20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Red Hair

How to Roast Someone with Red Hair

Having a unique physical characteristic comes with a lot of attention. You’re easily complimented, likewise the center of a joke.

For instance, if you’re a redhead or you know someone who has red hair, you’ll agree with me that these sets of people are usually made fun of all the time.

While laughing at someone’s looks can be fun, you should remember that the person can get hurt in the process. So, it’s important to keep it light and playful.

Therefore, if you need funny roasts for someone with red hair, in this article, I’ll be taking you through a list of harmless insults to laugh about.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Red Hair

There are countless ways to make fun of redheads around you. If you’ve got a redhead you like to tease, you can compare them with ginger, as that’s the nickname they’re usually called.

For instance, “Wow! You think you’re cool, you’re only a transginger,” and “Do I’ve to pluck your hair before I see red?”

Also, you can tease them with jokes like, “You’re the only redhead that is not red hot?” and “You look like something that came out of a red angry flame.”

Here are 20 funny roasts for someone with red hair:

  1. You’re the only redhead who is not red-hot
  2. You must be a direct descendant of Satan
  3. The only good thing about you is that red hair you flaunt like your stupidity
  4. You look like something that came out of a red angry flame
  5. We should sue you for abusing the color red
  6. I’m not surprised you’re this saucy, your hair tells a lot
  7. What you lack in intelligence, you make up with ugly red hair
  8. You remind me of a rabbit with red hair
  9. You’re too slow because you walk gingerly
  10. You’re the only ginger (Nuts) around here
  11. You’re a product of genetic testing rather than love-filled parents
  12. We should eradicate you because you’re one of the threats to humanity
  13. How does it feel being annoyingly different?
  14. Does the carpet match the drapes?
  15. You shouldn’t be close to anyone before they contract gingervitis
  16. Being a redhead with an ugly face is the worst thing that can happen to a man
  17. How do you shave? Gingerly?
  18. Wow! You think you’re cool, you’re only a transginger
  19. Do I’ve to pluck your hair before I see red?
  20. You’re smoking red hot. But, does that make you a gingerbread?

You’re the Only Redhead That Is Not Red Hot

“You’re the only redhead that is not red hot” is one of the funny ways to roast someone with red hair. This is an amusing way to say they’re not hot or attractive.

It’s a play on words that implies you’ve met other redheads who are attractive to you, but they aren’t. Also, comparing them to their types should get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • You should check out your mates, they’re hot, but you’re only red
  • Go and take lessons on how to be attractive to other redheads before speaking to me

You Must Be a Direct Descendant of Satan

“You must be a direct descendant of Satan” is another funny thing to say to a redhead to get at them.

Usually, the internet image of Satan is a very black beast with a red horn or hair.

So, if you want to perfectly roast someone with red hair and leave a burn, you should use this line with them and wait for the reaction you’re expecting.

Believe me, no one would love to be placed in the same sentence with Satan, talk more of saying they’re related to him.

How to Roast Someone with Red Hair

Here are some examples:

  • You should be related to the devil, isn’t it?
  • You look like Satan, are you his nephew?

The Only Good Thing About You Is That Red Hair You Flaunt Like Your Stupidity

Another stinging remark that’ll get to a redhead is, “The only good thing about you is that red hair you flaunt like your stupidity.”

This is another funny thing to say to roast someone with red hair. What’s hilarious about this statement is that it sounds like a compliment. However, it’s a sarcastic statement that insults them to the end.

Believe me, they won’t forget this insult in a hurry, and you’ll always be remembered as the king of roast after this iconic line.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re always flaunting your red hair about. What you should do instead is work on being less stupid
  • You shouldn’t be proud of that red thing on your empty head

You Look Like Something That Came out of a Red Angry Flame

“You look like something that came out of a red angry flame” is another crazy way to insult someone with red hair.

This burning remark will roast them to hell and back. Moreover, it’s a very funny way to describe their hair color by comparing them to a red flame.

It’s a play on words that’ll stay with them for a long time. Say this in front of others for a hilarious response.

Here are some examples:

  • Why? Did you just bathe in fire?
  • Your head is flaming hot, go cool somewhere before talking to me

We Should Sue You for Abusing the Color Red

“We should sue you for abusing the color red” is another classic punch-line for someone with red hair.

This is a humorous way of saying their hair color doesn’t suit them. Believe me, no one would love to be told that their color or physical traits don’t fit them. So, playfully use this one-liner to tease a redhead.

Here are some examples:

  • We should sue you for abusing the color red, it doesn’t look good on you
  • Are you a natural ginger, because that thing on your head isn’t matching the rest of your body

I’m Not Surprised You’re This Saucy, Your Hair Tells a Lot

Another way you can get at someone with red hair is “I’m not surprised you’re this saucy, your hair tells a lot.”

It’s another hilarious way of roasting them. This statement implies that the color of their hair tells a lot about their personality. Also, it sort of blames their red hair for their rude character.

Here are some examples of funny roasts to use in this regard:

  • Coming from a redhead, I’m not surprised. They’ve no soul
  • You should shave off that hair and dye it if you want people to like you

What You Lack in Intelligence, You Make Up with Ugly Red Hair

“What you lack in intelligence, you make up with ugly red hair” is another funny way to roast someone.

