20 Good Insults for Ginger

Good Insults for Ginger

Do you have a friend, relative, or colleague with ginger hair, and you need humorous, lighthearted jokes to make fun of them?

The percentage of people with genuine ginger hair in the world is only one to two percent.

Usually, it is connected to a lighter eye color and fair skin.

Read on to find the best puns, sarcasm, witty statements, and one-liners that are sure to get a ginger-haired person rilled up when you tell them.

Here are 20 Good Insults for Someone with Ginger Hair

  1. My friend, you are six colors short of a rainbow
  2.  I would rather do drugs than have your hair.
  3.  Your hair looks like what started global warming in the first place
  4. Aside from all-black, ginger hair should be a better look for a funeral
  5. On a closer look, you look like an angry bird
  6. Crying would have looked better on you, sitting well with the hair
  7. It’s Christmas but you are already prepared for Halloween
  8.  you look spicy, not hot
  9. In our world where you could be a hero, you decided to be a gingerbread man
  10. We need to find shade. If you stay too long in the sun you might catch fire
  11. You didn’t say a word but your hair color made more than one statement
  12. Your hair looks like the type to stain a white cloth
  13. involving you in peaceful discussions look weird with your hair color
  14. I would prefer to play with fire than your hair
  15. Am sure you woke up on the wrong side of the bed to choose that hair color
  16. Avoid going close to a crime scene if you look like a suspect already
  17. Ginger hair looks good on homeless people around town
  18.  You look like the type to make bad decisions with that hair color
  19.  Getting angry with that hair color is a match made in heaven
  20. Whoever gave you that hat was trying not to have a heart attack

My friend, you are six colors short of a rainbow

This Insult characterizes the hair, suggesting that it unnecessarily makes them overly colorful. And is inappropriate, this statement will give a hint about their hair, putting them on a halt and demanding they listen because they just got burned.

Good Insults for Ginger

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • With just six more colors left, whoosh! It’s you, the human rainbow.

I would rather do drugs than have your hair.

Your friend with ginger hair can be a frightening and even hilarious sight. Judging from films and novels you have seen, sometimes most bullies with ginger hair are the toughest kind of bully.

Insult your friends with a pinch of conscience, he is not going to bully you he is just with ginger hair.

By this, you are humorously describing their unattractive look.

  • With such hair, I heard trouble is out there looking for you.

Your hair looks like what started global warming in the first place.

Is your ginger-haired friend fond of watching the weather forecast? If so, this Insult is for him or her.

This Insult never misses to draw a speechless reaction out of your friend on this perfect occasion.

Watch your friend go speechless as there will never be a comeback from this.

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • Exposing your hair to the environment might be the end of life as we know it.
  • You are the reason bush burning became illegal.

Aside from all-black, ginger hair should be a better look for a funeral.

This Insult is always the perfect shot at drawing a speechless reaction out of your grumpy friend. By this, you are humorously describing his or her unattractive look.

Carefully use this word to make them understand who is the boss when it comes to savagery.

Make sure you are not too serious when you deliver this Insult.

  • I haven’t seen a ginger-haired smile once, you always look good attending a funeral.

On a closer look, you look like an angry bird.

If your friend or your sibling has a temper, this Insult, if carefully delivered, will make them understand they need to take the angry mode elsewhere.

As a friend or sibling, you need to be equipped to make them understand that everyone goes through life. You just didn’t make the news.

Deliver your Insult in this way:

  • On a closer look, you look like an angry bird don’t you?
  • Your facial expression will fit in bedtime stories that give kids nightmares.

Crying would have looked better on you, sitting well with the hair.

If your friend or siblings love to chuckle a lot and they have ginger hair, Insult your friend with this statement, based on hints from previous peppery scenarios they remind you of.

Sometimes eating spicy food can give you mixed feelings, sweet but spicy, peppery almost dropped a tear but so good.

Good Insults for Ginger

  • Watching you smile with that hair color looks weird, maybe you should try crying.

It’s Christmas but you are already prepared for Halloween.

This Insult is for your colleagues, who love to show off his or her ginger hair at the chance of a new hairstyle.

Insult her with this one-liner that will leave a lasting impression. An Insult to bring out silence in a room if professionally delivered.

Deliver your Insult in this way:

  • The kids were expecting Santa Claus not a living walking nightmare.
  • If this happens to be your Halloween costume, we might visit the morgue in search of a lost corpse.

You look spicy, not hot

This Insult is to trigger doubt in your good-looking friend who is also shy, with an indirect compliment.

This Insult might leave her stunned while using the word spicy instead of “hot” to indicate her being beautiful.

  • You look so beautifully spicy, good thing I am allergic.

In our world where you could be a hero, you decided to be a gingerbread man

In the St. Nicholas story from 1875, an elderly childless woman bakes a gingerbread man, who then jumps out of the oven and flees. The woman gave chase but was unable to catch him.

