20 Big Nostrils Memes

Big Nostrils Memes

I wouldn’t want to exaggerate but sometimes it takes a text and an image to describe how huge a person’s nose is, and that’s the reason why I will be sharing with you, hilarious memes about big nostrils. 

You could perhaps tag anyone you know that has big nostrils to these memes all for the sake of humor, it could be a good way to create some good laughs amongst your friends online and physically. 

Here are 20 big nostrils memes with the explanation of how these memes are hilarious and relatable to people with big nostrils. 

List of 20 Big Nostrils Memes

  1. I did not tell a lie, I just have a big nose. 
  2. I can sniff out anything fishy with my big nose. 
  3. How I direct people on the route to take with my big nose. 
  4. Job interview; talking to a boy with a big nose. 
  5. When my emotion is through my nose, I am angry right now. 
  6. Girl: What can you do, me: with my nose I can take your breath away. 
  7. How my big nostrils look when approaching it; close and closer. 
  8. I’m glad that I can breathe in more air. 
  9. She can smell the future. 
  10. My big nose is more determined than I am today. 
  11. Hey guys! she’s so hot…
  12. Big nose, I have to tilt the soda can more than normal. 
  13. They say bigger noses means bigger ‘you know’. Me having a big nose. 
  14. When a part of your body is more ambitious than the others. 
  15. My undercover big nostrils. 
  16. When you’re thinking if you should get a nose job or not since you have a big nose. 
  17. She sneezes, we die. 
  18. Does anyone have any coke? I swear it’s only a little. 
  19. I hate burping soda gas through my nose. Yeah it’s like a nose fart in a way. 
  20. She’s sexy and she nose it.  

I did not tell a lie, I just have a big nose.

Big Nostrils Memes

If you’re familiar with the movie Shrek, you would know a character ‘Pinocchio’ whose nose usually gets elongated whenever he is telling a lie.

 This meme sort of generated from that concept because it indicates that the person’s nose is way too big that it might be an indicator that they are lying or liars when they aren’t. 

You could tag your friends with big nostrils and perhaps be fond of the habit of lying when you post this meme or perhaps coin yours around this concept. An image like this could go with text like, 

  • I didn’t lie about stealing the book, my nose just looks really big. 
  • My nose is really big and that’s why people think I lie. 

I can sniff out anything fishy with my big nose.

Big Nostrils Memes

This is a funny meme to use for people with big nostrils because it takes an attribute associated with them and throws it into the mud of humor. 

The nostrils is a part of the body used to smell, which this meme uses to create a joke that a person with big nostrils would be able to possess even greater ability of smelling than a person with an average sized nose.

It is definitely a meme that could be used whenever you want to make fun of someone with a big nose. Other text that could be included to the image could be;

  • My supernatural big nostrils can smell fish from a mile away. 
  • The bigger the nose, the bigger the fish is easier to sniff out. 

How I direct people on the route to take with my big nose. 

Big Nostrils Memes

It’s one thing to have a big nose but having a big nose that’s pointed is another story entirely which this meme is about.

It’s hilarious because it suggests that instead of using your hands to point out the direction at which a person should follow, you could use your big and pointy nostrils to do that. 

At least the hands of the person could take a break and let the big nostrils take over for a while. Another set of words with this theme could go as thus;

  • When I look sideways, my big and pointed nose becomes a pointer. 
  • I can point out anything with my big and pointy nose. 

Job interview; talking to a boy with a big nose.

Big Nostrils Memes

A meme like this could crack a rock up! It’s a meme that focuses on people with a big nose in a very funny manner.

Through the images, it is depicted that even for a job interview where someone is suppose to look their best to give a good impression, one still dresses shabby sometimes but when talking to a person with a big nose, it has to take all the seriousness you have just to be able to hear them properly because of their instructive ‘n’ when pronouncing words. 

Another idea of words that you can input into this meme or perhaps a caption could be;

  • My Wedding: talking to a girl with a big nose. 
  • My graduation: talking to someone with big nostrils. 

