10 Funny Roasts for a Kpop Fan

Funny Roasts for a Kpop Fan

Kpop fans are everywhere. And if you’re not a fan of Kpop music, you might wonder what it is that they like about Korean music.

Kpop is short for Korean popular music, which includes several music genres. It’s more popularly referred to as K-pop, with its origin traceable to South Korea.

So, if you don’t fancy Korean songs, you might just need good roast lines to tease Kpop fans.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll find enough humourous insults for someone who loves Korean music.

10 Funny Roasts for a Kpop Fan

There are plenty of ways to make fun of Kpop fans. If you are constantly surrounded by someone who’s always playing Korean music, interesting and savage one-liners are what you need to knock them off.

Some interesting lines include: “You’re just a mindless teenager. I can’t blame you,” “Your opinion sucks like your taste,” and “You’re a Kpop fan yet you aren’t a fan of yourself.”


Below are 10 funny roasts for Korean pop music fans:

  1. How has Kpop music helped you in life?
  2. You seem to have gotten worse since you started listening to Kpop music
  3. What’s MBLAQ’s best month of the year? Joon
  4. You’re a Kpop fan yet you aren’t a fan of yourself
  5. Get some sense. You’re better off without such influence
  6. Wow! You also listen to Kpop?
  7. Oh wow! Such a Koreaboo!
  8. You’re just a mindless teenager. I can’t blame you
  9. Your opinion sucks like your taste 
  10. No wonder you’re always depressed 

How Has Kpop Music Helped You in Life?

One of the ways to roast a Kpop fan is by asking them this question, “How has Kpop music helped you in life?” 

This question aims to ridicule them. It implies that their listening to Kpop songs is of no use. Also, this is a suitable roast line for someone obsessed with Korean music.

For instance, if they’re always listening to them, talking about them and going crazy about artists who are into Kpop music. 

Also, this statement mocks Kpop music, implying that it isn’t good enough to influence its listeners positively.

  • How has Kpop music helped you in life? Go get serious with your life, please 
  • How has Kpop music helped you in life? You’re yet to understand a thing in Korean 

You Seem to Have Gotten Worse Since You Started Listening to Kpop Music

“You seem to have gotten worse since you started listening to Kpop music” is another thing to say to make fun of someone who likes Korean music.

First, this statement indicates that they are already bad. Then it lets them know that they’re worsening their situation by listening to Kpop music.

Also, it doesn’t spare Korean music. It ridicules it by pointing out its bad influence.

  • You seem to have gotten worse since you started listening to Kpop music. What does that make you?
  • You seem to have gotten worse since you started listening to Kpop music. It’s high time you move on to something better 

What’s MBLAQ’s Best Month of the Year? Joon

“What’s MBLAQ’s best month of the year? Joon” is another interesting roast line for a fan of Kpop. 

First, MBLAQ is one of South Korean boy bands that debuted in 2009. They had a member, Lee Joon, who left the group. So, this statement attempts to throw a playful jab at them.

Also, it’s an amusing way to tease them when others are around, especially among other fans who can relate to the joke.

You’re a Kpop Fan Yet You Aren’t a Fan of Yourself 

Funny Roasts for a Kpop Fan

Another thing to say to make fun of someone who likes Korean music is, “You’re a Kpop fan yet you aren’t a fan of yourself.”

This is another interesting line that ridicules them for idolizing Kpop music. Also, it implies that they’re yet to give such acknowledgment to themself, yet they’re giving it to something else.

Moreover, it’s a funny way of calling someone who’s obsessed with Korean pop to order. For instance, if they spend so much time listening to Kpop music without doing anything meaningful for themself.

  • You’re a Kpop fan yet you aren’t a fan of yourself. Can you please get a grip on yourself?
  • Let to love yourself first, it’ll do you a lot of good 

Get Some Sense. You’re Better off without Such Influence

Another way to tease a fan of Kpop is with this statement, “Get some sense. You’re better off without such influence.”

This is another hilarious statement you can use to call out someone crazy about Korean music.

First, this statement implies that they’ve got no sense for listening to such songs in the first place. Also, it ridicules Korean music by implicating it as a bad influence.

It’s a classic one-liner that’ll both make fun of Kpop and its fans.

  • I hope you get yourself a brain quickly and do away with those songs on your phone
  • You struck me as someone more sensible. But seeing as you’re a fan of Kpop, I’m in serious doubt 

Wow! You Also Listen to Kpop!

Funny Roasts for a Kpop Fan

Another good roast line for a fan of Kpop is, “Wow! You also listen to Kpop!” 

This question indicates surprise at their music choice; it implies that you’re not expecting them to have an interest in Korean music.

Also, asking someone you probably don’t know too well this question will take them unawares. Ensure to wear a disappointing look when throwing this shade 

  • Wow! You also listen to Kpop? That’s disappointing
  • Wow! You also listen to Kpop! I can imagine how devastating that is

Oh Wow! Such a Koreaboo!

“Oh wow! Such a Koreaboo!” is another statement you can use to make fun of someone who loves Kpop music. 

A Koreaboo is a term for a non-Korean who’s crazy about the Korean way of life. It’s not just a term; it’s used in an insulting manner to refer to such people.

So, this roast line is suitable for a non-Korean who loves Kpop or acts obsessed with everything about Korean music including their artistes and musical band.

Also, using a sympathetic tone makes it funnier and more insulting.

  • Oh, it’s such a pity you’re a Koreaboo
  • Oh, my dear! A Koreaboo! I feel bad for you

You’re Just a Mindless Teenager. I Can’t Blame You

“You’re just a mindless teenager. I can’t blame you” is another insulting statement to make to a fan of Kpop.

In this case, it’s appropriate for a teenager who’s crazy about Kpop. First, there’s still a stereotypical belief that teenagers are majorly the ones that are fans of Kpop.

However, there are several adult Kpop fans. So, if your roastee is a teenager, you can use this line to ridicule them.

It roasts them, not just because they’re teenagers, calling them mindless will surely hurt. 

  • You’re just a mindless teenager. I understand it’s all part of your stupid phase
  • It’s all right, it comes without having any responsibilities

Your Opinion Sucks Like Your Taste 

“Your opinion sucks like your taste” is another remark to make to roast someone who likes Kpop.

This statement doesn’t only attack their love for Korean music, it also ridicules the suggestions they raise. 

In this case, you should use this one-liner for someone you know is a fan of Kpop when they make an opinion or contribute during a discussion.

For instance, if you’re discussing with friends, and one of them raises a point that doesn’t make any sense to you.

You can attack them with this line if they’re a Kpop fan. It’s a double one-liner that’ll make a comeback difficult.

  • You seriously lack good taste and it’s affecting your reasoning 
  • You’re suffering from a deficiency of good reasoning and music taste 

No Wonder You Are Always Depressed 

“No wonder you are always depressed” is another thing to say to a lover of Korean music.

This is a crazy comment that implies that Kpop is depressing. One very smart way of getting on the nerves of Kpop fans is making nonsense of the music.

So, this one-liner doesn’t only make fun of them, suggesting that Korean songs are the reason they’re always in a depressing mood will hurt.

You can make this one-liner more hilarious by sounding sympathetic.

  • You can go on damaging your brain cells with those meaningless songs 
  • You’ll keep having mood swings if you keep listening to those sad songs


Everyone has their choice of music. You may not fancy Kpop music but many others do. So, making fun of anyone who likes Korean songs is just a playful way of engaging with them.

However, you might just need to roast someone obsessed with Kpop songs. Whatever your choice is for teasing a Kpop fan, this article has provided enough one-liners to help you.


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