20 Best Insults For a “Know It All”

Best Insults For a know It All

Have you ever engaged in a conversation with someone who seems to know everything about everything? It’s the most annoying thing ever!

These people are called “know it all” which really leaves you to wonder if they actually know it all. 

In case you’re looking to make a “know it all” shed a tear as a result of your creative hot jabs at them, then this article would give you just that.

I have rolled out a list of 20 best insults for “a know it all” that would set that annoying personality that they have, ablaze. 

With the proper use of these expressions, even a “know it all” wouldn’t know how to react. 

Table of Contents

List of 20 Best Insults For a “Know it All”

  1. Ah, the human Wikipedia is at it again. I hope you stop soon. 
  2. You know everything but can’t seem to work your way to a ladies heart. 
  3. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to the world’s foremost expert on knowing everything about nothing. 
  4. I bet your brain feels like Google, always on.
  5. I know you know everything but I would rather stick to my Doctor’s prescription. 
  6. With all of this knowledge, you still ended up being a backup singer. 
  7. Don’t you ever get tired of being right all the time? I sure do if you ask me. 
  8. You’re like a walking, talking search engine I don’t really need. 
  9. I’m impressed, but can we have a conversation without everyone else being bored to death? 
  10. You know everything, it’s so sad that you didn’t know your breath stinks. 
  11. I would like you to hold your thoughts for a second, it would really help everyone. 
  12. I can’t decide if I’m talking to a genius or just someone who’s memorized every Wikipedia page.
  13. You don’t need any more wisdom, you’ve completely wasted the one you have. 
  14.  If I knew that you were going to be involved in this conversation I would have brought my pillow. 
  15. A know-it-all is a person who loves to be a pain in everyone’s butt. 
  16. I wish that you could put a zip on your lips and close them up, you talk too much. 
  17. You must have been the teacher’s pet in every class.
  18. I didn’t expect that a ‘know it all’ would need Google for his assignment. 
  19. Your opinions and knowledge are like weeds, they’re unwanted and burnt down. 
  20. It’s fascinating the amount of knowledge you think you possess, when will it begin to reflect in your life?

Ah, the human Wikipedia is at it again. I hope you stop soon. 

Best Insults For a know It All

This is a funny insult that teases a person who claims to know it all.

Wikipedia, a search engine website that’s quite vast in the knowledge of all topics, is attributed to a human which is a form of exaggeration that could mean that the person knows way too much and should probably tone it down a little. 

It’s a brilliant way of ridiculing the person by sarcastically praising their excessive amount of knowledge. 

You know everything but can’t seem to work your way to a ladies heart. 

What a hot jab for a ‘know it all’, if you’re wondering how you could ridicule a person’s love life, then this would be a very good insult line to use. 

Despite the person’s magnificent amount of knowledge, they still are clueless when it comes to courting a woman which is often regarded as a simple task. 

  • You know everything except how to ask a woman out on a date. 
  • I am shocked that you don’t know anything about asking a woman out, human Wikipedia. 

Sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to the world’s foremost expert on knowing everything about nothing.

This insult suggests that the “know-it-all” doesn’t possess deep or meaningful knowledge despite their claims. 

It implies that their expertise is irrelevant, making it a subtle way to undermine their arrogance and overconfidence. You could use a line like this on your friends or colleagues at work who are know-it-alls. 

  • You are so vast in the knowledge of knowing nothing. 
  • You’re as smart as your lovely girlfriend who knows nothing. 

I bet your brain feels like Google, always on.

A funny hot jab like this implies that the know-it-all relies solely on regurgitating information without genuine understanding  peculiar to a search engine. 

It suggests that their knowledge lacks original thought, highlighting their dependency on external sources rather than genuine intelligence.

This would be a light-hearted tease that you could use for your colleagues or family members. 

  • Your brain must be the new Google, it’s never off. 
  • I love how your brain operates like Google. It works non- stop.

I know you know everything but I would rather stick to my Doctor’s prescription. 

This insult implies that the know-it-all is being dismissed in favor of a professional’s expertise, suggesting that their knowledge or advice is not valued or trusted.

 It undermines their perceived authority and superiority by implying that they are not as knowledgeable or reliable as they believe themselves to be.

  • I think I would rather believe someone who actually has a degree on this topic than you who just have an ego. 
  • You make so much noise about things you don’t know. 

With all of this knowledge, you still ended up being a backup singer. 

This funny insult suggests that despite the know-it-all’s extensive knowledge, they are relegated to a secondary or less important role, akin to a backup singer in a musical performance.

 It means that their intelligence is not as valuable as they think it is, highlighting a disconnect between their perception of themselves and their actual status. 

  • You ended up a backup singer despite your big brains. 
  • Your brain is so big, but you ended up mopping my floor with it. 

Don’t you ever get tired of being right all the time? I sure do if you ask me.

Funny hot burns like this implies that the know-it-all is consistently correct but lacks humility or the ability to relate to others’ experiences.

 It highlights that their constant correctness may be annoying or alienating to those around them, highlighting their inability to connect with others on a more human level beyond simply being right.

  • I am so tired of how many times you have to be right, it’s not right. 
  • You think you’re always right and that’s very wrong. 

You’re like a walking, talking search engine I don’t really need. 

This insult suggests that the “know-it-all” is perceived as unnecessary, redundant, or even irritating, similar to a search engine that provides information one already knows. 

Their constant need to share knowledge or correct others is unwanted or bothersome, highlighting a lack of social awareness or consideration for others’ perspectives. 

