20 Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

You’ve heard of the Bills Mafia, the Nickname for Buffalo Bills fans. There’s no doubt this fan base is a strong and popular one in the good old US. 

Sometimes they’re in the news for the right reasons, at other times, for some outrageous one. 

But one thing this colorful fan base is known for is color and camaraderie. They’re a tough fan base to go toe to toe with. 

This is why we have prepared a special roast article for fans of the Bills. If you have Bills Fans as friends, we are sure theyve given you hell before aftertheie games. 

Here’s your chance to payback with this 20 roasts for a Bills fan. 

20 Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

1. Why is the Buffalo Bills fan carrying a ladder at the games?

Because they heard the playoffs were up there!

And yes a Bill fan is capable of this outrageous act. If you find one with a ladder don’t fret. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan carrying a ladder at the game? Because they heard the Super Bowl was up there!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan carrying a ladder at the game? Because they heard a winning season was up there!

2. How many Buffalo Bills fans does it take to change a lamp?

None, they’re used to living in the spotlight of the Super Bowl!

This roast right here will hit hard for a Bills fan. They’d rather celebrate in the darkness of the bar lit only by the jukebox than fix the bulb, literally. The ebullience of the fan base is infectious. 

  • How many Buffalo Bills fans does it take to change a lamp? None, they’re already shining in the Super Bowl spotlight!


  • How many Buffalo Bills fans does it take to change a lamp? None, they’re too busy reminiscing about the glory days!

3. Why don’t Buffalo Bills fans play hide and seek?

Because good luck finding a hiding spot with all those folding tables around!

Dressed in costumes, face painted and tailgating are some of the elements of the party after the games for Bills fans.

With all the folding chairs and colors, it is impossible to play hide and seek and not be spotted from a mile away. 

  • Why don’t Buffalo Bills fans play hide and seek? Because every hiding spot is filled with folding tables for tailgating!


  • Why don’t Buffalo Bills fans play hide and seek? Because they’re too busy prepping for the next tailgate!

4. Why does the Buffalo Bills fan have a map at the game?

Because they heard the team needed directions to the playoffs!

This one pokes fun at the Bills for needing a map for playoffs. The Bills are good at ties. Playoffs are their saving grace. Yet, the need a map for that too. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan have a map at the playoff? Because the team keeps getting lost on the road to the playoffs!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan have a map at the game? Because they heard the team needed directions to victory!

5. What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite dessert?

 Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

Table turnovers!

Check out the wordplay here on table and turnover. A turnover is when the ball changes hands from one team to the other during a football game. 

The table in this case alludes to dessert. You get the point. Use this roast when at a bar or restaurant with a Bills fan. 

  • What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite dessert? Table turnovers with a side of victory!


  • What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite dessert? Anything served on a table, preferably after a touchdown celebration!

6. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan go to school?

To learn how to tackle life’s challenges as gracefully as their team tackles opponents!

The irony here is that Bills players aren’t as graceful, or not always as a Bills fan would like. Hence, a Bills fan may take offense on this roast. Which is what we want, right? 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan go to school? To learn how to tackle life like their team tackles opponents!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan go to school? To understand the strategy behind their team’s plays!

7. What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the bartender?

Keep the shots coming, just like the team’s offense!

Give it to the Buffalo Bills. Sometimes they manage to keep the shots coming. This is what this roast is about.

Make sure to use this one after a game. Make sure the Bills lost it and the Bills fan is sulking. 

  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the bartender? Keep the shots coming, just like the team’s offense – relentless!


  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the bartender? Keep the shots coming, we need to numb the pain of past losses!

8. Why does the Buffalo Bills fan have a shovel at the game?

To bury their hopes and dreams for the season!

This is one savage roast in a losing season. Save this one for then. Be careful how you use it though.

Make sure the Bills fan isn’t a fanatic. Also, lay the roast on a foundation of friendship and laughter. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan have a shovel at the game? To bury their hopes and dreams for the season deeper than the opponent’s defense!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan have a shovel at the game? To dig a grave for their expectations, six feet under!

9. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan gardening?

To practice their skills at planting seeds of hope for next season!

Another savage roast to boost your ego. If you belong to a different fan base, here’s your chance to take a dig at the Bills. If it’s a losing season, rub it in with this roast. 

  • Why is the Buffalo Bills fan gardening? To master the art of planting seeds of hope for the next championship season!


10. How do Buffalo Bills fans exercise?

Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

By running through all the “what if” scenarios of past seasons!

Don’t we all suffer from the what-if syndrome?

For the Bills fan, rub it in by recounting all the moments that could have turned the game around for the Buffalo Bills last season. Then laugh with all your heart. 

