20 Funny Ways to Roast a Cross-eyed Person

Funny Ways to Roast a Cross-eyed Person

One way to lighten a place and the mood of that environment is to provide lighthearted and playful roasts.

It is a way of strengthening  friendships and creating long-lasting relationships . If you have a friend who is cross-eyed, and you wish to roast them for fun then this article is for you.

I have looked at 20 hilarious ways to make fun of someone who has crossed their eyes in this article.

These roast ideas, ranging from clever jokes to clever one-liners, are guaranteed to make people smile. So take a seat back, unwind, and enjoy the imaginative ways to lightheartedly and playfully roast a person with cross eyes.

Remember that roasting should always be done in a lighthearted manner and that making people laugh rather than hurting anyone’s feelings is crucial.

Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Here are 20 ways to roast a crossed eyes person

  1. You have the gift of looking at both worlds at the same time.
  2. With eyes like that I don’t trust you when you say you got my back.
  3. Whatever you are looking at is a mystery no one can tell
  4. With eyes like that, I could say your eyes are holding grudges against each other.
  5. Whoever manufactured shade tried to protect people with your eyes.
  6. God knew you would like to gossip then he blessed you with those eyes.
  7. You are a walking nightmare, your eyes could scare kids in the dark.
  8. Very soon I am sure your eyes will get you into trouble.
  9. You have a new suit on, but the first thing I noticed on you was your crossed eyes 
  10. Your eyes are always in everyone’s business, making them careful around you.
  11. Your eyes are the real definition of parallel lines never meet 
  12. With those eyes I understand why it is hard to go straight to the point.
  13. I heard crossed-eye people cheat a lot, they keep seeing other people.
  14. With those eyes I will believe the fact you can see the back of your head.
  15. No one can be in two places at the same time. crossed-eyed people can.
  16. Anytime I’m sad I look at your eyes and they individually make my day 
  17. I heard crossed-eye people excel in arguments because they could see and understand both sides.
  18. Whatever made you crossed-eye want you to be the best at hide and seek.
  19. I’m sure you get dizzy trying to pick dirt in your eye with a mirror.
  20. Your eyes don’t understand unity, they are independent mfs.

1. You have the gift of looking at both worlds at the same time.

You and your friends are just getting started on the roast game, and one of them has a big sense of self-worth. Use this roast to strike him with lightning-fast precision and speed.

This traditional taunt has the power to incite your opponent and elicit a response.

However, do not let that deter you from creating more excellent roasts, keep in mind that I have additional classic burners ready for you.

Say this while maintaining eye contact with your friend:

  • Your eyes are the real definition of “Worlds Apart”

2. With eyes like that I don’t trust you when you say you have my back.

Use this witty statement to draw a smile out of your friend, who loves to use the word “I got your back” and he is crossed-eye.

Deliver this roast with a smile so that he can get the message, you only want him to smile and get at him for always saying “I got your back”.

  • You are good at making decisions your eyes don’t agree with.

3. Whatever you are looking at is a mystery no one can tell.

People with crossed eyes can be mistaken for what they see because their eyes might not be focused on what they are looking at.

Knowing this, don’t let this slide, without creating a lighthearted joke about this situation having noticed your friend is in a good mood. This statement will make him smile.

  • Your eyes are the author and creator of confusion about anything you are looking at.

4. With eyes like that, I could say your eyes are holding grudges against each other.

With the last roast, I could bet you made your friend smile. Thus, maintain a stronghold of the situation with this witty statement. 

Take this opportunity to tease your friend who is crossed eye further, with both of you having fun with this lighthearted joke.

  • Your eyes are never going to reconcile and embrace unity.

5. Whoever manufactured shade tried to protect people with your eyes.

Funny Ways to Roast a Cross-eyed Person

This stingy statement is the best way to make fun of a friend who does not look like the person you know since he started wearing shades.

With this lighthearted remark, tell him that his shades looked better on him.

Stealthily and softly, reveal your roast in this manner:

  • Your shade makes you look good, hiding your talent to look at two things at the same time.

6. God knew you would like to gossip then he blessed you with those eyes.

Do you have a friend who sucks at gossiping, and also crossed-eye? Double win for you if you use this witty statement to roast her. 

With this roast, you are indirectly saying their eyes are an additional bonus supporting their gossiping skills.

  • You could gossip about the president in front of him and not make eye contact, you are such a genius.

7. You are a walking nightmare, your eyes could scare kids in the dark.

Not wanting to take things too literally, you want to tell your colleague how funny their crossed eyes look. 

Using this sardonic expression is the best way to deftly make fun of your coworker who has crossed eyes and is sure to get the rest of the group laughing at work.

