40 Funny Engineering Jargons Engineers Use When Talking

Funny Engineering Jargons Engineers Use When Talking

Engineers are known for their technical prowess, but what many people don’t realize is that they also have a secret language of their own.

While to the untrained ear, it may sound like gibberish, to an engineer, these phrases are vital to understanding their world.

If you need some Engineering terminologies to use in your next podcast or vlog, or you are just like me and love learning new things, then this article is equipped with a lot of Engineering registers that will flavor your conversation. 

From “decommission” (which really means “throw it out”) to “non-trivial” (which means “it’s complicated”), engineers have a whole vocabulary of funny jargon and phrases that they use to communicate with each other, and I will be providing you with 40 solid Engineering jargons.

So, get your space jacket on, and let’s dive into the world of Engineers.

Here are 40 funny engineering jargon engineers use when talking

  1. Zero-point energy field harmonic fluctuation
  2. Rapid unscheduled disassembly
  3. Visualize whirled peas
  4. Phase-space incompatibility
  5. Non-trivial
  6. Thermal excursion
  7. Decomission 
  8. Rapidly depreciating asset
  9. Defeating inverse electron entanglement
  10. Asymmetric torque distribution
  11. Complete systems failure 
  12. Priority request
  13. Induced catastrophe
  14. Make that a priority 
  15. Collateral Damage
  16. Compressive irresponsibility
  17. Strategically unbalanced
  18. Code monkey
  19. Rubber duck debugging
  20. Yak shaving
  21. Brogrammer
  22. Pebkac
  23. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature
  24. 404 brain not found
  25. Spaghetti code
  26. Rubber band solution
  27. Hard reset for humans
  28. Reinventing the wheel
  29. Brain fart
  30. Ping-pong pairing
  31. Low observable mode
  32. Concurrent technology
  33. compatible retrograde optimization 
  34. Negative delta
  35. Rapid unplanned thrust reversal
  36. Passive retrograde deceleration
  37. Booting the device
  38. Extreme heat attenuation
  39. High-energy discharge
  40. Electronic pacification

1. Zero-point energy field harmonic fluctuation

Funny Engineering Jargons Engineers Use When Talking

The world of engineering is a fascinating one, full of intricate systems, complex processes, and a language all its own.

While outsiders may scratch their heads at phrases, engineers use these terms every day to describe the inner workings of their field.

For the phrase “Zero-point energy field harmonic fluctuation”, in layman’s terms, means ” I don’t know”. How hilarious to know that those big big grammars mean you don’t know something. You and I don’t know!

2. Rapid unscheduled disassembly

This weekend step on the toes of your father with this Engineering jargon.

Assuming something exploded out of the blue and then your dad asked you what that noise was, respond with “Rapid unscheduled disassembly”.

Enjoy the confused demeanor for a while before telling him the expression above is translated as ” Something exploded”.

Both of you gon laugh at the silly joke pulled on him.

3. Visualize whirled peas

Here is an engineering jargon but also a world play to tease your friend. You two are in the middle of a conversation about the ongoing war, and she is freaking out.

Write out this engineering jargon on a piece of paper and hold it high for her to read out loud. She will be lost because she won’t be able to decipher the meaning.

Spill the juice that you mean she should “Visualize World peace”. I bet you she would smile.

 The above jargon is a play on words on ” visualize world peace.”

4. Phase-space Incompatibility

A humorous way of saying “I don’t know what is wrong” is using the above jargon used by engineers.

The term phase space refers to a mathematical representation of a system’s state, usually a high-dimensional space that includes all of the possible states that a system can occupy.

The idea of phase space incompatibility implies that the system’s state is incompatible with what’s expected or desired, but it doesn’t provide any information about what exactly is wrong.

5. Non-trivial

Okay, let me see if you can guess the meaning of this one using the English meaning of “trivial”… Well, well, you are close. Actually, “Non-trivial” literally means “it’s complicated” in layman’s terms.

So if perchance you are on a date with your female acquaintance who is an engineer, and she responds “non-trivial” to your “Are you single question”, then you are lucky because you stumbled across this article in roasthow and you know the meaning now.

