20 Funny Roasts for a Southerner

List of 20 Funny Roasts for A Southerner

If a Southerner is the next person on your list of people to roast, then there are a few things you need to know about them before proceeding to roast them.

The Southerners typically refer to people from the Southern United States, which includes states like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and many others. 

Additionally, there are funny things about them that can be the foundation of your roast which include their unique accent, culture, beliefs, their love for comfort food( Chicken, barbecue, pecan pie, biscuits), and their quirky traditions.

To ease the stress of having to rack your brain to think of creative and witty roasts to use for Southerners, I have compiled 20 best funny roasts for a Southerner.

The list consists of classic one-liners, deep humor, teasers, sarcasm, and puns.

Come along with me!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Funny Roasts for a Southerner

  1. The South will rise again, but not because of your lackluster football team.
  2. I heard the South has the best barbecue. Too bad you can’t cook anything without adding sugar to it.
  3. I bet you’re from the South because you sure do know how to whine about everything.
  4. I heard the South has the best manners. Too bad you can’t seem to find your way out of the 19th century.
  5. Are you from the south? Because you sure do know how to overcook everything.
  6. So, you’re from the south? Well, I guess that explains your love for all things slow and painful.
  7. Your accent sounds like you have a mouthful of marbles.
  8. I bet you’re from the South because you sure do know how to make even the simplest tasks into a three-day ordeal.
  9. So, you’re from the south? Well, I guess that explains your love for all things slow and lazy.
  10. I heard the South has the best hospitality. Too bad yours comes with a side of awkward silence.
  11.  Why did the Southerner go to the art gallery? He heard they had some fine “Y’all-sters” on display!
  12. Why was the Southerner’s computer running slow? It had too many “drawls” clogging up the processor!
  13. Why don’t Southerners ever get lost? Because they always know which “way-ell” to go!
  14.  What did the Southerner say to the tornado? Well, bless your heart, darlin’, but I reckon it’s time for you to mosey down the road!
  15. Why did the Southerner bring a pencil to the barbecue? Because he heard they were serving “barbecue-cue” and wanted to write it down!
  16.  What did the Southerner say when he saw a UFO? Well, I’ll be darned, y’all come from a galaxy far, far away!”
  17.  How does a Southerner greet someone at a party? With a “Howdy, y’all! I hope you brought your appetite ’cause we’re fixin’ to have ourselves a hootenanny!”
  18. Why don’t Southerners play hide and seek? Good luck hiding when you’ve got a “y’all” that echoes for miles!
  19. Why did the Southerner bring a map to the family reunion? Because he heard there were distant relatives, and he wanted to know who was “kin”!
  20. How does a Southerner react to a breakup? Well, that ain’t peachy.

1. The South will rise again, but not because of your lackluster football team.

Here is a humorous play on words on their famous slogan and their disappointing football team. This witty line uses play-on-words to poke fun at the Southerners but in a crafty way. 

On comprehending the meaning of the joke, Southerners will realize they have just been roasted.

2. I heard the South has the best barbecue. Too bad you can’t cook anything without adding sugar to it.

List of 20 Funny Roasts for A Southerner

One of the many funny facts about Southerners is their love for comfort food like barbecue, and they claim to have the best barbecue.

So when a Southerner brags about their barbecue, you don’t need to look so far for a response, just use the roast above to sting him. He will be surprised at how much you know about them.

3. I bet you’re from the South because you sure do know how to whine about everything.

If you have a Southern friend who loves to cry and whine about almost everything, then this roast is suitable for them.

Tell them creatively that you are not surprised about their desire to whine about everything, it has to do with where they come from.

This will surely sting them and put a halt to their whining.

4. I heard the South has the best manners. Too bad you can’t seem to find your way out of the 19th century.

Okay, so I read that Southerners are calm and mannered folks, well good for them. However, a victim of one of your roast burns if they dare try to preach about manners to you.

Just retort with this classic roast that is capable of sending a Southerner flying off board.

5. Are you from the south? Because you sure do know how to overcook everything.

Yes! Throw a subtle jab from your neighbor who is a Southerner.

This roast doesn’t necessarily need the individual detail that is if they know how to cook or not as it will still sting the Southerner because you have just ridiculed his origin.

6. So, you’re from the south? Well, I guess that explains your love for all things slow and painful.

Another thing to say to a Southerner to tease him is to use this classic roast on him.

This roast implies that Southerners are tough, resilient breeds and they are used to pain and also poke fun at their affinity for taking things slow and enduring pain.

7. Your accent sounds like you have a mouthful of marbles

“Your accent sounds like you have a mouthful of marbles” is a subtle jab at a Southerner’s vernacular and accent. The Southerners talk in a very funny way and they make use of “Y’all” a lot.

Use this statement to sting a Southerner’s way of articulating his words.