  • Your eyes are more than enough talent for you to fit in a circus.

8. Very soon I am sure your eyes will get you into trouble.

This statement is for your crossed-eye friend whom you always think is looking at you but he isn’t, and this always confuses you. 

Roast him with this witty statement that has the power to spread a warm smile on his face and keep him shocked.

  • Your eyes will always be guilty if staring wrongly at a person is a crime.

9. You have a new suit on, but the first thing I noticed on you was your crossed eyes 

Use the sarcastic statement to make fun of your friend for never being consistent in anything.

After all these years of getting to know your friend, you only know that he has crossed his eyes and nothing else about his life has remained the same.

Try roasting your friend in a playful way like this:

  • Old suits and new suits shall pass but your crossed eyes shall remain the same.

10. Your eyes are always in everyone’s business, making them careful around you.

This is a sarcastic way of making fun of your friend who is so hard to gossip with because everyone feels he is looking at them but he isn’t, which makes everyone careful around him before they talk.

  • You are the office CCTV everyone is careful around.

11. Your eyes are the real definition of “parallel lines never meet”

Funny Ways to Roast a Cross-eyed Person

Is there a bothersome coworker who enjoys frustrating you? Then make him pay for it with this roast. Your coworker might get red in the face from this roast. 

Smiling and delivering your roast with a hint of conscience will make it seem even more profound.

  • The only thing more annoying than you disturbing me is that you won’t be able to do it eye-to-eye.

12. With those eyes I understand why it is hard to go straight to the point.

Pull a practical joke on your friend who is not paying attention to you by using this humorous yet sardonic roast. 

By doing this, you satirically imply that the subject’s eye appears to be unable to focus on one thing at a time, possibly on two.

Cautiously present your roasts in this way:

  • It is hard to go straight to the point because your eyes are always focusing on more than one point.

13. I heard crossed-eye people cheat a lot, they keep seeing other people.

It is a popular saying to get at cross-eyed people with sharp tongues, this is a powerful and  sarcastic statement to get even with them and shut them up for a while.

Trust me it will slap and put a leash on them.

  • I haven’t seen a faithful crossed-eyed person, and you won’t be the first.

14. With those eyes I will believe the fact you can see the back of your head.

Poke a friend with this statement to make them burn a bit if only they could get the message, but surely make him smile.

The humor in this roast comes from your friend’s possible confusion and he will not be able to tell if you are being mean or funny to him.

  • Your eyes are capable of wonderful things that normal people’s eyes can’t do.

15. No one can be in two places at the same time. crossed-eyed people can.

Without taking it literally, how do you say that having crossed eyes is hilarious and must look at sight?

When you say something as effective as this, just be ready for your friend to make a comeback.

  • Being crossed eyes shows God has a sense of humor and he made you on a special day.

16. Anytime I’m sad I look at your eyes and they individually make my day

Saying something like “his crossed eyes amuses you and it makes your day, even on a bad day” is a sarcastic way to make fun of your friend.

With this playful joke, you can make your friend who has crossed eyes smile.

  • No stand-up comedian can make my day the way your eyes do anytime I look at them.

17. I heard crossed-eye people excel in arguments because they could see and understand both sides.

To roast your crossed-eyed friend, use this savage-packed roast for them. This statement is better suited for a roast competition with a friend.

Even the guys watching the game can not help but laugh at this witty statement.

Deliver your roast like this:

  • You had to be a perfect judge, understanding both lawyers since you can focus on different points of view at a time.

18. Whatever made you crossed-eye want you to be the best at hide and seek.

Funny Ways to Roast a Cross-eyed Person

Use this lighthearted roast to playfully tease your closest buddy who is cross-eyed.

However, make sure they understand that you are just having fun and have no malicious intentions before you carry out your roast.

  • You would have been the best at hide and seek, as soon as you start making use of your gift which is your eyes.

19. I’m sure you get dizzy trying to pick dirt in your eye with a mirror.

This is a perfectly witty statement to poke a friend or a colleague, this statement depicts that since they have crossed eyes it might be difficult trying to pick dirt on a particular spot in their eye with a mirror, which might make them feel dizzy. 

Use this fairly exaggerated roast to tease your friend, while making him smile.

  • I would love to see you put a thread through a needle, I have heard it is one of the easiest things you can do.

20. Your eyes don’t understand unity, they are independent grown-ups.

To leave an impression on them that will last, a final sting is required. By employing this roast, you have just gained an ardent opponent who will always remember how hurtful your remarks were to them.

They are looking for a bigger comeback, so be ready because you will be destroyed if they find our lists of clever comebacks.

  • Your eyes are independent of themselves, and they are capable of seeing things and taking care of themselves, without your permission.

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