6. Thermal excursion

No darling, thermal didn’t go on an excursion. It just simply means “Things got too hot”.Thermal excursion is a funny way of saying that something got too hot. 

Thermal excursion is a term that comes from the field of thermodynamics, which is the study of heat and its effects on matter. In this context, thermal excursion is a humorous way of describing a situation where the temperature of a system has exceeded its expected or desired range.

This could be due to any number of factors, such as a malfunctioning cooling system, a design flaw, or simply pushing the system too hard.

7. Decomission 

An engineering student is getting on your nerves and you really want them to shut their mouth up but you also want to show them you are familiar with their terminologies, just tell them ” Decomission!”.

Decommission, in engineering jargon, is a humorous way of saying “throw it out.” 

Decommissioning is a common process in engineering, where a piece of equipment or system is taken out of service.

This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as a malfunction, outdated technology, or simply because it’s no longer needed.

But in engineering jargon, decommission can be used as a euphemism for getting rid of something, often because it’s broken or not working properly.

8. Rapidly depreciating asset

Yes, if you have a cloth that you have bought for five years it is a “rapidly depreciating asset”. This phrase simply means something is getting old. 

Another list added to your vocab, right? You are welcome.

9. Defeating inverse electron entanglement

Funny Engineering Jargons Engineers Use When Talking

Stop saying “They have taken the light” Instead say you have a “Defeating inverse electron entanglement”.

The phrase literally means ” we are out of power” and it refers to the phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two electrons become linked so that a change in the state of one electron will cause a corresponding change in the other.

Inverse electron entanglement, then, would be the opposite of this, where the electrons become uncoupled, or separated.

In engineering jargon, defeating inverse electron entanglement is a funny way of saying that the power has been cut off, either intentionally or unintentionally.

10. Asymmetric torque distribution

Asymmetric torque distribution is a humorous way of saying that a car is spinning out of control.

In engineering jargon, asymmetric torque distribution is a funny way of saying that the car is skidding or sliding, typically due to a loss of traction on the road.

Torque is a twisting or turning force, and in cars, it’s the force that the engine applies to the wheels to make them spin.

Asymmetric torque distribution means that the torque is not being distributed evenly among the wheels, which can cause the car to spin out of control.

11. Complete systems failure 

If your system decides to take a siesta simultaneously, leaving you stranded in a digital desert, wondering if you accidentally angered the tech gods, then you say in engineering germs “complete systems failure”.

Complete system failure means your device isn’t working at all.

12. Priority request

When engineers want to express the urgency of their needs or requests, they say ” Priority request”. Priority request simply means “I need that now!”.

So, when engineers throw around a ‘priority request,’ just picture a needy houseguest crashing the party of your perfectly organized code, demanding immediate VIP treatment.

This is equivalent to a pop-up ad in real life, shouting, ‘Pay attention to me NOW!’ while you’re in the middle of a heated debate about the best flavor of ice cream.

13. Induced catastrophe

How do you react to a spilled drink or something mistakenly splashed on you? ”Oops”, right? Yeah! The same expression is referred to as ” induced catastrophe” by engineers.

So tell me, next time are you going to say “oops” or “induced catastrophe?”. Which one sounds more expressive?

14. Make that a priority 

Engineers can attest to the adrenaline rush that comes with the “make that a priority” command. Make that a priority simply means “drop everything and do this instead”.

It’s like your boss suddenly channeling their inner action hero, donning a cape and yelling, ‘This task needs saving, and you’re the superhero we’ve been waiting for!’ So, when you hear ‘make that a priority,’ just imagine yourself soaring through the office, dodging obstacles, and triumphantly delivering that spreadsheet like it’s the last hope for humanity.

15. Collateral Damage

Collateral damage” in engineering jargon refers to unintended or unexpected negative consequences that occur as a result of making changes or implementing a solution in a system or project.

It draws its origin from its military context, where it describes unintended harm or destruction inflicted on non-targeted objects or individuals during a military operation.

