20 Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

Kids are easy to joke and laugh with. They’re easily entertained, and roasting is one way to share a good laugh with them and lift their spirit.

However, roasting children can easily get out of hand, as they’re also quick to hurt. That’s why you’ll need hilarious and inoffensive one-liners.

Fortunately, in this post, I’ll be taking you through funny roasts for a 12-year-old. Whether you want to share a joke or mildly rebuke them, you’ll find these punchlines helpful.

20 Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old 

There are various funny insults for a 12-year-old. You can use these roasts to call them out playfully when they’re in the wrong. For instance, “You’re so lazy, even the clock counts 60 seconds before you.” 

Also, you can make a joke about them that they can relate to without being hurt.

For example, “Now, I know why you’re too dull,” and “I’m not hurt, I’m just worried about your ugly personality.”

Below are 20 humorous one-liners for a 12-year-old:

  1. You’re too slow, you should take lessons from a tortoise
  2. Are you that good at hide and seek? I’m yet to find your talent 
  3. You’re such a crybaby even your parents must be tired of you
  4. Why are you so clumsy? You could slip over a wireless connection 
  5. Do you perform magic? You make all the children disappear whenever you enter a room 
  6. You’re so lazy, even the clock counts 60 seconds before you
  7. I’d give you a nasty look, but I remember you get that every day from your parents
  8. Now, I know why you’re too dull
  9. Your comment doesn’t mean anything. My parents asked me not to receive anything from strangers 
  10. I’m not hurt, I’m just worried about your ugly personality
  11. Whenever I see your face, I remember my dog
  12. I have finally seen what you’re good; at chasing people away
  13. I can see why your parents are never proud of you
  14. I know I’m bad, but I’m better off than you
  15. Your parents told my parents that you’re adopted
  16. I’m sure it took you five years to learn your name
  17. Even my dog is smarter than you
  18. I’m sorry, I can’t give you my attention
  19. If zombies were to eat our brains, you’d be safe
  20. You’re not that bad. You’re worse

You’re Too Slow, You Should Take Lessons from a Tortoise

One of the things you can say to roast a 12-year-old is, “You’re too slow, you should take lessons from a tortoise.”

This is a funny one-liner you can use to rebuke them when they don’t do their work quickly. For instance, if you ask them to do a chore and after a good time they’re yet to complete it.

You can humorously insult them with this line. Moreover, comparing them to a tortoise, and implying that a tortoise is better, especially in front of other kids makes it funnier.

  • You should be ashamed that a tortoise is much faster than you. It would have finished up by now
  • You are too slow. I prefer a tortoise to you 

Are You That Good at Hide and Seek? I’m Yet to Find Your Talent 

Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

Another interesting line you can use to make fun of a kid is, “Are you that good at hide and seek? I’m yet to find your talent.”

This is a hilarious question that makes fun of them about not having a talent. Also, it’s a sarcastic remark that sounds like you’re praising them. But, the final statement will surely hit hard.

  • You sure must be good at hide-and-seek games. Did you also hide your talent?
  • Should we help you find your talent? It seems you’re having a hard time finding it

You’re Such a Crybaby Even Your Parents Must Be Tired of You 

Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

Another interesting roast one-liner for a 12-year-old is, “You’re such a crybaby even your parents must be tired of you.”

This one is adequate for a kid who loves crying. Managing children isn’t an easy job, especially children, who are quick to tears. You can use this line to tease them when they cry for something unserious.

Moreover, telling them that their parents must be tired of them is a hilarious way to provoke them more. But, who knows, it might just get them sober.

  • I’d have sent you out if I were your parents when you cry all the time
  • With these many tears, your parents must be planning to sell you off 

Why Are You So Clumsy? You Could Slip Over a Wireless Connection

“Why are you so clumsy? You could slip over a wireless connection” is another funny way to tease a 12-year-old.

This is an interesting line you can use to tease a child who’s always tripping over things or careless with things.

Also, adding that they can trip over a wireless connection is a humorous exaggeration that’ll get everyone laughing. Be sure to use this line with other kids around.

Do You Perform Magic? You Make All the Children Disappear Whenever You Enter a Room 

“Do you perform magic? You make all the children disappear whenever you enter a room” is another funny line you can use to roast a child.

This is a crazy and sarcastic one-liner that draws their attention to the fact that other children might not like being around them. 

It’ll work well for a child who’s full of mischief. 

  • You sure must be a magician who makes these kids disappear on your appearance
  • What’s your secret? How do you make everyone leave the room when you come in?

You’re So Lazy, Even the Clock Counts 60 Seconds Before You 

“You’re so lazy, even the clock counts 60 seconds before you” is another funny way to call out a 12-year-old kid.

This is an interesting line you can use with someone lazy. Most times, children prefer playing with their friends to doing their chores at home.

So, you can use this punchline to make fun of your child or siblings when they are reluctant to work. Moreover, comparing them to a clock makes it more hilarious.

I’d Give You a Nasty Look, But I Remember You Get that Every Day from Your Parents 

“I’d give you a nasty look, but I remember you get that every day from your parents” is another thing to say to roast a 12-year-old.

