20 Funny Roast for a Sus Person

Funny Roast for a Sus Person

Some people were either just born to look like a culprit or a suspect in every situation they find themselves in, these people have names, they are called, ‘sus people’. 

This article contains a list of 20 funny roast that is best suitable for a sus person, it combines sarcastic and witty comments that would make a sus person feel the burn. 

These expressions can be used on friends and colleagues that act sus at any day and at any time. If this interests you, then keep reading. 

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Funny Roast for a Sus Person

  1. You’re so sus, even among impostors, they voted you off for being extra suspicious.
  2. You are acting quite sus for someone who claims to be innocent, or is that just your personality? 
  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were arrested for theft, you’re always acting sus. 
  4. Are you made of impostor material or did you just wake up on the sus side of the bed?
  5. Your sus levels are so high, even Siri won’t trust your voice commands.
  6. You’re like a walking emergency meeting – always making people question your intentions.
  7. I don’t think I can find someone more sus than you in the entire world. 
  8. I’ve seen less sus behavior from a man who stole cotton candy from a baby.
  9. Are you sure you’re not an impostor? Because your alibi is about as solid as a jellybean in Among Us.
  10. You’re so sus I wouldn’t want you to drive me, I don’t want to be kidnapped.
  11. You’re so deceptive that you could turn into a career. 
  12. You’re so sus that if deception was a person, it wouldn’t believe you. 
  13. You’re similar to a fox promising a chicken that it wouldn’t eat it. 
  14. Are you sure you’re okay, you act sus most times. 
  15. If I were you I wouldn’t believe what he says, being sus is his hobby.
  16. Being sus must be so tiring, you don’t ever take a break from lies. 
  17. I’ve seen more trustworthy double agents in spy movies than you.
  18. A blind man could spot your sus person attitude from a mile away. 
  19. I have met a lot of sus people but you are just abnormal. 
  20. I bet you charge yourself up everyday just to be a sus person. Unbelievable!

You’re so sus, even among impostors, they voted you off for being extra suspicious.

 Funny Roast for a Sus Person

This expression can be seen as a playful or teasing way of suggesting that the person’s behavior is exceptionally suspicious or questionable.

 It’s often used in a lighthearted manner within the context of online gaming, particularly in games like Among Us, where players work together to identify and vote off the “impostors” among them.

  • You’re so sus that masters of being sus would find you too sus. 
  • You’re too sus that even people in the society call you Sussie. 

You are acting quite sus for someone who claims to be innocent, or is that just your personality? 

Questions can be hilarious if asked in the right comic tone and the right context. This light hearted roast points out that the certain sus person was born with that attribute. 

This would be a good match for your sus friends and colleagues at work. 

  • You are too sus to be just a habit, you were born that way. 
  • Being suspicious all the time must be your personality right? 

I wouldn’t be surprised if you were arrested for theft, you’re always acting sus. 

This statement can be considered a funny  roast because it makes a serious accusation of criminal behavior (theft) against the person, linking it to their perceived suspicious actions.

 It implies a lack of trust and can be hurtful, suggesting a negative perception of their character. 

  • You will be arrested one day because of your sus ways. 
  • You’re not far from the prison because you are always suspicious. 

Are you made of impostor material or did you just wake up on the sus side of the bed?

This is more of a light-hearted that describes the extent at which a person possesses a sus character. The question isn’t aiming to get a response but to tease the individual

Perhaps you have a friend or acquaintance that is a sus person this expression would come in handy if you intend to mock them. 

Your sus levels are so high, even Siri won’t trust your voice commands.

Well, this is quite the playful roast – implying that someones suspicious behavior is so pronounced that even virtual assistants like Siri might question their commands.

It’s a humorous way to suggest someone is acting in a dubious or questionable manner.

  • Siri wouldn’t trust your voice commands because you’re too sus. 
  • Being Sus should at least be moderate, yours is high level. 

You’re like a walking emergency meeting – always making people question your intentions.

Comparing someone to a “walking emergency meeting” implies that their actions or behavior make others suspicious. This is similar to the game Among Us where players call emergency meetings to discuss suspicious activity.

It suggests a lack of trust in their intentions.

Expressions like this would make a good roast to Sus person because it puts them in a bad light. 

  • How can you ever be less deceitful when no one can trust you. 
  • You are not to be trusted, your intentions are suspicious. 

I don’t think I can find someone more sus than you in the entire world. 

Calling someone the most “sus” implies a high level of suspicion or distrust in their actions.

 It suggests that the person is perceived as untrustworthy or potentially involved in deceptive behavior. It’s an exaggerated way of saying how dishonest a person can be. 

  • You’re the most sus person that I have ever heard. 
  • I can’t seem to find someone as Sus as you are. 

I’ve seen less sus behavior from a man who stole cotton candy from a baby.

 Funny Roast for a Sus Person

Comparing someone’s behavior to a person who steals cotton candy from a baby implies that the person in question exhibits even more suspicious or morally questionable conduct. 

It suggests a low opinion of their actions, emphasizing the perceived lack of integrity. 

