20 Funny Roasts for a Muslim

Funny Roasts for a Muslim

This article provides you with ideas for lighthearted banter with your Muslim friends and encourages you to do so in the spirit of friendship and humor.

A religious-based roast can be sensitive and except given permission to do so or being done in a lighthearted way, shouldn’t be what to engage in. 

The article attempts to make readers laugh and chuckle by using clever wordplay and lighthearted teasing for our Muslim friends and brethren while keeping a respectful and inclusive tone.

In this post, I have provided the best hilarious roast you can use to poke fun at your Muslim friends and brethren.

The list includes; classic one-liners, sarcastic comments, deep humor, and witty sayings that can be said publicly.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Here are 20 Funny Roasts for a Muslim

  1. I was unaware that the phrase “InshaAllah” could also mean “I will do it whenever I feel like it.” 
  2. The religious content of your Instagram feed appears more intense than your actual life. 
  3. Your beard is so untamed I could hide myself in it.
  4. Are you simply terrible at planning meals, or are you getting ready for Ramadan? 
  5. Whether you are Muslim or not, your sense of style is still rooted in the 90s. 
  6. It is possible that you could pass an exam if you studied as much as you pray.  
  7. You constantly repeat the same old prayers like a broken record.  
  8. You make Gandhi look like a snacker, you are just a lousy man fasting.  
  9. It is funny how your modesty in dressing doesn’t stop you from fornicating.
  10. Girls in kimar surviving heat can survive hell too.
  11. Your Holiness and regular prayer are always on point during Ramadan only.
  12. I feel the only reason you remain a Muslim is to enjoy polygamy.
  13. The only time you display humility is when you want to pray.
  14. You pray 5 times a day and get angry throughout the rest of the day.
  15. How come you recite the Quran without knowing what it means?
  16. You wash up before praying but you forget to wash your mind.
  17. Your fasting always starts after having a heavy breakfast, what a way to fast.
  18. Believing in a religion that came in the 7th century is total brainwashing.
  19. You don’t believe in Jesus but he was mentioned in the Quran and Muhammad wasn’t mentioned in the bible.
  20. Whatever made you a Muslim took advantage of the chaos in you

1. I was unaware that the phrase “InshaAllah” could also mean “I will do it whenever I feel like it.” 

This witty statement is one to get the roasting job done, especially when you have a friend who loves to procrastinate with the word “InshaAllah”.

Roast him with this witty statement to let him know he has been caught and getting burned will be the consequences.

  • Is it through after saying “InshaAllah it takes you 20 years to make up your mind.

2. The religious content of your Instagram feed appears more intense than your actual life.

Roast a colleague who seems to flood his Instagram feeds with religious content, but fails to portray half the spirituality physically. 

This clever line cleverly mocks such lifestyles by playing with words, by the time he understands the joke, they have been thoroughly burned.

  • Muslim friends who follow you on Instagram won’t know that the devil himself loves religious content on his feeds.

3. Your beard is so untamed I could hide myself in it.

One of the many amusing things about Muslims is that they may consider it a sin to completely shave off their beards.

You do not have to search far for a retort when a Muslim boasts about their facial hair, just use the roast mentioned above to hurt his feelings. Your level of knowledge about them will surprise him.

  • Immediately you start sweating it looks like you have the rainforest for a beard.

4. Are you simply terrible at planning meals, or are you getting ready for Ramadan? 

Helping your friend with an excuse in such a way you perfectly set him up to be roasted is another way to get the job done. 

Roast your friend with this witty statement for being a terrible planner, because preparing for Ramadan is an excuse that won’t justify his terrible planning.

  • Aside from getting ready for Ramadan, what other excuses do you have to justify your terrible planning?

5. Whether you are Muslim or not, your sense of style is still rooted in the 90s. 

This statement depicts you might have seen other Muslims with a better fashion idea, but your friend Muslim or not is never escaping that old-school appearance from the 90s. 

Throw your friend a mild jab to remind him it is 2024 and not the 90s.

  • Seen some Muslim dresses with the latest fashion styles, but your fashion software has been outdated for a long time and you refuse to update it.

6. It is possible that you could pass an exam if you studied as much as you pray.  

This roast is for your colleague who is devoted to praying but studies less and loves to attach his success to spirituality alone, playing down hard work.

Knocks some senses into his head with this roast, hopefully, he gets the message.

  • If you studied as much as you pray, you could have had Elon Musk on a speed dial.

7. You constantly repeat the same old prayers like a broken record.  

Another thing to say to a Muslim colleague to tease him is to use this classic roast on him.

This roast implies that Muslims are repetitive when it comes to prayers and it has been like that for a long period before now.

  • Same old prayer, different new problems.

8. You make Gandhi look like a snacker, you are just a lousy man fasting.  

“You make Gandhi look like a snacker, you are just a lousy man fasting” is another hilarious thing to say to your friend who is observing his Ramadan fasting but won’t keep quiet about it and keep making it annoyingly obvious.

