20 Clever Insults for Someone With Big Eyes

Clever Insults for Someone With Big Eyes

Are you looking for clever insults to use for someone with big eyes, or hard jabs to incite fun only? Then this is the right article for you

When you’re dealing with someone who’s got big eyes, whether it’s a literal description or just a metaphor for being nosey or gossipy, you might find yourself needing some clever insults to shut down their prying ways.

Look no further! I will be providing 20 witty insults that will have them blinking in disbelief and wishing they had smaller peepers.

So, if you’re tired of being watched like a hawk by someone with some serious binoculars, get ready to unleash these zingers I have prepared for you and leave them seeing stars.

Ready? Let’s get started

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Clever Insults For Someone With Big Eyes 

  • As big as your eyes are, one will think you might be able to see the future.
  • With those eyes, you must be kin to frogs.
  • Your eyes are so big, but can’t see past your foolishness.
  • Your eyes are not a talent but a major statement you belong in a circus.
  • Your eyes are the reason why I believe aliens reside among us.
  • I could develop eye-phobia from staring at your big eyes.
  • Your eyeballs don’t fit with the rest of your body parts.
  • Your eyes are so big, that the moon must be jealous of your eyes.
  • Your eyes are so big, I could hide under them if it was going to rain.
  • Your eyes could scare kids to bed, without any bedtime story.
  • I think I have seen the type of your eyes before, but it was in a horror movie.
  • Your eyes are so interesting, they should be studied.
  • Am certain you can scare an owl with such eyes.
  • There ought to be an area code assigned to your enormous eyes.  
  • Your eyes are so big, at first sight, one would think they are golf balls.
  • Your big eyes are like two huge black holes that are absorbing all of the focus in this space. 
  • Your eyes are so huge that traffic lights must be jealous of them.
  • One will think that with those eyes you could see through walls.
  • You could wear a 10,000$ suit, but all I will keep thinking Is, how do those eyes fit into their socket?
  • Your eyes are so huge one will think all the nutrients you get from food go to the eyes only.
  • Four people could share your eyes and it will appear the 

1. As big as your eyes are, one will think you might be able to see the future.

This stingy statement is packed with enough heat to make the receiver burn with anger.

In case a friend has been verbally bullying you for a while, this statement is the easiest way to shut him up for a long time and make him understand he should find someone his type next time he wants to pick on someone.

  • I saw another planet bigger than the Earth, and that is your eyes.

2. With those eyes, you must be kin to frogs.

Clever Insults for Someone With Big Eyes

This comparison is the best way to get a painful reaction from your opponent, who feels he is better than you with words.

With this burning statement, you won’t only teach your colleague a lesson but also make him learn the hard way, and put a stop to him dragging the title with you.

Deliver your insult this way.

  • With those eyes and a croaking voice, you will need more than a magical kiss to make you into a prince.

3. Your eyes are so big, but can’t see past your foolishness.

With this statement, you are about to put your opponent and everyone listening to you in their lane and demand respect.

This statement is meant to school your opponent up and remind him that he took more bites than he can swallow, and here comes the repercussions.

  • Your eyes are huge, and they are just another appendix on your body but this time they are visible and they pretend to work.

4. Your eyes are not a talent but a major statement you belong in a circus.

Go hard and stealthily while making use of this statement to force a surrender from your opponent.

This statement compares your opponent to a circus crew because of his funny big eyes, exploits his weakness, and makes sure there won’t be a comeback from this.

  • Your eyes are big enough to serve as a projector in a cinema.

5. Your eyes are the reason why I believe aliens reside among us.

Go hard on your friend who loves to body-shame people a lot and you feel it is time to give him a dose of his poison.

This statement is subtle but more impactful because it has a lot of depth and will stay with them for a long time.

  • Your eyes alone are enough reason to argue about where you came from, and when are you going back since you don’t belong here.

6. I could develop eye-phobia from staring at your big eyes.

Clever Insults for Someone With Big Eyes

Use this statement to put a colleague in place for his insecurity, especially a colleague who gets angry and flares up because you were staring in his direction.

Use his insecurity as a bonus while throwing jabs at him that will make his face turn red.

  • If I stare too much at your big eyes, I might develop a phobia for staring at people’s eyes.

7. Your eyeballs don’t fit with the rest of your body parts.

This insult is the foundation for other witty statements to climb over and do the needful damage to the opponent’s confidence.

Deliver this insult with a straight face, and a tiny fragment of conscience without holding back a bit.

  • Your eyeball on your body frame is what made it an improper fraction.

8. Your eyes are so big, that the moon must be jealous of your eyes.

Dish out this insult on a colleague to make them understand they wasted their time trying to diss you with words since you have an insult source that keeps you equipped for the long run.

