20 Funny Roasts for Someone With Glasses

How to Roast Someone With Glasses

People who wear glasses are one of the most talked about and teased, especially in middle in high school.

Many of them have gotten used to it and don’t mind anymore. There’s no harm in teasing people with glasses, as long as they’re harmless jokes to cause some laughter.

However, you should be careful who you throw your jokes at, as it’s not everyone who can take a joke.

If you need a funny roast for someone in glasses, this article will take care of that.

I’ll be rolling out a list of hilarious and harmless jokes for people in glasses. Keep reading.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Glasses

There are plenty of ways to roast someone in glasses. However, keep in mind that the intention is for fun, so ensure the atmosphere is right for it.

Some examples of humorous insults to throw at someone in glasses include: “Do you need more glasses? Maybe a telescope this time,” “Your hearing is as poor as your sight,” and “Your glassy face will make a rabbit cry.”

Here are 20 funny roasts for someone in glasses

  1. It takes you four eyes to see me
  2. Do you need more glasses?
  3. I seriously wish to punch your face, but I see you’ve got fragile eyes like glass
  4. How am I sure the glasses are not the problem?
  5. I honestly think you need to wear a lens in your brain
  6. Do you need a hearing aid as well?
  7. You remind me of a rabbit in glasses
  8. I’m sorry, you remind me of a potato in glasses
  9. Wow! This is quite the spectacle
  10. I think the more you see, the less you understand
  11. Those glasses are blocking your vision, the doctors won’t tell you that
  12. I’m sorry, I don’t do glasses
  13. I would’ve taken you seriously, but I’m afraid you’re double-sighted
  14. Even with your glasses, you couldn’t see what’s right under your nose
  15. Those glasses are diminishing your sense of reasoning
  16. I previously thought you were my spec until you took off your spec
  17. Tell us your point of view.
  18. What do you sell behind your showglass?
  19. What should we expect, a glassy look?
  20. You’re the type to trip over a cable, even with your glasses

It Takes You Four Eyes to See Me

If you want to get the attention of someone in glasses, tell them they’ve four eyes. This is a classical roast that’ll get everyone laughing. Try this one-liner and get ready for battle.

Although the glasses help them see,  no one in the glasses will accept they have four eyes.

So, if you’re looking for trouble, tease someone in glasses about having four eyes.

Here are some examples:

  • It takes you four eyes to see me, so I’m not surprised you can’t understand this. You need four brains as well
  • I’m sure you should be proud of your four eyes. They’re cute

Do You Need More Glasses?

Another way to get at someone in glasses is to use this classic one-liner with them, “do you need more glasses?”

This question is suitable when they make a mistake about something. For instance, if you ask them to get a blue bag and they bring red instead.

This question implies that even with their glasses they can’t see well. It’s a playful way to make fun of them.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you need more glasses? Maybe a telescope this time
  • Even with the magnifying glass you’re putting on you can’t tell black from gray

I Seriously Wish to Punch Your Face, but I See You’ve Got Fragile Eyes Like Glass

“I seriously wish to punch your face, but I see you’ve got fragile eyes like glass” is another way to roast someone in glasses.

This is a funny line that implies you sympathize with them. However, underneath is a humorous and sarcastic roast line.

Moreover, it’s a play on words that refers to their condition by comparing their eyes to glass.

Here are some examples:

  • I want to punch your face, but I’m afraid I might damage your eyes forever
  • I want to punch your face, but it’s made of glass

How Am I Sure the Glasses Are Not the Problem?

Another funny way to insult someone who wears glasses is by saying “How am I sure that glasses are not the problem?”

This question is suitable on occasions when they’re not responding as you expect them.

For instance, you ask them a question you expect them to know and they can’t provide an answer. You can use this question to roast them.

It’s a funny line that implies that the glasses might be the cause of their inability to provide the right answers.

I Honestly Think You Need to Wear a Lens in Your Brain

“I honestly think you need to wear a lens in your brain” is another thing you can say to roast someone who wears glasses.

This is a statement that implies that they lack sense or reasoning. It’s a suitable insult that fits a situation when they don’t give you what you’re expecting.

However, you can always use it during a roast battle to playfully tell them that you think they’re senseless.

Here are examples:

  • I think you’ll need a magnifying lens in your brain before you speak to me
  • Get those glasses up your brain, they’ll help you reason better

Do You Need a Hearing Aid as Well?

“Do you need a hearing aid as well?” is another humorous way to tease someone in glasses.

It’s a suitable line when they don’t get what you tell them correctly. It implies that since they need glasses to help them see, they might as well need hearing aids to help them hear.

Also, you can use it to insult someone who’s being stubborn and refusing to do as you ask them.

Here are some examples:

  • Your hearing is as poor as your sight
  • I’m sure they sell hearing aids where you got your glasses from too

You Remind me of a Rabbit in Glasses

How to Roast Someone With Glasses

“You remind me of a rabbit in glasses” is a very funny thing to say to someone who wears glasses.