It serves as a reminder to engineers and project managers to carefully consider the potential ripple effects of their actions.

It emphasizes the importance of thorough testing, risk assessment, and contingency planning to mitigate the risk of unintended consequences.

16. Compressive irresponsibility

Picture this: you’re trying to cram a giant marshmallow into a tiny box, hoping it’ll magically fit if you squish hard enough.

Well, that’s compressive irresponsibility for you! It’s like saying, ‘Who needs graceful solutions when you’ve got brute force?’ So, next time you encounter this term, just imagine engineers tackling problems with the finesse of a bull in a china shop, hoping sheer pressure will save the day.

17. Strategically unbalanced

When you hear engineers say “strategically unbalanced”, they simply mean “This design isn’t going to work”.

This term is often used when discussing trade-offs or compromises made during the planning, design, or implementation phases of an engineering project.

Engineers may choose to strategically unbalance a system by prioritizing factors such as performance, cost-effectiveness, speed, innovation, or user experience, depending on the project’s goals and constraints.

So that being said, you as a product or web developer can make use of this jargon in your work field.

18. Code monkey

No Jack, it has nothing to do with monkeys. Thank you. A programmer who writes code without fully understanding its implications is called a ” Code monkey”. You are welcome.

19. Rubber duck debugging

To engineers, “Rubber duck debugging” is a problem-solving technique commonly used by programmers to debug code.

The concept is simple yet effective: explain your code line-by-line to a rubber duck or any inanimate object as if it were a sentient being.

The name “rubber duck debugging” originates from a story in the book “The Pragmatic Programmer” by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas.

In the story, a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by explaining it to the duck.

The act of articulating the problem and the thought process behind the code often leads the programmer to identify the issue or mistake.

20. Yak shaving

“Yak shaving” is the seemingly endless series of tasks required to accomplish a goal.

“Yak shaving” refers to the process of getting sidetracked by a series of seemingly unrelated tasks or subtasks that need to be completed before the original task can be tackled.

It highlights the interconnected nature of complex systems and the importance of addressing dependencies and prerequisites in engineering and software development projects.

21. Brogrammer

I saw this word and I was really like even the engineers understand street slang.

Well, well, to the meaning: “Brogramming” is a term that originated as a portmanteau of “bro” (a colloquial term for a close male friend) and “programming.”

It refers to a subculture within the tech industry characterized by a stereotypical, masculine, and often competitive or macho attitude among programmers, typically male-dominated.

In brogramming culture, emphasis is placed on traits such as assertiveness, confidence, and bravado, which are associated with traditional masculine stereotypes.

22. Pebkac

This engineering jargon is quite hard to guess except I tell you the meaning(tongues out). Pebkak” is an acronym standing for “Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.”

It’s a humorous term used in IT and engineering circles to describe an issue that arises from user error rather than a technical malfunction. 

The phrase humorously implies that the problem isn’t with the computer system or software itself, but rather with the person operating it.

In other words, the problem is caused by the user’s lack of understanding, mistake, or oversight.

For example, if a user complains that their computer won’t turn on, and it turns out they forgot to plug it into a power source, you might jokingly say, “Ah, it’s just a Pebkak error.”

23. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature,” is one of the most popular sayings in the world of engineering and software development

This phrase is often used to explain away an unintended behavior or unexpected result as if it were actually part of the design.

It’s a bit of a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that something that appears to be a flaw is a deliberate design choice.

24. 404 brain not found

“404 brain not found” is a play on the 404 error message that you might see when visiting a website that doesn’t exist or can’t be found.

In engineering jargon, “404 brain not found” is a humorous way of saying that someone’s brain isn’t functioning properly, or that they’re not thinking clearly.

It’s a way of poking fun at someone who’s not quite understanding something or is struggling to grasp a concept.

25. Spaghetti code

Spaghetti code is a term used to describe messy and disorganized code in computer programming. 

The term is based on the idea that the code is so tangled and confusing that it looks like a plate of spaghetti, with strands of code going every which way and not making much sense.

This type of code is often difficult to read, debug, and maintain, and it can lead to bugs and errors in the software.

