20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

The lip is one part of the body that you don’t miss at first glance, and having a full one can either be a blessing or a curse.

While some may appreciate the fullness of the lips, others may see it as just big and ugly. And to some, it’s often a source of ridicule and taunting.

If you know someone who has big lips, you might be tempted to jump on the trend and tease them about it. However, while it might be fun for you, it might be very hurtful to them.

That’s why in this guide post, I’ll be helping you with healthy funny roasts for someone with big lips. Whether you want to tease your friend or a stranger, everyone will leave unscathed at the end.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

There are many roast lines you can use to tease someone with big lips. Comparing them with a funny famous character or giving them some funny nicknames is common.

However, many creative one-liners can get everyone laughing.

Some interesting lines are: “Who did you offend, please?” “Calling you ugly is an insult to zombies,” and “Have you got a very small face or extra large lips?”

Below are 20 amusing insults for someone with large lips:

  1. I bet your parents wouldn’t take you out with them
  2. Your lips look like a disgrace to your whole body
  3. What are those? lips?
  4. Your lips are too big, you need a kickstand to hold them up
  5. Your lips are too large I’m sure your ears must hear your whispers
  6. Hey, Duck lips!
  7. You look like a duck, only they’re prettier
  8. Why! Do you use a paint roller for your lips?
  9. Your lips are so big, they look like your butt sideways
  10. How do you whisper without the world hearing you?
  11. You sure talk like your lips
  12. Your brain must be suffering a deficiency because of your lips
  13. You’ve got full lips with half a brain
  14. Who did you offend, please?
  15. Your lips aren’t big, they’re oversized
  16. Have you got a very small face or extra large lips?
  17. I can see why you struggle to keep your mouth shut
  18. The only thing that makes me look twice at you are those boots hanging from your mouth 
  19. You’re a perfect example of a talking drum
  20. Calling you ugly is an insult to zombies  

I Bet Your Parents Wouldn’t Take You Out with Them 

One of the things to say to insult someone with big lips is, “I bet your parents wouldn’t take you out with them.” 

This is a stinging comment that suggests that their parents are ashamed of them because of their big lips. It’s a befitting one-liner to use during a roast battle to shut your partner up.

Also, it’s a funny way to call them out for their large lips.

  • I bet your parents keep you at home all the time because your appearance contradicts theirs
  • You shouldn’t go out with your parents if you love them 

Your Lips Look Like a Disgrace to Your Whole Body 

“Your lips look like a disgrace to your whole body” is another sharp remark you can use to roast someone with big lips.

This is another hilarious statement that’ll work during a roasting duel. It’ll get to them and make them wish they never came for you.

Also, this classic burner implies that their big lips don’t match other parts of their body.

  • You would have been okay if your lips hadn’t overgrown
  • Your lips are an embarrassment to your body 

What Are Those? Lips?

An exclamation you can use to roast someone with big lips is, “What are those? lips?” 

This is another amusing way of calling them out and drawing attention to them. However, it’ll require perfect timing to get the most out of it.

It will work adequately when you see them for the first time. For instance, if they walk into a gathering, you could exclaim with this one-liner to get everyone laughing. 

  • What are those? lips? I was scared they were some oversized boots
  • What are those? lips? They must belong to ten people 

Your Lips Are too Big, You Need a Kickstand to Hold Them Up

Another amusing way to make fun of someone with large lips is with this iconic roast line, “Your lips are too big, you need a kickstand to hold them up.” 

This is another hilarious way to call them out and get everyone in fits of laughter. Also, this is an exaggerated way of describing their lips. It’ll surely sting.

Your Lips Are too Large I’m Sure Your Ears Must Hear Your Whispers

Another statement you can make when you want to roast someone who has big lips is, “Your lips are too large I’m sure your ears must hear your whispers.”

This is another exaggerated statement that draws attention to their big lips. It’s a playful way to make fun of them, implying that they can’t talk quietly because of their big lips.

Hey, Duck Lips!

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

A funny nickname for someone who has large lips is, “Hey, Duck lips!”

This is a classic burner you can use to make fun of someone with big lips.

Also, this one-liner is a suitable nickname for a friend. You can use it whenever you want to make fun of them to call their attention.

However, you shouldn’t go about calling out someone with this phrase. 

  • Hey, Duck lips! Can you talk more quietly? I bet you can’t (roll eyes)
  • Hey, Duck lips! Close your mouth for a second. You can borrow my kickstand to hold it up 

You Look Like a Duck, Only They’re Prettier 

Another insane line you can use to tease someone with large lips is, “You look like a duck, only they’re prettier.”

Of course, we all know a duck has a very large beak. So, comparing someone with large lips to a duck will surely hit hard.

In addition, it doesn’t only stop there, saying a duck is prettier will get everyone laughing.

  • You would have passed for a duck, but they’ll take offense if I compare you with them
  • If I had to choose between you and a duck, I’d choose a duck a hundred times 

Why! Do You Use a Paint Roller for Your Lips?

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

One of the humorous things to ask someone who has huge lips is, “Why? Do you use a paint roller for your lips?” 

This is an exclamation that’ll show your surprise at the size of their lips. Also, the perfect time to use this roast line is if you’re seeing them for the first time that day.

