20 Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan 

Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan 

Are you a fan of American football? Then you must know the Steelers team, one of the oldest teams in the NFL (National Football League).

The Pittsburgh Steelers are one of the greatest American football teams, having got their break in the 1970s when they had the greatest winning streaks in NFL history. Also, they’ve won more Super Bowl titles than any other team.

However, they’ve had their failures, with no winning for the first 40 years of their existence. Also, recently, winning has been difficult for this team. 

So, if you’re not a fan of this football team, this might be your chance to roast them. And interestingly, In this article, I’ll be discussing hilarious roast lines to help you make fun of a Steelers fan.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan

There are countless ways to make fun of a Steelers fan. From throwing jabs at them for the team’s recent loss or earlier failure to hilarious puns they can relate to.

Some examples include: “If you ever wake up feeling bad just remember the Steelers were once good at steeling games,” “You should become a mailman, you are better at delivering disappointment,” and “When was the last time you witnessed a touchdown?” 

Below are 20 humorous one-liners a Steelers fan can relate to:

  1. How many Steelers will it take to make a goal? None, all they do is boast about how amazing the last six were
  2. Why is it named Heinz Field? Because the Steelers are failing to ketchup
  3. What are the British and the Steelers very good at? They couldn’t defeat the Patriots 
  4. If you ever wake up feeling bad just remember the Steelers were once good at steeling games
  5. You should move to Pittsburgh, you’ll be closer to victory there 
  6. You should take a ladder to every Steelers game, maybe you’ll help your team reach new heights 
  7. You must be an ancient Steel fan!
  8. A parking meter is much better than Steelers players. They sure have a better chance of scoring 
  9. You should become a mailman, you are better at delivering disappointment 
  10. I suggest you go back to college to learn how to count a six
  11. I suggest you always go with an AC to your games, so you can always cool yourself when it becomes super hot
  12. You should become a lawyer so you can argue for more points in your team’s favor
  13. It’s not a matter of being a die-hard fan, can you spell “Roethlisberger” correctly?
  14. You’ll just be a confused fan if I ask you to name more than three players on the team
  15. I saw a Steeler fan come to the games with a bunch of balloons. Is he trying to inflate the hopes of the team?
  16. Just give a Steelers fan a Super Bowl ring and they’ll stop biting their nails
  17. You’re a Steelers fan yet your team is steeling your joy!
  18. Pittsburgh Steelers players can never become doctors. They never perform any successful operations!
  19. When was the last time you witnessed a touchdown?
  20. Steelers can never succeed in school because whenever they get close to a “pass,” they drop it!

How Many Steelers Will It Take to Make a Goal? None, All They Do Is Boast About How Amazing the Last Six Were

Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan 

This is an interesting roast line that’ll throw everyone who understands this joke in fits of laughter. 

First, one of the ways to get at a Steeler fan is by making fun of the team itself. So, this is a perfect one-liner that’ll hurt.

This line makes fun of the team’s recent failure at scoring a goal. However, it doesn’t stop there. It further ridicules them, by suggesting they’re still rejoicing in their past glory.

  • Steelers are just living the past glory of their wins. They should come out of the past and make a win
  • You’re just like the Steelers themselves, no more wins?

Why Is It Named Heinz Field? Because the Steelers Are Failing to Ketchup

Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan 

This right here is another sarcastic statement that ridicules the Steelers for their recent losses. 

It’s a hilarious play on words that links the Steelers’ failure, Heinz Field, and Heinz ketchup. 

First, Pittsburgh’s stadium, the Acrisure Stadium, was formerly referred to as “Heinz Field.” 

So, this punny statement is a savage roast line that implies that the Steelers have failed to catch up on new winnings. It’ll surely make a great hit on a Steelers fan. 

What Are the British and the Steelers Very Good at? They Couldn’t Defeat the Patriots 

Here is another fantastic savage comeback that’ll cause some good laughs to football fans.

This roast one-liner also makes fun of the Steelers’ recent losses to the Patriots team. Also, the comparison with the British is another funny one-liner that’ll get to a Steelers fan.

  • The Steelers and British have failed to be patriotic
  • Where now is the difference between the Steelers and the British if they can’t win against the Patriots

If You Ever Wake Up Feeling Bad Just Remember the Steelers Were Once Good at Steeling Games

Yes, the Steelers were once the greatest champion of all time, having won the Super Bowl Ring six times. However, now they can’t boast as one of the top ten NFL teams with their recent losses.

So, this line makes fun of a Steelers fan, attempting to sympathize with them by reminding them of their old wins.

Indeed, the Steelers were once good at steeling games.

  • Don’t worry, just never forget to put your team in prayer, so they become better at steeling
  • At least you have their previous success at steeling to comfort you 

You Should Move to Pittsburgh, You’ll Be Closer to Victory There

Pittsburgh is home to the Pittsburgh Steelers. If your roastee doesn’t live in Pittsburgh, this line is appropriate for them.

This is another humorous way to make jest of a Steelers fan for the team’s failure. Asking them to move to Pittsburgh makes it funnier, as it directly rubs their failures on their face. 

  • You should move to Pittsburgh, maybe you’ll have a better chance of moving your team to victory
  • Why not just move to Pittsburgh rather than screaming the whole room down daily 

You Should Take a Ladder to Every Steelers Game, Maybe You’ll Help Your Team Reach New Heights 

Here’s another savage one-liner that’ll cause some good laughs to football fans.

This is another mockery of the Steelers for their failure. Telling a Steelers fan to take a ladder to every game is a sarcastic statement they wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

Also, implying they need a ladder to win is a ridicule that’ll hurt.

