20 Funny Roasts for Someone Who Loves Anime

When it comes to roasting, not everyone is good with great savage comebacks, insults that let your eyes roll out of their sockets, and one-liner responses that keep people benumbed.

That’s why I will be providing you with great comebacks, light-hearted jokes, and one-liners to roast someone who loves Anime. I will also give you guidelines on the stylish mode of delivery on how to roast a lover of Anime in a friendly manner.

Follow religiously and watch yourself steal the show, beat your mate flawlessly, and eventually go home with the new title of “King of Sarcasm”.

Now, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

20 Hilarious Roasts for Someone Who Loves Anime

  1. Are you an anime character? Because I’ve no way seen anyone overreact to spilled milk like you!
  2. You binge-watch anime so much, your remote has endless thumbprints!
  3. I’ve heard of ‘Otaku,’ but you’re more like an ‘OCD-taku’ with your impeccable arranged figures
  4. Animes are for kiddies and losers
  5. You must be an anime character in disguise because no one can have that many hairstyles in one year
  6. You and anime are a match made in heaven – or at least a match made in your parents’ basement!
  7. You must be a ninja; you’ve mastered the art of ‘pausing’ at the perfect moment
  8. You remind me of Edward Elric
  9. Your head looks like a turnip
  10. Life is short but your presence makes it shorter
  11. You collect anime like some people collect stamps
  12. I like the sound you make when you shut up
  13. … With every knife so far
  14. Humans have the power among themselves to be anything. Strangely, you choose to be stupid.
  15. You’re like a cloud, once you are gone, it’s a beautiful day
  16. You’re like a walking ‘OST’ – every step you take has its own epic soundtrack
  17. You’ve binge-watched anime for so long that Netflix changed its ‘Are you still watching?’ message to ‘Are you ever not watching?
  18. You’ve watched so many ‘beach episodes’ in anime that you now have a ‘beach body’ expert by association!
  19. Your anime enthusiasm is like a black hole – it sucks in all your free time and never lets go.
  20. Izuku! I’m not insulting you; I’m describing you.

Are you an anime character? Because I’ve no way seen anyone overreact to spilled milk like you!

If you have a younger sibling who is dramatic or overly reacts to trivial situations and who loves to watch Anime, these humor-filled line is a perfect roast to ridicule their obsession with Anime and to further tell them indirectly that they are already becoming one of their favorite characters.

Try roasting your sibling like this, and watch her even more infuriated at you;

  • Look at you all sprawled on the floor. There is no difference between you and one of the characters of those anime you watch.
  • Here comes our human-anime character! Soon she will start fussing over spilled milk.

You binge-watch anime so much, our remote has endless thumbprints!

Your remote control is already worn out of constant use and you have a troublesome sibling who you are very certain is the reason your remote control is in pitiable control; use these classic lines to roast him.

The best occasion to deliver this roast is when everybody in the family is seated in the living room.

Your parents don’t have to start looking for the culprit as you have already saved the day.

Make sure you are looking fixedly at that troublesome brother of yours and proceed by saying:

  • The remote control listens to Little Brother only. It bears his mark all over its body
  • So much torture our precious remote has been through. Wonder when it will be free from our little colonizer.

How to Roast Someone Who Loves Anime

I’ve heard of ‘Otaku,’ but you’re more like an ‘OCD-taku’ with your perfectly arranged figures

“I’ve heard of ‘Otaku,’ but you’re more like an ‘OCD-taku’ with your perfectly arranged figures” is a suitable way to roast someone who loves Anime.

This roast is made for your friend who is obsessed with Anime details. Savage him with what you believe is a disorder by saying:

  • Went to see a doctor on your behalf. The doctor says you have an OCD-taku.
  • You’re so meticulous when it comes to Anime. It would be better if you were with calculations.

Animes are for kiddies and losers

Here is a roast you can use for a shady friend who thinks he is the boss in the wordplay game.

When you want to throw the rocket bomb be sure to be on time. Allow him to feel himself for a while then throw the missile in the air by saying:

  • Your bank account reads 0.026. No wonder you love anime. They are made for losers like you!
  • I saw your mama spoon-feed your soup last night. Proves the fact that animes are for kids like you.

You must be an anime character in disguise because no one can have that many hairstyles in one year.

This is a light-hearted joke you can use to poke someone you know who barely keeps a hairstyle for long. Call out your friend’s indecisiveness when it comes to hairstyle with this roast.

Roasting his hairstyle without being harsh is only going to draw laughter from him.

  • This is the tenth hairstyle in one month. You must be an anime character in disguise.
  • Guess the kids can borrow you as their clown for the weekend party. Never mind what jokes you gotta say; your hairstyle will do the magic.

You and anime are a match made in heaven – or at least a match made in your parents’ basement!

“You and anime are a match made in heaven – or at least a match made in your parents’ basement!” is a hit-the-point savage line to use for your friend who is single to stupor or has just been served breakfast

This roast is very apt for such a person.  Your friend might be complaining about her single status, sarcastically look at her and say;

  • You don’t need to squabble about your singlehood, you and anime are a match made in heaven.
  • Why bother about Peter, you and anime are a match made in your parents’ basement.

How to Roast Someone Who Loves Anime

You must be a ninja; you’ve mastered the art of ‘pausing’ at the perfect moment.

If you have a friend who stammers a lot and has an unflinching love for Anime, and you want to humor him without directly telling him stammers this is the suitable roast to use for him.

It is a witty one that will require the person to think for two seconds before getting the message.