In engineering jargon, spaghetti code is a humorous way of describing code that is poorly written and difficult to understand.

26. Rubber band solution

A rubber band solution is a humorous way of describing a temporary or makeshift solution to a problem. 

The idea is that a rubber band is a versatile tool that can be used to hold things together or keep them in place, even if it’s not the best or most permanent solution.

In engineering jargon, a rubber band solution is a quick-and-dirty fix that might work in the short term but isn’t necessarily a long-term solution.

27. Hard reset for humans

A hard reset for humans is a funny way of saying “Go to sleep and try again tomorrow.”

In computer terminology, a hard reset is a type of restart that completely wipes the system’s memory and starts it up again from scratch.

This can help fix certain types of issues, such as software problems or hardware glitches.

In engineering jargon, a hard reset for humans is a tongue-in-cheek way of suggesting that the best way to fix a problem is to take a break and try again with a fresh perspective.

28. Reinventing the wheel

Reinventing the wheel is a common expression in engineering and software development that refers to wasting time and effort by trying to solve a problem that has already been solved.

The idea is that the wheel has already been invented, and trying to invent it again is a pointless and inefficient use of time and resources.

In engineering jargon, “reinventing the wheel” is a humorous way of poking fun at someone who is wasting time trying to solve a problem that already has a solution.

29. Brain fart

When I saw this jargon, my mind automatically pictured my brain farting (chuckles). Brain Fart is an amusing way of referring to a momentary lapse of memory or concentration. 

The idea is that your brain has momentarily stopped working or has become so confused that it lets out a little “fart” of confusion.

It’s a humorous and relatable way of describing those moments when you can’t remember something, or when you just can’t seem to focus on a task.

In engineering jargon, Brain Fart is often used to describe moments when someone has a mental block or brain freeze, and can’t figure out how to solve a problem or remember a piece of information.

30. Ping-pong pairing

Ping-pong pairing is a term used to describe a type of software development process where two developers work on the same code at the same time, but take turns making changes to the code. 

The idea is that one developer writes a few lines of code, then “throws” the code to the other developer, who adds a few lines of their own and then “throws” it back.

This back-and-forth process is like a game of ping-pong, with the code bouncing between developers as they work together to complete the task.

31. Low observable mode

Low observable mode is a funny way of saying “I’m ignoring this” or “I’m pretending not to see it.”

In engineering jargon, low observable mode is a humorous way of describing the act of ignoring a problem or piece of information, as if you’re “in stealth mode” and unable to be detected.

The term comes from the world of military technology, where it refers to stealth technology that is designed to make an aircraft or other object less detectable by radar.

32. Concurrent technology

Concurrent technology is a play on words that refers to the act of working on multiple tasks at the same time. 

The term “concurrent” typically refers to things that are happening at the same time, such as multiple processes running simultaneously on a computer.

In engineering jargon, “concurrent technology” is a humorous way of describing the act of multitasking or working on multiple projects at once, suggesting that you’re able to handle multiple tasks “concurrently” just like a computer.

In between,  Picture this: a device so advanced that it can brew your morning coffee, answer your emails, and walk your dog all at the same time!

It’s like having your very own personal assistant but with a knack for juggling tasks like a circus performer on caffeine.

So, next time you hear about “Mode Concurrent Technology,” just imagine a world where multitasking reaches a whole new level of absurdity, and your gadgets become the ultimate masters of efficiency (or chaos, depending on how you look at it).

33. Compatible retrograde optimization 

“Compatible retrograde optimization” sounds like something straight out of a time-traveling engineer’s playbook!

Imagine a scenario where engineers are tasked with upgrading ancient technology while somehow making it compatible with modern standards.

It’s like trying to install a touchscreen interface on a stone wheel or adding Wi-Fi to a typewriter – utterly ridiculous yet strangely compelling!

So, when you hear about “compatible retrograde optimization,” just picture a team of engineers boldly venturing into the past, armed with futuristic gadgets and a healthy dose of optimism, ready to drag antiquated tech kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

34. Negative delta

In engineering jargon, a negative delta is a humorous way of saying that something is getting worse or decreasing over time.

