20 Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

Do you enjoy space operas? Do you love watching science fiction and mythical movies? Then you must know about Star Wars, one of the American epic space operas.

This popular media franchise is multi-genre, comprising movies, comics, novels, toys, video games, and countless TV series.

Also, they’ve garnered both fans and haters over the years. If you’re not a fan, I’m sure it might have crossed your mind to roast Star Wars lovers.

But, if you don’t know how to go about making fun of them, this article is for you. Keep reading to discover interesting one-liners for Star Wars fans.

20 Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

There are many interesting ways to make fun of Star Wars lovers. From creating fantastic jokes to using one of the characters’ lines to insult them.

Some examples include: “If you want to check out the most confused people, start with Star Wars fans,” “There’s no slower retards than Star Wars fans,” and “May the force be with you and strike you dead.”

Here are 20 interesting roasts for Star Wars fans:

  1. Star Trek does it better than Star Wars 
  2. Why are you a fan of Star Wars if you can’t join the stars in wars?
  3. Star Wars is just meant to confuse its fans
  4. No one is as jobless as Star Wars fanatics
  5. Star Wars fanatics are more like lunatics
  6. You’re so faithful to Star Wars like your life depends on it. And what does that make you?
  7. If you want to make a fool of Star Wars fans, ask them to narrate the entire story
  8. Star Trek fans are better than Star Wars, they seem to be more brainy
  9. If you check out Star Wars fans, many of them are weird
  10. I can see this program has rubbed off on you, you’re no longer thinking straight
  11. Don’t you think you’re possessed? You’re always talking about Star Wars
  12. Empire Strike Back is just an over-hyped series
  13. I find your lack of sense disturbing
  14. What do you call a 2023 Star Wars fan? An evolutionary disgrace
  15. So you watch Star Wars movies, read comics and novels, and also play their games? Aren’t you just mad?
  16. There’s no slower retards than Star Wars fan
  17. May the force be with you and strike you dead
  18. You’re just a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth!
  19. You’re nothing but a big walking carpet!”
  20. No reasonable person would be a fan

Star Trek Does It Better Than Star Wars 

Star Trek is another space opera media franchise that encompasses movies, series, novels, and comic books. 

While both franchises exhibit similarities in the space subgenre, they both offer different scenarios and characters. 

So, one of the ways to anger a Star Wars fan is by comparing the franchise to Star Trek. Also, placing Star Trek above Star Wars adds insult to injury. It’s a sure way to roast them perfectly.

  • What Star Wars fans are good at is noise making. Star Trek is far better
  • Star Wars doesn’t come close to Star Trek in technicalities 

Why Are You a Fan of Star Wars if You Can’t Join the Stars in Wars?

A humorous question to pose to a Star Wars fan is, “Why are you a fan of Star Wars if you can’t join the stars in wars?” 

This is a ridiculous thing to ask them that’ll throw the audience into fits of laughter. Also, this question attempts to mock them and get them confused and lacking what to say.

It’s a smart way to defeat them during a roast battle.

Star Wars Is Just Meant to Confuse its Fans

“Star Wars is just meant to confuse its fans” is another interesting thing to say to roast a Star Wars fan.

This is an attack on the media itself that’ll get to their fans. It critiques their production and concludes that it only makes the fans confused.

If you want to get a reaction from a fan, try this one-liner.

  • If you want to check out the most confused people, start with Star Wars fans
  • There is no one as confused as Star Wars fans. They’re just a bunch of mindless people 

No One Is as Jobless as Star Wars Fanatics

Another interesting way to insult a Star Wars fan is by calling them jobless. 

This is a sharp roast line that implies that they’ve got nothing to do and that’s why they call themselves fans of the franchise.

Also, it’s a savage remark that makes nonsense of them. It’ll work well during a roast duel.

  • No one is as jobless as Star Wars fanatics. How can they be following a series since 1977?
  • No one is as jobless as Star Wars fanatics. Very useless set of people 

Star Wars Fanatics Are More Like Lunatics 

“Star Wars fanatics are more like lunatics” is another crazy one-liner that calls a Star Wars fan mad.

It’s a funny play on words that’ll surely hit hard on them. Also, this punchline expresses your strong disapproval of them. It’s a strong statement they won’t forget in a hurry.

You’re So Faithful to Star Wars Like Your Life Depends on It. And What Does That Make You?

Making a mockery of Star Wars fans for their loyalty to the show is another exciting way to roast them.

This line is appropriate for an obsessed fan who’s into every production from them; from the movies, series, novels, comic books, and to video games. 

Also, it calls them out for their obsession while expressing your irritation.

  • You’re so faithful to Star Wars like your life depends on it. Doesn’t that make you crazy?
  • You’re so faithful to Star Wars like your life depends on it. Are you sure you’re still yourself?

If You Want to Make a Fool of Star Wars Fans, Ask Them to Narrate the Entire Story 

Star Wars comprise several episodes and stories, which are all connected, and take place in a galaxy

Many people who watch this movie may find it confusing, especially in the arrangement, as it begins with episode IV.