  • Your love for anime already influenced your art of pausing, you must be a ninja.
  • Good for you to have finally learned the art of praising at the right time.

You remind me of Edward Elric

How to Roast Someone Who Loves Anime

This roast makes a direct reference to an anime character called Edward Elric in the movie Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward Elric is short and he gets mad when he is being called short.

Instead of calling your friend short which is bland, add spice to your savage game with this creative roast and watch your friend get sunburned under your roof.

Here are some examples:

  • Anytime I see you I just can’t help to think about your striking resemblance to Edward Elric.
  • I have seen your doppelganger- Edward Elric!

Your head looks like a turnip

Roast your cranky friend who is an Anime lover with this classic one-liner drawn from a movie by Studio Ghibli- Howl’s Moving Castle.

This one-liner implies that such a person is stupid or a fool. Use this witty statement to call your friend stupid in a jocular manner.

  • Look you; Turnip head!
  • “A turnip-eater”, that’s what you’re.

How to Roast Someone Who Loves Anime

Life is short but your presence makes it shorter

Use this classic roast for your sibling who disturbs your quiet time with Anime. This witty line helps give a hint to your annoying sibling that you need space.

However, you need to deliver this line with a smile or a “you’re still the best sibling I’ve got” at the end of the roast to mild the effect.

  • You’re like a cloud; when you disappear, the day is brighter.
  • Life is short but your presence makes it shorter.

How to Roast Someone Who Loves Anime

You collect anime like some people collect stamps

“You collect anime like some people collect stamps” is another apt one-liner for someone who collects anime from almost every dick and Harry without even having an established relationship with them.

I know you can relate with me. We all have one special friend in our lives who deals with obsession and when it comes to movie obsession, they can go at length stopping a random person just to collect the latest Anime collection.

The next time he or she indulges in this annoying habit, Start by roasting him like this:

  • You collect anime like some people collect stamps, but at least your hobby has more plot.

I like the sound you make when you shut up

Here’s a roast for someone who always spoils your me-you time with a discussion about Anime.

Use this witty line to stop either your colleague, brother, or friend from their excessive drool about Anime collections.

The interesting thing about this roast is that it appears as though you are admiring the person but on closer examination, it is more of an insult than an adulation.

  • You’re are more cuter when your lips are pressed firmly together.
  • Your face contour is more visible when you shut up.

…With every knife so far

Like a missing puzzle, this phrase best completes a question directed at you. For instance, your intimate friend who is a lover of Anime just returned from a trip and he asked gingerly “Oh Jacky! Did you miss me? Drop a missile in the air with this savage one-liner response- “Yes, with every knife so far”.

This is a playful roast and can bring your friend up on his feet chasing you.

  • Mark, how were you faring during my absence? “Oh! David, I really felt better when you were states apart.”

Humans have the power among themselves to be anything. Strangely, you choose to be stupid.

Another way to get at someone who loves Anime is to use this classic comeback with them. Not only are you making fun of their hobby, but you are also indirectly telling them their choice only makes them stupid.

Be sure to deliver this roast playfully;

  • I imagine how a grown-ass man enjoys watching anime then I remember only kids and dumb people do.

You’re like a cloud, once you are gone, it’s a beautiful day

Put your disrespectful younger sister in check with this great comeback. Be sure you are roasting her with this one-liner with a smile on your face.

  • It is a bad time every time you are around.
  • Run along to the nursery; you fit more in that place than here.

You’re like a walking ‘OST’ – every step you take has its own epic soundtrack

Here is another way to get at someone who loves anime and who makes annoying sounds with his walking steps.

This roast humorously compares the person to the background music or original soundtrack (OST) of an anime, suggesting that their every move is accompanied by a fitting and epic musical score.

  • You get up to walk and boom! This place become filled with epic OST of an Anime.
  • So much music your feet make when they glide the floor.

You’ve binge-watched anime for so long that Netflix changed its ‘Are you still watching?’ message to ‘Are you ever not watching?

This roast is playful, with great smiles from your friend who loves Anime. You can use this roast when you are in a hangout with your friends.

You can start the roast like this:

  • With the rate at which you watch Anime, don’t be surprised to get the “Dear subscriber, we are forced to permanently restrict you from Netflix because you watch anime a lot” message from Netflix.

You’ve watched so many Beach episodes in anime that you now have a beach body by association

Roast your friend who sits all day in front of Anime collections to daydream about summer body with this pun.

  • Look who never hits the gym yet is already having a beach body.
  • Your numerous watch of Anime Beach episodes is starting to pay off, look at all the reflections of the episodes in “Curves and Backside”.

Your anime enthusiasm is like a black hole – it sucks in all your free time and never lets go.

If you have an Anime lover as a friend who is not disciplined about life and only spends productive hours watching Anime episodes, here is a perfect roast for that friend. Good for him if he understood the witty statement.

  • With this bond you have with Anime, I bet you will be needing an extra 12 hours in a day to do what matters.

Izuku! I’m not insulting you; I’m describing you.

Roast your friend or colleague completely with this best one-liner. Izuku is a reference to a dumb character in Anime.

Use this to creatively describe how dumb your friend is and watch him burn in the hot roast.

  • Found a pseudonym for you- “Izuku”
  • Much more describes what you are.

To Wrap Up

When you roast someone, let the intentions or motivation behind it be only to tease, make people around you laugh, and be in a good mood.

Also, be sure the person you’re roasting is aware it is just a tease and a harmless light-hearted joke. Moreover, your delivery should be as such in a mild and comforting tone and mood.

Lastly, always practice and be consistent because this is the only way you can get better at your roast game.

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