When my emotion is through my nose, I am angry right now. 

Big nostrils memes


Memes are about creating humor and sometimes dissing a certain type of personality and people.

In this case, this meme disses people with big nostrils by implying that their emotions are indicated through their noses rather than their gestures and what they say. 

In this meme, the images show that the person is angry which is obvious through the big nostrils which makes this funny and worthy of you to share with your friends. To create more humor around this concept, you could say,

  • You are sad right now, I can tell from your nose. 
  • Me indicating that I am angry through my big nostrils. 

Girl: What can you do, me: with my nose I can take your breath away.

Big Nostrils Memes

If you want to make fun of someone who has big nostrils as regarding their love interests or their contribution to a romantic relationship, this would be the best meme to use because it creates humor out of the popular expression, ‘ you take my breath away’.

This statement eans that the person is deeply in love but in this case, it means that the person’s nose is so big that it could literally take the other party’s breath of fresh air away. 

There are other phrases that could be a match for this image along the lines of this concept. 

  • My nose is so big that I can take your breath away.
  • My big nostrils are so amazing that it takes everyone’s breath away. 

How my big nostrils look when approaching it; close and closer.

Big Nostrils Memes

This is another funny meme about big nostrils. It graphically shows how a person with a big nose looks when getting closer to them.

It puts two images side by side to indicate the difference when it’s close and even closer to see how big, big nostrils could get in a minute. 

If you’re into memes and you like this meme, you could share this article with your colleagues at work to create a big laugh. You could add your words to create another type of content, for example; 

  • How my big nose looks more pretty when you go further away from it; further and furthermore
  • How my nostrils look when coming closer to it; beauty and the beast. 

I’m glad that I can breathe in more air. 

Big Nostrils Memes

A typical example of a funny meme about big nostrils is this one. It jokes about how a person with big nostrils would be able to breathe in more air because of how big the holes in their nostrils would be.

It’s a diss disguised as a joke for people with big nostrils which makes this statement very hilarious. 

I recommend that you share this hilarious meme with your friends who might be interested. You could include the text in another style, for example;

  • I am grateful that I am a Christian, I breathe the breath of life. 
  • My nose is so big, I love how I can breathe in all the air in the room. 

She can smell the future

Big Nostrils Memes

Jokes are all about exaggerating the truth which is seen or reflected in a meme like this about big nostrils.

It makes fun of people with big noses by implying that their noses are so big that they can smell the future that has not even been experienced by anyone yet.

There are other texts that you could include to this image or a caption to make this even more funny, they are; 

  • I have a feeling that this woman, nose her way to your heart. 
  • You must have sniffed out the future’s air with your nose. 

My big nose is more determined than I am today. 

Big Nostrils Memes

This is another funny meme about big nostrils that will certainly make you laugh hard.

It means that big nostrils can be so determined by their size that they can surpass the owner’s confidence in themselves. 

How funny is it that a big nostrils would confidently introduce themselves to strangers even before the owner speaks. 

  • My nose says ‘hello’ even before I walk into a room. 
  • My big nose has sniffed out the confidence left in me. 

Hey guys! she’s so hot…

Big Nostrils Memes

This kind of meme about big nostrils makes fun of the physicality or the appearance of people with a big nose. 

The text included Sarcastically means that a person is far from being hot because of how unattractive big nostrils are.

Perhaps you have a friend with a big nose that thinks highly of their physical attraction, you could send them a meme like this to joke with them a little. Another wordings you could input is; 

  • Cute nose looking different from the side. 
  • My nose is so hot, come and check it out guys

Big nose, I have to tilt the soda

Big Nostrils Memes

If you know all about memes then you would understand how this meme for big nostrils is hilarious and relatable to them.

When drinking soda, a person’s nose usually touches the can sometimes while for others at all, but for people with nostrils they literally have to tilt their soda can to prevent it from touching their nose repeatedly. 

It’s a funny occurrence peculiar to people with big nostrils which this meme is about.

  • Big nostrils: how often do I avoid the hurdles in drinking a can of soda. 
  • Big nose, I don’t think can soda is made for me. 

