20 Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

We all talk, from time to time, especially with people we’re comfortable with, and there’s always that time we ramble on and on.

While it’s not everyone that’ll enjoy your rambling, it can be offensive when someone calls you diarrhea. 

“Verbal diarrhea” is the term used to describe someone who talks too much without control. So, someone can call you diarrhea if you’re too much of a talker for them.

Therefore, how do you respond if you find yourself in such a situation?

We know that knowing what to say might be difficult and that’s why we’re here to help you. I’ve got great comebacks you can use in your defense when someone calls you diarrhea.

20 Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

If someone feels you talk too much, there are more polite ways to pass the message. 

But if someone chooses to call you diarrhea, these are some of the clapbacks for them: 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your eardrums are too small,” “I see you’re suffering from word indigestion,” and “That’s rich coming from someone who spits out nonsense all the time.”

Below are 20 fantastic comebacks for when someone calls you diarrhea:

  1. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your eardrums are too small
  2. Oh, I didn’t know you were suffering from listening deficiency
  3. Just say you can’t digest my words of wisdom, and I’ll slow down
  4. I see you’re suffering from word indigestion
  5. Who’s checking?
  6. You’re right, I was diagnosed right from my mother’s womb
  7. That’s rude, what if I call you AIDS? Because I can see you’ve got a compound problem
  8. That’s because you make my mouth run, it’s your fault
  9. You must be enjoying me, that’s why you’re still here
  10. You better stay off before you contract it
  11. That’s rich coming from someone who spits out nonsense all the time
  12. Yeah. You’re one of the toilets I offload to
  13. Well, as long as I don’t stink like your personality
  14. And you’re still taking in all my shit. What does that make you?
  15. That’s because I allow myself to flow, unlike you who’s worried about the right grammar to use
  16. Just tell me you lack the words to express yourself 
  17. That’s alright. It’s because I’m not worried about mouth odor
  18. I can’t see it affecting you
  19. I’m not forcing you to take all that in
  20. I’m still better than you

I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Realize Your Eardrums Are too Small

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your eardrums are too small” is one of the best comebacks for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This response is appropriate to return the insult to them. It implies that they can’t handle your talking because they’ve got small eardrums.

Also, it’s a sarcastic reply that pins the problem on them, and apologizing makes it more embarrassing.

Oh, I Didn’t Know You’re Suffering from Listening Deficiency

Another good clapback for when someone calls you diarrhea is, “Oh, I didn’t know you’re suffering from listening deficiency.”

It’s a good play on words that returns the insult to them, by inferring that that they’ve a listening deficiency. It implies that they think you talk too much because of their deficiency.


Also, it’s a funny way to get off their hook unscathed.

  • Oh, I didn’t know you were suffering from listening deficiency. I’ll remember to talk less next time 
  • Oh, I didn’t know you were suffering from listening deficiency. I’ll remember not to talk to you anymore 

Just Say You Can’t Digest My Words of Wisdom, and I’ll Slow Down

This comment here is an appropriate comeback that’ll work for someone who accuses you of talking too much by calling you diarrhea.

Attacking their intelligence is one way to return the insult to them. So, this is a savage reply that makes fun of them by accusing them of being the ones incapable of understanding you.

Also, it’s a clever way of referring to yourself as wise.

I See You’re Suffering from Word Indigestion

“I see you’re suffering from word indigestion” is another excellent answer to provide to someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is another play on words that blames them for the issue. It accuses them of having difficulty in understanding you. Also, it’s a funny response that’ll embarrass them.

  • I see you’re suffering from word indigestion. Just tell me what to speak and what not to
  • I see you’re suffering from word indigestion. Maybe you should filter out the ones you hear first before swallowing 

Who’s Checking?

“Who’s checking?” is another great response for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is a sarcastic question that shows that you don’t care about what they think about you. It’s a smart way to humiliate them, as they’re likely not to know how to respond.

  • Who’s checking? You? Hilarious
  • Who’s checking? Some insignificant being?

You’re Right, I Was Diagnosed Right from My Mother’s Womb

“You’re right, I was diagnosed right from my mother’s womb” is another clever response for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is a sarcastic response that humors them by agreeing with their statement. Also, it’s a humorous reply that’ll take them unawares.  

That’s Rude, What if I Call You AIDS? Because I Can See You’ve Got a Compound Problem 

“That’s rude, what if I call you AIDS? Because I can see you’ve got a compound problem” is another smart thing to say to someone who calls you diarrhea.

This response attacks their rudeness while insulting them. Also, asking if you should call them AIDS because of their many problems is a hilarious way to tell them that they’ve got a lot of problems.

That’s Because You Make My Mouth Run, It’s Your Fault 

Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

One of the smart ways to deal with someone who insults you is to graciously accept the insult.

“That’s because you make my mouth run, it’s your fault” is one the best answers for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This response accepts their accusation but blames them for it. It tells them that they’re the ones responsible for your running mouth.

