20 Clever Insults for a Side Chick

Clever Insults for a Side Chick

This article is specifically written to brilliantly insult ladies who are the bane of the existence of all committed relationships, the Delilahs of all the Samsons that exist in this world, the popular cute demons, referred to as ‘side chick’.

I have compiled a list of 20 clever insults to throw at a side chick instead of succumbing to the temptation of pulling their hair out piece by piece when you come face to face with one. 

These expressions have been crafted in a way that it’s easy to use and would help you score points if in any word battles with one of them.

So, if you have your eyes set on a particular side chick in your life, then you will find this article a huge blessing. 

Now let’s bring out the big guns!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Clever Insults for a Side Chick

  1. It’s sad that being a side chick you don’t get to be the center of any man’s world. 
  2. Guess what also has the word ‘side’ in it, Side dish, which is what you truly are. 
  3.  Of course you’re a side chick, all you’ll ever get is left overs. 
  4.  As a side chick you don’t get to own your things, they are all stolen or borrowed. 
  5. Show me a side chick and I will show you a beautiful lady with no sense of value. 
  6. As a side chick you will always be on the side, sidelined, sidetracked, sideways!
  7.  The most depressing thing is to be a side chick. My heart goes out to you. 
  8. If you’re doing research on the effects of loneliness just interview a couple of side chicks. 
  9. If you really want to prove that you’re shameless then just become a side chick. 
  10. You’re not hidden away because you’re a ‘gem’, people hide their shame and flaunt their gem instead. 
  11. I have heard of a proud mother, son or wife but I have never heard of a proud side chick before. 
  12. If you’re looking for a pictorial reference of desperation then just look at yourself in the mirror.  
  13. For a side chick being the main attraction is a myth, they can only be relegated to the side. 
  14. It has to take a high degree of low self esteem to be a side chick. 
  15. When a man can’t afford to pay a therapist, buy vodka, he goes for the cheapest option, he gets a side chick. 
  16. Side chicks share some qualities with vampires, they only come out when it’s dark because the spotlight is fatal to them. 
  17. As a side chick the only thing you spice up is my salad, so get on with it. 
  18. Living as a side chick must be a nightmare, you’re nobody’s number one. 
  19. I heard pouring water on witches makes them melt, let’s see if it’s the same for a side chick. 
  20.  A side chick with dreams of being a wife is like a lizard dreaming of being a crocodile. 

It’s sad that being a side chick you don’t get to be the center of any man’s world. 

Side chicks wouldn’t like an expression like this addressing them because it’s definitely insulting to them. 

It perpetuates the stereotype that they are usually relegated to the side which could sting them a little bit. 

  • You’re never going to be the center of someone or anything, you’re meant for the side. 
  • You better move to the side where you belong, young lady. 

Guess what also has the word ‘side’ in it, Side dish, which is what you truly are. 

The use of play on words with the word ‘’side” makes it a burning insult suitable for a side chick. 

Calling a person a side dish means they are not prioritized or there’s a reduction in their value as a human being which would be very hurtful for a side chick to hear. 

  • You are nothing but a side dish, you can’t satisfy anyone. 
  • No matter how beautiful you are, all you are is a side dish. 


 Of course you’re a side chick, all you’ll ever get is left overs. 

This is another insult that could make a side chick flip any table in the room. 

Implying that all a person gets is left over, means that they don’t possess anything enviable or of value which makes them even more valueless.

This kind of statement could come in handy in a word battle with a side chick. 

  • You have nothing important,all you have is left overs. 
  • You’re a side chick, you can’t relate with things or people that actually have value. 

 As a side chick you don’t get to own your things, they are all stolen or borrowed. 

Clever Insults for a Side Chick

This statement comes after a side chick in an insulting manner. It directly says that side chicks are thieves and lenders who never own their own property. 

It’s a line that you could make use of to insult side chicks that you might be familiar with. 

  • Side chicks are thieves in skirts, they are not good people. 
  • All side chicks have is a life of stolen things. 

Show me a side chick and I will show you a beautiful lady with no sense of value. 

If you’re looking for a punchline that throws a blow at a side chick then you just stumbled across the right one. 

This statement means that side chicks don’t have values and they don’t have any self worth as a person which could definitely hurt their feelings. 

  • You’re a side chick and you can’t have a sense of value. 
  • All you are as a side chick is a valueless object begging to be put to use. 

As a side chick you will always be on the side, sidelined, sidetracked, sideways!

Clever Insults for a Side Chick

This statement completely shreds a side chick apart. 

It means that side chicks are meant to be shoved to the side like they don’t matter and that their existence is meant to be unknown and should be ignored. 

  • You’re not a person made to be noticed, you’re meant to be sidelined. 
  • No one will ever take notice of a side chick like you, you have been sidelined. 

The most depressing thing is to be a side chick. My heart goes out to you. 

Side chicks better dodge because a bullet is heading straight towards them with this line. 

This interprets that side chick lives a miserable and sad life and at the end of the statement shocks a pretentious concern for their well being.

This is a funny expression, that the use of comical tone will help make it effective. 

  • I don’t see anything more depressing than being a side chick. 
  • Side chicks should get a therapist, they are always so sad. 

If you’re doing research on the effects of loneliness just interview a couple of side chicks. 

This is a creative way of insulting a side chick that is definitely going to sting them. 