They say bigger noses means bigger ‘you know’. Me having a big nose. 

Big Nostrils Memes

The most fun part about this meme about big nostrils is that it plays on the words, ‘knows’ and ‘nose’.

It pokes fun at the fact that people who say ‘ you know’ must also have a bigger ‘nose’ which makes this meme a perfect fit for people with big nostrils. 

Don’t just read this article alone, share with your friends to see how hard they laugh. To make this more funny you can add captions or wording like; 

  • You know that I know; that’s a lot of nose
  • You know quite a lot; She knows it all. 

When a part of your body is more ambitious than the others. 

Big Nostrils Memes

A meme about big nostrils must be funny and creative which this meme possesses.

It implies in a metaphoric way that the big nostrils that a person has is as a result of the over ambitious character that it possesses.

It’s a funny way of saying that a person perhaps invested a lot on a big nose rather than sharing equal investment in all the parts of the body. To create more humor out of this meme you could captions like;

  • When my big nose decides to be greedier than the rest of my body parts. 
  • When my big nostrils want to be the star of the ‘Part Of The Body’ show. 

My undercover big nostrils. 

Big nostrils memes

Make-up is meant to enhance one’s beauty but in this case, its purpose is humorously twisted into being that it disguises people’s obvious lies and presents it as beautiful when it is far from that. In this case, the lie is about big nostrils. 

It’s a funny meme that could be used to make fun of people who have big nostrils but try to conceal that by contouring their nose with makeup.

There are various texts you could include to make this meme more exciting which could be; 

  • The unveiling of the lies of my big nose. 
  • My big nose has been exposed. 

When you’re thinking if you should get a nose job or not since you have a big nose. 

Big Nostrils Memes

Why need cosmetic surgery when you already have a big nose?

This meme completely makes fun of the so-called advantage that people with big noses have which is that they don’t need plastic surgery unlike people with small noses. 

It’s a funny meme that you should share with your friends, perhaps with a big nose or not. You could add text other funny texts like; 

  • Me thinking about how my big nose disqualifies me from getting a nose job. 
  • Luckily, I don’t need a nose job luckily for my big nose. 

She sneezes, we die.

Big Nostrils Memes

Have you ever thought about the content of mucus that will be in the nose of someone that has a big nose?

This meme creates a joke out of that by implying that people with noses when they sneeze would probably have the entire people in the room drenched in mucus and saliva.

Another kind of wording you could include in this image could be; 

  • I need to stop sneezing says by big nose. 
  • My big nose carries a fortune of mucus. 

Does anyone have any coke? I swear it’s only a little.

Big Nostrils Memes

This is another meme that perfectly targets the big nostrils tribe. Cocaine is a substance that is usually inhaled with the nose into the body system, if abused, it could lead to an addiction and other adverse effects. 

It is a funny meme because having a big nostrils means that it would be impossible to sniff a normal amount of cocaine into the system at once. Another way the text could be structured could be; 

  • I need some cocaine, I promise I won’t sniff too much. 
  • With my big nose, I can sniff a bag of coke in one minute. 

I hate burping soda gas through my nose. Yeah it’s like a nose fart in a way. 

Big Nostrils Memes

The degree at which your nose is big is yeh degree at which it could be used to do abnormal things.

This is the theme that this meme centers its joke around. It means that a big nostrils can be used to do weird things like burping soda out of a can which sounds like ‘nose fart.’

You could definitely share this funny meme amongst your friends and colleagues that perhaps have a big nose or know someone who does.

She’s sexy and she nose it.

Big Nostrils Memes

This is a funny use of play on words. It plays on the homophones, ‘ knows’ and ‘nose’ in a very ridiculing manner to people with big nostrils.

It makes fun of their physical appearance by sarcastically saying that they are sexy and they ‘nose it’. 

I suggest that you let your friends in on these funny memes by sharing this article with them. 

  • She ‘nose’ that she is sexy. 
  • I am sure that she is a sexy woman and she’s pretty nosy. 

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