15 Ways to Roast Someone on Omegle

how to roast someone on omegle

There are plenty of ways to roast someone on Omegle. A good roast involves the perfect timing to throw in some good lines that’ll take them unawares.

If you’ll be doing a video chat, you can use what you observe about them to perfectly roast them.

Some examples include, “You look like the third copy of Cara Delevingne,” “If you want to see an ugly thing, look in the mirror,” and “Do you care for a piece of advice? Your face should always be hidden.”

Also, you can always use some iconic lines even while texting there.

Here are 15 ways to roast someone on Omegle

  1. You look like the third copy of Cara Delevingne
  2. The problem is on you if you think I’m not beautiful
  3. If you want to see an ugly thing, look in the mirror
  4. I only roast beautiful girls, so don’t be afraid
  5. Don’t worry, I don’t do idiots
  6. Can you make your comebacks a little less boring
  7. Do you care for a piece of advice? Your face should always be hidden
  8. You have a receding brain just like your hairline
  9. Your makeup isn’t helping
  10. Do trains cruise your head?
  11. Are you always dumb? Or did you just learn it today?
  12. I didn’t know I’ll find retards here until I met you
  13. “Wow! Who permitted you to leave the zoo?
  14. You don’t even have the mental efficacy to engage with me
  15. I have your type in the house, they bark when they see me

You Look Like the Third Copy of Cara Delevingne

“You look like the third copy of Cara Delevingne” is one of the ways to roast someone on Omegle.

This is a perfect roast for a lady. It’ll work while doing a video chat, as it shows you’ve assessed her beauty, and you feel it matches a third copy of Cara Delevingne.

First, Cara Delevingne is one of the top British models and actresses. So, comparing a lady in this manner will surely sting.

It’s a funny way to describe her look. Additionally, it’ll work as a perfect comeback when she tries roasting you.

The problem Is on You if You Think I’m Not Beautiful

Another way to roast someone on Omegle is with this classic line, “The problem is on you if you think I’m not beautiful.”

This is a perfect roast punchline that’ll work as a comeback during a roast battle.

For example, if you’re texting or video chatting someone on Omegle, and they comment negatively on your look, you can give them this response.

This retort emphasizes that they’re the ones who have the problem if they think you aren’t beautiful.

Also, it’s a smart way to show them that you’re not affected by their insult.

Here are some examples:

  • You think I’m not beautiful! Oops! That’s your brain malfunctioning
  • I can’t be bothered when you say I’m not beautiful because you never make sense

If You Want to See an Ugly Thing, Look in the Mirror

Another great way you can insult someone on Omegle is with this line, “If you want to see an ugly thing, look in the mirror.”

This is another iconic punchline that shows you’re on the top of your game. It’ll work as a perfect response when someone calls you ugly or insults you.

Also, you can casually throw this shade when they’re not expecting it to throw them off balance.

Here are some examples:

  • Hi, good morning. Do you want to see an ugly thing? Just look in the mirror
  • If I want to see something nasty, I just have to look at you

how to roast someone on omegle

I Only Roast Beautiful Girls, So Don’t be Afraid

“I only roast beautiful girls, so don’t be afraid” is another fantastic way to roast someone on Omegle.

This is another sharp comeback that can work during a conversation with someone on the website, especially during a video call.

It’s a smart way to roast anyone before they realize it and a funny way to call them ugly.

Here are some examples:

  • A- Hey! Wow! (Acts surprised during a video chat)
  • B- What is it?
  • A- Never mind, I only roast beautiful girls

Don’t Worry, I Don’t Do Idiots

“Don’t worry, I don’t do idiots” is another way to make fun of someone on Omegle.

This is another sharp and stinging reply you can give as a comeback during a conversation with someone on the website.

In addition, it’ll work well for bullies or for someone who says things you’re not comfortable with.

For instance, if you’re chatting with someone for the first time there. If they make some offensive and sexual comments and make a pass on you, this one-liner will put them off and make them avoid you next time.

Here are some examples:

  • Don’t bother, your types are my pets
  • I’m sorry, dumb guys are not my types

Can You Make Your Comebacks a Little Less Boring

“Can you make your comebacks a little less boring” is another thing to say to tease someone on Omegle.

This is another smart way to respond to someone trying to roast you on the app.

Also, this smart retort shows that you’re indeed on your A-game and ready for them while showing that you’re not affected by their insult.

Here are some examples:

  • That was slow, can you try again?
  • Your roast needs some spicing

how to roast someone on omegle

Do You Care for a Piece of Advice? Your Face Should Always be Hidden

“Do you care for a piece of advice? Your face should always be hidden” is another thing you can say to roast someone on Omegle.

