20 Savage Comebacks for When Someone Aalls You “Mr Big Nose”

Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you Mr Big Nose

This is the age of the perfect look. We are inundated with a barrage of what the perfect image is, in books, magazines, films and on social media everyday. 

And people have invested hundreds of millions on improving their looks. Not everyone has the resources to change or improve how they look, though. 

If you are one of those people with an irregularly shaped nose, a nose bigger than the average size, come in here. 

If you have spent years being embarrassed by your nose, it’s time to take charge of public perception of Your nose with these savage replies. 

Dig in. 

Table of Contents

20 Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you “Mr Big Nose”

1. At least my nose has character, unlike your personality.

This retort turns the insult back on the person by suggesting that their lack of character is a bigger flaw than the size of your nose.

It is a way to redirect pressure from yourself to the other person. A savage way of turning the person to the villain of your story. 

  • Person: “Hey, big nose!”

You: “At least my nose has character, unlike your personality.”

2. Thanks for noticing, I’ve been using it to sniff out people with bad attitudes like yours.

This response cleverly acknowledges the insult while simultaneously dismissing it and implying that the other person has a bad attitude.

At that moment, the insult becomes ineffectual, your savage reply shows you are confident of your looks and the other person loses power over you. 

  • Person: “Nice nose, big nose!”

You: “Thanks for noticing, I’ve been using it to sniff out people with bad attitudes like yours.”

3. Yeah, it’s big enough to smell your insecurity from a mile away.

This comeback highlights the idea that the insulter’s comment stems from their own insecurities rather than being a genuine critique. Because come to think of it, what’s our noses for, primarily? 

To breathe and smell. 

If your nose does this without impairment, no problem. The one who insults is only wasting their time over nothing.

You might even go further in this savage reply to point out the misalignment in the person’s nose or some other physical feature. 

  • Person: “Look at ‘big nose’ over here!”

You: “Yeah, it’s big enough to smell your insecurity from a mile away.”

4. I prefer to think of it as my built-in air purifier. But you look ill, polluted. 

This response reframes the insult into a positive attribute, suggesting that your nose serves a practical purpose. It then goes a little further by drawing attention to the person’s health.

Watch how people’s attention is now drawn to the person’s general appearance, not just his own nose.

This is a savage way of owning one’s imperfections while pushing the one insulting you into a corner. 

  • Person: “Why’s your nose so big?”

You: “I prefer to think of it as my built-in air purifier.”

5. If my nose bothers you so much, maybe you should consider getting a better sense of humor.

This comeback subtly suggests that the insulter’s comment reflects poorly on their own sense of humor rather than on your appearance.

With this savage reply, you deflate the person’s ego, taking the wind out of his sails. 

He expected to get laughs at your expense. But now no one is laughing because they’re waiting for him to say something better. 

  • Person: “Check out big nose over there!”

You: “If my nose bothers you so much, maybe you should consider getting a better sense of humor.”

6. Yeah, it’s big enough to detect your jealousy.

Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you Mr Big Nose

This savage response implies that the insulter is jealous of something about you, turning the insult back on them. It also makes others question the person’s motive for drawing attention to your big nose.

Rather than focus on you, they look at the person suspiciously, waiting for him to refute the accusation of jealousy. 

  • Person: “Why’s your nose so huge?”

You: “Yeah, it’s big enough to detect your jealousy.”

7. Well, it matches the size of your ego.

This savage retort suggests that the insulter’s ego is as big as they claim your nose to be. At this point, people may be laughing, not at your nose as the person intended.

They are laughing at the comparison you just drew. Their attention is now on the person insulting your nose. You can now watch the person either walk away in shame or squirm uncomfortably, defeated. 

  • Person: “Look at that big nose!”

You: “Well, it matches the size of your ego.”

8. And here I thought my nose was just perfect for smelling out bull***t.

This comeback combines humor with a hint of sarcasm, implying that the insulter’s comment is nonsense. What a savage way to deflect an insult! 

If you’re not squeamish about using profanities, this savage reply is for you. Of course, the circumstances will determine your language.

In most cases though, the person insulting you is not expecting a comeback like this. The element of surprise is everything in this savage reply.

Keep straight and short. Resist the urge to apologize and walk away. Look the person straight in the eye and dig your feet in. 

  • Person: “Nice nose, big nose!”

You: “And here I thought my nose was just perfect for smelling out bull***t.”

9. Thanks for the observation. Now, can you point me in the direction of where I asked for your opinion?

This response dismisses the insult and asserts your indifference to the insulter’s opinion. Sometimes, without insulting back, you can check a nosy person.

Instead of indulging the person’s opinion about your looks, let them know you don’t care about the opinion in the first place. 

This savage reply is best for someone who is known to go about talking about other people. 

  • Person: Why’s your nose so big?

You: Thanks for the observation. Now, can you point me in the direction of where I asked for your opinion?

10. Yeah, it’s big enough to overshadow your lack of manners.

This comeback subtly criticizes the insulter’s lack of manners while deflecting attention away from your appearance.

This savage reply comes in handy if the person is younger than you. Especially if the person is a kid. Some parents have not taught their kids to not talk about other people’s nose.

