20 Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You Flat Chested

Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You Flat Chested

It seems lately that everyone is obsessed with how they look, it’s like people are constantly nitpicking at one another’s flaws and using the quirks in our bodies that are supposed to make us unique, to shove people’s self-esteem to the ground. 

 One of the flaws a person could feel insecure about is their chest size, especially as a lady and that’s why it’s important to know how to respond when attacked by bullies and haters.

These 20 savage comebacks are sure to leave any bully speechless and remind them that your worth is not defined by your chest size.

Now let’s get started!

List of 20 Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You Flat Chested

  1. Oh, did you mistake me for a runway model? My bad.
  2. Keep staring, maybe someday you’ll develop a personality.
  3. And you’re an expert on chests because your chest is the almighty?
  4. At least my chest won’t sag to my knees by the time I’m 40.
  5. Oh look, another shallow comment from a shallow person.
  6. I’ll take flat-chested over empty-headed any day.
  7. I see you have mistaken me for someone who cares about your opinion.
  8. Wow, I’ve never heard that one before. So original.
  9. My chest might be flat, but your personality is extremely flatter.
  10. And your point is…?
  11. I am trying to figure out if  that is supposed to be an insult or a compliment? I can’t tell.
  12. I’d rather be flat-chested than be insecure like you. 
  13. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were having a ‘who can be more shallow’ contest.
  14. You seem to be fixated on my chest. Should I be flattered or concerned?
  15. My chest size doesn’t define me, but your ignorance certainly does.
  16. It’s called genetics, darling. Look it up sometime.
  17. Oh no, my self-esteem is trembling… said no one ever.
  18. I would rather be flat-chested than flat-out rude like you.
  19. If only your personality had half as much relevance as your comments about my chest.
  20. I am sorry, were you expecting me to be devastated? Try harder.

Oh, did you mistake me for a runway model? My bad.

Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You Flat Chested

Runway models who are considered hot and sexy are also known to have flat chests which makes this expression a good comeback for the haters. 

This brilliant comeback is a great way of saying that you’re a sexy woman and you couldn’t careless of whatever opinion that haters have. 

  • I often get mistaken for a runway model, it’s a blessing. 
  • I love how firm they are like that of a runway model. 

Keep staring, maybe someday you’ll develop a personality.

A comeback like this is a great way to bounce off an Insulting stare at your chest. 

Implying that the person would develop a personality if they keep staring is a smart way of saying that they lack a good personality which could sting them as well. 

  • You better keep staring, that’s the only way you will have a personality. 
  • Your personality is about to vanish, the answer is in staring at my chest so I understand. 

And you’re an expert on chests because your chest is almighty? 

What a smart comeback for a fast chested person because it undermines the person’s comment on your chest. It’s a rhetorical question that shows just how foolish and unintelligible they are to talk about your chest in whatever form. 

If you’re aiming to make a classy and savage comeback, then this is the line you need. 

  • You’re not sensible at all, that’s why you think you know about my chest. 
  • Who made you an expert on chests, get a life. 

At least my chest won’t sag to my knees by the time I’m 40.

Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You Flat Chested

It’s so infuriating when someone who because they have the biggest chest in the world thinks they can bully people who don’t, well this clever comeback sends them right back to the gutter where they came from. 

Big chests are known to look really ugly when they sag, and they often sag pretty quickly which you could use to insult them back. 

  • I probably might die with my chest remaining this firm, the future of your chest on the other hand would sag very soon. 
  • Your chest would look like a punctured bag of water in a few years. 

Oh look, another shallow comment from a shallow person.

Revenge is best served cold and this expression sends that message perfectly. 

People who mock people based on their appearance should be called shallow, which makes this comeback effective for the haters around.

  • Your comments are just as shallow as you are. 
  • You’re too shallow so it’s not a surprise that your comments reflect that. 

I’ll take flat-chested over empty-headed any day.

This comeback cleverly suggests that having a flat chest is preferable to lacking intelligence or being empty-headed.

It turns the initial insult into a point of pride by highlighting the value of intellectual depth over physical attributes.

Haters will definitely stop hating with a burning comeback like this. 

  • I would rather have a flat chest than have your empty brain. 
  • I wouldn’t want to be dumb like you so I am lucky to have a flat chest. 

I see you have mistaken me for someone who cares about your opinion.

A comeback like this  is clever and appropriate. Making fun of someone’s physical appearance, such as their chest size, is disrespectful and hurtful. 

It’s important to treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their appearance. If someone makes such a comment to you, it’s best to respond assertively, letting them know that such remarks are not acceptable.

  • Wow! You must think that I care about your opinion. 
  • The least I care about is your unwanted opinion. 

Wow, I’ve never heard that one before. So original.

Using sarcasm to deflect a hurtful comment can be effective in some situations, it’s important to consider the impact of your words.

Responding with sarcasm might flip the situation and lead to the initial person insulting another to the one being insulted.

 It’s always better to respond with boldness and assertiveness rather than trembling at the sight or comments of bullies.  

  • Classic! I have never heard it in that fashion. 
  • How brilliant of you to come up with new jabs, it says a lot about your ruined business. 

My chest might be flat, but your personality is extremely flatter.

While this response might be intended to defend oneself, it still relies on insulting someone else’s personality, which makes it a good comeback for a bully. 