Look into your arsenal and pick your favorite insult that suits the moment and you are sure it is the one to get the work done.

  • Someone asked me what surprises I was waiting for and how big. I said the size of your eyes.

9. Your eyes are so big, I could hide under them if it was going to rain.

This is an exaggerated statement of savagery, packed with swift action to reply to a friend who doesn’t give up easily and is a pain in the ass.

This statement might end up giving him a change of mind and shutting him up.

  • Your eyes are so huge, that the word big looks underrated while describing your eyes.

10. Your eyes could scare kids to bed, without any bedtime story.

This is one funny way to get at your friend by making him burn and feel the pain associated with every word in this statement.

This statement presents your opponent as scary and as something that might scare kids to bed and give them nightmares.

  • Make sure you put on a hoodie before strolling at night, you might be arrested for constituting a nuisance by just looking at kids.

11. I think I have seen the type of your eyes before, but it was in a horror movie.

Sting like a bee, use this statement as a ground-breaking entrance when being cornered, and feel your opponent is getting the whole attention.

Deliver your roast this way: 

  • Whatever gave you those eyes was trying to scare your mum not to have any more children.

12. Your eyes are so interesting, they should be studied. 

Clever Insults for Someone With Big Eyes

This statement is the perfect reply to a nosy friend, who won’t stop at anything but make you angry by intruding into your privacy without approval.

This statement is designed to put a leash on him since we will be hitting his weak spot with this statement, which is his big eyes for a start. 

  • Your eyes should be studied by  scientists 

13. I am certain you can scare an owl with such eyes.

Owls are known for their big eyes which can be scary during the night when you come across one, this statement is fully packed with puns, stingy words, and exaggerations to make it a complete weapon of destruction.

Use this statement to weaken your opposition’s defenses and let them know you are not someone they can go against when it comes to insulting challenges.

  • You are a living walking scarecrow.

14. Your eyes are so big, at first sight, one would think they are golf balls.

This statement is an attention-seeker, it can be spoken quietly but heard so loudly by the receiver and everyone listening. 

With this statement, everyone listening will be a witness to your greatness at savagery and won’t crosswords with you for a while.

  • On a close look, you must be kin with Tarsiers.

15. Your big eyes are like two huge black holes that are absorbing all of the focus in this space. 

People with big eyes might be insecure and overprotective of their physical appearance and sometimes misinterpret the idea of you looking at them. 

This makes them violently defensive because they feel that is the only means to get themselves freedom from every prying eye.

  • Your eyes are an amusement park on its own, everyone loves the view.

16. Your eyes are so huge that traffic lights must be jealous of them.

When trying to verbally get someone who feels like the world revolves around his big eyes to back off and stay in their lane and mind their own business, no end or limit is considered extreme.

This remark has the potency to silence a coworker who is quick to pass judgment and assume that everyone is making fun of his eyes.

  • Your eyes have more potential to be famous than you, soon everyone will go ladies and gentlemen the EYES MAN.

17. One will think that with those eyes you could see through walls.

This statement is the best way to shut a colleague with a foul mouth and big eyes up. This is going to put a leash on a colleague who is ready to body shame, anyone at the slightest chance they get.

Use this statement to show such a person who is the boss, and leave him shocked after dishing out this game-changing insult.

  • Am sure if your mum had your eyes, she might have seen you coming and prevented abominable recurrence.

18. You could wear a 10,000$ suit, but all I will keep thinking Is, how do those eyes fit into their socket?

Use this statement as revenge on your neighbor who likes to cause a ruckus in the neighborhood, just that this time he looks good in a nice suit and his big eyes are gracing the day already.

Compliment his outfit and shocking look ironically in such a way he won’t want more, and he will feel pained and burned at the same time because it is payback season.

  • Have you seen an expensive suit on a Toad? Try to imagine it in your head, and look in the mirror then you get the answer.

19. Your eyes are so huge one will think all the nutrients you get from food go to the eyes only.

Make use of this statement to humble that friend of yours who always knows the best word to insult everyone, and among your cliques, everyone sees him as the boss. 

Make use of this statement to dethrone and further make him go in search of more insults as a comeback, but the few insults in this article are enough to ready your arsenal any day, anytime.

  • All the nutrients you get from your food meant for your brain growth, evade your brain, and go straight to the eyes.

20. Four people could share your eyes and it will appear the normal size.

Lastly, this statement will leave a lasting effect on your opponent, there is more than enough insult to keep you equipped in case any verbal bully wants to go head-to-head with you.

Use the points available in this article to defend yourself against verbal bullies and also as a backup if inevitable challenges arise.

  • If your eyes are this big and they can’t shoot lasers, then they are just big for nothing, and a waste of space.


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