  • I don’t need you constantly talking to me about things I don’t care about. 
  • really don’t care about what you have to say, save the information for my ass. 

I’m impressed, but can we have a conversation without everyone else being bored to death? 

If someone ever told me this, I would probably cry myself to sleep. 

An expression like this implies that the know-it-all’s tendency to dominate conversations with their knowledge bores others to the point of wishing for a more engaging dialogue.

It shows  that their incessant need to showcase their intelligence detracts from the enjoyment of others. 

  • Anytime you get into a conversation, it’s total boredom for the rest of us. 
  • We are all tired of your know-it-all character, it’s getting really old. 

You know everything, it’s so sad that you didn’t know your breath stinks. 

Make sure to have a bottle of water while delivering this statement because someone’s ( know-it-all) about to get burned! 

A comment like this plays on the idea that the “know-it-all” may be knowledgeable in many areas but lacks self-awareness or basic personal hygiene, such as having bad breath.  

  • For someone who knows everything, I am quite disappointed that you don’t know your breath stinks. 
  • Your breath stinks, shouldn’t a know-it-all know that?

I would like you to hold your thoughts for a second, it would really help everyone. 

This insult implies that the “know-it-all” dominates conversations to the detriment of others, suggesting that pausing to allow others to contribute would benefit everyone involved. 

It highlights the perceived self-centeredness of the “know-it-all,” indicating that their constant need to share their thoughts or knowledge impedes the flow of conversation and excludes others from participating fully.

  • Whenever you cease talking, everyone feels part of the conversation.
  • You are always the star of the conversation, no one wants that. 

I can’t decide if I’m talking to a genius or just someone who’s memorized every Wikipedia page.

A one-liner insult like this implies that a “know-it-all” intelligence is superficial, based solely on memorization rather than critical thinking. 

It likens them to someone who simply regurgitates information from easily accessible sources like Wikipedia rather than demonstrating true intellectual insight.

  • You must have just memorized everything in the textbook, I don’t think you’re smart.
  • You’re not so smart, all you know how to do is memorize. 

You don’t need any more wisdom, you’ve completely wasted the one you have. 

Best Insults For a know It All

This insult means that the “know-it-all” has failed to effectively utilize their knowledge implying that their intelligence is  misapplied

It highlights a lack of meaningful contributions despite their supposed expertise, indicating that their knowledge is not being used to its full potential or for worthwhile endeavors.

  • You’ve completely wasted the ones you have, no more wisdom for you. 
  • You should stop craving for more wisdom, you haven’t used the one you have. 

 If I knew that you were going to be involved in this conversation I would have brought my pillow. 

A hot jab like this would be well effective if you included gesticulations and the right comic tone. 

It suggests that the “know-it-all” is perceived as dull or boring, implying that their presence in the conversation is so uninteresting that the speaker would rather fall asleep than engage with them.

  • I decided to bring my pillow in case you joined the conversation. 
  • You talk a lot and it makes me want to summon my pillow. 

A know- it- all is a person who loves to be a pain in everyone’s butt. 

This is a direct insult to a know-it-all by saying that they are a burden and a nuisance to everyone around them. It’s an hilarious way of implying that someone is very repulsive and not liked socially. 

A line like this could be used on your friend at the bar or a girls night out. 

  • You’re a pain in my butt, Miss Know-it-all. 
  • You speak like you enjoy being a pain in everyone’s butt. 

I wish that you could put a zip on your lips and close them up, you talk too much. 

This insult implies that the “know-it-all” talks excessively and without restraint, suggesting that their constant need to share knowledge or opinions is bothersome. 

 It highlights a lack of consideration for others’ preferences or the flow of conversation, indicating that their verbosity detracts from the overall experience and may even be seen as obnoxious.

  • You’re such a talkative, we should get a zipper for your mouth. 
  • Your mouth is due for a zip, it’s talking too much. 

You must have been the teacher’s pet in every class.

This is more of a light tease than a straight out insult. 

It depicts that the “know-it-all” was overly eager to please authority figures, implying that their intelligence or knowledge was used primarily to gain favor rather than for true understanding. 

I didn’t expect that a ‘know it all’ would need Google for his assignment. 

It’s hilarious how someone who claims to know everything needs extra help! How intriguing. 

It’s a form of mockery that means that despite their know-it-all tendencies and character, they are still in need of something extra and can not be as smart as a machine programmed to be. 

  • You don’t need Google for your assignment, all you need is your big brain.
  • The answer is in your head, it’s completely perfect. 

Your opinions and knowledge are like weeds, they’re unwanted and burnt down. 

Best Insults For a know It All

It suggests that the “know-it-all’s” opinions and knowledge are perceived as unwelcome and ultimately destroyed or disregarded, likening them to unwanted weeds that are eradicated. 

It also shows their contributions are seen as  harmful rather than beneficial or valuable.

  • Weeds are just the same with your knowledge and words. 
  • I hope to burn your opinion down just like the weeds in my garden. 

It’s fascinating the amount of knowledge you think you possess, when will it begin to reflect in your life?

If you’re aiming to get the crown for the King of Insults then a line like this is just what you need. 

It’s a hot jab that implies that a person’s life is the opposite of the amount of knowledge they claim to have. This is a smart way of saying that a person is miserable. 

  • You are such a wise man but when will your life reflect it? 
  • You make me wonder if you’re actually smart anytime I see how you live. 


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