You Must Be Enjoying Me, That’s Why You’re Still Here 

“You must be enjoying me, that’s why you’re still here” is another great comeback for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This response just like the above doesn’t deny their assertion. It shows that you’re okay with being a diarrhea while accusing them of liking it because they’re still with you.

It’ll work for a friend or someone you work closely with.

You Better Stay off Before You Contract It

Another clever clapback for someone who calls you diarrhea is, “You better stay off before you contract it.”

This one-liner is a great one that shows you’re not worried about their insults. Also, it’s a smart way to disregard them, indicating that they’re not important to you.

Since they think you talk too much, then they should stay away from you.

That’s Rich Coming from Someone Who Spits Out Nonsense All the Time 

“That’s rich coming from someone who spits out nonsense all the time” is another good comeback for someone who accuses you of talking too much.

This is a smart response that accuses them of never speaking any sense. Also, it lets them know they’ve got no right to complain about you talking too much since they never make sense when they speak.

You’re One of the Toilets I Offload to

Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

“Yeah. You’re one of the toilets I offload to” is another great reply for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is another play on words that’ll surely sting. Since they think you’ve got a running mouth, yet they’re still sticking around to listen, then they’re the toilets that take all that you spill.

It’s a savage reply that insults them. They won’t be quick to forget this one.

Well, as Long as I Don’t Stink Like Your Personality 

“Well, as long as I don’t stink like your personality” is another thing you can say to ridicule someone who accuses you of talking too much.

This response tells them that being diarrhea isn’t a bad thing, as long you don’t stink like their personality. Also, it lets them know that they’ve got a bad character. 

  • Well, as long as I don’t stink like your personality, I’ll be okay
  • Well, as long as I don’t stink like your personality, people will like me better 

And You’re Still Taking in All My Shit. What Does That Make You?

“And you’re still taking in all my shit. What does that make you?” is another befitting question to throw at someone who calls you diarrhea.

This response ridicules them for still putting up with you. If someone thinks you talk too much, the best they can do for themselves is to stay with you.

So, this is an appropriate response for someone who always hangs around you, yet wouldn’t stop complaining of your talking too much.

Additionally, it’s a play on words that’ll certainly get to them.

  • And you’re still taking in all my shit. What does that make you? A toilet I guess
  • And you’re still taking in all my shit. What does that make you? A hypocrite 

That’s Because I Allow Myself to Flow, Unlike You Who’s Worried About the Right Grammar to Use 

“That’s because I allow myself flow, unlike you who’s worried about the right grammar to use” is another fantastic comeback for someone who thinks you talk too much.

If they describe you as diarrhea, this statement is a befitting clapback that returns the insult to them. First, it corrects them that your talking too much shows you’re good with English grammar.

Then it further insults them by implying that they’re bad with grammar, which is why they think you talk too much.

Just Tell Me You Lack the Words to Express Yourself 

Another sharp comeback for someone who calls you diarrhea is, “Just tell me you lack the words to express yourself.”

This classic one-liner ridicules them for having problems with expressing themselves.

It tells them that they only think that you talk a lot because they don’t have the right words to speak. Also, it’s a clever way to turn the attention to them.

  • Just tell me you lack the words to express yourself. I’ll understand
  • Just tell me you lack the words to express yourself. You’re not the first 

That’s Alright. It’s Because I’m Not Worried About Mouth Odor

“That’s alright. It’s because I’m not worried about mouth odor” is another fantastic reply to give someone who insults you for talking a lot.

This response acknowledges their accusations and gives them a valid reason. It lets them know you speak freely because you don’t have a mouth odor.

Also, it smartly implies that they’re likely to be suffering from that.

  • That’s alright. It’s because I’m not worried about mouth odor, unlike you
  • That’s alright. It’s because I’m not worried about mouth odor. So, I don’t need to close my mouth like you

I Can’t See It Affecting You

“I can’t see it affecting you” is another good reply to give someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is a classic comeback that tells them you’re not bothered about what they think since it’s not affecting them. 

If they think you talk too much but stick around to complain about it, then they’re probably not affected by it.

Also, it’s something you can say and go on to ignore them.

I’m Not Forcing You to Take All That in

Good Comebacks to Say When Someone Calls You Diarrhea 

“I’m not forcing you to take all that in” is another perfect response for someone who calls you diarrhea.

This is another retort that shows you’re not bothered about how your talking too much affects them. Also, it’s a clever way to let them know they can leave if they’re not comfortable being around you.

I’m Still Better Than You 

Another great clapback for someone who calls you diarrhea is, “I’m still better than you.”

This is a confident reply that shows you’re not affected by their insult. If they think you’re a diarrhea because you talk too much, let them know they’re worse with this response.


If you’re one of those who naturally talk a lot, you must’ve heard people complain that you talk too much several times.

However, calling you diarrhea is taking it a bit far. So, if someone calls you diarrhea, you don’t have to shut up. With a good response, you can show them what you’re made of.

This article has all you need for good comebacks when someone calls you diarrhea.


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