This is a crazy one-liner that makes fun of them by using their parents. It’ll work well for a child who likes misbehaving. Making this remark when they perform one of their mischievous activities will surely get to them.

Also, it can serve as a way to scold them and call their attention to their bad behavior.

Now, I Know Why You’re too Dull

“Now, I know why you’re too dull” is another funny thing to say to roast a child.

It’s a crazy punchline you can use when they do something wrong. For instance, if they fail their homework, you can tease them with this line. 

Also, using this line out of the blue will surely cause some good laughs.

  •  Now, I know why you’re too dull. You never listen to Mum, so you don’t listen to your teachers
  • Now, I know why you’re too dull. I just discovered you’ve got watermelon brain

Your Comment Doesn’t Mean Anything. My Parents Asked Me Not to Receive Anything from Strangers 

“Your comment doesn’t mean anything. My parents asked me not to receive anything from strangers” This is another crazy punchline you can use on a kid.

This is a good roast line for children during a roast battle. When your friend tries roasting or insulting you, you can use this line to let them know they failed to get to you with their one-liner.

It’s a funny way to let them know they’re not good with their roasting skill. Also, it’s a great comeback when they’re being insulting.

I’m Not Hurt, I’m Just Worried About Your Ugly Personality 

“I’m not hurt, I’m just worried about your ugly personality” is another funny way to jest a 12-year-old.

This is another beautiful and savage comeback you can use during a roast duel or when they try insulting you.

Also, this response doesn’t just show them that you’re not moved by their insult, it also calls them out for their character. 

  • You should work on your bad character before coming for me 
  • You’ve got nothing to say to me, your personality stinks

Whenever I See Your Face, I Remember My Dog

“Whenever I see your face, I remember my dog” is another funny thing to say to roast a kid.

This is a silly remark that compares them to a dog, not just any dog, but your dog. If you want to see a kid go red, use this one-liner on them. 

  • I should name my dog after you, you always remind me of it
  • Wow! You bear a close resemblance to my dog 

I Have Finally Seen What You’re Good at; Chasing People Away 

Another thing to say to make fun of a 12-year-old is, “I have finally seen what you’re good at; chasing people away.”

This is an interesting comment that teases them about their behavior. Also, it’s a sarcastic remark that implies that they have never been good at anything. 

Moreover, suggesting that they’re good at something bad will surely get to them. It’s a remark you can use to rebuke them when they misbehave.

I Can See Why Your Parents Are Never Proud of You 

Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

“I can see why your parents are never proud of you” is another interesting roast line for a kid.

You can use this line on your friend or schoolmate during a roast duel. One of the ways to get to kids is by making them believe their parents aren’t in support of whatever they’re engaging in.

So, when your friend intentionally does something bad, you can rebuke them with this one-liner.

I Know I’m Bad, But I’m Better off Than You 

“I know I’m bad, but I’m better off than you” is another crazy punchline to use with your playmates.

It’ll work adequately during a roast duel or as a comeback when they insult you. Giving this response doesn’t only return their insult to them, it also lets them know that their words did not get to you.

Your Parents Told My Parents That You’re Adopted

“Your parents told my parents that you’re adopted” is another funny line you can use with your playmate. One thing that’ll surely hurt a child is telling them that they’re adopted.

So, you can playfully tease your friends with this line to get to them. It’ll surely work to hit a sore spot during a roast duel. You definitely shouldn’t use this line on an adopted child.

  • Your parents told my parents that you’re adopted, so go and take out your anger on your parents, not me
  • Now, I see why you don’t act like your siblings, you were truly adopted 

I’m Sure It Took You Five Years to Learn Your Name 

“I’m sure it took you five years to learn your name” is another humorous way to make fun of a kid.

This is a crazy punchline that calls them dumb. You should use it during a roast duel to get everyone laughing and make a comeback difficult for them.

Even My Dog Is Smarter Than You 

“Even my dog is smarter than you” is another excellent roast line to try on a kid.

This is a hilarious way of calling them dumb. Moreover, comparing them to a dog and saying a dog is better will surely sting. 

You should use this line with other kids around to get a good laugh. 

  • Why would you do that? Even my dog is smarter than you
  • My dog wouldn’t do that. It got more brains than you

I’m Sorry, I Can’t Give You My Attention 

“I’m sorry, I can’t give you my attention” is another thing to say to roast a 12-year-old. 

This is something you can say to your friends when they come around. It’ll surely take them unawares. 

If Zombies Were to Eat Our Brains, You’d Be Safe 

Funny Roasts for a 12 Year Old

“If zombies were to eat our brains, you’d be safe” is another crazy one-liner to try with your friends.

It’s a savage roast for kids that implies they’ve got no brains. Moreover, it’s a humorous way of calling them out when they do something wrong.

You’re Not That Bad. You’re Worse

Another interesting way you can roast a kid is with this line, “You’re not that bad. You’re worse.” 

It’s a sarcastic comment you can use to make fun of them by giving them a false compliment. It’ll surely get to them.

Final Words

To roast a 12-year-old isn’t difficult. However, you’ve got to be careful with the words you say, so you don’t end up hurting them.

The above article has provided you with enough examples you can start with.


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