It’s a very hot roast that’ll get to them, leaving them lost for what to say. It’s a perfect thing to say with people around to get them all rolling in laughter.

Trust me, no one would love to be called a rabbit, talk more of calling them one in glasses. This is an iconic insult that’ll hit its mark perfectly.

Here are some examples:

  • A rabbit in glasses looks prettier than you
  • Your glassy face will make a rabbit cry

I’m Sorry, You Remind me of a Potato in Glasses

“I’m sorry, you remind me of a potato in glasses” is another classic burner that’ll get at someone who wears glasses.

Just like, the above, calling someone a potato won’t sit well with them. Therefore, comparing someone in glasses with a potato that wears glasses is a sharp roast line that’ll hit its mark. “I’m sorry” makes it funnier.

Here are some examples:

  • A potato in glasses looks much better than you
  • You’re easily the ugliest, with those round potato faces and those glasses

Wow! This is Quite the Spectacle

How to Roast Someone With Glasses

“Wow! This is quite the spectacle”  is another funny thing to say to get at someone in glasses.

This is a perfect thing to say on the spot when they make an appearance, or when they do something weird or funny.

Additionally, it’s a play on words that should get everyone laughing. It’s a smart way to make fun of them without hurting their feelings.

I Think the More You See, the Less You Understand

Another way to perfectly roast someone who wears glasses to hell is by this line,  “I think the more you see, the less you understand.”

It’s a smart way to make fun of their understanding and get everyone laughing. It’s suitable when they don’t understand what’s been discussed or going on at the moment.

Also, it’s a classic comeback that’ll remain with them for a long time.

Those Glasses Are Blocking Your Vision, the Doctors Won’t Tell You That

“Those glasses are blocking your vision, the doctors won’t tell you that” is another smooth way to insult someone in glasses.

It’s a hilarious way to roast them and get them in the mood for a roast duel.

Also, this is another play on words, an oxymoronic statement that implies that the glasses are stopping them from having foresight.

I’m Sorry, I Don’t Do Glasses

“I’m sorry, I don’t do glasses” is an iconic burner that’ll leave a mark on someone who wears glasses for a long time.

This line implies that they’re not your type. It’s an appropriate way to roast them when they show signs of liking you.

However, remember it’s not your intention to hurt. So, ensure you’re playful with your words.

I Would’ve Taken You Seriously, but I’m Afraid You’re Double-sighted

Another way to get at someone wearing glasses is with this crushing line, “I would’ve taken you seriously, but I’m afraid you’re double-sighted.”

This is a perfect one-shot they wouldn’t be expecting. This statement implies that since they use glasses, they’re double-sighted, and if they’re double-sighted, you can’t listen to them.

It’s a playful way to tease your friends when they offer their opinions. It’s a funny way to say they’re not straightforward.

Even with Your Glasses, You Couldn’t See What’s Right Under Your Nose

“Even with your glasses you couldn’t see what’s right under your nose” is another smart insult for someone in glasses.

It’s a suitable roast line when your friend missed a piece of important information or missed something going on around them.

For instance, if their partner is cheating on them and they didn’t know for a long time. When they eventually find out, you can use this statement to tease them about not knowing what’s going on.

Those Glasses Are Diminishing Your Sense of Reasoning

“Those glasses are diminishing your sense of reasoning” is another thing to say to someone wearing glasses that’ll get at them.

This roast line will cause some laughter when you use it with others around. The perfect time to use this shot is when they don’t do as you expect.

I Previously Thought You Were My Spec until You Took off Your Spec

“I previously thought you were my spec until you took off your spec” is another funny way to roast someone in glasses.

It’s another play on words people will find funny. You can use it to tease your friend when they take off their glasses.

This statement should come as a shock before they get the joke, as they wouldn’t be expecting this classic one-liner.

Tell Us Your Point of View

“Tell us your point of view” is another way to get at someone wearing glasses. While this may sound like you’re seeking their opinion, it’s a funny way to tease them about their glasses.

Here are some examples:

  • Can you share with us your four points of view?
  • With these glasses, I’m sure you have a fantastic point of view

What Do You Sell Behind Your Showglass?

Another playful way to tease someone in glasses is by asking, “What do you sell behind your showglass?”

Just like some snacks and foods are placed in glasses that display and protect them, this question humorously compares their glasses to a showglass.

Tease your friend with this iconic comeback and be sure to get a laugh from them.

What Should We Expect, a Glassy Look?

How to Roast Someone With Glasses

Another thing to say to tease someone in glasses is, “What should we expect, a glassy look?”

It’s a funny thing to say when having an argument or conversation with them.

You’re the Type to Trip over a Cable, Even with Your Glasses

“You’re the type to trip over a Cable, even with your glasses” is a smooth way to roast someone in glasses. This one-liner implies that even with their glasses they still don’t see properly and are not careful enough.


People in glasses are one of the most sensitive people. So, when roasting them, ensure they’re cool with it and share your humor.

Also, keep it lighthearted and playful. The above are good examples you can start with.

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