With this witty statement, you might successfully shut him up for good.

  • I know one teenager who fasted for two months and never told anyone it hurts.

9. It is funny how your modesty in dressing doesn’t stop you from fornicating.

Telling a Muslim friend that she is promiscuous can be difficult. Do not overthink it; the clever way you have presented your punchline above will hit them squarely in the face. 

This suggests that your Muslim friend dresses modestly but engages in extramarital affairs.

  • You dress modestly just to take it off illegally.

10. Girls in kimar surviving heat can survive hell too.

Funny Roasts for a Muslim

Even in hot environments, some Muslim ladies love to put on their flowing Kimar, and due to them doing so consistently, they have already gotten used to it.

Tease a friend who is mostly in Kimar even in hot 

Seasons to put a smile on her face.

  • Wearing kimar during this hot weather makes me want to ask, are you a cyclop?

11. Your Holiness and regular prayer are always on point during Ramadan only.

Roast your Muslim friend who fulfills his duty as a Muslim only in the month of Ramadan and fails to fulfill them after Ramadan, he even skips prayers and doesn’t observe them regularly.

Use this statement to make fun of his seasonal, holy belief.

  • 12 months in a year and you have just 30 days to be holy and observe regular prayers.

12. I feel the only reason you remain a Muslim is to enjoy polygamy.

Polygamy in Islam is not a sin, in case you have a single friend who has a perfect plan to marry more than one wife and can’t keep quiet without discussing his plans openly.

Take a clean jab at him with this witty statement to keep him mute for a long time.

  • Aside from the fun of polygamy, what other reason makes you proud of Islam?

13. The only time you display humility is when you want to pray.

This statement is for your Muslim friend who displays a meek attitude only when he is preparing to pray or when having his prayer sessions, but immediately after that, he is salt to everyone’s wound.

Use this statement to serve him a dose of his poison.

  • When praying is the only time you are Humble and not preying.

14. You pray 5 times a day and get angry throughout the rest of the day.

Pull a practical joke on your hot-tempered friend by using this humorous yet sardonic roast. This statement depicts that aside from the 5 times he prays daily, he spends the rest of his time getting angry.

Cautiously deliver your roast this way with a warm countenance, see if it will make him smile.

  • I guess the reason you stay mad all day is because you have to pray 5 times and you have been thinking why not just once?

15. How come you recite the Quran without knowing what it means?

Does any one of your Muslim coworkers enjoy putting you through unnecessary stress? Then use this roast to exact revenge on him. This teasing could make your colleague burn.

Making your roast seem even more profound is possible if you smile and deliver it with a hint of conscience.

  • There must be a part where the Quran says do not disturb your neighbor, but you won’t know because you can’t read it.

16. You wash up before praying but you forget to wash your mind.

Funny Roasts for a Muslim

This statement is a constructive missile targeted at your negative and dirty-minded colleague.

It is a normal rite to wash up and stay clean from all dirt before you pray in Islam but the same cleansing isn’t applicable to their mind.

Roast your colleague who performs ablution yet has a dirty mind with the roast above. Hits him real quick before he finishes up with his prayer and then decides to retaliate.

  • You look good outside but with a dirty mind and inside, you are a good-looking bag of trash.

17. Your fasting always starts after having a heavy breakfast, what a way to fast.

Use this viciously packed roast to cook your Muslim friend. This statement is better suited for a roast competition with a friend.

Even the guys watching the game can not help but laugh at this witty statement which seems harmless but stings and fails to never miss its target.

Deliver your roast like this:

  • With your type of fasting, I could fast for 8 years.

18. Believing in a religion that came in the 7th century is total brainwashing.

Use this humorous roast to make fun of your closest Muslim friend. But before you pull off your religious roasting, make sure he knows you are just being silly and have nothing bad in mind. 

Your message will be understood if you deliver your roast with a smile.

  • You are good at defending your religion, that shows you were specially brainwashed.

19. You don’t believe in Jesus but he was mentioned in the Quran and Muhammad wasn’t mentioned in the bible.

Your Muslim friend should have known better than to stay out of the roasting competition with you, this is a classic silencer with savagely packed jokes, there is never going to be a comeback from this savage reply laced with facts.

Deliver your roast with confidence knowing it will take time before he recovers from the numb effect this statement is capable of. 

  • If the Bible is older than the Quran, then who is the real son of God?

20. Whatever made you a Muslim took advantage of the chaos in you.

A final sting is necessary to make a lasting impression on them. You have just acquired a fierce rival who will never forget how offensive your comments were to them by using this roast.

 They are searching for a bigger comeback, so be prepared because if they discover our lists of brilliant comebacks, they will come for you.

  • With that scary look, I hope you were promised more than 7 virgins to look scary and fierce.

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