they can use this insulting remark.

The best way to respond when someone calls you delusional totally depends on the context.  

You can calmly ask them why they think that, or you can ignore it if you don’t want to argue. But sometimes, you might need to stand up for yourself by making a comeback.

In this article, I will walk you through 20 of the best comebacks for when someone calls you delusional.

But before then, you need to be able to know when it’s said in an offensive manner or otherwise before responding.

Is It Offensive to Call Someone Delusional?

Yes, calling someone delusional can be offensive.

It implies that your beliefs or perceptions are irrational or disconnected from reality.

So, if someone uses this label on you, it is expected that it comes across as dismissive or disrespectful, especially when you genuinely believe in what you’re saying.

List of the Best 20 Comebacks to Reply With When Called Delusional

1. You’re just upset because I refuse to fit into your narrow view

 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Delusional

“You’re just upset because I refuse to fit into your narrow view” is one of the best and sassy ways you can respond when someone calls you delusional. 

It means you won’t let their limited thinking bring you down, even if it’s not what they expect.

If you are trying to prove a point, this line works.

There are even other ways you can put it:

  • You’re just mad because I won’t fit into your narrow idea of things.
  • You’re upset because I won’t squeeze into your tiny box of thoughts.

2. Says the one whose reality check bounced.

“Says the one whose reality check bounced” means that they might be the one not seeing things clearly.

It’s an exciting way to reply when someone calls you delusional because it flips the narrative on them.

The phrase “Reality check bounced” is an intelligent way to say they might have issues with reality. So they’re not the best judge either.

You can even put the comeback this way:

  • Oh, really? Coming from someone whose grip on reality seems shaky.

3. Your negativity is showing; you might want to cover that up

Another intelligent way you can respond when someone calls you delusional is to label them as a negative person.

By suggesting they cover up their negativity, you’re subtly telling them to work on themselves.

The way and tone in which you’ll say this comeback will show that you’re keeping your cool and are unfazed by their name-calling.

  • You’re being negative; maybe tone it down.
  • Looks like you’re in a bad mood; try hiding it.

4. Doubt all you want, I’ll keep proving you wrong

Someone can call you delusional simply because they doubt you or your projections. 

In such a situation, you can reply with, “Doubt all you want, I’ll keep proving you wrong.” 

It implies you’re turning their insults into a motivation. 

If you want a confident and calm comeback when someone calls you delusional, here is your option.

  • Keep doubting; I’ll keep proving.

5. Keep talking; your jealousy is showing.

Sometimes, people say the worst and harshest words when they are jealous of you. 

Even though that is not the situation in your case, replying to them with “Keep talking, your jealousy is showing” will definitely get at them.

It’s a clever way to turn their insult back on them and make them think twice about what they said.

  • Keep talking; it sounds like you’re just jealous.
  • Go ahead; your jealousy is pretty obvious

6. Spoken like someone just mad they can’t keep up.

 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Delusional

When you say, “Spoken like someone just mad they can’t keep up,” it hints that the person is just jealous because they can’t keep up with you.

That’s a clever way to reply when you’re being called delusional. 

You’re showing them that you’re not bothered by their insult and that maybe they’re the ones who are struggling to understand things.

A comeback like this can even make them feel a little embarrassed for throwing it in the first place.

  • Sounds like someone’s jealous they can’t keep up.
  • Maybe you’re just upset because I’m ahead of the game.

7. If I’m delusional, you must be hallucinating.

When you’re being called delusional, instead of just saying, “No, I’m not,” you can hit back with something way more relaxed: “If I’m delusional, you must be hallucinating!”

It means they’re the ones who aren’t seeing things clearly.

One of the tricks of a good comeback is when you downplay the effect of the insult they called you and emphasize a relatively greater one that they are battling with.

Here are other ways to say this comeback:

  • If I’m crazy, you must be seeing things!

8. Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.

Another clever way to reply when someone calls you delusional is to say, “Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you,” 

It may look like you’re simply poking fun, but It also clearly shows that their words don’t bother you. 

If you want to give them a comeback but still keep the conversation light, then this is the one you should go for.

  • Huh, that’s what I was thinking about you!

9. I’ll take delusional over dull any day.

Comebacks get interesting when you start playing with words. “Delusional” means you have an active imagination, while “dull” means boring.