Responding to a hurtful comment with another hurtful comment gives you an edge over the situation. It helps you to scare the bad mouth away and also helps with setting boundaries for respectful communication.

  • My chest is not as flat as your compressed brain. 
  • Your personality needs a resurrection, it’s dead. 

And your point is…?

Responding with “And your point is…?” can be a way to deflect the comment and turn the focus back on the insulter.

 It also directly addresses the hurtful remark about chest size which effectively shut down further insults.

A more assertive approach with this line would  firmly address the comment directly, asserting that comments about one’s physical appearance are not acceptable.

  • What are you saying? 
  • And the moral of your story is…?

I am trying to figure out if  that is supposed to be an insult or a compliment? I can’t tell.

This comeback effectively challenges the intention behind the remark about chest size, suggesting that it’s ambiguous and lacks clarity.

 By questioning whether the comment was meant as an insult or a compliment, it puts the insulter on the spot and highlights the inappropriate nature of making such comments about someone’s physical appearance.

It’s a way to disarm the insulter and assertively address the situation.

  • I am trying to figure out if that’s a compliment or not? 
  • You’re basically complimenting me, you know that right?

I’d rather be flat-chested than have your level of insecurity.

This comeback cleverly flips the insult back on the insulter by highlighting their own insecurity.

It suggests that the insulter’s focus on physical appearance is a sign of their own insecurities, rather than a reflection of the person they’re insulting. 

It’s a way for the flat-chested person to assert their confidence and refuse to be affected by the insult.

  • I would choose being flat chested than your insecurity dwelling life. 
  • All you do is talk about the only insecurity you don’t have amongst the thousands you do have. 

Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were having a ‘who can be more shallow’ contest.

This comeback effectively calls out the insulter for being shallow and focusing on superficial aspects such as physical appearance.

It shifts the focus away from a flat-chested person’s body and redirects it towards the insulter’s behavior, highlighting the pettiness of engaging in such insults. 

It’s a witty and assertive way to deflect the insult and assert confidence in oneself.

  • I didn’t know you wanted the “Most Shallow” award. 
  • You deserve the crown of the best shallow person ever. 

You seem to be fixated on my chest. Should I be flattered or concerned?

This comeback cleverly addresses the focus on the flat-chested person’s physical appearance by turning the attention back to the insulter.

It suggests that the insulter’s fixation on their chest size is either flattering or concerning, implying that such comments are inappropriate and unwelcome.

 It’s a humorous yet assertive way to deflect the insult and assert boundaries regarding respectful communication.

  • Should I be worried? You haven’t stopped staring at my chest. 
  • You should blink a little when staring at my chest. 

My chest size doesn’t define me, but your ignorance certainly does.

This comeback elegantly dismisses the insult about chest size by emphasizing that physical attributes do not define one’s worth.

Instead, it redirects attention to the ignorance of the insulter, suggesting that their narrow-mindedness and lack of understanding are more significant issues.

 It’s a confident response that refuses to let the insult affect self-esteem while also subtly criticizing the insulter’s mindset.

  • Your ignorance defines you, but my flat chest makes me prettier.
  • You are so ignorant and it has affected your life. 

It’s called genetics, darling. Look it up sometime.

 Comebacks like this skillfully dismisses the insult about chest size by attributing it to genetics, which is beyond one’s control. By suggesting that the insulter educate themselves on genetics, it subtly implies that their comment is ignorant and uninformed. 

It’s a clever way to assert confidence in one’s natural body and subtly critique the insulter’s lack of understanding.

  • It’s obvious you don’t understand the meaning of genetics. 
  • Have you ever heard of the word genetics? Block head.

Oh no, my self-esteem is trembling… said no one ever.

This is another that comeback humorously dismisses the insult by sarcastically suggesting that it has no impact on the flat-chested person’s self-esteem.

 By exaggerating the lack of effect the insult has, it showcases confidence and resilience, implying that such comments are insignificant and unworthy of attention. It’s an assertive response that deflects the insult while maintaining a sense of humor.

  • I don’t care about your comments. 
  • You just had such a big effect on my ass. 

I would rather be flat-chested than flat-out rude like you.

It is only someone who is rude who will insult or make bad comments about other people’s physical features and this comeback slams it where it hurts. 

It implies that having a flat chest is preferable to possessing a rude personality. It suggests that having a kind demeanor is more valuable than physical attributes. 

  • I wouldn’t want to be you, so I am lucky to have a flat chest.
  • You remind me of how lucky I am to have a flat chest. 

If only your personality had half as much relevance as your comments about my chest.

Another hot comeback has been served as it  cleverly flips the focus from physical appearance to personality, implying that the person making comments about their chest lacks depth in their character.

 It suggests that having depth in personality is more important than superficial judgments based on physical attributes.

  • Your comments about my chest lack depth just like your personality. 
  • You need depth, I can sense it from your comments about my chest. 

I am sorry, were you expecting me to be devastated? Try harder.

You know what they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! And a smart comeback like this helps to put a voice to that. 

It disses haters’ efforts in trying to bring you down by implying that they should ‘try harder’. This would be a smart way to get them off your shoulders forever. 

  • You need to try better than that if you’re trying to get to me. 
  • Is that all you got? Don’t disappoint me Honey


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