20 Baddie Comebacks For “Get On My Level”

Baddie Comebacks For Get On My Level

Get ready to unleash word brutality with the help of this article as I have created a list of baddie comebacks for when someone says ‘get on my level.’

People who often say these phrases use it as a punchline or a diss that is intended to burn the other party but with these outlined funny expressions, you can turn the tables around anywhere and anyhow.

You finally get the chance to show them who’s the actual boss, because these witty comments and jabs are definitely going to come in handy.

If this sounds intriguing to you, then let’s get started!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Baddie Comebacks For “Get On My Level”

  1. Why would I want to take a few steps back just to get to your level?
  2. I’ll never forget the first time we met, but I’ll keep trying. 
  3. I’d fight you, but that would be animal abuse. 
  4. I feel bad for you. Seek help. 
  5. If you’re waiting for me to care, you might be here a while. 
  6. Jealousy is a disease, get well soon. 
  7. Did you fall from heaven? Because it looks like you landed on your face. 
  8. Oh, sorry. I did not realize you were an expert in everything. 
  9. I didn’t know your level uses stairs, well mine uses the elevator.  
  10. Somewhere out there, there is a  diligent tree producing oxygen so that you can breathe. I think you should go and apologize to the tree.  
  11. I get so emotional when you’re not around. The emotion is happiness, by the way. 
  12. I bet you could not get a real job if your life depended on it. 
  13. Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with a personality. 
  14.  Anyone who gets on your level is officially a loser like you are. 
  15. I would have to reduce my high standards just to get on your level, no thanks.  
  16. I am sorry you got offended the one time you were treated the exact way you treat everyone all the time. 
  17. Yes, I talk like an idiot. How else would you understand me? 
  18. The only thing I want to ‘get on’ is a discussion about how to get rid of you. 
  19. It’s okay if you disagree with me, I can’t force you to be right. 
  20. There are levels to your craziness, I wouldn’t want to get on it. 

Why would I want to take a few steps back just to get to your level?

Have you ever heard of ‘flip the tables?’ This expression is an example of it. It takes what is supposed to be an insult and turns it into a hot comeback. 

This ridiculously funny comeback implies that the person’s level of standards are lower than the speaker’s, asserting the speaker’s superiority.

  • It takes reducing my standards to be on your level, and I don’t want that. 
  • I don’t want to be on your level, who likes to reduce their level?

I’ll never forget the first time we met, but I’ll keep trying. 

‘I will keep trying’ is the phrase in that expression that makes this a baddie comeback for ‘get on my level.’

This comeback humorously suggests that the person’s presence left a memorable impression, implying that it was negative.

This comeback would help you get your revenge on rude friends or enemies around you. 

  • I keep trying to forget how we met, I will never give up. 
  • I remember when we met, that’s one of the memories I hope to forget. 

I’d fight you, but that would be animal abuse. 

If you’re aiming to give a funny and yet rude comeback, this would be the best pick because it has it all.

The comeback dismisses the accuser as being unworthy of confrontation, implying that they are beneath the speaker’s notice; it also refers to the accuser as an animal. 

  • I would have tried to hit you but that would be animal abuse. 
  • I don’t want to be arrested for hurting an animal like you. 

I feel bad for you. Seek help. 

A comeback that poses as concern but it’s truly a hot jab at the rude individual who tells a person, ‘get on my level’. 

This comeback translates to the fact  that the person’s behavior is concerning, implying that they are in need of assistance.

It would be excellent if you could work on your comic tone to make this comeback have greater effect. 

  • You need serious help, you’re becoming delusional. 
  • I can’t stand how delusional you are, I think you need help. 

If you’re waiting for me to care, you might be here a while. 

A brilliant way to tell someone that you don’t care is this expression, you as the speaker can use this as a comeback anywhere and anytime. 

This comeback dismisses the person’s concerns as insignificant, implying that they are not worthy of the speaker’s attention or consideration.

  • May I remind you that the day I start to care about what you have to say is the day of impossibility. 
  • You better grab a seat because waiting for me to care will take ages. 

Jealousy is a disease, get well soon. 

Perhaps you have friends who are obviously envious of you and use this line quite often to put you down, this would be a baddie comeback suitable for them. 

This comeback dismisses the individual’s criticisms as stemming from jealousy, implying that they are envious of your success. 

  • Jealousy is a disease, you have certainly caught the disease and need medical attention. 
  • Jealousy must be your diagnosis because you possess all the symptoms. 

Did you fall from heaven? Because it looks like you landed on your face. 

Baddie Comebacks For Get On My Level

Revenge is best served cold and this comeback has been added to prove that. This expression would help you have an edge over someone who tells you to get on their level. 

The expression humorously insults the person’s appearance, implying that they are  clumsy.

  • You must have crushed your face when you landed from heaven. 
  • Your face makes me fully understand the height of the fall from heaven. 

Oh, sorry. I did not realize you were an expert in everything.

People who often say ‘get on my level’ are likely to be arrogant or overconfident which should be punished with a comeback like this.  

It sarcastically acknowledges the person’s arrogance  implying that they are not as knowledgeable or competent as they think. 