  • How do Buffalo Bills fans exercise? By constantly running through all the “what if” scenarios of past seasons, trying to find where it all went wrong!


  • How do Buffalo Bills fans exercise? By jogging down memory lane and reliving every near miss and heartbreak, keeping their hopes alive for the future!

11. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a band?

To practice their ability to keep marching on despite the setbacks!

You can also evangelize about how this could be what the team needs next season to win. Maybe the support team alone could do this. Or for good measure, the whole team then. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a band? To perfect their rhythm of resilience, marching on through every defeat!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a band? To channel their passion for victory into a symphony of perseverance!

12. What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the fortune teller?

Can you predict when our luck will finally turn around?

If it’s been a terrible season for your friend who’s a Bills fan, come up with this suggestion to see a fortune teller.

Make sure to appear serious. Then prepare for the scream of frustration when the fan realizes you’ve been messing with him. 

  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the fortune teller? Can you predict when our luck will finally intercept the curse?


  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the fortune teller? Can you foresee a future where our touchdowns outnumber our heartbreaks?

13. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a bakery?

To bake a fresh batch of optimism every day!

Remind the Bills fan how this is an option and that you even know certain fan bases who had won games this way. Apply a solemn expression when saying this. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a bakery? To knead away the sour taste of defeat and serve up fresh slices of hope!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan start a bakery? To create pastries as sweet as their dreams of a championship!

14. How do Buffalo Bills fans decorate their homes?

With memorabilia and trophies from their dreams of Super Bowl victories!

The Bills fan is going to frown at you when  he hears this roast. Then follow up by saying it was better to dream than not. 

  • How do Buffalo Bills fans decorate their homes? With memorabilia and trophies from their fantasy football league, where they always win the Super Bowl!


  • How do Buffalo Bills fans decorate their homes? With posters and pennants, turning every room into a shrine of hope for the next championship!

15. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan pickup stand-up comedy?

Funny Roasts for a Bills Fan

To laugh off the pain of every missed opportunity!

Add that a suggestion that the Bills fan start this comedy thing at the next game. Every time the team loses, he should grab the mic and calm the fans by making them laugh

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan pick up standup comedy? To turn every interception into a punchline and every fumble into a funny story!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan pick-up stand-up comedy? To find humor in defeat and laughter in loss, all while hoping for a winning punchline!

16. What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite board game?

“Risk,” because they’re used to taking chances on their team!

There’s a play on the idea of board games like chess here where players risk pawns, or even a king or queen. 

Use this roast the next time the Bills lose a game. 

  • What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite board game? “Risk,” because they’re always willing to gamble on their team’s success!


  • What’s a Buffalo Bills fan’s favorite board game? “Risk,” because they know the thrill of victory is worth the risk of heartbreak!

17. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan become a chef?

To master the art of cooking up a comeback!

This could also be what the Bills need on the game: a chef. In many ways this could change their fate at the games. Cooking up a comeback is more practical than all the practice sessions. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan become a chef? To perfect the recipe for a winning season, adding just the right amount of determination and resilience!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan become a chef? To turn every game day into a feast of hope, serving up victory on a silver platter!

18. How do Buffalo Bills fans relax?

By watching reruns of the team’s greatest moments, over and over again!

For maximum effect, refuse to admit that every fan base does this. This act of regret is only performed by Bills fans. 

  • How do Buffalo Bills fans relax? By binge-watching highlights of their team’s finest victories, pretending each one is happening in real-time!


  • How do Buffalo Bills fans relax? By replaying memorable games in their minds, savoring each triumph as if it were happening anew!

19. What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the mirror?

Mirror, mirror on the wall, when will our team rise and never fall?

This hilarious made up story of the mirror should do the trick of all else fails. Hardly a Bills fan would let you leave the bar without spilling his drink while trying to grab you. 

  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the mirror? Mirror, mirror on the wall, when will our team’s fortunes reverse and never again stall?


  • What did the Buffalo Bills fan say to the mirror? Mirror, mirror on the wall, when will our Super Bowl dreams finally stand tall?

20. Why did the Buffalo Bills fan take up archery?

To aim for the bullseye of victory with every shot! 

The Bills need a winning streak next season. Could Archery be the secret magic formula? This remains to be seen. 

  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan take up archery? To hone their precision and focus, targeting a future where their team hits the bullseye of success!


  • Why did the Buffalo Bills fan take up archery? To draw back the bowstring of hope and release an arrow of determination toward a championship target!

Final Thoughts

This has been a roast article for a Bills fan. It’s got everything you need to rile a Buffalo Bills fan up after a losing game. And even after a winning one. Even roasts are part of the tailgating. 

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