15 Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

I get it if you want to roast someone with bad teeth, there’s nothing wrong with it. Although, you have to be mindful of how you put it to avoid coming across as meanspirited. 

However, you may want to throw soft jabs on someone with bad teeth but that would only be to incite a fun atmosphere.

This means you can crack some ribs and put smiles on the faces of people by joking about someone’s bad dentition.

If you don’t know how to go about roasting the person in question, you’re at the right spot. In this article, I’ll be showing you funny roasts for someone with bad teeth. Keep reading on to know more!

Table of Contents

Best 15 Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

I hope you’re not planning on being a dentist anytime soon because your teeth are giving me nightmares!

Remind the person dentistry doesn’t have to be their calling. While roasting someone with bad teeth, you should recognize the thin line before the roast turns into a diss.

However, using this line of statement is important as it allows you to roast the person in question without upsetting them. 

Hence, using this line to roast someone with bad teeth means that you’re implying that hope the person is not aspiring to be a dentist anytime soon because their teeth are scary.

This way, you’re discouraging the person from being a dentist as their teeth don’t reflect such ambitions.

  • I hope you’re not planning to smile all through the day because you won’t like the reaction.

Are you auditioning for a role as a vampire in a movie? Your teeth are perfect for the scene

Troll them with some paranormal movie role. Another impressive way to roast someone with bad teeth is by using this line of statement.

You will be able to put smiles on the faces of people around you and the person you’re roasting by employing this line. 

If you’re going to use this line, you’ll be asking the person if they’re auditioning for a role as a vampire in a movie because his or her teeth are great for the part. 

  • Your teeth are so bad, that they can feature in vampire movies without auditioning.

I heard you’re a big fan of horror movies. Your teeth must be the inspiration for those terrifying creatures

Call the person out for having such inspiring dentition. Horror movies are scary, no doubt. Undoubtedly, bad teeth are even scarier, especially when displayed with a face that doesn’t look great. 

Judging how bad the person’s teeth look, this line posits that you heard the person in question finds interest in horror movies, then there’s a chance the person’s dentition inspired their interest in such movies including the creatures in those movies.

This roast line cajoles the person’s teeth while tagging them as fans of horror movies.

  • I heard you’re a big fan of the Joker. Funny how you can’t even laugh like your fave.

Your teeth are like a jigsaw puzzle, but unfortunately, they don’t seem to fit together

Remind them how badly fitted their teeth are. Since you can roast someone with bad teeth, but softly, this line of statement works best for that purpose. 

Using this line, you’ll be roasting the person for having teeth that don’t fit together because they’re like a jigsaw puzzle.

This will definitely make some people around laugh, including the person you’re roasting.

To create a more promising comic effect, you may want to close off your statement by winking at the person as you roast them.

  • Your teeth are so bad, I can’t even solve it if it were to be a puzzle.

I hope you’re not planning on becoming a food critic because, with those teeth, you’ll have to taste everything twice!

Roast them for being bad at tasting food. It’s funny to think that someone with bad teeth is prone to be a bad food critic.

Although the teeth play little to no part in the tasting of food, you can still use this roast line since you just want to make people laugh, including the person you’re roasting. 

Here, you’re telling the person not to consider being a food critic because they may have to taste everything twice because of their kind of dentition.

  • I hope you won’t be modeling braces for hospitals. You look overqualified for the job.

Your teeth are so crooked, I can’t help but wonder if they were inspired by a rollercoaster ride

Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

Choke them to the corner with sarcasm. If sarcasm were to be a gas, you’d be choking the person you’re roasting who has bad teeth with this line.

You might want to lower your tone while saying this line to the person because it reflects a mean-spirited approach if you don’t.

However, with this statement, you’re making the person understand that their teeth are so crooked, that you can’t help but think they have something in common with roller coaster rides often seen in parks.

Perhaps, the person was taken to the park as a kid while they sprouted their first set of teeth. Even if that’s not the case, this line works best to roast and also point out that fact to the person.

  • You might want to brace up, I mean the metals for teeth, not some confidence boost or anything like that.

I bet you could eat an apple through a picket fence with those teeth!

Call them out for having teeth shaped to operate over fences. By far, the best feeling you could have is getting back at someone who previously roasted you by making soft jokes about their dentition.

Luckily for you, if the person has a bad set of teeth, you’re well off your way to make people laugh without stressing yourself.

To do that, you’ll need a line of statements like this one. Here, you’re making a roast at the person by insinuating they can eat an apple through a picket fence with the kind of bad teeth they have.

  • I bet you can make a baby coo and scream with those teeth! With a mild laughter.

Do you ever feel like your teeth think for themselves? They seem to go in every direction

Make fun of them while you can. Since every roast aims to entertain and not to confront, you can apply this one right here to get started.

