20 Ways to Insult Someone’s IQ

Ways to Insult Someone's IQ

Everybody wants to be regarded as smart, intellectual or a genius but sadly that’s not the reality for some people in the world, we could say that these people have low Intelligence Quotient. 

It could also be that some people who have high IQ numbers often brag about it which overtime sickens other people around them, whatever your situation is, today is your lucky day!

Because I have gone out of my way just to get you 20 ways that you could insult people’s IQ regardless of it being low or not. 

So, all you have to do is to get your eyes fixated on the screen and keep scrolling to get the expressions that you would like to use or share. 

List of 20 Ways to Insult Someone’s IQ

  1. Your IQ is so low that your mother forgot you had a brain. 
  2. I thought you were smart until I checked your IQ result.
  3. Your IQ is definitely a negative one, how sad is that? 
  4. Your level of your IQ is synonymous to your height, pretty short! 
  5. If your brain was dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.
  6. You have the intellectual agility of a five year old. 
  7. Whenever I want to describe “tragedy”, I use your IQ as good reference 
  8. You’re about as bright as a black hole, and extremely dense.
  9. Hearing you speak proves how your IQ needs to be upgraded. 
  10. Your intellect is just as useful and appreciated as a used condom. 
  11. You can’t possibly become anything meaningful with your IQ.
  12. You’re so smart perhaps to toddlers, I am not sure grown adults feel the same. 
  13. Your thought process is like a firework: loud, and gone within seconds. 
  14. Your brain must have more cobwebs than my closet, it’s so empty and abandoned. 
  15. You’re probably the reason why they have to put directions on shampoo. 
  16. You’re like a slinky: not really good for much, but you bring a smile when pushed down the stairs.
  17. You’re mentally calm, one would think that it’s dead. 
  18. You’re no different from a blank sheet of paper, you lack depth.
  19. You’re proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
  20. I am a 60 year old short lady, the day you become smart, I will become a 23 year old tall lady.

Your IQ is so low that your mother forgot you had a brain. 

It shows disappointment or disbelief in the person’s intellect upon learning their IQ result, implying they are not as smart as initially believed.

  • I believed that you were very intelligent until I saw your devastating IQ results. 
  • I can’t expect you to be a smart man, I have seen your IQ results. 

I thought you were smart until I checked your IQ result. 

This is a funny insult that could make anyone that is pompous about their intellect cry like a baby. 

It’s a ridiculous line that simply means that the individual is definitely dumb contrary to the initial belief. I wouldn’t recommend that you stay close to the person you say this to, it’s for your own safety. 

  • I was completely delusional when I thought that you were smart. 
  • You’re certainly smart and your IQ result proves me right. 

Your IQ is definitely a negative one, how sad is that? 

When insulting someone’s IQ, it’s important to have a good comic tone to make it sting more.

This one liner insult implies that the person’s intelligence is so low that it’s not just below average, but actually in the negative range, which is scientifically impossible. 

It’s a harsh way of belittling someone’s intellect and suggesting they have no intelligence whatsoever.

  • You should probably not bother checking the results, we all know it’s a negative one.
  • I can’t imagine how foolish you are to even go for an IQ test. 

Your level of your IQ is synonymous to your height, pretty short! 

This insult is a play on the idea of stature, comparing IQ level to physical height.

By suggesting that the lawyer’s IQ is short, it’s implying that their intelligence is lacking or insufficient.

It’s meant to demean their intellectual abilities by associating them with something physically diminutive. 

  • You’re pretty short, it’s like your IQ results. 
  • I don’t think you know how low your IQ is, it’s like your height. 

If your brain was dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.

Ways to Insult Someone's IQ

This is an intelligent way of saying that a person’s intelligence is so limited that they wouldn’t even have enough brainpower to perform a simple task like blowing their nose, let alone handle the complexities of legal work. 

It’s a way of belittling their intellect and suggesting they lack the capacity for critical thinking. 

  • Your brain can’t even blow a candle. 
  • Your brain is filled with hot air, the size is nothing. 

You have the intellectual agility of a five year old. 

An expression like this suggests that the lawyer’s intellectual capacity is equivalent to that of a young child, implying they lack the maturity, sophistication, and depth of understanding expected of someone in their profession. 

It’s a way of undermining their credibility and competence by comparing them unfavorably to a much younger individual.

  • Your brain is to be compared to that of a six year old. 
  • You have the same brains as a five year old. 

Whenever I want to describe “tragedy”, I use your IQ as a good reference.

This insult implies that the person’s intelligence level is so low that it serves as a fitting comparison for the concept of tragedy. 

It’s a harsh way of criticizing their intellect and suggesting that their lack of intelligence is inherently pitiable or sorrowful.

  • Your IQ best explains tragedy well. 
  • I don’t think you know how tragic your IQ result is. 

You’re about as bright as a black hole, and extremely dense.

This insult means that the person’s intelligence is so low that it’s comparable to the brightness of a black hole, which emits very little light. 

Additionally, it implies that they are exceptionally dense, meaning lacking in intellect or cognitive ability. Overall, it’s a harsh way of implying that the person is unintelligent and lacking in mental capacity.