  • Bring a ladder to the next game, you might just be able to push them to score a goal
  • A ladder will do the trick next time, a touchdown won’t seem far away any longer 

You Must Be an Ancient Steel Fan!

“You must be an ancient steel fan” is another ridiculing statement that refers to the Steelers’ former glory.

This play on words roasts a die-hard fan for sticking to them despite their losses. It implies that they probably have been supporting the Steelers since their breakthrough 

  • Come on! You’ve still got the Super Bowl ring! You surely must be an ancient steel fan
  • You sure are an old steeling fan!

A Parking Meter Is Much Better Than Steelers Players. They Sure Have a Better Chance of Scoring 

This comparison right here will surely hit a Steelers fan hard.

It makes fun of the team by comparing them to a parking meter. Then, implying a parking meter has a better chance at scoring makes nonsense of the team for their inability to win a match.

  • Your team is no match for a parking meter. It’ll first them to score a goal
  • You should show more respect to a parking meter, Steelers are no match for a touchdown 

You Should Become a MailMan, You Are Better at Delivering Disappointment 

“You should become a mailman, you are better at delivering disappointment” is another fantastic savage comeback if you want to deal with a Steelers fan.

This statement is another mockery of their disappointing matches so far. So, using this line on a fan of Pittsburgh Steelers will surely sting, as it boldly calls the team a disappointment.

  • Since you’re a fan, you should begin working as a delivery man, so you’ll bring every disappointing news to us first 
  • As a Steelers fan, you’ll fit better at delivering every bad news 

I Suggest You Go Back to College to Learn How to Count a Six

A touchdown makes Six points in American football. So, this interesting line will work well for a Steelers fan.

Asking them to return to college suggests that they’re not smart, which is enough to roast them. Then the purpose being to learn how to count a Six rubs Steelers’ failure on their face.

  • When was the last time your team counted a six? Maybe returning to college might help
  • Do you need help counting a six? College will help 

I Suggest You Always Go with an AC to Your Games So That You Can Always Cool Yourself When It Becomes Super hot

This roast here is another humorous way to make fun of a Steelers fan for the team’s bad plays.

It sarcastically warns them to always be prepared for their losses.

You Should Become a Lawyer So You Can Argue for More Points in Your Team’s Favor

Yes, a Steelers fan might do well as a lawyer. This is a hilarious and savage statement that’ll hit hard on a die-hard fan.

It’ll work for someone who always makes excuses for the team’s losses. You should let them know they’ll do better as a lawyer. Who knows all their arguments might result in a win.

It’s Not a Matter of Being a Die-Hard Fan, Can You Spell “Roethlisberger” Correctly?

Funny Roasts for a Steelers Fan 

A Steelers fan should surely know the Big Ben, Ben Roethlisberger. He was a renowned NFL player who played with the Pittsburgh Steelers for 18 seasons.

If you want to have a good laugh, ask a Steelers fan to spell “Roethlisberger” and they’re probably going to disappoint you. This is a fantastic and hilarious way to tease a Steelers lover.

You’ll Just Be a Confused Fan If I Ask You to Name More Than Three Players on the Team 

Another interesting way to get a good laugh is by asking a Steelers fan to name more than three players on the team.

I bet you, many might find this difficult. To be sure, ensure you ask someone who’s just very good at shouting during a game but doesn’t show much interest afterward.

I Saw a Steeler Fan Come to the Games with a Bunch of Balloons. Is He Trying to Inflate the Hopes of the Team?

Here’s another interesting one-liner to ridicule a Steelers fan for their team’s losses.

It’s a crazy statement that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter. Be sure to say it with other football lovers present.

Just Give a Steelers Fan a Super Bowl Ring and They’ll Stop Biting Their Nails

Here’s another sharp statement that makes jest of a Steelers fan for the team’s failure.

It emphasizes the disappointment they must be feeling for their team. Also, this roast line sounds sympathetic, which makes it more hilarious.

You’re a Steelers Fan Yet Your Team is Steeling Your Joy!

Here’s another fantastic roast line that’ll put a Steelers fan in a tight corner.

It’s another smart play on words that will adequately make nonsense of them for their team’s inability to make a good season. They’re surely steeling their joy.

  • How can you keep supporting a team that keeps steeling a joy?
  • Your team is only good at steeling your joy rather than a game

Pittsburgh Steelers Players Can Never Become Doctors. They Never Perform any Successful Operations!

Another intelligent way to ridicule a Steelers fan is with this crazy one-liner.

It emphasizes the team’s recent inability to make a successful goal. You’ll finish a Steelers fan with this line.

When Was the Last Time You Witnessed a Touchdown?

One of the best ways to get at a Steelers fan is by asking when last they witnessed a touchdown.

It’s a classic burner that’ll sting for a long time. They’ll surely not know how to respond to this.

  • What is it called when a Steeler fan witnesses a touchdown? An extraordinary sight!
  • A parking lot is much better than a Steelers fan. At least it has a chance of seeing a touchdown!

Steelers Can Never Succeed in School Because Whenever They Get Close to a “Pass,” They Drop It!

Here’s another interesting roast line for a Steelers fan.

It ridicules them for their failed Passes and goals. It’s a hilarious statement that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter. Comparing schooling with the team adds spice to this joke.

Final Words

The Steelers will always be remembered as one of the best NFL players and for their fantastic winnings of the Super Bowl rings.

However, this season doesn’t seem to be their season, so it’s the right time to roast a die-hard fan. So, grab the most from this article and make fun of your counterparts anytime anywhere. 


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