20 Insults for Anti-SJWs

Insults for Anti-SJWs

The nightmare of the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), the people who prioritize facts over feelings in any debate, yes, you guessed right, this article is set to throw some hot disses for Anti – SJWs. 

I have prepared a list of 20 witty expressions that could be used to insult Anti-SJWs, from the sarcastic comments, to the funny remarks, this article is set to open your mind to new one-liner insults that could set Anti-SJWs right off. 

If this sounds interesting to you, then make sure you read it to the end to get the best of the best expressions. 

Now let’s begin!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Insults for Anti – SJWS

  1. Anti Sjws are a bunch of offended people judging other offended people. 
  2. It’s because social justice warriors say relevant things that makes them so opposed. 
  3. If an sjw makes noise then an anti Sjw is a big empty barrel. 
  4. It’s sad that you throw away your humanity just to win an argument. 
  5. Considering how much anti-sjws decline feelings, they sure do express the feeling of anger in an argument. 
  6. I don’t think y’all understand the meaning of political correctness. 
  7. What’s the relevance of anti-sjw without sjw? That’s why they care so much.  
  8. Could you learn how to communicate without being annoying? It’s very necessary. 
  9. Your entire brain isn’t centered on relevant issues to the society, what matters is winning an argument. 
  10. There’s a thin line between freedom of speech and being disrespectful but I don’t expect an anti Sjws to understand that. 
  11. Facts are established truths proved by statistics but what you call facts is just your loud opinion. 
  12. It’s not victimhood, it’s a person’s actual sad experience but I don’t expect you to understand. 
  13. Sometimes I feel that an anti Sjw just needs to take a chill pill. 
  14. True freedom lies in the eradication of anti-sjw. 
  15. Everyone that does not agree with your beliefs are suddenly irrational, how ridiculous
  16. Ideas should be scrutinized, not criticized, shoved to the side or treated with disdain, that’s what I do. 
  17. Freedom of speech should not make you politically incorrect, use your logic! 
  18. True tolerance is when you can listen to the nonsense that comes out of anti Sjws mouths. 
  19. The real bullies are the anti Sjws.
  20. For people who claim to reason a lot, you seem to ignore reasoning about the people you’re truly fighting for. 

Anti Sjws are a bunch of offended people judging other offended people. 

Insults for Anti-SJWs

Describing anti-SJWs as a group of offended people judging other offended people could be interpreted as an insult because it undermines their stance against social justice warriors (SJWs) by suggesting that they are hypocritical or inconsistent in their criticism of perceived over-sensitivity

It implies that anti-SJWs are themselves prone to taking offense and engaging in judgmental behavior. 

  • Well look at the offended judging the offended. 
  • What do we call offended people who judge other offended people? Hypocrites!

It’s because social justice warriors say relevant things that makes them so opposed. 

An expression like this would surely piss off ANTI- SJWs because it implies that hipsters prioritize trivial or irrelevant issues over substantive social justice concerns. 

It suggests that hipsters are disconnected from important social issues or are more concerned with superficial trends and aesthetics. 

  • If social justice warriors never say things relevant, ANTI-SJWs wouldn’t even exist. 
  • ANTI-SJWs are made to attack another group of people and not address relevant matters. 

If SJWs make noise then an anti Sjw is a big empty barrel. 

 This expression could be interpreted as an insult because it implies that anti-SJWs lack substance or validity in their opposition to social justice warrior ideology. 

It suggests that they are ineffectual or lacking in meaningful critique, reducing their arguments to empty rhetoric or noise. 

  • If SJWs make noise then block your ears for the massive noise you’re going to hear from Anti-SJWs. 
  • I can’t believe how empty the words of Anti-SJWs are. 

It’s sad that you throw away your humanity just to win an argument. 

This statement implies that they prioritize winning debates over maintaining empathy and understanding towards others. 

It suggests that anti-SJWs are overly focused on intellectual superiority or being “right” at the expense of genuine human connection or compassion. 

  • All you want is to win this argument, you are not interested in human life. 
  • You’re after bragging rights, racial discrimination isn’t your problem. 

Considering how much anti-sjws decline feelings, they sure do express the feeling of anger in an argument. 

Insults for Anti-SJWs

 This expression is a big blow to the guts of Anti-SJWs because it suggests that they are hypocritical or inconsistent in their emotional responses. 

It shows that anti-SJWs dismiss the validity of others’ emotions while simultaneously exhibiting strong emotions themselves, such as anger.

  • They express anger quite a lot and yet decline feelings. 
  • Imagine downplaying emotions and yet getting emotional. 

I don’t think y’all understand the meaning of political correctness. 

This comment could be interpreted as an insult as it implies that they lack knowledge or comprehension of a concept that they are often critical of. 

It suggests that their opposition to political correctness is based on misunderstanding or ignorance rather than informed critique.

  • You don’t understand the meaning of political correctness, go check well. 
  • Political correctness is something you still need to learn more about. 

What’s the relevance of anti-sjw without sjw? That’s why they care so much.  

This rhetorical question is a statement that you could use to get under the skin of Anti-SJWs. 

It’s simply saying that without SJWs, Anti-SJWs are completely irrelevant. This would be a good line to throw out in a confrontation with SJWs. 

  • You care so much and that’s why you never shut up even if all you say is crap. 
  • ANTI-SJWs don’t know how irrelevant they are to society.

Could you learn how to communicate without being annoying? It’s very necessary. 