  • You’re truly Sus, you must have stolen the cotton candy from the baby. 
  • You make me feel like you stole the cotton candy. 

Are you sure you’re not an impostor? Because your alibi is about as solid as a jellybean in Among Us.

This hilarious one liner roast implies that the  explanation for their actions or whereabouts is weak or unconvincing.

In the game Among Us, jellybeans represent characters, and if a jellybean’s alibi is not credible, it suggests the person might be an impostor.  This is a creative way to roast a Sus person. 

You’re so Sus I wouldn’t want you to drive me, I don’t want to be kidnapped. 

Describing someone as so “Sus” that you wouldn’t want them to drive you, with the concern of being kidnapped, implies a deep level of distrust and suspicion.

It suggests a fear that the person’s motives or actions could lead to harm. This is a brutal roast that can earn you the title, King Of Roast. 

  • You’re so Sus I wouldn’t want you to be my driver. 
  • You drive very well but I suspect you might kidnap me. 

You’re so deceptive that you could turn into a career. 

 Funny Roast for a Sus Person

Adding a little element of hyperbole could go a long way into making good roasts. These expressions exaggerate a person’s deception before to the extent that a career could be made out of it. 

This line could be used on your friend that you can seem to trust because of their Sus behavior. 

  • You think you’re going to make money being a dentist, make money off of being deceptive. 
  • You’re so deceptive that you could make a living out of it. 

You’re so Sus that if deception was a person, it wouldn’t believe you. 

Another light hearted roast is this one,  which suggests that the person is so suspicious (sus) that even if deception itself were personified, it wouldn’t trust or believe them.

 It emphasizes a lack of credibility and reinforces the idea that their actions or words are inherently untrustworthy.

  • You’re so Sus that if sus was human, it wouldn’t trust you.

You’re similar to a fox promising a chicken that it wouldn’t eat it. 

This is a great use of allegory which sends the message that a particular person is deceiving or a liar. 

This  expression makes use of symbols to roast a Sus person in a teasing manner. If your friends or colleagues that act sus then this analogy would be fit for them. 

  • You’re similar to a sly fox, always acting sus. 
  • I think your brain has more dubious things than a fox. 

Are you sure you’re okay, you act sus most times. 

Claiming someone acts “sus” can be perceived as a roast by implying that their behavior is suspicious or deceitful.

It questions their trustworthiness and might be seen as a subtle way of casting doubt on their intentions. The right use of comic tone will determine the effectiveness of this roast. 

  • Are you sure you’re not addicted to being sus. 
  • You think that everyone just wants to suspect you, you’re the acting sus. 

If I were you I wouldn’t believe what he says, being sus is his hobby.

Characterizing someone’s aura towards being “sus” as a hobby suggests that their behavior is consistently questionable or untrustworthy.

 It shows that the person is not someone that finds interest in normal or typical hobbies but something regarded as negative. 

  • Being sus is your hobby so how can I believe you. 
  • You think I will believe you when you are known to be a Sus person. 

You’re so sus, even the most clueless person knows. 

Describing someone as “so sus” to the extent that even the most clueless person recognizes it suggests that their suspicious behavior is blatantly obvious.

This can be taken as a hot jab by emphasizing not only the perceived deceitful actions but also the lack of subtlety in their conduct.

  • You’re truly Sus that the most clueless person in the room knows. 
  • Your susiness is so obvious. 

Being Sus must be so tiring, you don’t ever take a break from lies. 

Referring to someone’s tendency to be “sus” as a continuous engagement in deception implies that their behavior is exhausting and insinuates a lack of authenticity.

 It can be interpreted as an insult by suggesting that the person is consistently dishonest and never takes a break from their perceived deceitful actions.

  • You need to quit telling lies and let’s focus on real life. 
  • Your character is always questionable, I hope you understand. 

A blind man could spot your Sus person attitude from a mile away. 

This is a light hearted roast to a sus person, it practically exaggerates the obviousness of the person’s character. 

A blind person noticing it, is a funny way of teasing the individual perhaps to inform them to tone it down or to just pass out a ridiculing comment.

  • I can see that even a blind man can detect how Sus you are from a mile away. 
  • You’re acting more sus everyday that a blind man can tell as well. 

I have met a lot of Sus people but you are just abnormal. 

Referring to someone as “abnormal” in the context of being “sus” is a funny roast that implies their suspicious behavior goes beyond the typical or expected level. 

It suggests an extreme or unusual degree of deceitfulness, undermining their credibility and casting them in a negative light.

  • You’re abnormally a Sus person, how incredible is that. 
  • You don’t make being a Sus person normal. 

I bet you charge yourself up everyday just to be a sus person. Unbelievable!

Implying that someone actively charges themselves up to maintain a suspicious persona suggests a deliberate and insincere effort. 

This can be interpreted as insinuating that their suspicious behavior is not genuine but rather a calculated choice, casting doubt on their integrity. 

  • You’re so sus, I bet you charge yourself up everyday. 
  • You must have a charger that charges your sus behavior everyday. 


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