20 Funny Aunt Roasts Without Getting Into Trouble

Funny Aunt Roasts Without Getting Into Trouble

If you wish to roast your aunt but don’t have ideas on how to go about it, then this article is all you need to guide you through on how to roast your aunt.

It’s always tricky to roast your aunt – she’s the one who brings you holiday presents and spoils you rotten! But sometimes you just have to give her a hard time. 

In this article, I will be rolling funny aunt jokes, puns, and witty statements you can use to roast your aunt. With these 20 roasts, you’ll be sure to keep the mood light and have everyone laughing.

Auntie-cipate some funny aunt jokes!

Table of Contents

Below are 20 funny aunt roasts without getting into trouble

  1.  Your cooking skills are so legendary, I heard even the microwave refuses to cooperate.
  2. If aging gracefully were a sport, your participation would be considered more of a stumble.
  3. Why did Auntie keep staring at the Orange juice can? Because it says ‘concentrate’.
  4. You’re the queen of multitasking, Auntie. I’ve never seen someone juggle so many TV shows at once
  5. I didn’t know “DIY beauty” included experiments in avant-garde makeup disasters.
  6. Are you sure you’re not a magician? Because every time you attempt a recipe, the ingredients disappear, and the taste is magically untraceable.
  7. I’ve never seen someone embrace their midlife crisis quite like you have – it’s almost impressive.
  8. Your fashion sense is so unique; I didn’t know the thrift store had a clearance section for rejected Halloween costumes.
  9.  I’m convinced you have a secret talent for turning every family gathering into a competition for the most awkward moments.
  10. Your selfie game is strong – it’s like you’ve mastered the art of capturing unflattering angles.
  11. If humor was measured by your jokes, we’d all be in a permanent state of boredom.
  12.  Your idea of interior decorating is matching the color of the walls to your personality – bland.
  13. I heard you stopped eating crabs ever since you were told your star sign is the crab
  14. I heard your fashion icon is a scarecrow – it makes sense now.
  15. If you were any more laid back, you’d be horizontal.
  16.  Is it just me, or do your attempts at DIY projects always end up looking like abstract art gone wrong?
  17. I never knew someone could have a black belt in dad jokes until I met you.
  18. Your taste in music is so unique; it’s like a playlist from a parallel universe where good music doesn’t exist.
  19.  Your idea of a tech expert is someone who can turn on a computer without asking for help.
  20. I didn’t realize “low maintenance” extended to your sense of humor as well.

1. Your cooking skills are so legendary, I heard even the microwave refuses to cooperate.

Funny Aunt Roasts Without Getting Into Trouble

Your Auntie Pat is a disaster in the kitchen, when she cooks she upsets the flames and goes to war with the cutlery; including the microwave! Well, here is a befitting roast for her the next time she visits your family.

  • Your cooking skills are so legendary, that the smoke alarms automatically go off when you enter the kitchen.
  • Your cooking skills are so amazing, the recipe book is always on fire when you’re done.

2. If aging gracefully were a sport, your participation would be considered more of a stumble.

A hot jab for your aunt. This roast is full of dark humor that is capable of stinging your aunt. It implies that your aunt is old but not attractive in a way.

Instead of saying your aunt is unattractively old, use this expression to creatively roast her.

  • If aging were a competition, your aunt would take home the gold for a lack of grace.
  •  Your aunt’s approach to aging is less graceful swan and more drunken penguin. 

3. Why did Auntie keep staring at the Orange juice can? Because it says ‘concentrate’.

Most times, old age comes with, I wouldn’t say dumb but not being smart anymore and behaving like a child.

This roast doesn’t necessarily mean you served your aunt fruit juice but figuratively explains that she isn’t smart anymore.

Creatively insult your not-too-smart aunt using this roast.

  • Aunt is the type to take weed because she wants to attend ‘high school’ again
  • Aunt is the type to bring a ladder to the bar because she heard drinks is on the house.

4. You’re the queen of multitasking, Auntie. I’ve never seen someone juggle so many TV shows at once

This roast is for your aunt who is still young, and it a sarcasm to roast her.

The idea that she is the queen of multitasking because she juggles so many TV shows at once is a hilarious way of poking fun at her, especially when she isn’t good at multitasking

Assuming there’s a discussion going on about multitasking, and she claims to be good at it too. You know the truth, don’t you? Give her a creepy smile and say:

  • Yes, Auntie is good at multitasking…. Especially when it comes to juggling many TV shows.
  • Aunt’s ability to multi-task is legendary – she could give octopuses a run for their money.

5. I didn’t know “DIY beauty” included experiments in avant-garde makeup disasters.

Your aunt claimed to have just learned a new make-up hack from YouTube and has been in the room practicing for hours.

Then she comes out looking like it is Halloween and she is all made-up for Halloween. Don’t let it get cold, go hot on her with this classic burner:

  • Auntie already has a whole makeup on Halloween on her face, when it’s not Halloween 
  • Aunt’s beauty experiments are so wild, she should work as a makeup artist for horror films.

6. Are you sure you’re not a magician? Because every time you attempt a recipe, the ingredients disappear, and the taste is magically untraceable.

This is another hilarious roast to poke fun at your aunt’s disastrous cooking skills.

Whenever your aunt’s in the kitchen alone, she cooks not only the ingredients, she cooks the recipe book too for a sweeter flavor.