This Insult is meant for your friend who always avoids social gatherings and gets away with a perfect excuse, But not today.

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • Are you going to be around to party, or do you know anyone who swallowed a shovel?

We need to find shade. If you stay too long in the sun you might catch fire.

You find yourself at a beach party and there is an Insult game and your ginger friend is already the center of attention in this Insult match and you are playing along. Make a clean sweep with this Insult.

Everyone will laugh at this Insult even if it makes them appear foolish.

  • You have stayed too long under the sun. Did you forget you are highly flammable?
  • Two more seconds under this sun then we will have a human barbeque.

You didn’t say a word but your hair color made more than one statement. 

“You didn’t say a word but your hair color made more than one statement” is another hilarious Insult for someone with ginger hair.

Good Insults for Ginger

One useful tactic for thoroughly Insulting your opponent is to employ exaggeration.

  • You would have made it far in life if only you were as bright as your hair.
  • Am the only thing bright in this room including your hair.

Your hair looks like the type to stain a white cloth.

This is a timeless burner for your sweetheart with ginger hair. You can tease your girlfriend with this Insult while trying to rest her head on your shoulder.

Your girlfriend knows that her hair doesn’t stain so this Insult is fairly innocuous and understandable, you were just making fun of her.

  • Whatever you paid to look this miserable might be worth it if it stains white.
  • If heaven was white, you might not make it because of your hair.

Involving you in peaceful discussions looks weird with your hair color.

This Insult is full of idioms and puns that will sting your friend like a ginger hairpin.

This comment suggests that the hair is extremely unprofessional, and the image evokes a “hot feeling,” implying that raw ginger does not provide any serenity.

Make fun of your pal by telling them in jest that their ginger hair makes them look strange.

  • Can you pretend we are planning a coup since anything peaceful might upset you?

I would prefer to play with fire than your hair.

Office parties are always fun and with the right mood Insult games burn anyone who is not prepared or equipped, you don’t wanna be left out.

Insult your ginger-haired friend to make the Insult game more lively, this witty statement never missed

  • Will you please put on a hat flammable things are not permitted here.
  • Your hair is the reason we couldn’t visit fire survivors, visiting them would have been a disaster

I’m sure you woke up on the wrong side of the bed to choose that hair color.

An idiom that refers to someone who started their day with a foul temper or with a poor attitude is “woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

The expression refers to the idea that a person’s morning activities or surroundings might have an impact on their mood throughout the day.

Insult your ginger-haired friend to draw out a frown from him.

  • We have a bad day already, looking at your hair just made it worse.

Avoid going close to a crime scene if you look like a suspect already. 

Insult your quirky friend with this amazing comeback if he thinks he knows more about fashion than you do.

Although this appears to be an opinion to him, it’s an Insult intended to assert your authority over him.

Thus, the next time he attempts to Insult you, he will reconsider before attempting it. Insult him in the following manner:

  • You might see the inside of a cell walking around a bank aimlessly with that hair color, just saying.
  • You look like the type to break the law with that hair color, won’t blame any cop pulling you over for doing nothing.

Ginger looks good on homeless people around town

Good Insults for Ginger

Whether for positive or negative causes, ginger hair has this vitality and draws attention. Watch your friend get uncomfortable as you make fun of him or her for having a hair color that rocks the show.

Insult him or her in such a way they will get the jokes and at the same time the message that the hair color is over-colorful.

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • All eyes on you, with such attention we could donate to flood victims
  • Your hair color is the reason we are all here tonight, cheers.

You look like the type to make bad decisions with that hair color.

Use this statement to deftly Insult your Ginger-haired friend. Use this Insult to make fun of their hair color choice and make fun of them for making poor decisions, which is what they are known for.

This Insult has the potential to silence your companion with a mixed feeling because this Insult is going to slap hard.

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • Another way that your poor decisions are reflected is in your hair color.
  • With this hair color, taking control over your life would be the second mistake

Getting angry with that hair color is a match made in heaven.

This is one classic punchline that will completely Insult someone with Ginger hair and get everyone present laughing. This Insult describes the funny look of someone with Ginger hair and makes jest of the color of their hair.

Don’t worry he or she will get the message, it is just a way to make your colleagues or friends understand nothing is fair.

Deliver your Insult this way:

  • Don’t understand why you will go to the salon, spend a fortune, only to end up looking like an angry clown.

Whoever gave you that hat was trying not to have a heart attack.

Finally, make fun of someone who chose to wear a hat and had ginger hair by using this Insult. This Insult ridicules their appearance in general as well as the hairdo’s lack of professionalism.

Knowing that the only way to make fun of someone’s hair color, even when wearing a hat, is to deliver the Insult in this manner:

  • With the hat, you look like an overtaker, and without the hat very much like an undertaker.

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