Insults for Anti-SJWs

This expression suggests that their manner of expressing themselves is irritating or off-putting, undermining their credibility or effectiveness in conveying their viewpoints.

It might mean that their arguments are not taken seriously due to the way they communicate. 

  • You are really annoying and I hope you shut up now. 
  • People like you don’t communicate, all you do is annoy people. 

Your entire brain isn’t centered on relevant issues to the society, what matters is winning an argument. 

 This statement is all round insulting to Anti-SJWs. It suggests that their priorities are misplaced or self-serving, implying that they prioritize personal victory over meaningful engagement with social and cultural concerns.

A line like this wouldn’t sit well with Anti-SJWs because it’s just too brutal to hear. 

  • You’re not the type to have his mind wrap around relevant issues.  
  • No matter how loud you yell, you still say trash. 

There’s a thin line between freedom of speech and being disrespectful but I don’t expect an anti Sjws to understand that. 

This expression insults Anti-SJWs as it means that they lack the ability to discern between the two concepts. 

It connotes that anti-SJWs are insensitive or ignorant regarding the nuances of free speech and its limitations, undermining their credibility or intelligence on the matter. 

  • You’re not exercising rights, you’re just being disrespectful. 
  • Do you mind showing a bit of respect while you’re talking? 

Facts are established truths proven by statistics but what you call facts is just your loud opinion. 

 This expression undermines their credibility and suggests that their arguments lack factual basis.

 It depicts that anti-SJWs rely more on rhetoric or personal beliefs than on objective evidence or statistical data to support their viewpoints. 

  • You don’t have facts, all you have is loud opinions. 
  • You talk about statistics, your numbers are outdated. 

It’s not victimhood, it’s a person’s actual sad experience but I don’t expect you to understand. 

ANTI-SJWs wouldn’t feel comfortable being told a statement like this. This sentence indicates that they are detached from human emotion and overall heartless. 

A line like this would be great to drop on your opponent or Anti-SJWs that can’t stop getting on your nerves. 

  • People who are victims should not be mocked, Anti-SJWs do that a lot. 
  • You’re so heartless to people who you claim to defend. 

Sometimes I feel that  Anti-SJWs just need to take a chill pill.

This is a funny way of telling someone or a group of people to shut up or keep quiet. It translates that Anti-SJWs are obsessed with issues that aren’t really relevant and the passion could just be a facade. 

ANTI-SJWs are folks who really like to be taken seriously but this statement really pokes fun at that. 

  • You need to take a chill pill considering the nonsense you say. 
  • You’re not speaking on matters that require this pretentious passion. 

True freedom lies in the eradication of anti-sjw. 

This line is a low blow on Anti-SJWs as it suggests that eradicating them from the scene, the world or a particular place would be considered as true freedom. 

Perhaps you have colleagues or friends on the Anti-SJWs side, this would be a good line for them. 

  • It is only when Anti-SJWs are eradicated from society that there will be peace. 
  • True freedom is when Anti-SJWs decide to disappear. 

Everyone that does not agree with your beliefs are suddenly irrational, how ridiculous. 

Most Anti-SJWs would say in a confrontation that Sjws are irrational. This expression attacks that comment in the most hilarious yet classy way. 

It suggests that people who don’t agree with their beliefs are the ones who are irrational which makes their claim pathetic or ridiculous. 

  • Because people don’t believe what you believe does not mean they are irrational. 
  • It’s irrational to say others are irrational because they disagree with you. 

Ideas should be scrutinized, not criticized, shoved to the side or treated with disdain, that’s what I do. 

ANTI-SJWs have the belief that ideas should be ‘critiqued’ but under the disguise of this word, they actually criticize, and dismiss the idea of Sjws which this expression insults. 

This would be a good comeback for Anti-SJWs who constantly come at you with the phrase “ ideas should be critiqued”. 

  • Ideas are meant to be critiqued but all you ever do is shove it down. 
  • You think that you’re a good critique of ideas. 

Freedom of speech should not make you politically incorrect, use your logic! 

This expression takes qualities of Anti-SJWs and shoves it down the mud. They are fond of saying they use logic which could be ridiculed with this statement. 

Make sure the tone and context of this statement is properly placed to make it effective. 

  • For a person who is a thinker, you haven’t thought about the difference between political correctness and freedom of speech. 
  • Your dynamic isn’t exactly logical. 

True tolerance is when you can listen to the nonsense that comes out of anti Sjws mouths. 

This is a hilarious comment that is  definitely insulting to Anti-SJWs. 

It clearly means that a high level of tolerance is required to listen to the messages of Anti-SJWs. This indicates that they say things ridiculous to hear. 

  • If you can tolerate Anti-SJWs speak, then you can do anything. 
  • I can’t stand how much nonsense Anti-SJWs have to say. 

The real bullies are the anti Sjws.

This is a direct insult on the personality of Anti-SJWs by implying that they are bullies to the society. 

It could mean that they don’t just speak against Anti-SJWs but intend to bully them which is violent and pure evil. 

  • You are a higher class of bullies. 
  • ANTI-SJWs are no different from bullies in high school. 

For people who claim to reason a lot, you seem to ignore reasoning about the people you’re truly fighting for. 

This is a funny way of insulting Anti-SJWs by implying that they really use the logic that they are known to advocate. 

Instead of really ‘thinking’ about people or societal issues affecting the people they are more consumed with other matters. 

  • You claim to use your logical reasoning, you don’t even logically think about practical solutions to problems in the society. 
  • I thought being logical would make you think about the people you claim to help. 


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