Doing research on the effects of loneliness and interviewing side chicks for data, is a funny way of saying that side chicks are extremely lonely and that research could be conducted about how lonely they get. 

  • Side chicks are supposed to know a lot about loneliness because they constantly are. 
  • I don’t think that there’s a dude chick that isn’t suffering from loneliness. 

If you really want to prove that you’re shameless then just become a side chick. 

Clever Insults for a Side Chick

This is a direct insult to a side chick by saying that they are shameless people which could be considered very offensive. 

It’s a one liner insult that points to the side chick not caring about being honorable but just themselves and their selfish interest. 

A line like this could be delivered to a side chick that you’re hoping to make a quick comeback on. 

  • You’re so shameless, I don’t blame you because you’re a side chick. 
  • All side chicks will ever be nothing but shameless. 

You’re not hidden away because you’re a ‘gem’, people hide their shame and flaunt their gem instead. 

Hilarious, burning and cruel are ingredients used to cook up this one-liner expression. 

This sets a side chick straight by saying that they are not a gem, they are hidden because they are not worth flaunting for the world to see. This could be  statement depending on the context at which you use it. 

  • You’re not a gem, you’re more like a bad smell that a person’s trying so hard to hide. 
  • If I had a gem I wouldn’t want to hide it, I would want the world to know. You are not a gem!

I have heard of a proud mother, son or wife but I have never heard of a proud side chick before. 

This is a brilliant insult that interprets the idea that side chicks can’t be proud of anything including themselves. 

It means that side chicks are not meant to be confident or happy about themselves because of the stereotype that side chick are the other woman or mistress. 

  • You can’t be proud of yourself as a side chick. 
  • I haven’t seen a happy side chick before, they don’t exist. 

If you’re looking for a pictorial reference of desperation then just look at yourself in the mirror.  

Side chicks are usually labeled as desperate because of their position as the other woman or mistress instead of getting their own partners. 

This kind of statement would be perfect for a side chick that has been annoying and you need to to take revenge on. 

  • You’re the perfect definition of desperation. 
  • I can smell desperation all over you, you can’t wash it away. 

For a side chick being the main attraction is a myth, they can only be relegated to the side. 

If your aim is to be brutal then this expression would be an excellent choice to use. It means that side chicks are not meant to be noticed and they are meant to be at the side, where they don’t matter in any way. 

Make sure to put the context into perspective if you’re going to deliver this line well. 

  • You’re a side chick, you haven’t even lived a life where you are at the center. 
  • You are just a side chick with no sense of value, I am sorry for you. 

It has to take a high degree of low self esteem to be a side chick. 

No side chick would want to be told words like this because it’s completely insulting to their personality. 

It’s an expression that directly says that side chick have zero self esteem and that’s what makes one ( side chick).

Make sure to duck a little after saying this line because some chairs might be thrown your way. 

  • Being a side chick is easy, just flush your self-esteem down the drain. 
  • You think that being a side chick is hard? It’s just a person with no self esteem. 

When a man can’t afford to pay a therapist, buy vodka, he goes for the cheapest option, he gets a side chick. 

This statement is what one would call brutality at its finest. 

Sidechicks are regarded in this sentence to be less in value as compared to hiring a therapist, buying a bottle of vodka which could suck for a side chick to hear. 

  • I hope that you understand that you are the man’s cheapest option, if you are worth something, he wouldn’t need you. 
  • Hope you’re able to understand that being a side chick is low. 

Side chicks share some qualities with vampires, they only come out when it’s dark because the spotlight is fatal to them. 

Using a vampire as an element of comparison shows a view of dehumanizing.  

Saying that the spotlight is fatal to them means that they are not meant to be seen by people and should hide in the shadows like a vampire does which is very insulting. 

  • Vampires and sidechicks are almost the same, they love the dark. 
  • Side chicks flourish at night, where nobody is around to see them. 

As a side chick the only thing you spice up is my salad, so get on with it. 

If your target (sidechick) is one that is annoying and keeps getting under your skin, this expression would be good to use on them. 

It means that the relevance of a sidechick is to do a ridiculous task like spicing up a person’s salad which sends the message that they really are not needed or prioritized in the society. 

  • All you can do is spice up my salad so please do it. 
  • You are so useful for spicing up my salad. 

Living as a side chick must be a nightmare, you’re nobody’s number one. 

This is a statement that insults a side chick by saying that living as a side chick is horrific and a nightmare. 

This statement would be well delivered if it’s said in a comical tone to get it to hurt the side chick you’re referring to. 

I heard pouring water on witches makes them melt, let’s see if it’s the same for a side chick. 

This is a straightforward way of saying that side chicks are witches because insinuating that they could melt, means there’s a chance that they could be witches. 

It’s an hilarious comment that is insulting to a side chick indeed. 

  • I think side chicks might be related to witches, they look almost the same. 
  • You’re almost like a witch, sidechicks like you could melt if I pour water on you. 

 A side chick with dreams of being a wife is like a lizard dreaming of being a crocodile.

It’s a ridiculous and hilarious form of comparison which translates that side chick’s dream of being a wife; the main chick, the ideal woman, is clearly impossible. 

A lizard can never become a crocodile which is the reality of a side chick as regarding being a wife. 

  • Sidechicks should not be dreaming about being wives, it’s not their style. 
  • I don’t think sidechicks are interested in being wives, it’s impossible. 


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