  • You’re as dense as a black hole. 
  • I seriously wish you could be smarter than you actually say you are. 

Hearing you speak proves how your IQ needs to be upgraded. 

This insult suggests that the person’s speech or communication reflects a low level of intelligence, implying that their IQ is inadequate and needs improvement. 

It’s a direct criticism of their intellectual abilities, particularly their verbal acuity or cognitive skills, and implies that they are not as intelligent as they should be.

  • It’s quite obvious that your IQ needs an upgrade. 
  • I don’t know how you will upgrade your intelligence.

Your intellect is just as useful and appreciated as a used condom.

From what is used to compare with a person, you’ll be able to know how deep an insult, and in this case, it is very deep. 

‘Used condom’ is never useful so it definitely means that a person’s ( your target) IQ is definitely not useful which could hurt a person’s feeling big time. 

  • Your intelligence is just like a used condom, very useless. 
  • I can’t imagine how a used condom is good, it’s the same I think of your IQ. 

You can’t possibly become anything meaningful with your IQ.

This insult suggests that the person’s IQ is so low that they are incapable of achieving anything significant or meaningful in life. 

It’s a rude way of demeaning their intelligence and potential, implying that they lack the cognitive abilities necessary to accomplish noteworthy goals or make significant contributions.

  • Your IQ makes me wonder if you can be successful. 
  • I hope you become successful despite your low IQ. 

You’re so smart perhaps to toddlers, I am not sure grown adults feel the same. 

This expression implies that the person’s intelligence is only impressive in comparison to toddlers, suggesting that they lack the intellect or maturity expected of adults.

It would be good if you used this kind of expression on your friends or colleagues at work just to create a big laugh. 

  • Grown adults don’t agree with the toddlers that think you are smart. 
  • You’re definitely smart, a five year old would agree. 

Your thought process is like a firework: loud, and gone within seconds. 

Another punchline is this one right here  which implies that the person’s thought process is fleeting and lacks depth or substance, comparing it to a firework that makes a brief and flashy display before quickly fading away.

 It suggests that their intellectual abilities are superficial and short-lived, indicating a lack of sustained cognitive engagement or critical thinking skills.

  • Your thought process is like a fart, it quickly fades away. 
  • I don’t think that your brain could produce facts that can last. 

Your brain must have more cobwebs than my closet, it’s so empty and abandoned. 

This insult suggests that the person’s brain is so devoid of activity or stimulation that it’s comparable to an abandoned closet full of cobwebs. 

It implies that their intellect is neglected and unused, with no thoughts or ideas occupying their mind.

Essentially, it’s a way of mocking their intelligence and suggesting that they lack mental activity. 

  • You barely use your brain, that’s why it’s so dull. 
  • The capacity of your brain is as weak as your stamina. 

You’re probably the reason why they have to put directions on shampoo. 

If you’re looking to combine being funny and also throwing hot shades then this expression would be the best to make use of.  

This expression is basically saying that a person’s brain is not able to comprehend simple instructions even down to the level of being used to carry out simple tasks. 

  • You don’t even know how to apply shampoo, how pathetic. 
  • You definitely need a manual on how to use shampoo for you to use it. 

You’re like a slinky: not really good for much, but you bring a smile when pushed down the stairs.

Ways to Insult Someone's IQ

If I wanted to tell someone that they are unwanted because of dumb they are then I will choose to say it like the above expression. 

This insult suggests that the person is not particularly useful or effective, comparing them to a slinky toy, which has limited practical value. 

  • You’re like a slinky. I can’t wait to flush you down the toilet. 
  • If you were slinky I wouldn’t hesitate flushing you down my toilet. 

You’re mentally calm, one would think that it’s dead. 

‘You’re dumb’ has been said in the most creative way possible.

It’s good to be calm as a person but implying that a person’s brain is dead is practically saying their mental capacity is ruined which is a brilliant insult. 

You could use an insult like this on your friends who are bragging nerds just to shake them up a bit.

  • You’re so dead mentally, I am so concerned.
  • I wish you have the patience to handle your full brains. 

You’re no different from a blank sheet of paper, you lack depth.

I wouldn’t want to say hello again to whoever says this to another person. This is why it is a great insult to someone’s IQ. 

Through the comparison it is obvious that the expression is implying that the person has deep rooted knowledge about anything which is equivalent to not being smart.

  • You’re the same with a blank sheet of paper, how sad is that. 
  • A blank sheet of paper is better than your level of knowledge. 

You’re proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.

Evolution refers to something that progressively changes and moves forward and to say someone is proof that it can be otherwise is a huge blow. 

It would be perfect if you targeted someone that’s close to you to see their reaction. 

  • Evolution in your brain is backward, I can tell from the way you think.
  • You think so backward, it’s the same with your IQ. 

I am a 60 year old short woman, the day you become smart, I will become a 23 year old tall lady.

This is a hilarious joke and a complete insult for a person’s IQ. A sixty year old woman being suddenly young if a person becomes smart is impossible which means that the person can never be smart. 

With the right context and comic tone, this would be more effective. 

  • I am sixty but if you become smart I hope that I can be sixteen again.
  • I am so old, I can’t imagine how smart you’ll never be. 

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