This is another interesting way to engage them in a roast duel. When someone tries to insult you on this website, you can try this comeback to get to them.

Moreover, it’s a sarcastic statement that sounds like you’re advising them, but the last statement will surely take them unawares.

Also, it’ll work during a video call, as it shows you’ve seen their face and you’re not satisfied with it.

Here are some examples:

  • Your face shouldn’t be shown to the public, it’ll cause some destruction
  • Your face is so ugly, you should keep it for yourself alone

You Have a Receding Brain Just Like Your Hairline

Another fantastic way to get at someone on Omegle is with this classic one-liner, “You have a receding brain just like your hairline.”

This is a very sharp insult to give someone, as it’ll leave them lost for a comeback. It’ll work as a good comeback during a roast battle.

Also, it’s a two-in-one insult that attacks their hairline and brain. Saying their brain is receding implies that they’re losing their sense.

And believe me, no one would like to be told they’ve got a receding hairline.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you’ve something in your head? What’s eating your hair and brain?
  • Well, I’m not surprised, your regressive hairline says a lot

how to roast someone on omegle

Your Make-up Isn’t Helping

Another way to insult someone is with this one-liner, “Your makeup isn’t helping.”

This is another perfect way to roast a female on Omegle. It’ll work during a video chat if they’re on makeup.

Also, this is another smart and funny way to call them ugly. Additionally, you can use it during a roast battle to take them off balance.

Here are some examples:

  • Now, I understand, your makeup isn’t helping your beauty but diminishing your reasoning
  • Even with that makeup, I’m seeing a girlie chimpanzee

Do Trains Cruise Your Head?

This is another great way to roast someone on Omegle. It’ll work adequately for anyone, especially a girl who partitioned her hair in the middle.

Also, you should use it during a video chat, as it shows you’re not just talking out of place.

Seeing their hair, and then asking this question with a funny expression will make it more humorous. It’ll surely get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • What’s that line on your head for? Trains?
  • What’s that on your head? a railway track?

Are You Always Dumb? Or Did You Just Learn It Today?

Another thing you can say to roast someone is, “Are you always dumb? Or did you just learn it today?”

This is a ridiculous question you can pose to someone on Omegle to roast them.

You can throw this shade during a casual conversation to take them unawares, especially when they don’t give you the response you’re expecting.

For instance, if you’re chatting about random things, and they missed a question you ask them. Replying with this statement will surely sting; it’s a perfect way to roast them.

Here are some examples:

  • Are you this foolish? Or is it the day?
  • Were you naturally born dumb?

I Didn’t Know I’ll Find Retards Here Until I Met You

“I didn’t know I’ll find retards here until I met you” is another sharp way to insult someone on Omegle.

While chatting on Omegle, using this line will surely get to your chat partner. Casually throwing this shade will throw them off balance, as they wouldn’t see this one coming.

Also, it’ll work as a great comeback during a roast duel. It’ll show that you’re better in the roasting game.

Wow! Who Permitted You to Leave the Zoo?

“Wow! Who permitted you to leave the zoo?” is another funny way to engage someone on Omegle.

If you’re in a roast battle on this website, this one-liner is a very sharp retort you shouldn’t forget.

Using this response during a roast duel will show that you’re not affected by what they say.  Also, it shows that you’re the king of roast, as it’ll completely water down whatever insult they throw at you.

Here are some examples:

  • I should go talk to the animal attendants about letting you out of your cage
  • You should return to your cage, you’re causing a nuisance here

You Don’t Even Have the Mental Efficacy to Engage with Me

Another way to roast someone is with this stinging remark, “You don’t even have the mental efficacy to engage with me.”

This is another sharp way to respond to someone on Omegle during a roast battle. When they try to insult you, throw it back at them with this smart comeback.

It’ll completely make their roast useless. Also, using it during a casual conversation will surely take them unawares.

Here are some examples:

  • I can’t even talk to you because I’ll have to explain everything to you
  • I won’t bother with insulting you, you won’t even understand

I Have Your Type in the House, They Bark When They See Me

Another sharp insult to give someone is, “I have your type in the house, they bark when they see me.”

This is another perfect way to roast someone on Omegle. It’ll work for someone who tries to insult or make fun of you.

Also, it’ll show that their insult didn’t get to you, and implies that they’re only barking. Additionally, it’s a humorous way to call them a dog; they wouldn’t see this one coming.

Final Words

There are countless ways to engage someone on Omegle. On this website, you’ll find a lot of people who’ll give off some annoying, bad, and funny vibes.

So, knowing some good roast lines will come in handy someday. If you’ll ever need to roast anyone on that website, the above examples are a good place to start.


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