It’s a bit of a play on words, because the delta symbol looks like the letter “D,” so a negative delta could also be thought of as a “D-” grade.

Negative delta is a term that comes from calculus, where delta refers to the change in a variable over time.

In calculus, delta is often represented by the Greek letter Δ, and when it’s negative, it means that the variable is decreasing over time. 

Picture this: you’re merrily coding away when suddenly your program starts deleting files, reversing calculations, and turning your neatly organized code into a chaotic mess.

It’s like the universe’s way of saying, ‘Oops, my bad!’ and hitting the rewind button on your progress. So, when you encounter “negative delta,” just imagine your code taking a detour through the Twilight Zone, where up is down, left is right, and debugging involves more head-scratching than usual.

35. Rapid unplanned thrust reversal

Rapid unplanned thrust reversal is a very funny way engineers say that an engine is on fire.

Thrust reversal is a technique used in aircraft engines to slow the plane down by redirecting the thrust from the engines.

In engineering jargon, “rapid unplanned thrust reversal” is a humorous way of describing a situation where an engine has caught fire and is reversing its thrust in a rapid and uncontrolled manner.

It’s an exaggerated and somewhat absurd way of saying that an engine has malfunctioned and is creating a dangerous situation.

36. Passive retrograde deceleration

Passive retrograde deceleration is a term that’s used in the world of aerospace engineering, where it refers to a method of slowing a spacecraft down by using the gravitational pull of a planet or moon. 

In engineering jargon, passive retrograde deceleration is a humorous way of describing a situation where a spacecraft is slowing down without any intervention from the pilot or engineers.

It’s a bit of a joke because the term is usually used in a serious context, but here it’s being used to describe a spacecraft that’s out of control and heading for a crash landing.

37. Booting the device

Booting the device is a funny way of saying that you’re kicking a device to make it work.

In computer jargon, “booting” refers to the process of starting up a computer or device, which usually involves turning it on and loading the operating system.

 In engineering jargon, “booting the device” is a humorous way of saying that you’re trying to get a device to work by kicking it or hitting it.

It’s a bit of a joke because obviously kicking a device is unlikely to fix a technical problem, but it’s a way of expressing frustration with a malfunctioning piece of equipment.

38. Extreme heat attenuation

Extreme heat attenuation is a funny way of saying that you’re using a fan to cool something down.

Heat attenuation is a technical term that refers to the process of reducing the amount of heat in a system.

In engineering jargon, “extreme heat attenuation” is a humorous way of saying that you’re using a fan or other type of cooling device to cool something down. 

It’s a bit of a joke because the term “attenuation” is usually used in a more serious context, such as when describing the reduction of sound waves or radio signals.

39. High-energy discharge

High-energy discharge is a humorous way of engineers saying that they shocked themselves with electricity. 

Discharge is a technical term that refers to the release of energy, such as when a battery is drained or a capacitor releases its stored charge.

In engineering jargon, “high-energy discharge” is a play on words that suggests that you shocked yourself with a large amount of electricity, possibly causing a painful or even dangerous situation.

It’s a bit of a joke because it’s unlikely that a human could cause a high-energy discharge on their own.

40. Electronic pacification

Electronic pacification is a funny way of saying that you turned off a device. 

Pacification is a term that is often used in political contexts to describe the act of calming or subduing a group of people.

In engineering jargon, “electronic pacification” is a play on words that suggests that you’re calming or subduing an electronic device by turning it off.

It’s a bit of a joke because it’s an exaggerated and somewhat absurd way of describing the act of turning off a device.

So, when engineers resort to “electronic pacification,” just picture them engaging in a digital game of ‘peek-a-boo’ with their temperamental gadgets, hoping to buy themselves a few moments of peace before the next meltdown.


 I hope you enjoyed reading this article and are as excited as I’m to incorporate this jargon in my day-to-day speech.

Engineering is a fascinating field, and it’s always fun to discover the humor that lurks behind the jargon.

If you ever need help decoding any more engineering lingo, just let me know using the comment sections.

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