Hopefully when you use this reply the parent would hear it and get the chance to explain to their kid what it means. 

  • Person: Hey, big nose!

You: Yeah, it’s big enough to overshadow your lack of manners.

11. Well, my nose may be big, but your ignorance is even bigger.

This response highlights the ignorance of the insulter, suggesting that their lack of knowledge or understanding outweighs any perceived flaw in your appearance. 

Use this reply if the person is known to lack social intelligence. Certain folks are this way—unable to keep their opinions to themselves. Or they lack the sense to know when and how to speak. 

  • Person: Look how big his nose is.

You: Forget about my big nose. Look at your humongous ignorance.

12. My nose may be big, but your insults are small-minded.

This reply points out the pettiness of the insulter’s remarks, implying that their insults reflect a narrow-minded perspective. In other words, you could have ignored my nose, or simply complimented it.

This savage reply is best for someone who’s known to be careless with their speech.

Some folks have no boundaries when it comes to pointing out other people’s faults. They have said so much to the point where they are left with petty things to say. 

  • Person: Darn, such a big nose you got.

You: Yeah, but your insults are small-minded.

13. If you think my nose is big, you should see the size of my confidence.

 This response plays on the idea that confidence is more important than physical appearance, suggesting that you are secure in yourself regardless of any perceived flaws. 

Usually, people who suffer private insecurities are quip to point out flaws in other people. Someone with a big nose knows it.

Since they are confronted with the nose everytime they look in the mirror. This reply is apt because it demonstrates that you have owned the condition of your nose. 

  • Person: Wow look at the size of that nose!

You: Yeah, wait till you see the size of my confidence.

14. Oh, I see we’re playing the ‘point out the obvious’ game. Let me guess, you’re next with ‘big ears’?

This retort deflects the insult by turning it into a playful observation and preemptively mocking the insulter’s appearance.

We re pivoting with this reply—sometimes, give people back in the same currency they gave you. If the person has a flaw, playfully point it out too.

This reply is great for a situation where you detected the person isn’t really looking for a fight. 

  • Person: Bro, your nose is really big.

You: Oh, I see we’re playing the ‘point out the obvious’ game. Let me guess, you’re next with ‘big ears’?

15. Yeah, it’s big enough to block out the noise of your irrelevant comments.

Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you Mr Big Nose

This comeback dismisses the insulter’s remarks as irrelevant and suggests that your nose is so big it can block out their negativity.

With this reply, you also accept the size of your nose. You suggest that it has use.

This reply is best if the person has been carrying on about not just your nose but other things too. If he’s become a nuisance in the crowd, shut him down with this savagery. 

  • Person: I can’t get over the size of your nose, bro.

You: Yeah, it’s big enough to block out the noise of your irrelevant comments.

16. Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about your lack of originality.

Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you Mr Big Nose

This response turns the insult back on the insulter by suggesting that their comment is unoriginal and uninspired. Especially if they’ve been saying this about your nose for awhile. 

It’s becoming exhausting hearing the person crab about your nose but you’ve been trying to be polite about it. Well, enough is enough and you must speak out. 

  • Person: Your nose, Oh your nose is so big.

You: Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about your lack of originality. Don’t you have something else to say?

17. My nose may be big, but at least I don’t have a small heart like yours.

This comeback contrasts the physical attribute being insulted with a moral or emotional characteristic, implying that the insulter lacks compassion or kindness. With this you’re saying, Guess what else is big about me—my heart.

Say this reply with a smile. It will surely turn the person off and switch on respect for you by others. 

  • Person: Hey, big nose, shut up.

You: My nose may be big, but at least I don’t have a small heart like yours.

18. Yeah, it’s big enough to make a statement. What’s your excuse?

This retort suggests that your prominent nose is a deliberate choice or statement, contrasting it with the insulter’s lack of anything noteworthy about themselves.

Uae this reply if the person is known to be a no-good, one who goes about complaining about the world. You are asking him or her: You are not making any statements. What’s your excuse?

  • Person: Mr. Big nose.

You: Yeah, it’s big enough to make a statement. What’s your excuse?

19. If my nose offends you, imagine how much worse it feels to be offended by your personality.

This response emphasizes the idea that personality flaws are more significant than physical imperfections, subtly criticizing the insulter’s character.

This reply works even better if the person is known to have an obnoxious personality. You’d have other people taking your side after this. 

  • Person: Look at this guy’s big nose.

You: If my nose offends you, imagine how much worse it feels to be offended by your personality.

20. My nose may be big, but your attempts at insults are even bigger failures.

Savage Comebacks When Someone calls you Mr Big Nose

This savage reply undermines the effectiveness of the insulter’s comments by suggesting that they are incompetent at insulting others. Laugh dismissively when you say this reply, for more effect. 

Hopefully, the person would run out of words to say after this. 

  • Person: Big, big nose you got.

You: My nose may be big, but your attempts at insults are even bigger failures.

Final Thoughts

One of the best ways to reply someone who pesters you about the size of your nose is to redirect the insult.

Also, acting hurt will only make the situation worse for you. So, smile when someone calls you big nose, then follow up with any of the savage replies on this list. 


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