15 Best Ways to Roast Someone with Pink Hair

Pink-haired people are everywhere, and there are various interesting ways to roast them.

First, there’s no harm in roasting your friends once in a while. So, if your friend has got a new hair look, and it’s pink, you might want to tease them about it.

However, getting the best ways to roast someone with pink hair can be difficult. And, what happens when you want to defend yourself against bullies or during a roast battle?

If you need good roast lines for someone with pink hair, you don’t have to worry. In this article, I’ll be listing the best roasts for someone who tints their hair pink.

15 Great Roasts You Can Try On Someone with Pink Hair

As I’ve previously established, there are several interesting ways to roast someone with pink hair.

Using some funny and savage one-liners and comparing them to some interesting characters will work adequately.

For example: “Do you believe life gets better in shades of pink?” “Pink deserves better,” and “Now you’re more like the ugly version of Barbie.”

Below are 15 ways to roast someone with pink hair:

  1. What stage of identity crisis are you now?
  2. I hope you’re pink all through
  3. You should stick to one annoying look
  4. Is this not a conflict of identity?
  5. Pink deserves better
  6. Now you’re more like the ugly version of Barbie
  7. You’re the 4th copy of DJ Cuppy Puppies
  8. You don’t impress me at all
  9. I hope you dye again
  10. When do you plan to join your mates at the prison?
  11. You look pretty confused in pink
  12. I can see you’re dyeing to be accepted
  13. That hair will never love you again
  14. Do you think life is finer in shades of pink?
  15. Are you trying to dye-rect our attention to you?

What Stage of Identity Crisis Are You Now?

To roast someone, one of the interesting questions to ask them is, “What stage of identity crisis are you now?”

This is a silly question to pose to someone with pink hair. Asking someone who changes their natural hair color to pink this question suggests that they’re confused about their identity.

Moreover, it’ll show that you think lowly of them. If they’re a natural blonde or have black hair, dyeing pink can mean many things apart from fashion.

So, asking them this question implies that you think they’re dealing with an identity problem. It’s a real burner they’ll feel.

Here are some examples:

  • Changing your hair color won’t help you deal with your confused state
  • Is pink your new identity now? You’re only more confused

I Hope You’re Pink all Through

How to Roast Someone with Pink Hair

Another hilarious question to pose to a pink-haired person is,”I hope you’re pink all through?”

It’s a great line you can use to tease them when they appear with their pink hair. Since they decided to change their hair color to pink, you’re wondering with this question if they changed all the hair in their body as well.

So, it’s a ridiculous question to get everyone laughing. You should act genuinely curious when using this roast line.

Here are some examples:

  • I hope the carpet matches the drape.
  • Is the inside as pink as the outside?

You Should Stick to One Annoying Look

Another statement to make to roast a pink-haired person is, “You should stick to one annoying look?”

When someone changes their hair color, using this expression to roast them will show that you’re not impressed with their hair color.

Also, it indicates that you think they’ve always had an annoying or ugly look. And it further expresses that the pink hair gives them another shade of annoying look.

It’s a strong statement that’ll surely get to them, especially if they’re expecting a compliment from you.

Here are some examples:

  • You keep changing your look from one annoying one to another
  • So now, it’s pink. When will you choose to stick to one ugly identity?

Is This Not a Conflict of Identity?

Another absurd question to pose to someone who changes their look is, “Is this not a conflict of identity?”

This is a funny question that’ll work for someone who dyes their hair pink. It’s a smooth way to roast them perfectly.

Also, this question indicates that you’re not impressed with their look; it in fact will express irritation, depending on the tone you use.

Additionally, it shows that you think they’ve dyed their hair pink to imitate someone.

Here are some examples:

  • Who are you trying to imitate? You just failed by making yourself look worse
  • Ouch! Even with a pink hair, you’re far from looking like him

Pink Deserves Better

“Another very sharp comeback you can use to roast someone with pink hair is, “Pink deserves better.”

This is a stinging remark to make to someone with a new pink hair that’ll surely get to them deeply.

Also, this statement implies that they don’t deserve the color pink on them. It’s a savage remark that belittles them.

Moreover, placing them lower than an ordinary color will sting deeply. This roast line will let them know you’re disappointed with their new appearance.

Here are some examples:

  • Oh no! Now, I feel pity for pink, it deserves some compensation
  • You’re definitely not worthy to wear that color

Now You’re More Like the Ugly Version of Barbie

How to Roast Someone with Pink Hair

“Now you’re more like the ugly version of Barbie” is another exciting way to roast someone with pink hair.

First, if you’re familiar with cartoon characters from 2000, you should be familiar with Barbie the pink character.

This female cartoon character has been identified with the color pink because of her love for the color. So, this roast line will surely sting well.

Also, it implies they’re probably trying to imitate Barbie. So, calling them the ugly version will roast them well. It’s suitable for a female who pinks her hair.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you want to be called Barbie? You just cloned her ugly version
  • Here comes the ugly version of Princess Barbie

You’re the 4th Copy of DJ Cuppy Puppies

“You’re the 4th copy of DJ Cuppy, puppies” is another exciting line you can use to make fun of someone with pink hair.