  • You’re an expert in everything and I can’t just understand how you’re dumb. 
  • You’re such an expert in everything, that’s another lie from me. 

I didn’t know your level uses stairs, well mine uses the elevator.  

What a metaphorical way of saying that a person’s level is so low and probably is catching up with yours. 

 To explain in full detail, this comeback humorously means that the person’s level of standards are lower than yours, implying that the speaker is more successful or accomplished. 

  • Your level uses stairs, no wonder you keep trying to catch up with me. 
  • My level is not your local level, I am the queen and you’re a princess. 

Somewhere out there, there is a diligent tree working very hard to produce oxygen so that you can breathe. I think you should go and apologize to the tree.  

This is an expression that takes time to properly make a good response to “get on my level”.

It takes different symbolic elements just to insult a rude person. 

This is an expression that humorously suggests that the person’s existence is a burden on the environment, implying that they should apologize for their negative impact. 

  • You’re wasting oxygen, you certainly don’t need it. 
  • I think you should know how foolish you are for inhaling oxygen into your empty brain. 

I get so emotional when you’re not around. The emotion is happiness, by the way. 

Baddie Comebacks For Get On My Level

Keep the witches away is the theme of this baddie comeback for someone who tells you ‘get on my level’. 

It is a ridiculous way of saying that the speaker’s absence brings relief which means that they are not missed or valued.

I recommend that you share this among your friends that might be intrigued by the content of this article. 

  • When you are not around, I am usually very excited but it’s completely opposite when you are. 
  • You think that being happy is the reward I get whenever you’re not around. 

I bet you couldn’t get a real job if your life depended on it. 

An expression like this is a typical example of a baddie comeback for ‘’get on my level’, there’s no debate about it. 

This comeback insults the person’s competence, implying that they lack the skills or qualifications for meaningful employment.

  • You can’t even get a real job and here you are talking about getting on your level. 
  • What level are you talking about? Is the level in your video games that you play all day long? 

Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with a personality. 

It would be more effective if you added some gesticulating or attempting to hold them just to make the comeback even more for a baddie like you. 

It is a comeback that shutdown the person’s standards of achievement as low or undesirable, implying that they are not worth emulating.

  • You don’t have a personality, I can’t even imagine you with it. 
  • You have a personality is something that I can’t even imagine. 

 Anyone who gets on your level is officially a loser like you are. 

Clap back with this baddie comeback for ‘get on my level’ and you’ll surely see your accusers fall before you. 

The comeback dismisses the person’s standards or level of achievement as low or undesirable, implying that they are not worth emulating.

  • You are a pure loser and it’s the same for people who are dumb enough to get on your level. 
  • You don’t understand that your level is for losers just like you. 

I would have to reduce my high standards just to get on your level, no thanks.  

With a little bit of attitude and swag, this baddie comeback will serve cold justice to haters. 

An expression like this asserts the speaker’s superiority and high standards, implying that the person’s level is unworthy of consideration. It’s a line that would earn your spot at the top. 

  • My standards are high, I can be on your low level. 
  • My level is like a god to yours, you should be the one to get on it. 

I’m sorry you got offended the one time you were treated the exact way you treat everyone all the time. 

Haters need to get some hate just so that they can understand just how evil they are and an expression like this would help you do that. 

It sarcastically means that the accuser is hypocritical, implying that they deserve the treatment they receive.  Life is like a boomerang, everything comes back around. 

  • You are simply getting the treatment you give to others so don’t act like a victim. 
  • I am prepared to give you a dose of your own medicine. 

Yes, I talk like an idiot. How else would you understand me? 

Apart from the fact that this expression is tremendously funny, it’s also a hot comeback for  ‘get on my level.’

This comeback uses humor to insult the person’s intelligence implying that they are not capable of understanding more sophisticated language.

  • You’re an idiot so that’s why I have to talk like one just so you can understand. 
  • You need to understand just how dumb you talk, that’s why I am talking this way. 

The only thing I want to ‘get on’ is a discussion about how to get rid of you. 

Creativity is on full display with the use of the phrase, ‘get on,’ in this baddie comeback expression 

The expression definitely sets a tone to  the person’s invitation, which means that they are unworthy of your attention.

  • Well, I would like to ‘get on’ a discussion that would require you to leave. 
  • Perhaps could you ‘get on’ with the idea of leaving my house. 

It’s okay if you disagree with me, I can’t force you to be right. 

A smart way to tell someone that they are wrong could be through this expression. 

It is one in which the person’s opinion is incorrect, implying that the speaker’s perspective is superior or more valid.

  • I can’t force you to be right so let’s just stop talking about it. 
  • You’re a fan of being not right so I can’t force you to be contrary. 

There are levels to your craziness, I wouldn’t want to get on it. 

This is a baddie comeback for ‘get on my level’ that means that the person’s behavior or attitude is irrational or unstable. 

 It implies that they are not worth engaging with which makes this expression overall, the baddest baddie comeback for ‘get on my level.’

  • Your level of craziness is really high, why would I want to get on it? 
  • I can’t get to the level of craziness, so no, thank you. 


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