20 Best Insults For a Misogynist

Best Insults For a Misogynist

Isnt It funny how an individual who thinks so low of women and womanhood was actually born by a woman?

But without the resilience to push out a baby, I am sure people who hate on women, (misogynists) wouldn’t even be alive. 

That’s why I have prepared a list of 20 best insults for an individual whose mouth probably needs to be shut permanently so that they wouldn’t have to speak against women anymore.

This article contains hot witty insult lines that are suitable for a misogynist, if used in the right context, these expressions would have a misogynist begging to be spared from your wrath. 

If this sounds promising, then let’s get on with it. 

List of 20 Best Insults For a Misogynist

  1. Equality is non-negotiable, even for you, you’re not special. 
  2. You might treat yourself as an object but women aren’t.
  3. Misogyny called, it wants its ignorance back.
  4. Try a dose of respect, it’s good for your miserable life. 
  5. Women’s rights aren’t up for debate so, end your mouth. 
  6. Your misogyny is showing, cover it up. It’s shameful!
  7. Not cool, misogyny isn’t a personality trait, it’s a disease. 
  8. Women deserve better than your narrow-mindedness.
  9. Misogyny is a bad look on anyone, including you.
  10. Step out of the dark ages, misogyny isn’t welcome here.
  11. Women aren’t inferior. Get over it.
  12. Respecting women isn’t a burden, it’s basic decency.
  13. Don’t be a misogynist, be a decent human being, if you know what that means. 
  14. Misogyny is so passé, try joining us in the 21st century.
  15. Women are equals, not objects for your amusement, you’re such a psycho.
  16. Your misogyny is about as appealing as a root canal. 
  17. Your mother must be upset that she gave birth to a misogynist like you. 
  18. Misogyny: the ultimate display of insecurity.
  19. Try empathy instead of misogyny, it’s refreshing.
  20. You smell so bad, you reek of misogyny, try something else.

Equality is non-negotiable, even for you, you’re not special. 

If as a woman, a person deems it fit to disrespect your gender or looks down on you, this expression is the best clap back. 

It challenges the misogynist’s belief in their superiority over women by asserting the universal importance of equality. It implies that the misogynist’s sense of entitlement is unjustified. Sharing this great punchline with your friends wouldn’t be such a bad idea. 

  • You’re not special, we are equal in this room. 
  • Your wife is just as special as you are, you need your soul to be cleansed. 

You might treat yourself as an object but women aren’t.

Best Insults For a Misogynist

A perfect jab for misogynists is to refer to them what they refer to women as well, which is an object. 

An expression criticizes the misogynist for objectifying themselves while devaluing women, suggesting that their attitude is hypocritical and disrespectful. It highlights the double standard in their behavior.

  • You objectify women because all through your miserable life, you have been objectified. 
  • You are just an object and that’s why you think everyone else is. 

Misogyny called, it wants its ignorance back.

Simple and yet effective! Misogyny is obviously made from ignorance and should be eliminated. 

This insult ridicules the misogynist for their outdated and ignorant beliefs, implying that their views on women belong to a past era and are no longer acceptable in modern society.

  • Misogynists like you are the meaning of ignorance. 
  • Another word for misogyny is ignorance. 

Try a dose of respect, it’s good for your miserable life. 

Best Insults For a Misogynist

It’s obvious that misogynists don’t have any respect left in them and this expression is a reminder that they need a dose of it. 

It means that the misogynist’s lack of respect for women contributes to their own unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.

It implies that treating women with respect would improve their overall well-being.

  • You need a daily dose of respect, you have run out. 
  • You don’t have any respect left in you, you need a dose of it. 

Women’s rights aren’t up for debate so, end your mouth. 

‘End your mouth’ is where the true insults lie; it could annoy a misogynist big time.  

This expression asserts the importance of women’s rights and demands that the misogynist stop attempting to undermine or challenge them.

It implies that their opinions on the matter are invalid and it would be best if they stop sharing it.

  • Women’s rights aren’t up for debate so put an end to your mouth. 
  • I hope you shut up one day because women’s rights aren’t up for debate. 

Your misogyny is showing, cover it up. It’s shameful!

It’s shameful that misogynists still exist in this world without them expressing their ideologies. 

An expression like this calls out the misogynist for openly displaying their sexist beliefs, suggesting that their attitude towards women is disgraceful and deserving of condemnation.

  • You should be ashamed of calling yourself a misogynist. 
  • You’re definitely a misogynist and that’s something of shame, shame on you! 

Not cool, misogyny isn’t a personality trait, it’s a disease. 

An expression like this is a typical direct attack at the character of a misogynist because it’s just pure evil. 

It characterizes misogyny as a harmful and contagious affliction, suggesting that the misogynist’s behavior is pathological and in need of correction. Make sure to share this line with your friends to see how they would react. 

  • Misogynists need to be treated like patients because they are seriously sick. 
  • Whoever is a misogynist is no different from a lunatic in the psychiatric hospital. 

Women deserve better than your narrow-mindedness.

Apart from this being an insult to a misogynist, it is also a true statement because no one deserves a narrow minded person, a misogynist, in their lives. 

 It calls out the misogynist for their closed-mindedness and lack of empathy towards women, implying that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

Make sure that you consider your comic tone and the context while delivering this line. 