8. I bet you’re from the South because you sure do know how to make even the simplest tasks into a three-day ordeal.

“I bet you’re from the South because you sure do know how to make even the simplest tasks into a three-day ordeal”  is another hilarious thing to say to a Southerner.

This roast uses the exaggeration effect to poke fun at the stereotype of Southern hospitality and leisurely pace of life, implying that Southern individuals have a knack for stretching out activities and turning them into drawn-out events.

9. So, you’re from the south? Well, I guess that explains your love for all things slow and lazy.

How do you say a Southerner is sluggish and slow? Don’t rack your brain too much, above is a witty way to deliver your punchline to them, in a way that it will hit them hard.

This roast implies that the Southerners are very laid back and lazy.

10. I heard the South has the best hospitality. Too bad yours comes with a side of awkward silence.

“I heard the South has the best hospitality. Too bad yours comes with a side of awkward silence” is another way to roast a Southerner who is an introvert and who is shy to be around people.

By using this roast, you are implying that they are not the true son of the soil because Southerners are known for their top-notch hospitality and hosting.

11. Why did the Southerner go to the art gallery?  He heard they had some fine “Y’all-sters” on display!

One way to poke fun at the Southerners is to make light jest of their distinct accent.

For this and the subsequent roasts, I will be providing you with the best accent- uated teasers and jokes that will make the Southerners and everyone listening laugh.

The above roast pokes fun at Southerners’ vernacular and the consistent use of “Y’all” create a playful and punny joke on their culture and accent.

12. Why was the Southerner’s computer running slow? It had too many “drawls” clogging up the processor!

Another accen-tuated joke on our Southern brothers that will definitely send rolling on the floor with laughter.

This joke humorously suggests that the Southerner’s computer was running slow because it had too many “drawls” (Southern accents) clogging up the processor.

It cleverly plays on the double meaning of “drawls” as both a Southern accent and a technical term for slowing down a computer.

13. Why don’t Southerners ever get lost? Because they always know which “way-ell” to go!

Another classic accent joke to use on a Southern buddy.

The humor lies in the playful clever wordplay and the playful exaggeration of the Southern accent suggesting that Southerners never get lost because they always know which “way-ell” (way to) go, playing on the Southern accent’s pronunciation of “well” as “way-ell.”

14. What did the Southerner say to the tornado? Well, bless your heart, darlin’, but I reckon it’s time for you to mosey down the road!

Hanging out with a Southerner this evening? Well, I got you some roasts to entertain or to indulge them in a roast fight.

The statement offers a light-hearted and amusing take on Southern culture and language, using playful imagery to deliver the absurdity of imagining the Southerners speaking so casually about a potentially dangerous weather phenomenon.

15. Why did the Southerner bring a pencil to the barbecue? Because he heard they were serving “barbecue-cue” and wanted to write it down!

A classic savage for a Southerner. This statement humorously suggests that the Southerners brought a pencil to a barbecue because they heard they were serving “barbecue-cue,” playing on the word “cue” both as a term for a signal and as a homophone for “queue” or line.

16.  What did the Southerner say when he saw a UFO? Well, I’ll be darned, y’all come from a galaxy far, far away!

Here is another teaser for the evening hangout with your Southern pal.

The humor lies in the absurdity of imagining a Southern reaction to encountering something as extraordinary as a UFO, as well as the stereotypical Southern charm and politeness depicted in the dialogue.

17.  How does a Southerner greet someone at a party? With a “Howdy, y’all! I hope you brought your appetite ’cause we’re fixin’ to have ourselves a hootenanny

Here is another relatable roast to poke fun at the Southerner’s culture, accents, and way of hosting guests. This will surely draw a humorous effect on the Southerners because the roast pokes fun at the originality of the Southerners.

18. Why don’t Southerners play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you’ve got a “y’all” that echoes for miles!

“Why don’t Southerners play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you’ve got a “y’all” that echoes for miles” is another funny thing you can say to a Southerner.

This statement humorously suggests that Southerners don’t play hide and seek because it’s difficult to hide when their distinctive “y’all” echoes loudly for miles, making it easy to be found.

Use this exaggerated statement to poke fun at their thick and audible accent.

19. Why did the Southerner bring a map to the family reunion? Because he heard there were distant relatives, and he wanted to know who was “kin”

List of 20 Funny Roasts for A Southerner

Another teaser to roast a Southerner. The humor lies in the clever wordplay of “kin” meaning both family members and geographical distance on a map.

It playfully exaggerates the importance of family connections in Southern culture and the Southern drawl’s pronunciation of the word “kin.”

20. How does a Southerner react to a breakup? Well, that ain’t peachy.

“How does a Southerner react to a breakup?

Well, that “ain’t peachy” is a statement that humorously suggests that a Southerner might react to a breakup with disappointment, saying “Well, that ain’t peachy,” which is a play on the Southern expression “peachy keen” meaning everything is fine or good.

Use this statement to poke fun at a Southerner going through a heartbreak.

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