So, if you want to make a fool of a fan, ask them to narrate the story; they’re likely to fail. This classic comment is something you should say in front of an audience to get a good laugh.

  • Can you tell the entire story? I bet you can’t
  • Don’t even bother attempting to tell the story, you’ll only get lost and never find a way back

Star Trek Fans Are Better Than Star Wars, They Seem to Be More Brainy

Another hilarious comparison you can use to make fun of a Star Wars lover is, “Star Trek fans are better than Star Wars’, they seem to be more brainy.”

This statement doesn’t only compare them to Star Trek fans, it places Star Trek fans above them. 

Moreover, saying they’re more brainy disregards Star Wars fans.

If You Check Out Star Wars Fans, Many of Them Are Weird

“If you check out Star Wars fans, many of them are weird” is another comment to make to roast a Star Wars lover.

This interesting line mocks them by implying that they’re strange. Also, it suggests that their strangeness is probably due to Star Wars.

I Can See This Program Has Rubbed off on You, You’re no Longer Thinking Straight

Another great punchline you can use to insult a fan of Star Wars is, “I can see this Program has rubbed off on you, you’re no longer thinking straight.”

This is a smooth way to call them foolish, implying that the program is the reason for their lack of reasoning.

Don’t You Think You’re possessed? You’re Always Talking About Star Wars

“Don’t you think you’re possessed? You’re always talking about Star Wars” is another thing to say to roast a Star Wars fan.

This is another crazy one-liner that suggests that the program is making them lose themselves. Also, it’ll work for someone always talking about it or acting obsessed.

Empire Strike Back Is Just an Over Hyped Movie 

Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

Another way you can get on the nerves of a Star Wars fan is by making fun of the episodes.

Empire Strike Back is episode V, released in 1980. This movie attracted several critics, including people who think it’s overrated.

So, one way to effectively roast a Star Wars fan is by saying that the Empire Strike Back is not good.

I Find Your Lack of Sense Disturbing

“I find your lack of sense disturbing” is an interesting line a Star Wars fan will relate to.

This is a savage remark, an intentional misquote of one of the characters in the original Star Wars movies.

Darth Vader in episode IV- a New Hope said, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” So, this is a hilarious way to insult a fan. It’ll work well in the presence of other fans who can relate to the joke.

What Do You Call a 2023 Star Wars Fan? An Evolutionary Disgrace

Star Wars is a very old production, dating back to 1977 with the release of its first movie. So, the earlier years must have garnered a lot of fans. 

Therefore, the number of fans this period won’t match the earlier number. This line makes fun of a Star Wars fan by calling them a disgrace. It implies that it’s odd for them to be fans at this time. 

So You Watch Star Wars Movies, Read the Comics and Novels, and Play Their Games? Aren’t You Just Mad?

Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

Another interesting way to roast a Star Wars fan is by attacking them for following up with all different productions.

As I’ve earlier established, Star Wars offers different productions: movies, novels, video games, and comic books. So, it’ll be difficult to find someone who devotedly follows each production.

This line is appropriate for anyone who does so, implying that they must be crazy to do so.

There’s No Slower Retards Than Star Wars Fan 

“There’s no slower retards than Star Wars fan” is another thing to say to make fun of a Star Wars fan.

This is a strong punchline that calls them dumb. It’s a crazy one-liner you can use to perfectly roast them during a roast duel.

  • If you haven’t met a retard before, wait for a Star Wars fan
  • There’s no one more dumb than a Star Wars fan 

May the Force Be with You and Strike You Dead 

Funny Roasts for Star Wars Fans

“May the force be with you and strike you dead” is another fantastic way to jest at a Star Wars lover.

This is another quotation from the 1977 film. Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, had said, “May the force be with you” in A New Hope.

So, this line is a creative addition to the quote that every fan will relate to. It’s a hilarious way to express your annoyance and wish them dead.

You’re Just a Slimy Piece of Worm-ridden Filth!

“You’re just a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth!” is a quote by – Han Solo, in Episode VI.

This is another interesting way to roast a

Star Wars fans by insulting them with a quote from the movie.

Also, this is an insane punchline that calls the useless in the most interesting of ways.

  • You’re just a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth! We don’t want you here
  • You’re just a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth! I pray you rotten away

You’re Nothing but a Big Walking Carpet!

“You’re nothing but a big walking carpet!” is another amusing way to make fun of a Star Wars fan.

“Big walking carpet” is part of the words of Princess Leia in A New Hope.

This is another classic burner that’ll surely sting. Moreover, using these words from the movie to rebuke them makes it more hilarious. 

No Reasonable Person Would Be a Fan

“No reasonable person would be a fan” is another interesting thing to say to roast a Star Wars fan.

This iconic one-liner directly calls them unreasonable, emphasizing that a sensible person won’t become a fan. Also, it’s a smooth way of making a mockery of the movie.

  • I’m not surprised. No reasonable person would be a fan
  • Now I understand your behavior because no sensible person would love this movie

Final Thoughts

Roasting a Star Wars fan is interesting. The hilarious comebacks and insults are something that’d get to them and cause a good laugh.

If you lack an idea on how to insult them, this article has provided enough interesting one-liners to guide you.


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