It’s a savage remark that’ll get to them. Don’t forget to act surprised when throwing this punchline.

  • I hope you have a paint roller in your makeup kit for lip’s sake!

Your Lips Are So Big, They Look Like Your Butt Sideways

“Your lips are so big, They look like your butt sideways” is another hilarious way to get at someone with big lips.

This statement hilariously compares their lips to their butt. It’s another sharp burner you can use as a comeback during a roast battle. Giving them this iconic line should shut them up.

How Do You Whisper without the World Hearing You?

Another absurd question to ask someone who has big lips is, “How do you whisper without the world hearing you?” 

This is another humorous way of calling them out and drawing attention to their big lips. 

Asking them this question like you’re curious will make it funnier. Also, you can throw this shade out of the blue; they wouldn’t see it coming.

  • I’m really curious to know, How do you talk without the world hearing you?
  • Can you share with us your secret in talking quietly?

You Sure Talk Like Your Lips 

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Lips 

“You sure talk like your lips” is another thing to say to roast someone with big lips.

This is a sharp comeback that’ll work appropriately during a roast battle. Giving this reply to their insult will show that their insult didn’t get to you.

Also, this is a befitting comment for someone who talks too much. Using this line on them lets them know that they talk a lot.

  • I’m not surprised you talk too much, your lips are too big
  • With those lips like a truck, I can see why you’re so full of rubbish 

Your Brain Must Be Suffering a Deficiency Because of Your Lips 

Another interesting way to roast someone with big lips is with this line, “Your brain must be suffering a deficiency because of your lips.” 

This is a funny line that implies that their brains aren’t well developed because of their large lips. It’s a direct attack you can give to them when they misbehave or don’t understand a thing.

Also, you can use this comeback if they try to insult you to shut them up.

  • Your lips cheated your brain
  • Now, I see why you misbehaved, your lips took all your brain tissues 

You’ve Got Full Lips with Half a Brain 

“You’ve got full lips with half a brain” is another insane one-liner you can use to tease someone who has large lips.

This is another classic burner that’ll work during a roast duel to give them a piece of your mind. Also, this is a hilarious line that makes fun of their big lips by implying their brain is suffering because of that.

You can use it to insult someone who doesn’t do what you expect of them.

Who Did You Offend, Please?

“Who did you offend, please?” is another line you can use to make fun of someone with big lips.

This is a ridiculous and rhetorical question that teases them for having large lips, implying that they might have offended someone to get such lips size.

  • Who did you offend, please? Those lips must be some sort of punishment
  • Who did you offend, please? Go beg them to reverse the size of your lips

Your Lips Aren’t Big, They’re Oversized

Another thing to say to roast someone with big lips is, “Your lips aren’t big, they’re oversized.”

This is another crazy line that makes fun of their full lips. Telling someone with big lips who is often teased that their lips aren’t big but oversized is just like adding fuel to the fire.

It’s a hilarious line that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter. 

  • Stop deceiving yourself, your lips aren’t big, they’re oversized
  • Your lips aren’t full and beautiful, they’re oversized and need trimming 

Have You Got a Very Small Face or Extra Large Lips?

Another silly question to throw at someone you want to roast is, “Have you got a very small face or extra large lips?” 

It’s an amusing question to ask someone who has huge lips. This is a sarcastic question that mocks them. Also, you can make it more humorous by acting curious.

I Can See Why You Struggle to Keep Your Mouth Shut

“I can see why you struggle to keep your mouth shut” is another thing to say to insult someone with large lips.

This is a befitting one-liner for someone who talks too much. You can immediately give this bomb as a response to whatever they say, or when they give an unsolicited opinion. They surely won’t see this one coming.

  • Now, I see why you struggle to keep your mouth shut. Your mouth is too big
  • You talk too much, please trim your lips

The Only Thing That Makes Me Look Twice at You Are Those Boots Hanging from Your Mouth 

Another savage comment you can use on someone with big lips is, “The only thing that makes me look twice at you are those boots hanging from your mouth.”

This is a stinging remark that implies that they’re not worth looking at twice except for their large lips that attract attention. 

Also, it’s a two-in-one one-liner that’ll call them unattractive and also make fun of their big lips.

You’re a Perfect Example of a Talking Drum

“You’re a perfect example of a talking drum” is another perfect roast line for someone who has huge lips.

It is an appropriate line you can use to make fun of someone who talks too much. This line doesn’t only tease them for their large lips, it also emphasizes that they’re talkative.

Additionally, it’s an amusing way of describing their lips. It’ll surely cause some laughter.

  • Your lips can pass for a talking drum; very large and loud
  • Don’t you know when not to beat your drum? You’re becoming a nuisance 

Calling You Ugly Is an Insult to Zombies  

Another insane one-liner for someone with huge lips is, “Calling you ugly is an insult to zombies.”  

This is a humorous way of describing them, inferring that zombies are better looking than them.

Using this line on anyone will surely get to them. It’s an appropriate comeback during a roast duel.


There are many different and exciting ways you can insult someone with big lips. To get the most out of it, combining some hilarious and creative one-liners with the perfect timing will do the job well.

The above article has provided a guide and collection of funny roasts for someone with large lips.

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