Do you feel you can get the person to laugh but don’t know how? This line begs to differ.

Using this line, making the person in question to be joyous without even trying hard is a dream come true.

You’re directing a rhetorical question to the person, asking them if they ever feel their teeth think for themselves because they all go in different directions.

You’re comparing the person’s teeth to humans who think for themselves and as such, are prone to be selfish with how they go about their lives. 

  • Do you feel like your teeth think of themselves? Because they bend only at their will.

I hope you’re not planning on becoming a model anytime soon because those teeth are definitely unique!

Sarcastically talk them out of a career path. In your bid to roast someone with bad teeth, you can do other things like talking someone out of a bad choice of career. If you’re interested in something like this, you might want to use this statement.

Here, you’re implying that you hope the person in question isn’t considering a career in modeling anytime soon because their teeth are unique.

But this isn’t a compliment in any way, as it is a sarcastic way of saying the person’s dentition doesn’t fit the job description.

  • I hope you’re not considering biting on double-decker burgers with those teeth because it’ll get double-shattered.

Your teeth look like they’re trying to escape from your mouth. Have you tried giving them a bribe or something?

Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

Make them crawl back into their caves with this line. If the person you want to roast has their teeth protruding out of their mouth, you can use this line of statement to point that out.

After all, you can count on the look of the person’s dentition to deliver a solid roast line for them.

Using this line, you’re inferring that just as the person’s teeth look like they’re leaving the person’s mouth, it could be the person hasn’t tried bribing them.

In this way, you’re comparing the person’s dentition to humans who need incentives to stay in order. This is a rather funny statement because it’s unimaginable that the person’s teeth need bribery to stay in place. 

  • Your teeth look like they’re trying to cave in; have you tried giving them whiskey to relax?

I heard you’re planning on starting a band. Your teeth could be the perfect replacement for the missing keys on a piano!

Get them on a musical joke. A finely crafted musical joke can serve as your roast for someone with bad teeth.

If you are oblivious to how to go about it, don’t sweat it. This statement is a good catch for you to use on the go.

Here, you’re insinuating that since you heard the person in question is planning to start a band, it’d be wise if they used their teeth as replacements for the missing keys on a piano.

I’m pretty sure this statement would get your audience howling funnily. 

  • I heard you want to start a podcast about getting one’s life together. Your teeth need to pay an attentive ear to learn from the best.

If your teeth were on a game show, they would win the award for the most creative arrangement

Troll the person for having such bad teeth. If the teeth of the person you want to roast are bad enough to talk about, then this statement is ideal.

Using this line, you’re stating that if the person’s teeth were to be on a game show, it would win the award for the most creative arrangement.

While this may sound unlike a roast and favorable to the other person, it is not. This is sarcasm in action!

  • If your teeth were to be a transport path, it’d be a railroad.

Your teeth remind me of a famous Picasso painting. It’s abstract but memorable!

Take the person on a sarcasm dinner. An even better way to roast someone with bad teeth is by using sarcasm.

Here, you’re insinuating that the person’s teeth remind you of a famous Picasso painting. Isn’t that funny? How is that possible?

In other ways, you’re adding that such a reminder is abstract but definitely memorable. 

  • Your teeth remind me of the old rail tracks in my town, rusty and rocky.

I hope you’re not planning on being a tour guide because your teeth could be detrimental to navigation!

Shove them aside for having diagonal teeth. Do you hope to make your roast against someone with bad teeth to slap? If that’s the case, you can use this statement. 

Here, you’re positing that you hope the person in question is not planning to be a tour guide because their teeth could misdirect the navigation of all the other tourists.

This has to be a funny line and is sure to incite laughter among the audience.

  • I hope you’re not planning to be the head of the team because your teeth could lead us astray.

I heard you’re a big fan of puzzles. Well, your teeth are definitely keeping everyone guessing!

Funny Roasts for Someone With Bad Teeth

Compare their teeth to a puzzle, and leave them puzzled

If you wish, you can roast up someone who has bad teeth by comparing their dentition to something as hysterical as a puzzle.

Using this line, you’re implying that since you heard the person is a fan of puzzles, there’s every chance their teeth are responsible for keeping everyone present in a state of confusion – guessing right, left, and center while trying to confirm the situation at hand.

  • Your teeth must be the reason you don’t bite. I like your friendliness.

Final Words

Roasting someone is entertaining, don’t forget to keep it at that. That’ll be my clarion call to you as you decode the various ways to roast someone with bad teeth which this article has introduced you to. 

To ensure you keep to the rules of roasts, do well to maintain a subtle tone while dishing out any of these roasts to the person who’s your target. Have fun as you do so!


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