This roast is aimed at teasing your old aunt whose thinking is now being influenced by old age factors.

  • Your cooking is so terrible, it’s like a crime against taste buds.
  • Your cooking is so awful, it makes Gordon Ramsay’s insults seem like compliments.

7. I’ve never seen someone embrace their midlife crisis quite like you have – it’s almost impressive

This roast is for your wild and adventurous aunt. On one of those evenings you sit with her, she entertains you with some of her wild escapades. After her story, catch her unaware with this roast:

  • You’re not just embracing your midlife crisis – you’re giving it a bear hug!
  • Your midlife crisis is like a black hole – it’s so intense, that nothing can escape it! 

8. Your fashion sense is so unique; I didn’t know the thrift store had a clearance section for rejected Halloween costumes.

Your aunt Cathy never wears clothes that are in vogue, she is the no 1 customer of the thrift store where they sell those old and boring skirts, with multicolored tops to her.

You know the next time she appears looking all vibrant in those colors, just pass this humorous roast down to her.

9. I’m convinced you have a secret talent for turning every family gathering into a competition for the most awkward moments.

This witty roast is for your aunt who is clumsy, awkward, and clueless.

She is such a person who always entertains the family with embarrassing moments at every family gathering. Use this witty roast to make good fun of her.

10. Your selfie game is strong – it’s like you’ve mastered the art of capturing unflattering angles.

I don’t know if what I’m about to state is an attribute that comes with being a millennial. They can take the worst selfies ever. Their selfies always come out as bad passports; zoomed pictures, and wrong angles.

Your aunt has just bombarded your DM with what she tagged “selfies” and you have opened it but you’re seeing only her forehead popping out, in some pictures just her eyes, and in others, her zoomed nose. Go ahead and roast her with this humorous expression.

  • You’ve achieved the ‘anti-Kardashian’ look with your selfies – it’s truly revolutionary.

11. If humor was measured by your jokes, we’d all be in a permanent state of boredom

This is a spicy roast to use for your aunt who tells boring jokes. It is a creative way to tell her you all are tired of hearing the boring jokes that even intensify your boredom.

  • Your sense of humor is like a sleeping pill – it induces a state of somnolence
  • Your jokes are so dull, they put the word ‘blah’ to shame

12. Your idea of interior decorating is matching the color of the walls to your personality – bland.

Another stinging comment to pass on to your aunt who lacks creativity in decorating. Their idea of color combination is wack and unappealing. Use this stinging comment to roast your aunt and watch everyone laugh.

  • Your idea of home decor is so bland, you could cure insomnia.
  • Your style of decorating is so boring, that it makes beige seem vibrant.

13. Did you borrow your dance moves from a scarecrow, or did you come up with those all on your own?

Funny Aunt Roasts Without Getting Into Trouble

A playful sarcasm on your aunt’s embarrassing dance moves. This roast implies that your aunt sucks at dancing. This roast when used is capable of making your aunt red in the face.

  • It’s hard to tell if you’re dancing or having a seizure.

14. I heard you stopped eating crabs ever since you were told your star sign is the crab

Here is another sarcastic roast to indirectly tell your aunt that she does dumb stuff at times which is typical of old people. Make sure you say it comically to arouse more laughter from everyone.

  • I heard you’ve decided to change your horoscope to ‘Pisces’ – anything to avoid the crustacean conundrum.

15. If you were any more laid back, you’d be horizontal.

This is a punny statement and a creative roast for your aunt. The roast plays on the phrase ‘laid back’ that implies that someone is calm and chill to also means someone resting on one’s back, to draw a humorous effect.

Saying if your aunt is more laid back, she would be horizontal implies that your aunt is hot-tempered and there’s an impossibility that she can be cool-headed.

  • If you were any more laid back, you’d be comatose.
  • If you were any more laid back, you’d need a team of paramedics to resuscitate you.

16. Is it just me, or do your attempts at DIY projects always end up looking like abstract art gone wrong?

 A hilarious roast for your aunt who always makes a mess of her DIY projects, and never gets the right thing result. Playfully teases her on one of her struggles with her DIY projects.

  • Your DIY projects are so terrible, that even your neighbors feel the need to apologize for them.
  • Your DIY projects are so bad, they should come with a warning label.

17. I never knew someone could have a black belt in dad jokes until I met you.

Another classic roast to tease your aunt who is creative in telling jokes. This will surely make her blush.

18. Your taste in music is so unique; it’s like a playlist from a parallel universe where good music doesn’t exist.

Use this expression to roast your aunt who has a bad taste in music, and disturbs the whole house with their bad music.


  • Your taste in music is so niche, it’s like it was crafted by an algorithm designed by aliens.

19. Your idea of a tech expert is someone who can turn on a computer without asking for help


This is a great way to roast your aunt who lacks knowledge in tech. Calling her a tech expert when she can’t even operate the house computer is a hilarious way to ridicule your aunt. 

Deliver your roast like this:


  • My aunt is so good at tech that she always forgets where the alt+f4 is used for.

20. I didn’t realize “low maintenance” extended to your sense of humor as well.


This final roast is for your aunt who is bad at telling jokes and lives on a budget. This roast creative compares their poor living to their state of jokes. 


  • I thought you only had a poor sense of humor until I checked your bank statement; the two are related.

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