  • Women deserve respect even from a lowlife misogynist like you. 
  • You are a pathetic misogynist and I can’t stand your narrow mind. 

Misogyny is a bad look on anyone, including you.

If you’re interested in targeting all misogynists at once, then this expression does that well. 

This insult highlights the negative impact of misogyny on the misogynist’s reputation and character, suggesting that their beliefs and actions are morally reprehensible which makes this a hot one-liner insult for a misogynist. 

  • Is it because you’re a misogynist that your life looks so miserable?
  • You must be living a miserable life as a misogynist. 

Step out of the dark ages, misogyny isn’t welcome here.

It is safe to say that whoever is a misogynist has definitely not snapped out of the dark ages, it’s alarming. 

This expression urges the misogynist to abandon their archaic and regressive views on gender equality, implying that such attitudes have no place in modern society.

  • We are in the twenty-first century and you call yourself a misogynist? 
  • You obviously still live in the dark ages and that’s why you’re a misogynist. 

Women aren’t inferior. Get over it.

Best Insults For a Misogynist

This fact should be recognized by all the misogynistic folks around the globe. 

An expression like this directly challenges the misogynist’s belief in the inferiority of women, urging them to abandon their misguided views.

It implies that their attitude is outdated.  Make sure to deliver this line with as much class as you possess to make it hit the targeted person well enough. 

  • Get over yourself, women will never be inferior to men. 
  • I am a woman and I will never be inferior to you. 

Respecting women isn’t a burden, it’s basic decency.

This insult emphasizes the importance of respecting women as a fundamental aspect of being a decent human being. It suggests that the misogynist’s failure to do so reflects poorly on their character.

Perhaps you have that one friend that constantly looks down on you simply because of your gender, this could help shut them up.

Make sure to share this line amongst your friends so that they can share in the laugh. 

  • You should respect women because it’s basic decency.
  • You should be decent and that’s in respecting women. 

Don’t be a misogynist, be a decent human being, if you know what that means.

‘If you know what that means’ is the phrase that makes this line a punch to the guts of a misogynist. 

 It obviously condemns the misogynist for their sexist beliefs and behavior, implying that true decency involves rejecting misogyny. It challenges the misogynist’s understanding of morality and ethics.

  • Do you even know what decency means? I don’t expect you to know. 
  • You are far from decent and that’s why your life is like this. 

Misogyny is so passé, try joining us in the 21st century.

With a banging comic tone while delivering a line this, this expression would be the worst nightmare of a misogynist. 

This comment criticizes the misogynist for clinging to outdated and outmoded attitudes towards women, suggesting that such beliefs have no place in contemporary society.

It implies that the misogynist is out of touch with modern values.

  • You have a lot of catching up to do and it’s clearly telling. 
  • It’s sad that you still live in the dark ages in this modern world. 

Women are equals, not objects for your amusement, you’re such a psycho.

This insult confronts the misogynist’s objectification of women and implies that their behavior is not only disrespectful but also indicative of psychological issues.

 It suggests that the misogynist’s attitude towards women is abnormal and unhealthy. This would help you defeat a misogynist in a word batter. It’s important that you’re affirmative while delivering this line. 

  • You are a psychopath and that’s why you need to be chained. 
  • Women aren’t your slaves, you need a psychiatrist. 

Your misogyny is about as appealing as a root canal. 

Simile is a figure of speech that makes this expression creative and better. 

This insult likens the misogynist’s misogyny to a painful and unpleasant dental procedure, implying that their beliefs and behavior are repugnant and unwelcome.

It suggests that the misogynist’s attitude is universally disliked.

  • A root canal is more appealing than your misogyny. 
  • You’re a misogynist that does not even have any appealing side. F

Your mother must be upset that she gave birth to a misogynist like you. 

What a better way to get to a misogynist if not through targeting their very own mother or female relative. 

It shames the misogynist by suggesting that their own mother would be disappointed in their sexist beliefs and behavior.

The expression shows that the misogynist’s attitude brings shame upon themselves and their family.

  • You bring shame upon your mother as a misogynist. 
  • Your mother must be depressed everyday because she gave birth to a misogynist. 

Misogyny: the ultimate display of insecurity.

This insult characterizes misogyny as a manifestation of deep-seated insecurity, suggesting that the misogynist’s negative attitudes towards women stem from their own feelings of inadequacy. 

It challenges the misogynist’s sense of self-worth. Make sure to share this wonderful punchline with your friends so they could laugh with you as well. 

  • You’re just insecure because you’re a misogynist. 
  • You are a misogynist, it is obvious in the number of your insecurities. 

Try empathy instead of misogyny, it’s refreshing.

Another expression that throws shades on a misogynist is this one as it encourages the misogynist to replace their hateful beliefs with empathy and understanding towards women.

It translates that the misogynist’s current mindset is toxic and unappealing.

  • It’s refreshing not having to be misogynist. 
  • You’re a misogynist and I think you will never experience refreshment if that continues. 

You smell so bad, you reek of misogyny, try something else. 

This insult uses metaphorical language to criticize the misogynist’s misogyny as repulsive and offensive, suggesting that their beliefs and behavior are as unpleasant as a foul odor.

 It implies that the misogynist’s attitude is universally disliked.

  • You smell really bad, you reek of misogyny, wash up!
  • Misogyny is written all over you, how sad. 


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