If you want to perfectly get at a redhead, this savage comeback will work perfectly. This punchline doesn’t only imply that they’re not intelligent, it also indicates that their red hair replaced their intelligence.

Here are some examples:

  • You’ve locks of ugly red hair covering your brain
  • You should go trade your hair for a bit of sense

You Remind Me of Rabbit with Red Hair

Another amusing way to tease someone with red hair is “You remind me of a rabbit with red hair.”

This is another humorous comparison that’ll get everyone laughing. Say this to a redhead to get them ready for a roast duel.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re that classic cartoon rabbit character with red hair
  • You’re a rabbit, the only difference is that you stand upright

You’re too Slow Because You Walk Gingerly

Another interesting way to insult someone with red hair is with this line, “You’re too slow because you walk gingerly”

This statement is another play on words that’ll get everyone laughing. As I’ve earlier stated, the common nickname for someone with red hair is, “ginger.”

So this one-liner will work perfectly to roast them without mercy.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re too slow to understand me because you think gingerly
  • Can you tell Mark to stop walking gingerly but smartly?

You’re the Only Ginger (Nuts) Around Here

How to Roast Someone with Red Hair

Another way to make fun of a redhead is, “You’re the only ginger (Nuts) around here.”

This is a classic play of words that’ll get everyone amazed and laughing. “Gingernuts” is a type of biscuit. So, this iconic pun calls them crazy while referring to them as the biscuit.

They might not get this joke, which makes it funnier.

You’re a Product of Genetic Testing Rather than Love-filled Parents

Another way you can perfectly get at a redhead is with this classic burner, “You’re a product of genetic testing rather than love-filled parents.”

This statement implies that their red hair results from some sort of experiment, probably carried out by their parents and not from love.

Also, this is a real insult that’ll burn for a long time. So, be careful how you use this one.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re not one of us that’s born the natural way
  • Your parents carried out some tests in a lab and boom! Here you are with your red hair being a nuisance

We Should Eradicate You Because You’re One of the Threats to Humanity

“We should eradicate you because you’re one of the threats to humanity” is another thing to say to redheads to make fun of them.

It’s a funny way to say that their hair color is weird, which makes them a threat to humanity.

Also, it’s a way of telling them you don’t like them around. You can try this one-liner when they’re being a disturbance.

How Does It Feel Being Annoyingly Different?

“How does it feel being annoyingly different?” is another amusing way to tease your redhead friend.

Being different is good, and embracing who and what you are is important. So, having a skin or hair color that’s different or any other unique physique is something someone should be proud of.

However, asking a redhead how it feels to be annoyingly different is one way to perfectly roast them. It’ll surely sting for a long time.

Does the Carpet Match the Drapes?

How to Roast Someone with Red Hair

Another interesting way to roast someone with red hair is with this funny question, “Does the carpet match the drapes?”

This is a crazy one-liner that asks if their pubic hair is the same color as the hair on their head.

So, this is a subtle way to tease them, as not everyone will get this joke. Say this to a redhead, and see if they’ll get the joke.

You Shouldn’t Be Close to Anyone Before They Contract Gingervitis

“You shouldn’t be close to anyone before they contract gingervitis” is another funny insult for someone with red hair.

First, there are several definitions for Gingervitis. However, in this case, it’s a slang word for a disease that affects redheads.

So, using this liner with them should get to them well.

Here are some examples:

  • You should advise us to steer clear from you if you love us
  • How do we know you don’t have Gingervitis?

Being a Redhead with an Ugly Face Is the worst thing That Can Happen to a Man

“Being a redhead with an ugly face is the worst thing that can happen to a man” is another way to make fun of someone with a redhead.

This is an iconic insult that calls them ugly in the lowest of ways. Also, it implies that having red hair is a very bad thing.

Here are some examples:

  • You shouldn’t be ugly and have red hair too. It’s bad
  • Are you sure God loves you, to give you an ugly face and red hair too!?

How Do You Shave? Gingerly?

Another funny question to ask a redhead is, “How do you shave? Gingerly?”

This is another play on words that’ll tease them for having red hair. It’s something you’ll say in front of people to get everyone laughing.

Wow! You Think You’re Cool, You’re Only a Transginger

“Wow! You think you’re cool, you’re only a transginger” is another way to make fun of someone with red hair.

This is a very humorous statement that implies that their red hair isn’t natural. Moreover, it’ll work perfectly for a redhead that acts cool. Trust me, they wouldn’t see this one coming.

Do I’ve to Pluck Out Your Hair Before I See Red?

How to Roast Someone with Red Hair

Another thing to say to make fun of someone with red hair is, “Do I’ve to pluck out your hair before I see red?”

This line teases them about their hair color. It’s a funny play on words that’ll cause everyone to laugh.

You’re Smoking Red Hot. But, Does That Make You a Gingerbread?

Another funny line you can use to tease someone with red hair is, “You’re smoking red hot. But, does that make you a gingerbread?

This classic one-liner is another interesting play on words that teases them about their looks and compares them to a gingerbread biscuit. Believe me, you’ll be referred to as the king of roast with this line.


There are numerous interesting ways to roast someone with red hair. If you’ve got a redhead around you, you can use the above examples to lightly make fun of them and to get everyone laughing.

Believe me, with the right tone, you’ll get everyone having fun with these classic one-liners.

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