So, saying you’d rather be imaginative than boring is a perfect way to respond when someone calls you delusional.

Trust me, the person will be unable to come up with a clever response of their own.

  • I’d rather be imaginative than dull any day!
  • Being a dreamer beats being dull, hands down!

10. Careful, your insecurity is peeking through.

You can respond that their insult reflects their doubts and fears. This makes you the bigger person in the situation. 

Sometimes, all you need to do when giving a comeback for name-calling is to suggest that the insults say a lot more about them than it does about you. 

You can put this comeback in different ways, such as:

  • Looks like someone’s feeling a little shaky about themselves.
  • Maybe that’s more about you than it is about me.

11. Wow, that’s the most original insult you’ve got.

Tell them their insult is dull. 

You can support your delivery of this comeback with an eye-roll.

It will make them look silly for trying, and they will even struggle to come up with something better. Use this comeback as a simple way to turn the tables and show them you’re not someone to mess with.

  • Seriously? Can you come up with something more original than ‘delusional’?
  • Wow, ‘delusional’? You must’ve dug deep for that one.

12. I thought we were talking like adults.

You don’t have to get flustered when someone calls you delusional. Tell the person “I thought we were talking like adults.”

This comeback is gold because it paints the idea that you’re rolling your eyes at their childish behavior. It’s a smooth move that puts them in their place without you having to stoop to their level.

Trust me, when words fail you, this comeback is a surefire way to win the conversation.

  • I thought we were having a mature chat.

13. I’m living rent-free in your head, huh?

Make them realize how much they’re thinking about you.

It means you’re not the one with the problem here; they are!

This is the kind of comeback people won’t forget in a hurry.

  • Looks like I’m living in your mind rent-free!
  • I guess I’m taking up space in your head for free!

14. I’ll stop being delusional when you stop being irrelevant.

 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Delusional

By calling you delusional, the person is saying you’re out of touch with reality, but you’re telling them they don’t even matter enough for you to care about their opinion.

This is a classic example of using their insult against them. 

The best part about this comeback is that it puts them in an awkward spot. If they try to argue, they’re admitting they’re not vital to you. And if they don’t, well, they’re just left feeling pretty silly.

  • I’ll stop dreaming when you start mattering.
  • I’ll stop being ‘out there’ when you become relevant

15. Thanks for the diagnosis, Dr. Boring.

This comeback is a playful way of saying they’re being too serious.

Use this comeback to let the person know you’re not taking their negativity seriously. That’s why you even crack the joke. You can put it this way:

  • Thanks, but I prefer my reality show.

16. I’d rather dream big than think small like you

The person may have called you delusional for dreaming big, but you’re saying it’s better than thinking small like them.

This comeback shows you’re confident in your dreams and goals. They won’t know how to respond because you’ve taken control of the conversation with your clever response.

  • I’d rather dream big than think small like you do.
  • I prefer aiming high over settling for small thoughts like yours.

17. Is that the best you’ve got? I expected more from you.

“Is that the best you’ve got? I expected more from you” is a daring and challenging way to respond when someone calls you delusional.

You are kind of teasing them for not being very good at insulting you.

And that’s what makes them pained the more.

  • Really? I was expecting more from you than just calling names.
  • Hmm, is that the best you can do? I was hoping for something more original.

18. Oh, did reality hurt your feelings again?

There are many intelligent ways to show that their words do not shake you. This is one of them. 

There are even funnier ways to put it:

  • Is reality too harsh for you to handle?
  • Are you feeling a bit bruised by the truth?

19. Did you practice that insult in the mirror?

Another clever way to respond when someone calls you delusional is to say, “Did you practice that insult in the mirror?” 

And let’s be honest, who hasn’t practiced what to say when someone gets on their case? So it’s relatable, too. 

And by insinuating that they looked into the mirror to say the insult, it means they are also at fault.

  • Did you rehearse that insult?
  • Did you practice that one-liner?

20. Sorry, I don’t speak ‘boring and bitter’.

Name-calling isn’t a cool thing. Just like when someone speaks a foreign language to you that you don’t understand, telling the insulter that “Sorry, I don’t speak ‘boring and bitter'” means that you’re not like them that settle into name calling. You’re better.

It’s a simple way to tell them you’re not going to react to their insult because you’re not interested in negative vibes.

It’s a good comeback to use if you still want to keep the mood light and cheerful with the person.



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