First, DJ Cuppy is one of the famous Nigerian DJs and producers. She’s known for her signature pink style and her puppies, she also dresses in pink.

So, this is a stinging one-liner that’ll get to them. Comparing them to the 4th copy of DJ Cuppy is bad enough. But, when you compare them to her dog, it’ll sure cause laughter from everyone.

Also, this is an interesting wordplay that’ll catch people’s attention.

Here are some examples:

  • You try to look like Cuppy, but you end up like the 4th version of her dog
  • DJ Cuppy’s dog is prettier than you

You Don’t Impress Me at All

“You don’t impress me at all” is another statement to make to roast someone with pink hair.

It’s appropriate for someone who changes their hair color and is waiting for your reaction.

Using this classic one-liner instead of a compliment will get to them. Also, this is a direct comeback that can get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m not impressed. You could try another shade of pink
  • I never knew I could get more disappointed with you, but you’ve proven me wrong with your hair color

I Hope You Dye Again

“I hope you dye again” is another stinging remark you can use to tease someone with pink hair.

This expression is a play on words that indirectly wish them death. When they hear it, they’re likely to be confused about what you mean.

Also, it’s a sarcastic way to roast them perfectly. You can use it as a response when they tell you that they just dyed their hair.

Here are some examples:

  • A- I just dyed my hair pink, let me send a photo
  • B- (sees photo) Wow! I hope you dye again
  • Would you love to dye next week?

When Do You Plan to Join Your Mates at the Prison?

Another interesting one-liner you can use to roast someone with pink hair is, “When do you plan to join your mates at the prison?”

This classic burner shows your dislike for their hair color. Also, asking them this question suggests that you think their hairstyle or appearance is fit for prisoners.

Moreover, asking someone who dyed their hair pink this question instead of complimenting them will hurt deeply.

Here are some examples:

  • Your appearance matches the prison yard. The pink hair fits that environment
  • You should be careful, you might be mistaken for an escaped prisoner

You Look Pretty Confused in Pink

Another interesting roast one-liner for someone with pink hair is, “You look pretty confused in pink.”

This is another expression that shows your disappointment in their hair color. If your friend changes their hair color to pink, you can make this remark to show them that you’re not impressed.

Also, saying they look confused rather than unattractive makes it funnier.

Here are some examples:

  • This color doesn’t even make you ugly, it makes you confused
  • You’ve ended up looking like a misplaced ugly thing

How to Roast Someone with Pink Hair

I Can See You’re Dyeing to Be Accepted

“I can see you’re dyeing to be accepted” is another interesting way to roast someone who dyes their hair.

This one-liner is a good way to roast someone who tints their hair pink. Also, this is a punny statement that implies that they had changed their hair to pink to feel among.

Usually, it’s a common thing for young people to join the ongoing fashion trends or internet trends, so as not to feel left out.

So, if your friend suddenly decides to keep pink hair, you can use this one-liner to tease them about it.

Here are some examples:

  • I hope you don’t die dyeing to be accepted
  • You can dye your hair all shades of pink, then dye trying to be accepted after

That Hair Will Never Love You Again

“That hair will never love you again” is another thing to say to make fun of someone with pink hair.

This expression implies that the pink color doesn’t look good on them. When your friend dyes their hair pink, and you make this remark instead of complimenting them, it’ll get to them deeply.

Also, saying their hair won’t love them again suggests that they’ve done a good disservice to their hair by dyeing it pink.

Here are some examples:

  • I don’t think your hair will ever forgive you
  • You’ve just made your hair worse with this color. I pray it forgives you

Do You Think Life is Finer in Shades of Pink?

“Do you think life is finer in shades of pink?” is another annoying question you can pose to someone with pink hair to make fun of them.

This is a question that shows that you’re not impressed with their look. You can ask them this question when people are complimenting their appearance to get everyone laughing.

Also, it doesn’t only show your indifference to their look, it mocks them for choosing the pink color too.

Here are some examples:

  • Wow! You believe your life will be better in pink!
  • There’s more to life than pink hair

Are You Trying to Dye-rect our Attention to You?

Another sarcastic question to pose to someone who dyes their hair pink is, “Are you trying to dye-rect our attention to you?”

This is another mocking and silly question they wouldn’t see coming. Also, it’s a punny statement that makes fun of their dyed hair.

Additionally, it’s a humorous way of letting them know that dyeing their hair won’t make them attractive.

Here are some examples:

  • If you like, change your hair to a different shade of pink, we won’t notice you
  • You won’t get my attention by pinking your hair


When someone changes their hair color to pink, you can tease them about it. As I’ve earlier established, it’s not unnatural for people to dye their hair pink or several other colors.

If your friends jump on this trend, making fun of them isn’t out of place either. So, if you need good roasts for someone who dyes their hair pink, you can choose from any of the above examples.


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